If Blacks started voting Republican, would the Dems finally focus on their actual problems?

Since the sixties have done nothing for black and most minority Americans.
The Civil Rights Movement of the 60s did nothing for Minorities ?? Really ?? What alternate Universe did you come from ?

Do you struggle with the concept of "since" ?
Thanks for Bringing Norton Back - I like him :>

In the context he used it [Since] it does not denote any reference to past or present tense - but I believe that like a stopped clock twice a day ... you are probably correct.
An MIT study showed that there were more than a million lost votes due to suppression measures.
Another report in 2014 describes why that chart shows what it does.
More recently Kris Kobach has been attempting more of this with sham voter fraud commission, but it appears to have been neutered.

Boy was that article nothing more than commie nonsense. Mother Jones? Mother BS Jones? Seriously?

What your article fails to point out is that there are problems every single presidential election. It happened long before Voter-ID and will happen long afterwards as we become more reliant on advanced technology.

Voter ID laws apply to everybody equally, so there is no way one law written for all can discriminate against any particular group of people.
They apply to everyone equally if everyone has an acceptable ID

Correct, then everybody that wants to vote get an acceptable form of ID. Nobody is left out.
That's the rub

Many people have uncertainties about their birth, undocumented name changes, unofficial adoptions, multiple spellings of their names

Things that will cost thousands to straighten out
Things that Republicans will use to deny them the vote

How about we do this?
When 99 percent of Americans have acceptable documentation, we can require documentation to vote

Who has uncertainties about their birth besides Obama? WTF is an undocumented name change? I never heard of that. You either legally change your name or you don't. Unofficial adoptions? You mean kidnapping? And WTF spells their name more than one way?

A good try at creating fiction, but you can't do anything in this country without proper identity. You need ID to buy tobacco or alcohol products. You need ID to obtain a passport. You need ID to get a drivers license or state ID. You need an ID to board an airplane. You need an ID to get a bank loan.

But I guess now you're going to respond that there are citizens that don't do any of these things.

Why don't we try being honest here. The reason Democrats are against Voter-ID is because they know their voters are lazy. They won't take time or go through the trouble of getting an ID because they are either felons or it's too inconvenient. Sure, Democrat voters will vote provided it's easy enough such as having polls open all week, late nights, and no lines to wait in. But if it takes any effort, they would sooner just stay home.

It is Trump who was born in Jamaica
Obama was born in the USA

Many people were born at home and their documentation is somewhat unclear. Many women have had multiple name changes and the documentation trace may not satisfy Republicans

Why don't we try being honest here. The Republicans want voter ID so they can disenfranchise a group of voters who tend to vote Democrat. Same reason they accept gun licenses as proof of identification but not university student IDs
Just wondering what your opinions are on this hypothetical that wont happen.

You'll see racial slurs galore coming from the left, while still accusing the Republicans of being bigots.
Boy was that article nothing more than commie nonsense. Mother Jones? Mother BS Jones? Seriously?

What your article fails to point out is that there are problems every single presidential election. It happened long before Voter-ID and will happen long afterwards as we become more reliant on advanced technology.

Voter ID laws apply to everybody equally, so there is no way one law written for all can discriminate against any particular group of people.
They apply to everyone equally if everyone has an acceptable ID

Correct, then everybody that wants to vote get an acceptable form of ID. Nobody is left out.
That's the rub

Many people have uncertainties about their birth, undocumented name changes, unofficial adoptions, multiple spellings of their names

Things that will cost thousands to straighten out
Things that Republicans will use to deny them the vote

How about we do this?
When 99 percent of Americans have acceptable documentation, we can require documentation to vote

Who has uncertainties about their birth besides Obama? WTF is an undocumented name change? I never heard of that. You either legally change your name or you don't. Unofficial adoptions? You mean kidnapping? And WTF spells their name more than one way?

A good try at creating fiction, but you can't do anything in this country without proper identity. You need ID to buy tobacco or alcohol products. You need ID to obtain a passport. You need ID to get a drivers license or state ID. You need an ID to board an airplane. You need an ID to get a bank loan.

But I guess now you're going to respond that there are citizens that don't do any of these things.

Why don't we try being honest here. The reason Democrats are against Voter-ID is because they know their voters are lazy. They won't take time or go through the trouble of getting an ID because they are either felons or it's too inconvenient. Sure, Democrat voters will vote provided it's easy enough such as having polls open all week, late nights, and no lines to wait in. But if it takes any effort, they would sooner just stay home.

