If Biden Wins, I Will Not Recognize Him As POTUS

Harris is not a true natural born American in the strictest sense
Fuck off with your birtherism. She is more American than John McCain was, born down in Panama. Or Raphael Cruz, born in Canada.

. She is more American than John McCain was, born down in Panama. Or Raphael Cruz, born in Canada.

Their parents were born in America.

hers weren't.
It doesn't matter if her parents were born on the moon. She was born in America.

I agree...

But that doesn't make her more American than Cruz or McCain.

Didn't matter where they were born, they 'inherited' their citizenship from at least one parent.

Kamala is only American because she was born here.

(A ruling on the 14th I disagree with)
Which means you're wrong.
It doesn't matter if her parents were born on the moon. She was born in America.
Being born in America isn't a qualification. Being born in the United States is.

We're talking about being NATURAL BORN. To hold office as president or to serve in the highest offices of government, you should have a history of loving your country AND being born to upstanding American parents.

As stated before, I disagree with the ruling on the 14th allowing any child born on US soil to be known as a citizen.

Which means...

IF Adolph and Eva had made it to the US from Germany, their child, (perish the thought), would have automatically been considered a US citizen.
It doesn't matter if her parents were born on the moon. She was born in America.
Being born in America isn't a qualification. Being born in the United States is.
Coincidentally, she was born in the U.S.

Where were these wingnut ravings from WillHaftawaite when Raphael Cruz was running? He wasn't even born in the U.S., never mind his parents.

His mother was a US citizen.

He could have been born in Russia, Pago Pago, or on the Space Station, and he STILL would have been a US citizen.
Harris is not a true natural born American in the strictest sense
Fuck off with your birtherism. She is more American than John McCain was, born down in Panama. Or Raphael Cruz, born in Canada.

. She is more American than John McCain was, born down in Panama. Or Raphael Cruz, born in Canada.

Their parents were born in America.

hers weren't.
It doesn't matter if her parents were born on the moon. She was born in America.

I agree...

But that doesn't make her more American than Cruz or McCain.

Didn't matter where they were born, they 'inherited' their citizenship from at least one parent.

Kamala is only American because she was born here.

(A ruling on the 14th I disagree with)
Which means you're wrong.
It doesn't matter if her parents were born on the moon. She was born in America.
Being born in America isn't a qualification. Being born in the United States is.

We're talking about being NATURAL BORN. To hold office as president or to serve in the highest offices of government, you should have a history of loving your country AND being born to upstanding American parents.

As stated before, I disagree with the ruling on the 14th allowing any child born on US soil to be known as a citizen.

Which means...

IF Adolph and Eva had made it to the US from Germany, their child, (perish the thought), would have automatically been considered a US citizen.
Yes! Why do you believe a newborn baby should bear the sins of it's father?
It doesn't matter if her parents were born on the moon. She was born in America.
Being born in America isn't a qualification. Being born in the United States is.
Coincidentally, she was born in the U.S.

Where were these wingnut ravings from WillHaftawaite when Raphael Cruz was running? He wasn't even born in the U.S., never mind his parents.

His mother was a US citizen.

He could have been born in Russia, Pago Pago, or on the Space Station, and he STILL would have been a US citizen.
Nope. You must be born on U.S. soil. This was the entire argument from you wingnuts about Obama, since no one questioned that his mother was born in Kansas. The argument was that he was illegal because he was born in Kenya.
It doesn't matter if her parents were born on the moon. She was born in America.
Being born in America isn't a qualification. Being born in the United States is.

We're talking about being NATURAL BORN. To hold office as president or to serve in the highest offices of government, you should have a history of loving your country AND being born to upstanding American parents.

As stated before, I disagree with the ruling on the 14th allowing any child born on US soil to be known as a citizen.

Which means...

IF Adolph and Eva had made it to the US from Germany, their child, (perish the thought), would have automatically been considered a US citizen.
Yes! Why do you believe a newborn baby should bear the sins of it's father?

Why do you think Hitlers child should be granted US citizenship.
It doesn't matter if her parents were born on the moon. She was born in America.
Being born in America isn't a qualification. Being born in the United States is.

