If Biden wins at his age he won’t be looking for reelection


Platinum Member
Gold Supporting Member
Aug 30, 2011
He won’t have to appease any far left idiots. Buyer beware
You get the feeling he doesn’t care for obozo or obozo’s legacy. Just saying
Nope, that why its very important he picks the right VP. Oh it would be so bad for the man if a women won in 2024.

100 years birthday has gone by.
AOC is a good bet for 2024, unless too many of the aging DNC folk survive the plague.
Nope, that why its very important he picks the right VP. Oh it would be so bad for the man if a women won in 2024.

100 years birthday has gone by.

You're usually wrong about.....everything

Biden has painted himself in a corner where he has to pick a woman. I think he’l go with K Harris. If he picks any other woman his loss is assured. Harris gives him a slightly over 50 % chance unless we get better news in the coming months.
Nope, that why its very important he picks the right VP. Oh it would be so bad for the man if a women won in 2024.

100 years birthday has gone by.

You're usually wrong about.....everything

Biden has painted himself in a corner where he has to pick a woman. I think he’l go with K Harris. If he picks any other woman his loss is assured. Harris gives him a slightly over 50 % chance unless we get better news in the coming months.

I pick Deming's. No Biden did not paint himself in a corner. Its about time for a women VP and a women Potus.
Nope, that why its very important he picks the right VP. Oh it would be so bad for the man if a women won in 2024.

100 years birthday has gone by.

You're usually wrong about.....everything

Biden has painted himself in a corner where he has to pick a woman. I think he’l go with K Harris. If he picks any other woman his loss is assured. Harris gives him a slightly over 50 % chance unless we get better news in the coming months.

I pick Deming's. No Biden did not paint himself in a corner. Its about time for a women VP and a women Potus.

Deming is not popular with the black lives matters constituency and no one knows who she is. It would be a bad choice.
That's fine with me. It gets Rump gone. And it allows us Republicans to rebuild back to the old Republican Party that once was (1956) when we were respected and responsible.
Nope, that why its very important he picks the right VP. Oh it would be so bad for the man if a women won in 2024.

100 years birthday has gone by.

You're usually wrong about.....everything

Biden has painted himself in a corner where he has to pick a woman. I think he’l go with K Harris. If he picks any other woman his loss is assured. Harris gives him a slightly over 50 % chance unless we get better news in the coming months.
The D voters didnt like her. That black lady was racist against blacks. Remember? Lol
i dont want to be nice or unNice...but Biden, the man can't speak, he's too senile to be president. also, his son is a disgrace. i call them "Corrupt Joe" and "Where's Hunter"
i dont want to be nice or unNice...but Biden, the man can't speak, he's too senile to be president. also, his son is a disgrace. i call them "Corrupt Joe" and "Where's Hunter"

I once said that I would rather have a ham sandwich than Rump as President. How'd I know they would take me to my suggestion. I was at least hoping for a Ham on Rye with Fancy Mustard. But at least a ham sandwich isn't Rump. And we can deal with Biden for 1,2,3 or 4 years while we get a decent person for the job ready. Now, if the Senate Republicans would cease playing the Rump Ass Kissers, they may be able to hang onto the Senate and the last thing we need is an all Dem Congress with Biden as President. At no time should one party control all 3. Of course, Moscow Mitch needs gone as well.

So the best we can hope for is Rump gone (even if he resigns, Pence sounds much more like a President or he loses in November), Moscow Mitch gone, the House stays Dems and the Senate stays Rep.
Kamala is good.... I'd be happy with her.... Susan Rice is more prepared on Foreign affairs perhaps but she has baggage the low growing fruit R's have hung on her.... that may not matter now.....?
Biden won't be looking for reelection, that goes without saying.

I don't think he will even finish his first year if he is elected (which I find vey doubtful)

The DemonRats have other plans just wait and see, there are others waiting in the wings.

Scum that they are,
If Biden wins at his age he won’t be looking for reelection

Who cares? At least Adolf Trump will be gone!

That’s literally the only good thing about Biden potentially winning. Biden ain’t going to be a good president though, so there’s not much to be happy about.
Kamala is good.... I'd be happy with her.... Susan Rice is more prepared on Foreign affairs perhaps but she has baggage the low growing fruit R's have hung on her.... that may not matter now.....?

Susan Rice lied on a crucial foreign policy issues during an election where at the time people were paying attention. She is toast
If Biden wins at his age he won’t be looking for reelection

Who cares? At least Adolf Trump will be gone!

That’s literally the only good thing about Biden potentially winning. Biden ain’t going to be a good president though, so there’s not much to be happy about.

Biden is a warm body with a good heart. That's all that matters. Anyone but Trump.
If Biden wins at his age he won’t be looking for reelection

Who cares? At least Adolf Trump will be gone!

That’s literally the only good thing about Biden potentially winning. Biden ain’t going to be a good president though, so there’s not much to be happy about.

Biden is a warm body with a good heart. That's all that matters. Anyone but Trump.

Good heart? His career in politics accomplished two things - getting him rich and getting his family rich. Fuck Biden. Career, sleazy politican.

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