It is Trump who was born in Jamaica
Obama was born in the USA

Many people were born at home and their documentation is somewhat unclear. Many women have had multiple name changes and the documentation trace may not satisfy Republicans

Why don't we try being honest here. The Republicans want voter ID so they can disenfranchise a group of voters who tend to vote Democrat. Same reason they accept gun licenses as proof of identification but not university student IDs

I would say that's reasonable. Do you know what I had to go through to get my license? I had to bring a birth certificate, SS card, had to be fingerprinted, and when I renewed it, fingerprinted again.

Many people were born at home? Are you sure you're not watching too many reruns of Little House on the Prairie? Multiple name changes? Your name is whatever the court grants you at the time you changed it.

Now why would only Democrats have all these problems with their names? I mean, if you don't even know WTF your name is, maybe it's good for our country if you don't vote; you are too confused.
Why would black Americans start voting Republican? based on the issues...
... because Republicans offer blacks their only hope of escaping the circle of poverty and ignorance that the Democrats have trapped them in.
Then why won’t 95 percent of blacks vote Republican if you do so much for them

It's called political ignorance.

So your position is that the black race is simply more ignorant than other races?
Nice try ....

A failure ....

but, nice try.
Women and minorities deserved what happened last November.

They improved this November.

The challenge and burden remain on them.
Boy was that article nothing more than commie nonsense. Mother Jones? Mother BS Jones? Seriously?

What your article fails to point out is that there are problems every single presidential election. It happened long before Voter-ID and will happen long afterwards as we become more reliant on advanced technology.

Voter ID laws apply to everybody equally, so there is no way one law written for all can discriminate against any particular group of people.
They apply to everyone equally if everyone has an acceptable ID

Correct, then everybody that wants to vote get an acceptable form of ID. Nobody is left out.
That's the rub

Many people have uncertainties about their birth, undocumented name changes, unofficial adoptions, multiple spellings of their names

Things that will cost thousands to straighten out
Things that Republicans will use to deny them the vote

How about we do this?
When 99 percent of Americans have acceptable documentation, we can require documentation to vote

Who has uncertainties about their birth besides Obama? WTF is an undocumented name change? I never heard of that. You either legally change your name or you don't. Unofficial adoptions? You mean kidnapping? And WTF spells their name more than one way?

A good try at creating fiction, but you can't do anything in this country without proper identity. You need ID to buy tobacco or alcohol products. You need ID to obtain a passport. You need ID to get a drivers license or state ID. You need an ID to board an airplane. You need an ID to get a bank loan.

But I guess now you're going to respond that there are citizens that don't do any of these things.

Why don't we try being honest here. The reason Democrats are against Voter-ID is because they know their voters are lazy. They won't take time or go through the trouble of getting an ID because they are either felons or it's too inconvenient. Sure, Democrat voters will vote provided it's easy enough such as having polls open all week, late nights, and no lines to wait in. But if it takes any effort, they would sooner just stay home.

It is Trump who was born in Jamaica
Obama was born in the USA

Many people were born at home and their documentation is somewhat unclear. Many women have had multiple name changes and the documentation trace may not satisfy Republicans

Why don't we try being honest here. The Republicans want voter ID so they can disenfranchise a group of voters who tend to vote Democrat. Same reason they accept gun licenses as proof of identification but not university student IDs
Not defending or refuting whats your opinion Norton ...

Obama's Half Brother Just Released Photo Of Barack's 'Real' Birth Certificate, It's Turning Heads...
Just wondering what your opinions are on this hypothetical that wont happen.
Honestly, blacks need to get over the past and stop thinking every white is racist. We all wish we could say we had a black friend or friends. Our companies love finding a good black person to make a more diverse work environment. We are hiring and looking for good workers. Here's my point. Many of the current black population may not be what we are looking for. But this can be corrected in one or two generations. Let me explain. My grandfather came to America a foreigner. He could never get hired in white collar corporate America either. He didn't have the educations or skills either. But he moved here and washed dishes and eventually became a cook. His son my dad got a good job at ford and today my brother is a vp at a Fortune 500.

Black people can do the exact same thing. Blacks born today don't have to grow up with ghetto mentality
Just wondering what your opinions are on this hypothetical that wont happen.
Honestly, blacks need to get over the past and stop thinking every white is racist. We all wish we could say we had a black friend or friends. Our companies love finding a good black person to make a more diverse work environment. We are hiring and looking for good workers. Here's my point. Many of the current black population may not be what we are looking for. But this can be corrected in one or two generations. Let me explain. My grandfather came to America a foreigner. He could never get hired in white collar corporate America either. He didn't have the educations or skills either. But he moved here and washed dishes and eventually became a cook. His son my dad got a good job at ford and today my brother is a vp at a Fortune 500.

