If Blacks started voting Republican, would the Dems finally focus on their actual problems?

Just wondering what your opinions are on this hypothetical that wont happen.
Keep dreaming. GOP is the new kkk, has been for decades.

Just wondering what your opinions are on this hypothetical that wont happen.
Honestly, blacks need to get over the past and stop thinking every white is racist. We all wish we could say we had a black friend or friends. Our companies love finding a good black person to make a more diverse work environment. We are hiring and looking for good workers. Here's my point. Many of the current black population may not be what we are looking for. But this can be corrected in one or two generations. Let me explain. My grandfather came to America a foreigner. He could never get hired in white collar corporate America either. He didn't have the educations or skills either. But he moved here and washed dishes and eventually became a cook. His son my dad got a good job at ford and today my brother is a vp at a Fortune 500.

Black people can do the exact same thing. Blacks born today don't have to grow up with ghetto mentality

THIS is racism if anything is.

Racism is the belief that Race determines outcome.

Sealy is stating his belief is the exact opposite of that.

Up north Michigan was a dream till the rich started breaking unions under Reagan.
The UAW reigned supreme in Michigan. They had / have most of the Democratic politicians in their pockets. Detroit was broken by their inability to compete with inexpensive foreign imports not by 'union busting' keep dreaming / spinning little fella
You're spinning too. Two sides. And you're only partially right. Not saying you're all wrong just telling half the story
actual problems facing the black community,
How about
Loss of Jobs to Illegals

I find it strange that an illegal can sneak across the border and prosper by working illegally - standing at a 7-11 every morning picking up day work where they get $100 to $150 per day - but a ghetto black is content to live off the welfare dime
There is a mind-set in poor neighborhoods with many students that schools, and education are a waste. No one in the neighborhood has a good job they are all
poor just like me. The mind-set of many students is not education, but when can I quit school.
At least that seemed to be the attitude at my high school Not one of my friends graduated and I left in the 11th. grade.
High school seems like a waste when there’s no chance you could ever afford college.

That is absolute bullshit.
How so?
There is a mind-set in poor neighborhoods with many students that schools, and education are a waste. No one in the neighborhood has a good job they are all
poor just like me. The mind-set of many students is not education, but when can I quit school.
At least that seemed to be the attitude at my high school Not one of my friends graduated and I left in the 11th. grade.
High school seems like a waste when there’s no chance you could ever afford college.

It wouldn't be a waste if they taught things for non-college people. I believe that our public schools need to put more effort into teaching investments and costs related to having children; compound interest, real estate, stock market and commodities.
College isn’t right for everyone, another path is great. If college was more accessible and high school was career/even trade oriented everyone would be covered. I’m so sick of those standardized tests I think they’re ridiculous.

The standardized tests are not the problem.

Degree inflation is a problem.

I knew a single mom who was going to school to get a certification to be a NURSE'S AID.

That's utter bullshit. The fucking hospital needs to pay for that training, and it the have put that much fucking responsibility on nurse's aides, that they need to a fucking CERTIFICATE, then they need to start paying them more.
Up north Michigan was a dream till the rich started breaking unions under Reagan.
The UAW reigned supreme in Michigan. They had / have most of the Democratic politicians in their pockets. Detroit was broken by their inability to compete with inexpensive foreign imports not by 'union busting' keep dreaming / spinning little fella
You're spinning too. Two sides. And you're only partially right. Not saying you're all wrong just telling half the story
So lets here your story - why did Detroit Collapse ?
They apply to everyone equally if everyone has an acceptable ID

Correct, then everybody that wants to vote get an acceptable form of ID. Nobody is left out.
That's the rub

Many people have uncertainties about their birth, undocumented name changes, unofficial adoptions, multiple spellings of their names

Things that will cost thousands to straighten out
Things that Republicans will use to deny them the vote

How about we do this?
When 99 percent of Americans have acceptable documentation, we can require documentation to vote

Who has uncertainties about their birth besides Obama? WTF is an undocumented name change? I never heard of that. You either legally change your name or you don't. Unofficial adoptions? You mean kidnapping? And WTF spells their name more than one way?