We're talking about being NATURAL BORN. To hold office as president or to serve in the highest offices of government, you should have a history of loving your country AND being born to upstanding American parents.

As stated before, I disagree with the ruling on the 14th allowing any child born on US soil to be known as a citizen.

Which means...

IF Adolph and Eva had made it to the US from Germany, their child, (perish the thought), would have automatically been considered a US citizen.
Yes! Why do you believe a newborn baby should bear the sins of it's father?

Why do you think Hitlers child should be granted US citizenship.
Because he/she was born in the U.S. - and there is no "granting". If born in the U.S. you're a U.S. citizen.

That's how it works.
It doesn't matter if her parents were born on the moon. She was born in America.
Being born in America isn't a qualification. Being born in the United States is.
Coincidentally, she was born in the U.S.

Where were these wingnut ravings from WillHaftawaite when Raphael Cruz was running? He wasn't even born in the U.S., never mind his parents.

His mother was a US citizen.

He could have been born in Russia, Pago Pago, or on the Space Station, and he STILL would have been a US citizen.
Nope. You must be born on U.S. soil. This was the entire argument from you wingnuts about Obama, since no one questioned that his mother was born in Kansas. The argument was that he was illegal because he was born in Kenya.


"The Congressional Research Service concluded in 2011:
"The weight of legal and historical authority indicates that the term 'natural born' citizen would mean a person who is entitled to U.S. citizenship 'by birth' or 'at birth,' either by being born 'in' the United States and under its jurisdiction, even those born to alien parents; The predominant legal scholarship holds that the term natural born citizen applies, quite simply, to anyone who is a U.S. citizen at birth, or by birth, and does not have to go through the naturalization process. The child of parents who are U.S. citizens, regardless of whether he or she is born abroad, fits into the category under most modern interpretations.""
It doesn't matter if her parents were born on the moon. She was born in America.
Being born in America isn't a qualification. Being born in the United States is.

We're talking about being NATURAL BORN. To hold office as president or to serve in the highest offices of government, you should have a history of loving your country AND being born to upstanding American parents.

As stated before, I disagree with the ruling on the 14th allowing any child born on US soil to be known as a citizen.

Which means...

IF Adolph and Eva had made it to the US from Germany, their child, (perish the thought), would have automatically been considered a US citizen.
Yes! Why do you believe a newborn baby should bear the sins of it's father?

Why do you think Hitlers child should be granted US citizenship.
Because he/she was born in the U.S. - and there is no "granting". If born in the U.S. you're a U.S. citizen.

That's how it works.

Which I disagree with.

Haven't you been paying attention?
I will not recognize Joe Biden or Kamala Harris as legitimate President and VP, if they "win". The most I will recognize, is Harris as US senator, and I'm not even completely sure about that. The whole election is a sad fiasco, being rigged in favor of Biden in everything from pro-Biden biased "moderators" in the debates, to months of biased media false "reports" (more like constant, deliberate smears), to millions of illegal aliens voting for Biden/Harris (protected by them in sanctuary cities), to Democrats deliberately sabatoging the economy, stifling stimulus checks, to thugs attacking Trump supporters. permitted by Democrat city cops, to ballot harvesting/dumping, etc, etc.

No way do I acknowledge these 2 opportunist freaks as president & vice president of my country, that I served 5 years in the military for. If they somehow manage to twist this election to a "win" for them, I will pay no attention to anything they say, and I will go about doing things as if Trump was still president.

As far as I am concerned Harris is a cheap, 2 bit slut, who sexed her way to power, and Biden is a police-defunding traitor, who has been selling the US out to China for the past 30 years, and by all rights, could be arrested for treason, and shot in a firing squad.

kinda like how decent people do not recognize trump as the real president!
I will recognize Biden but don’t expect me to be following much of any news
I won’t even post here as much and it will be non-political
It doesn't matter if her parents were born on the moon. She was born in America.
Being born in America isn't a qualification. Being born in the United States is.

We're talking about being NATURAL BORN. To hold office as president or to serve in the highest offices of government, you should have a history of loving your country AND being born to upstanding American parents.

