If Black Women Are Having Babies Out Of Wedlock and Producing More Criminals, Would That Be Considered An Exception To Have An Abortion?

Road Runner

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Jun 16, 2021
Normally I'm against having abortions with the exceptions of rape, incest, and the life of the mother, but The Sage of Main Street brought up an interesting point. I think that it's a legit question too.
Normally I'm against having abortions with the exceptions of rape, incest, and the life of the mother, but The Sage of Main Street brought up an interesting point. I think that it's a legit question too.
Those super precious lil Baboos are not criminally minded in the womb, in fact they are neutral. Abortions are not the answer, raising the lil Baboos with PROPER MORALITY & all the luv & affection one can give them "IS" the answer. Getting the lil Baboos AWAY from the spiritually dead parents then getting them to foster parents that house positive spirituality is the way to do it, IF possible.
Those super precious lil Baboos are not criminally minded in the womb, in fact they are neutral. Abortions are not the answer, raising the lil Baboos with PROPER MORALITY & all the luv & affection one can give them "IS" the answer. Getting the lil Baboos AWAY from the spiritually dead parents then getting them to foster parents that house positive spirituality is the way to do it, IF possible.

That's a great answer but I thought that you called them baboons at first. 😆
That's a great answer but I thought that you called them baboons at first. 😆
That's hilarious!!! I never thought about it but yeah Baboo is pretty close to Baboon! Thanks for the WINNER! I don't mean to come across as the all controlling ogre on the abortion issue. Just to be clear I am NOT politically opposed to abortion but rather my level of morality gained from previous life experiences is what dictates my opinion about abortion. The following may help you understand how & why I view abortion as I do. Again, I am not judging U or anyone else on the issue as I leave that one to Maker & Maker alone.

I've worked with both the LIONS Clubs International ,KJRB 790 AM radio station Spokane Wa.(sponsor/advertising), & our Spokane River City Jaycees/JC's(Special events/recruiting & organization Dept.) Spokane Washington, as well as with our Centurion Auto Club of Spokane Wa.(special events labor support for Spokane River City JC's projects). Back in the early-mid 70's we sponsored the Spokane River city Raft Race event @ Plantes Ferry Park(Spokane Valley). We also sponsored the Spokane river City JC's haunted house events up into the early 80's until the county of Spokane shut us down(g'ment overreach again). All of the above activity was associated with the Lions "Blind Children Research" program. Between my first experience with a Columbian Black-Tailed deer herd back in the mid/latter 60's(those fawns just owned me!), then the Lions childhood blindness outreach program & finally getting into goats & their kids around 2006 a huge part of my life has been devoted to the lil tykes, both 2 & 4 legged little ones.

On one occasion some of our River City JC's & also some of our Centurion Auto Club Members motored over to Seattle to play basketball against other JC chapters for a fundraiser for the Lions blind children research program. Every penny we made went directly to that specific program. We also were invited to tour a facility in Seattle that latter morning before basketball that was associated with the Lions blind children research program. The drive to Seattle was great & when meeting the staff they seemed cheerful! They gave us all a free pair of sunglasses & finally we went up the stairs to the 2nd floor & through the doors to meet the kids. It seemed our visit up there only lasted about 20/30 minutes if that but I am fairly sure that none of our troupe could give a rip about time after viewing the condition of the little ones. We had previously only seen the smiling/laughing faces of rafters & excited faces of those taking in our haunted houses. Now for the first time we were seeing the ones we were fighting for & more importantly WHAT WE WERE FIGHTING AGAINST. So yeah it is irritating for me to fight for a better life for the little ones while others just want to end life before the tykes can even begin to experience life outside the womb.

Below; the guy that made the magic work for us back then. Tiny became the president of our River city Jaycees chapter & in just one year took our membership from 11 to just over 120, the fastest growth of any Jaycees chapter in the entire USA @ the time. I believe it was 1973/4 that he was guest speaker @ the Jaycees national convention in D.C. Charismatic & super popular in Spokane Wa. & an EXCELLENT orator, if it had not been for Tiny there would have been no yearly River city/KJRB 790 raft race/haunted Houses. We would not have known about the Lions Blind Children Research program. It was a magic time for us under his leadership!


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