A good try at creating fiction, but you can't do anything in this country without proper identity. You need ID to buy tobacco or alcohol products. You need ID to obtain a passport. You need ID to get a drivers license or state ID. You need an ID to board an airplane. You need an ID to get a bank loan.

But I guess now you're going to respond that there are citizens that don't do any of these things.

Why don't we try being honest here. The reason Democrats are against Voter-ID is because they know their voters are lazy. They won't take time or go through the trouble of getting an ID because they are either felons or it's too inconvenient. Sure, Democrat voters will vote provided it's easy enough such as having polls open all week, late nights, and no lines to wait in. But if it takes any effort, they would sooner just stay home.

It is Trump who was born in Jamaica
Obama was born in the USA

Many people were born at home and their documentation is somewhat unclear. Many women have had multiple name changes and the documentation trace may not satisfy Republicans

Why don't we try being honest here. The Republicans want voter ID so they can disenfranchise a group of voters who tend to vote Democrat. Same reason they accept gun licenses as proof of identification but not university student IDs
Not defending or refuting whats your opinion Norton ...

Obama's Half Brother Just Released Photo Of Barack's 'Real' Birth Certificate, It's Turning Heads...
Trump was born in Jamaica
I've seen his birth certificate
How many of them are insured because of us but they vote for you?

Don't know why don't you tell us, lets see how you spin this
Sarah Silverman went down south to these poor peoples home and they said it. They trashed obama and democrats and voted for trump and now trumps going to take their healthcare away

They want jobs.

With jobs, they can get their own healthcare.

Also, there is this.

Kind of hard to believe that people that laugh at the idea of your life sucking so much that you kill yourself in large numbers, that they are not your enemy.
Up north Michigan was a dream till the rich started breaking unions under Reagan.
The UAW reigned supreme in Michigan. They had / have most of the Democratic politicians in their pockets. Detroit was broken by their inability to compete with inexpensive foreign imports not by 'union busting' keep dreaming / spinning little fella
You're spinning too. Two sides. And you're only partially right. Not saying you're all wrong just telling half the story
So lets here your story - why did Detroit Collapse ?
Capitalists used it up, did not upgrade their production facilities and abandoned it
There is a mind-set in poor neighborhoods with many students that schools, and education are a waste. No one in the neighborhood has a good job they are all
poor just like me. The mind-set of many students is not education, but when can I quit school.
At least that seemed to be the attitude at my high school Not one of my friends graduated and I left in the 11th. grade.
High school seems like a waste when there’s no chance you could ever afford college.

It wouldn't be a waste if they taught things for non-college people. I believe that our public schools need to put more effort into teaching investments and costs related to having children; compound interest, real estate, stock market and commodities.
College isn’t right for everyone, another path is great. If college was more accessible and high school was career/even trade oriented everyone would be covered. I’m so sick of those standardized tests I think they’re ridiculous.

Trade school is available to anybody at a much reasonable cost than college. In fact, Republicans are supporting that now. In my field of work, we need over 30,000 drivers we can't find, and that depletion is expected to grow as we baby boomers retire. Now industry is bringing in foreigners to do these jobs because Americans won't do them. They have their Obama phone, their HUD house in the suburbs, their Obama care, and enough food stamps to make an elephant fatter. Why work???

IF they weren't allowed to bring in foreigners, they might have to pay for the training themselves and then pay more.
Just wondering what your opinions are on this hypothetical that wont happen.

If Republicans started focusing on actual problems facing the black community, maybe blacks would start voting for them.

Conservatives don't divide people into groups, decide which ones they like and which ones they don't, and then develop policies catering to each one. That's what Democrats do.