Black people can do the exact same thing. Blacks born today don't have to grow up with ghetto mentality
Then we have to stop supporting policies that keep them stuck in the ghettos. We need to slow mass incarceration, make higher education more accessible financially, raise the minimum wage. Personally, I think school- on all levels- use to prepare students for adulthood better. I think job trainings should be pushed; how to find a job to match your skill set, how to write a resume, how to conduct an interview, how to follow up with an employer etc.

Kids born in the ghetto need to know there’s a way out. Now a days it is so hard to overcome poverty, I think a lot of people just try and survive it. In my experience education and a secure job are the only way out. Unless you are an athlete/singer/have some special talent. Anyways, we can’t have higher education costing a small fortune and then being mad poor kids don’t go:2up:
Just wondering what your opinions are on this hypothetical that wont happen.
Honestly, blacks need to get over the past and stop thinking every white is racist. We all wish we could say we had a black friend or friends. Our companies love finding a good black person to make a more diverse work environment. We are hiring and looking for good workers. Here's my point. Many of the current black population may not be what we are looking for. But this can be corrected in one or two generations. Let me explain. My grandfather came to America a foreigner. He could never get hired in white collar corporate America either. He didn't have the educations or skills either. But he moved here and washed dishes and eventually became a cook. His son my dad got a good job at ford and today my brother is a vp at a Fortune 500.

Black people can do the exact same thing. Blacks born today don't have to grow up with ghetto mentality

THIS is racism if anything is.
There is a mind-set in poor neighborhoods with many students that schools, and education are a waste. No one in the neighborhood has a good job they are all
poor just like me. The mind-set of many students is not education, but when can I quit school.
At least that seemed to be the attitude at my high school Not one of my friends graduated and I left in the 11th. grade.
There is a mind-set in poor neighborhoods with many students that schools, and education are a waste. No one in the neighborhood has a good job they are all
poor just like me. The mind-set of many students is not education, but when can I quit school.
At least that seemed to be the attitude at my high school Not one of my friends graduated and I left in the 11th. grade.
High school seems like a waste when there’s no chance you could ever afford college.
There is a mind-set in poor neighborhoods with many students that schools, and education are a waste. No one in the neighborhood has a good job they are all
poor just like me. The mind-set of many students is not education, but when can I quit school.
At least that seemed to be the attitude at my high school Not one of my friends graduated and I left in the 11th. grade.
High school seems like a waste when there’s no chance you could ever afford college.

That is absolute bullshit.
There is a mind-set in poor neighborhoods with many students that schools, and education are a waste. No one in the neighborhood has a good job they are all
poor just like me. The mind-set of many students is not education, but when can I quit school.
At least that seemed to be the attitude at my high school Not one of my friends graduated and I left in the 11th. grade.
High school seems like a waste when there’s no chance you could ever afford college.

It wouldn't be a waste if they taught things for non-college people. I believe that our public schools need to put more effort into teaching investments and costs related to having children; compound interest, real estate, stock market and commodities.
Just wondering what your opinions are on this hypothetical that wont happen.
Keep dreaming. GOP is the new kkk, has been for decades.

The democrat party is the original and continuing kkk.
Wrong. They were the beginning certainly not the continuing. You could never back that up by congressional voting record. For decades the Republican Party has voted for policies that benefit rich straight white men and damage any other demographic of citizen relentlessly.
There is a mind-set in poor neighborhoods with many students that schools, and education are a waste. No one in the neighborhood has a good job they are all
poor just like me. The mind-set of many students is not education, but when can I quit school.
At least that seemed to be the attitude at my high school Not one of my friends graduated and I left in the 11th. grade.
High school seems like a waste when there’s no chance you could ever afford college.

It wouldn't be a waste if they taught things for non-college people. I believe that our public schools need to put more effort into teaching investments and costs related to having children; compound interest, real estate, stock market and commodities.
College isn’t right for everyone, another path is great. If college was more accessible and high school was career/even trade oriented everyone would be covered. I’m so sick of those standardized tests I think they’re ridiculous.
There is a mind-set in poor neighborhoods with many students that schools, and education are a waste. No one in the neighborhood has a good job they are all
poor just like me. The mind-set of many students is not education, but when can I quit school.
At least that seemed to be the attitude at my high school Not one of my friends graduated and I left in the 11th. grade.
High school seems like a waste when there’s no chance you could ever afford college.

Pathetic bullshit.
I have two children attending renowned universities. None, I repeat NONE of their friends from poverty stricken homes are paying to attend. Your assertion it simply not true, it does nothing but provide yet another excuse to quit for quitters.

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