As stated before, I disagree with the ruling on the 14th allowing any child born on US soil to be known as a citizen.

Which means...

IF Adolph and Eva had made it to the US from Germany, their child, (perish the thought), would have automatically been considered a US citizen.

Exactly. The definition has changed many times over the years, broadening it ever more laxly, but to hold office as a NATURAL BORN CITIZEN, a distinction experts point out the founders wouldn't have included had they simply meant "citizen," (and a term used in the British courts), we should hold our candidates to the HIGHEST standard, not simply any schmo born in the country.

Does that mean that if Xi Jinping happens to be here with his wife and she drops a kid, that boy gets to be a US citizen? Then what if Ping raises him to be a Chinese loyalist and he gets into the Senate then runs for POTUS?

WE GIVE MORE CONCERN for the purity of our olive oil than we do our President. For the POTUS at least if not our senators as well, the very least we owe ourselves is to be selective of the best individuals, citizens who have exemplified lives of patriotism and love of country born to American parents who themselves were upstanding citizens BORN in this country.

It AMAZES me that there can be questions of where Obama was born, that Harris' parents were not even citizens at all, that she is eligible to serve in the government of Jamaica, and NO ONE CARES that these people could be or are holding THE MOST IMPORTANT POSITIONS IN OUR GOVERNMENT.

Democrats want to see Trump's taxes to be sure he isn't beholding to any foreign influences all the while claiming Biden's history of influence peddling and pay to play with China and other enemies through his son is of NO CONCERN TO THEM.
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It doesn't matter if her parents were born on the moon. She was born in America.
Being born in America isn't a qualification. Being born in the United States is.

We're talking about being NATURAL BORN. To hold office as president or to serve in the highest offices of government, you should have a history of loving your country AND being born to upstanding American parents.

As stated before, I disagree with the ruling on the 14th allowing any child born on US soil to be known as a citizen.

Which means...

IF Adolph and Eva had made it to the US from Germany, their child, (perish the thought), would have automatically been considered a US citizen.

We should also disallow this awful practice of duel allegiance.

You just can't reasonably serve two nations, or two communities, you will always favor one to the detriment of the other.
I will not recognize Joe Biden or Kamala Harris as legitimate President and VP, if they "win". The most I will recognize, is Harris as US senator, and I'm not even completely sure about that. The whole election is a sad fiasco, being rigged in favor of Biden in everything from pro-Biden biased "moderators" in the debates, to months of biased media false "reports" (more like constant, deliberate smears), to millions of illegal aliens voting for Biden/Harris (protected by them in sanctuary cities), to Democrats deliberately sabatoging the economy, stifling stimulus checks, to thugs attacking Trump supporters. permitted by Democrat city cops, to ballot harvesting/dumping, etc, etc.

No way do I acknowledge these 2 opportunist freaks as president & vice president of my country, that I served 5 years in the military for. If they somehow manage to twist this election to a "win" for them, I will pay no attention to anything they say, and I will go about doing things as if Trump was still president.

As far as I am concerned Harris is a cheap, 2 bit slut, who sexed her way to power, and Biden is a police-defunding traitor, who has been selling the US out to China for the past 30 years, and by all rights, could be arrested for treason, and shot in a firing squad.

kinda like how decent people do not recognize trump as the real president!

Oh he is a real President, just not really for all Americans, just those loyal to him.
Why do you think SO many Russians have come to the U.S. to have their babies since Trump was elected?

Why do you think SO many Russians have come to the U.S. to have their babies since Trump was elected?

Only since Trump was elected?

Going out of your way to prove you're a moron?
I always know when YOU know you're losing an argument.

South Florida sees a boom in Russian ‘birth tourists’

Now, what does 'boom' mean?

Russians paying big money to have their babies born in US
The 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution says that children born on American soil are U.S. citizens.

Russians Flock to Trump Properties to Give Birth to U.S. Citizens

While the president rails against children of undocumented immigrants, wealthy Russians rent his condos—at huge costs—so they can have American kids.

What other stupid shit have you got for me today?

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