During the time, it was Republicans who fought against single-parent homes while Democrats promoted them to win the women's lib vote. Single parent homes are directly related to poverty, and the black community now averages 70% out of wedlock births.
Up north Michigan was a dream till the rich started breaking unions under Reagan.
The UAW reigned supreme in Michigan. They had / have most of the Democratic politicians in their pockets. Detroit was broken by their inability to compete with inexpensive foreign imports not by 'union busting' keep dreaming / spinning little fella
You're spinning too. Two sides. And you're only partially right. Not saying you're all wrong just telling half the story
So lets here your story - why did Detroit Collapse ?
Capitalists used it up, did not upgrade their production facilities and abandoned it
Your ignorance is mind boggling - absofuckinglutely astounding. Did you even go to school stupid ? .... yes I know, you came out that way too
There is a mind-set in poor neighborhoods with many students that schools, and education are a waste. No one in the neighborhood has a good job they are all
poor just like me. The mind-set of many students is not education, but when can I quit school.
At least that seemed to be the attitude at my high school Not one of my friends graduated and I left in the 11th. grade.
High school seems like a waste when there’s no chance you could ever afford college.

It wouldn't be a waste if they taught things for non-college people. I believe that our public schools need to put more effort into teaching investments and costs related to having children; compound interest, real estate, stock market and commodities.
College isn’t right for everyone, another path is great. If college was more accessible and high school was career/even trade oriented everyone would be covered. I’m so sick of those standardized tests I think they’re ridiculous.

Trade school is available to anybody at a much reasonable cost than college. In fact, Republicans are supporting that now. In my field of work, we need over 30,000 drivers we can't find, and that depletion is expected to grow as we baby boomers retire. Now industry is bringing in foreigners to do these jobs because Americans won't do them. They have their Obama phone, their HUD house in the suburbs, their Obama care, and enough food stamps to make an elephant fatter. Why work???

IF they weren't allowed to bring in foreigners, they might have to pay for the training themselves and then pay more.

Yep, that's kind of the idea. I'm a local driver but it still keeps my pay down.
Correct, then everybody that wants to vote get an acceptable form of ID. Nobody is left out.
That's the rub

Many people have uncertainties about their birth, undocumented name changes, unofficial adoptions, multiple spellings of their names

Things that will cost thousands to straighten out
Things that Republicans will use to deny them the vote

How about we do this?
When 99 percent of Americans have acceptable documentation, we can require documentation to vote

Who has uncertainties about their birth besides Obama? WTF is an undocumented name change? I never heard of that. You either legally change your name or you don't. Unofficial adoptions? You mean kidnapping? And WTF spells their name more than one way?

A good try at creating fiction, but you can't do anything in this country without proper identity. You need ID to buy tobacco or alcohol products. You need ID to obtain a passport. You need ID to get a drivers license or state ID. You need an ID to board an airplane. You need an ID to get a bank loan.

But I guess now you're going to respond that there are citizens that don't do any of these things.

Why don't we try being honest here. The reason Democrats are against Voter-ID is because they know their voters are lazy. They won't take time or go through the trouble of getting an ID because they are either felons or it's too inconvenient. Sure, Democrat voters will vote provided it's easy enough such as having polls open all week, late nights, and no lines to wait in. But if it takes any effort, they would sooner just stay home.

It is Trump who was born in Jamaica
Obama was born in the USA

Many people were born at home and their documentation is somewhat unclear. Many women have had multiple name changes and the documentation trace may not satisfy Republicans

Why don't we try being honest here. The Republicans want voter ID so they can disenfranchise a group of voters who tend to vote Democrat. Same reason they accept gun licenses as proof of identification but not university student IDs
Not defending or refuting whats your opinion Norton ...

Obama's Half Brother Just Released Photo Of Barack's 'Real' Birth Certificate, It's Turning Heads...
Trump was born in Jamaica
I've seen his birth certificate

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