If BLM and Antifa are not Coordinated Then Why Have Violent Protest Miraculously Stopped Less Than a Month From Election Day?

Jam this up your communist vagina.
So uhh, 5 people?!?

And they're not directly attributing them to any specific group.

Sample quote is "killed from a someone firing shots in the air."

That's ALL you got?!?!?

You people really need to do better than this.

You are still whining from the single guy who died at Charlottesville.

They have killed a lot more than 5. Biden has no condemned Antifa or BLM. In fact, Biden kneels for BLM. Their agenda is to destroy America, pretty much says so in their site. Or said, until they took it down for being too honest. You can still find it in internet archive.
Biden will never criticize Marxist domestic terrorist groups in the United States. They support him.

For some reason the debate moderators are not asking Biden whether he condemn the death cults that have even burned buildings with children inside.

I guess we will find the answer out in the affirmative for the support after the election - the new Biden tactic to evade answering.
You are still whining because of the single guy who died at Charlottesville.

Antifa and BLM have killed a lot more than 5. Biden has no condemned Antifa or BLM. In fact, Biden kneels for BLM. Their agenda is to destroy America, pretty much says so in their site. Or said, until they took it down for being too honest. You can still find it in internet archive.
Key words here is "pretty much."

Translation: He's lying his ass off.
You are still whining because of the single guy who died at Charlottesville.

Antifa and BLM have killed a lot more than 5. Biden has no condemned Antifa or BLM. In fact, Biden kneels for BLM. Their agenda is to destroy America, pretty much says so in their site. Or said, until they took it down for being too honest. You can still find it in internet archive.
Key words here is "pretty much."

Translation: He's lying his ass off.

Translation: read "What We Believe In" from BLM.

"We disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement by supporting each other as extended families and “villages” that collectively care for one another, especially our children, to the degree that mothers, parents, and children are comfortable.

We foster a queer‐affirming network. When we gather, we do so with the intention of freeing ourselves from the tight grip of heteronormative thinking, or rather, the belief that all in the world are heterosexual (unless s/he or they disclose otherwise)."

Heternormative thinking = Western and American "white" values.

Who is surprised that the organization that is burning anything down they can get their hands to... advocates the ending of civilization. Biden kneels for this extremist death cult.
Law and order president well anybody that continuously lies cannot be a law and order president. Law and order are the norms that citizens are expected to follow

A guy that lies, embellishes, and floats conspiracies without any proof.

A guy that pardons people convicted of crimes who are still serving prison sentences

A guy who sole claim to fame is fear rhetoric or placing blame

instead of being the mediator he is the instigator

Sorry nothing to be afraid of because Trump is not that virtuous
Translation: read "What We Believe In" from BLM.

"We disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement by supporting each other as extended families and “villages” that collectively care for one another, especially our children, to the degree that mothers, parents, and children are comfortable.

We foster a queer‐affirming network. When we gather, we do so with the intention of freeing ourselves from the tight grip of heteronormative thinking, or rather, the belief that all in the world are heterosexual (unless s/he or they disclose otherwise)."

Heternormative thinking = Western and American "white" values.

Who is surprised that the organization that is burning anything down they can get their hands to... advocates the ending of civilization. Biden kneels for this extremist death cult.
Translation: read "What We Believe In" from BLM.

"We disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement by supporting each other as extended families and “villages” that collectively care for one another, especially our children, to the degree that mothers, parents, and children are comfortable.

We foster a queer‐affirming network. When we gather, we do so with the intention of freeing ourselves from the tight grip of heteronormative thinking, or rather, the belief that all in the world are heterosexual (unless s/he or they disclose otherwise)."

Heternormative thinking = Western and American "white" values.

Who is surprised that the organization that is burning anything down they can get their hands to... advocates the ending of civilization. Biden kneels for this extremist death cult.

Yeah, you are not capable of heternoarmative thinking, or thinking at all.
They haven’t stopped, the media just stopped reporting on them when the polls for BLM and Biden starting to go way down because of the riots.

You beat me to it. The riots have not stopped at all. In fact, they've become even more widespread. There's been quite a bit of riot and riot related action going down at night in Baltimore, especially around the Inner Harbor. Baltimore is also suffering from "food deserts" which are directly related to rioting. As Hawk said, the media—both on local and national levels—have stopped reporting riot news, save for a tidbit here or there. Beyond that, they're still rioting in many Midwest and western cities every damn night. Also, ask yourself why there's not much reporting on the California wildfires even though they have become much worse in places.

Here’s the riot of a few nights ago, BLM throwing rocks and bricks into people’s homes, and of course looting businesses.

Now we see BLM rioter-terrorists well armed, cocked and locked and ready to mow down average citizens. Any democrat who watches this video should be ashamed. They should be ashamed and begging their elected leaders to STOP this terrorist madness IMMEDIATELY. Stop it now or else.

Worse than that. Average citizen defends themselves from Antifa in a dem shithole and they go to jail...not the scum.

