If Biden wins at his age he won’t be looking for reelection

If Biden wins at his age he won’t be looking for reelection

Who cares? At least Adolf Trump will be gone!

Hillary Clinton would have crushed Biden in a matter of 2 weeks had she jumped into the race. Biden couldn't complete in his prime. Now, he is a shadow of what he was, which wasn't much. Trump is going to crush him.
i dont want to be nice or unNice...but Biden, the man can't speak, he's too senile to be president. also, his son is a disgrace. i call them "Corrupt Joe" and "Where's Hunter"

I once said that I would rather have a ham sandwich than Rump as President. How'd I know they would take me to my suggestion. I was at least hoping for a Ham on Rye with Fancy Mustard. But at least a ham sandwich isn't Rump. And we can deal with Biden for 1,2,3 or 4 years while we get a decent person for the job ready. Now, if the Senate Republicans would cease playing the Rump Ass Kissers, they may be able to hang onto the Senate and the last thing we need is an all Dem Congress with Biden as President. At no time should one party control all 3. Of course, Moscow Mitch needs gone as well.

So the best we can hope for is Rump gone (even if he resigns, Pence sounds much more like a President or he loses in November), Moscow Mitch gone, the House stays Dems and the Senate stays Rep.
You believe that Pence would be elected President? The man is hated many times more then Trump by Progs.
Kamala is good.... I'd be happy with her.... Susan Rice is more prepared on Foreign affairs perhaps but she has baggage the low growing fruit R's have hung on her.... that may not matter now.....?

Susan Rice lied on a crucial foreign policy issues during an election where at the time people were paying attention. She is toast
But if you read all of the notes on it from all of the Benghazi hearings, Hillary was suppose to be on the Sunday shows but could not be there, so at the last minute, they asked Rice to step in, and the State Department told her what to say and what was going on and how they wanted her to say it. There is no way she was aware of anything that was going on, other than what she was told, the day before her going on the shows, when she was briefed by State Dept employees, for the show.

She honestly got a bad rap, that she did not deserve.
Kamala is good.... I'd be happy with her.... Susan Rice is more prepared on Foreign affairs perhaps but she has baggage the low growing fruit R's have hung on her.... that may not matter now.....?

Susan Rice lied on a crucial foreign policy issues during an election where at the time people were paying attention. She is toast
But if you read all of the notes on it from all of the Benghazi hearings, Hillary was suppose to be on the Sunday shows but could not be there, so at the last minute, they asked Rice to step in, and the State Department told her what to say and what was going on and how they wanted her to say it. There is no way she was aware of anything that was going on, other than what she was told, the day before her going on the shows, when she was briefed by State Dept employees, for the show.

She honestly got a bad rap, that she did not deserve.

Perception is everything. She’s known as the lady that lied about Benghazi
Kamala is good.... I'd be happy with her.... Susan Rice is more prepared on Foreign affairs perhaps but she has baggage the low growing fruit R's have hung on her.... that may not matter now.....?

Susan Rice lied on a crucial foreign policy issues during an election where at the time people were paying attention. She is toast
But if you read all of the notes on it from all of the Benghazi hearings, Hillary was suppose to be on the Sunday shows but could not be there, so at the last minute, they asked Rice to step in, and the State Department told her what to say and what was going on and how they wanted her to say it. There is no way she was aware of anything that was going on, other than what she was told, the day before her going on the shows, when she was briefed by State Dept employees, for the show.

She honestly got a bad rap, that she did not deserve.

Perception is everything. She’s known as the lady that lied about Benghazi
She's got thick skin, and knows the truth, which is on her side....

honestly, she's super duper smart....! America could use some of that smartness, being around.... she'll likely be part of the administration, if not vp....
That's fine with me. It gets Rump gone. And it allows us Republicans to rebuild back to the old Republican Party that once was (1956) when we were respected and responsible.
Good for you. Yes, for our Republic to flourish we do need both sides, to be honest, and responsible. Rump has literally made the Republican party a rump party. You guys can do better (and have done so, of course, in the past).
i dont want to be nice or unNice...but Biden, the man can't speak, he's too senile to be president. also, his son is a disgrace. i call them "Corrupt Joe" and "Where's Hunter"

I once said that I would rather have a ham sandwich than Rump as President. How'd I know they would take me to my suggestion. I was at least hoping for a Ham on Rye with Fancy Mustard. But at least a ham sandwich isn't Rump. And we can deal with Biden for 1,2,3 or 4 years while we get a decent person for the job ready. Now, if the Senate Republicans would cease playing the Rump Ass Kissers, they may be able to hang onto the Senate and the last thing we need is an all Dem Congress with Biden as President. At no time should one party control all 3. Of course, Moscow Mitch needs gone as well.

So the best we can hope for is Rump gone (even if he resigns, Pence sounds much more like a President or he loses in November), Moscow Mitch gone, the House stays Dems and the Senate stays Rep.
You believe that Pence would be elected President? The man is hated many times more then Trump by Progs.

I said he would be a better president currently than Rump. I didn't say I would vote for him for anything other than dog catcher and even then if he was the only one on the ticket.
Senior citizens aren't all that impaired but in Biden's case he might not remember being elected (God forbid) in the first place.
Biden won't make it a year as President, IF the country elects an old, white, elitist, rich, corrupt, criminal, racist, dementia-suffering, pu$$y-grabbing, confessed extorting, pedophile...

If Biden visits NY his Secret Service will have to make sure Cuomo's Brown Shirts don't lock him in a senior citizen's home with a bunch of virus infected patients...


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