PBS family Election 2020-color lr censored 1.jpg
Heternormative thinking = Western and American "white" values.
LOL “heteronormative” = Western values.

Does that mean homo-abnormals = Marxist anti-white values?


Yes, that's the way they see it. I have no idea what the leftist whack jobs expected in a majority white country.

But we will soon remind the radical left what it means to live in a majority white and Christian nation.
OP, can we get a list of all the cities, and/or towns that have been burned to the ground?
Also a list of the victims murdered by ANTIFA and/or #BlackLivesMatter

You guys have a thousand posts and threads complaining about those two things, but I don't see any facts backing those claims up.

Please and thanks.

the programs are ONGOING----be patient----maybe you could do a dissertation and get a Ph-D out of it. Did anyone claim that WHOLE cities were burned to the ground? Have WHOLE cities ever been burned to the ground? In my very own memory the very lovely city of Newark, NJ was extensively vandalized and looted----but it NOT 'BURNED TO THE GROUND'. The gutters of East New York, Brooklyn get a few bodies every week-----but that's nothing new---its been going on for decades-----how many bodies do you call "disaster"?
They know "law and order" is a winning issue for our President. Wouldn't be surprised if they are also coordinating with DNC. Biden called Antifa an idea. Idiot. These are two Marxist domestic terrorist groups.
The hateful Keebler elves have been reigned in by Nabisco.
the programs are ONGOING----be patient----maybe you could do a dissertation and get a Ph-D out of it. Did anyone claim that WHOLE cities were burned to the ground? Have WHOLE cities ever been burned to the ground? In my very own memory the very lovely city of Newark, NJ was extensively vandalized and looted----but it NOT 'BURNED TO THE GROUND'. The gutters of East New York, Brooklyn get a few bodies every week-----but that's nothing new---its been going on for decades-----how many bodies do you call "disaster"?
All those words, and not one of them dedicated to addressing the facts.

HOW many have been burned, killed and/or murdered.

Jam this up your communist vagina.
So uhh, 5 people?!?

And they're not directly attributing them to any specific group.

Sample quote is "killed from a someone firing shots in the air."

That's ALL you got?!?!?

You people really need to do better than this.

The insurance companies are saying the riots caused at least $1-Billion worth of damage to small businesses, which does not count the fact that many of them lost their life savings and income for the future.

Also - I don't which is worse, that the riots have not stopped or that the media just stopped reporting them. I guess both facts are equally bad. Pelosi and Kamala both promised us the riots would continue even after the election. Thanks, lefties!
The insurance companies are saying the riots caused at least $1-Billion worth of damage to small businesses, which does not count the fact that many of them lost their life savings and income for the future.

Also - I don't which is worse, that the riots have not stopped or that the media just stopped reporting them. I guess both facts are equally bad. Pelosi and Kamala both promised us the riots would continue even after the election. Thanks, lefties!
I want to see links for the insurance company claim, and to your Pelosi and Kamala claim.
Jam this up your communist vagina.
So uhh, 5 people?!?

And they're not directly attributing them to any specific group.

Sample quote is "killed from a someone firing shots in the air."

That's ALL you got?!?!?

You people really need to do better than this.

The insurance companies are saying the riots caused at least $1-Billion worth of damage to small businesses, which does not count the fact that many of them lost their life savings and income for the future.

Also - I don't which is worse, that the riots have not stopped or that the media just stopped reporting them. I guess both facts are equally bad. Pelosi and Kamala both promised us the riots would continue even after the election. Thanks, lefties!
Agree totally.
the programs are ONGOING----be patient----maybe you could do a dissertation and get a Ph-D out of it. Did anyone claim that WHOLE cities were burned to the ground? Have WHOLE cities ever been burned to the ground? In my very own memory the very lovely city of Newark, NJ was extensively vandalized and looted----but it NOT 'BURNED TO THE GROUND'. The gutters of East New York, Brooklyn get a few bodies every week-----but that's nothing new---its been going on for decades-----how many bodies do you call "disaster"?
All those words, and not one of them dedicated to addressing the facts.

HOW many have been burned, killed and/or murdered.

I gave you hard evidence. You refused to accept it.
the programs are ONGOING----be patient----maybe you could do a dissertation and get a Ph-D out of it. Did anyone claim that WHOLE cities were burned to the ground? Have WHOLE cities ever been burned to the ground? In my very own memory the very lovely city of Newark, NJ was extensively vandalized and looted----but it NOT 'BURNED TO THE GROUND'. The gutters of East New York, Brooklyn get a few bodies every week-----but that's nothing new---its been going on for decades-----how many bodies do you call "disaster"?
All those words, and not one of them dedicated to addressing the facts.

HOW many have been burned, killed and/or murdered.


you are deflecting with your demand for the final stats on an ONGOING disaster. How many square feet of
California have been destroyed by fire as of
NOW ?????
you are deflecting with your demand for the final stats on an ONGOING disaster. How many square feet of
California have been destroyed by fire as of
NOW ?????
There's a factual tracking of that answer.

Once again, how many people have been killed by ANTIFA as of NOW?!??

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