If China released the virus on purpose would it be an act of war?

I have to agree. China might not have done it intentionally but they sure as hell didn't lock their country down when it first hit.

They are responsible for every death from the virus that started in their country.

They are also responsible for the bad economies of every country that had to deal with their virus.

We of course do not know for sure. But if investigations and such reveal that this was done on purpose to stifle the global economy and such and especially damage the West, would this be an act of war and if so what would or could the rest of the world do?

You leftists the purpose of the thread is "IF" and there is evidence that "IF" is a possibility. I am not saying it definitely happened. Learn to read before responding.
Yes, I think it is.

And, if proven China needs to be ostracized by the rest of the world.
Let's say you are the leader of a nation...you find out that the CCP engaged in Gain of Function research and created something NASTY....and they released it. It caused a worldwide pandemic. It causes the death of thousands of deaths & it devastates your nation's economy. In the midst of the continuing pandemic you learn the CCP did this intentionally. What do YOU do?

The Typical responses include taking the case to the U.N. to demand the CCP be punished & forced to pay your nation an ass-load of money.
- Don't expect the U.N., The WHO, the CDC, or just about anyone to help you or give you justice - the CCP has bought almost everyone in leadership positions or positions of power in all of them. As you can see, Joe doesn't give a damn about how many Americans have been killed, ho many businesses have been destroyed, how much it has devastated out economy. He would rather use the pandemic to violate his oath of office, the Constitution, and laws IOT seize as much power as possible while violating Americans civil and Constitutional rights. The nly way this makes sense is if Biden has been bought by the CCP. WE KNOW HE HAS BEEN! His family took $1 Billion from the CCP. Biden hi,self took millions from both the CCP and Russia during his campaign.

The CCP has bought key politicians in key positions: Pelosi - speaker, Feinstein - responsible for handing out govt contracts, Boxer, etc...

So, remember, you are the leader of the country. If YOU haven't been bought & you are seeing justice for your people you now will get little support from key politicians in your own govt who have been bought.

If you have not proven to be weak, like Biden, and have not destroyed your credibility, like Biden, you could probably negotiate for reparations. In Biden's case, they would laugh at him and tell him to FO.

Now that right there is funny, I don't care who you are!
They released the virus..and bought up all the PPE and medical equipment that they could to RESALE at grossly inflated prices creating a huge profit, while using the crisis to help cheat in the election to get Trump who was beating their ass and bankrupting out of office to install their puppet biden who has already put them on track for a couple of trillions (minerals and such in the MIDDLE EAST) with his hairbrain policies.

Sorry, but I strive for truth. Where are these minerals?
Now that right there is funny, I don't care who you are!
Biden was / is so weak he could not stand up to Putin over their engaging in cyber warfare against the US. So, how is he going to muster the courage (and testicular fortitude) to stand up to his foreign financial benefactors for killing thousands of Americans, not to mentions many, many more around the world?
And what do you suggest that should be?

Ridiculous logic to begin with as in would you also say that the Japanese People bore no responsibility for Pearl Harbor that it was just Tojo doing dat?
Tojo didn't order his military to attack the Japanese people. This virus killed many Chinese people too.

I'm not a General, so I don't have any plan for retaliation, but I do know that starting a shooting war with China will not go well for us.

What's your suggestion? Nuclear war?
You’re the dumbass. They could lose 100mil and not blink an eye. Man are you naive. But my question is IF. Learn to read. Idiot leftist fool.
That’s fucking stupid. Why do that when you don’t have too? It’d be easy to spread in a population center in the west and throw off suspicion. Thank God you don’t run strategy for anywhere and just try to swindle people out of their money. Less dangerous that way.
That’s fucking stupid. Why do that when you don’t have too? It’d be easy to spread in a population center in the west and throw off suspicion. Thank God you don’t run strategy for anywhere and just try to swindle people out of their money. Less dangerous that way.
So you still don’t know what “IF” means.
Tojo didn't order his military to attack the Japanese people. This virus killed many Chinese people too.

I'm not a General, so I don't have any plan for retaliation, but I do know that starting a shooting war with China will not go well for us.

What's your suggestion? Nuclear war?
Just because some chinese caught the virus does not mean it was not intentionally released.

If you were the dictator of China and intended to release a deadly virus all over the world.....what would be your first consideration?

A clever dictator would want to hide his tracks to prevent the possibility of a counter attack by those he attacked with the virus.

One good way to do that would be to allow some of his own people to catch the disease.....knowing first of all that he could control it in his own country using draconian methods.....which they did.

It must be remembered the ChiComs have a history of killing millions of their own people for political purposes.

Mao was on record as saying millions more of chinese need to die as in they have too many people....so many they made it illegal for a family to have more than 2 children.

Westerners simply do not get how ruthless the ChiComs are...no value for human life.

Another possibility in the process of purposely infecting agents that were to be flown all over the world to seed the virus some may have accidentally exposed others in China.

Anyhow either way the fact that some Chinese caught the virus proves nothing.....totally irrelevant regarding how the virus spread...whether it was accidental or on purpose.

It could have been either way, though as stated previously I think it was an intentional attack.
First you'd have to have undeniable proof that they did it on purpose. Which will never happen. Even if they did they cover their tracks even if it means going to extreme measures.

And secondly, no one would actually do anything about it. Allies won't say anything, countries that depend on them won't risk anything, the rest won't start a shit storm.

For the time being, china is untouchable.
Gain of Function testing is basically conducting research on how to weaponize a virus....which they basically did. Once released / leaked it became a global pandemic, killing countless numbers of people worldwide. It would be a stretch to make the case that this was an act of war, but if you could do so then you could charge Xi...and perhaps Fauci who helped fund the Gain of Function testing, with an International War Crime.
First you'd have to have undeniable proof that they did it on purpose. Which will never happen. Even if they did they cover their tracks even if it means going to extreme measures.

And secondly, no one would actually do anything about it. Allies won't say anything, countries that depend on them won't risk anything, the rest won't start a shit storm.

For the time being, china is untouchable.
Well you are possibly correct that we will never be able to prove it was intentional....but you may also be wrong....the western world has intelligence agencies that might be or may have already proved it was intentional....Taiwan also has deep cover agents in China and they are very knowledgable about covert Chinese actions...not even to mention Chinese defectors that might shed a lot of light on the subject.

Irregardless you are defiitely correct in that we nor any other western nation is likely to come out and call it an act of war.

At this time .....perhaps later.

Yet China is not untouchable as in there are things that can be done to punish them without starting a shooting war....such as reparations etc.
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Gain of Function testing is basically conducting research on how to weaponize a virus....which they basically did. Once released / leaked it became a global pandemic, killing countless numbers of people worldwide. It would be a stretch to make the case that this was an act of war, but if you could do so then you could charge Xi...and perhaps Fauci who helped fund the Gain of Function testing, with an International War Crime.
according to westwall, its just the flu

how could a hoax flu be an act of war.
I have to agree. China might not have done it intentionally but they sure as hell didn't lock their country down when it first hit.

They are responsible for every death from the virus that started in their country.

They are also responsible for the bad economies of every country that had to deal with their virus.
A clandestinely-manufactured vaccine is possible, though not likely. A lab escape is possible, though not likely. Before it got to Wuhan, SARS-CoV-2’s closest relative had to be transported from Yunnan. But the history of that very copper mine links to cover-ups already reported at USMB, but also to influenza virus and its relationship to copper. Now there is even more reason to question world influenza statistics for 2020-2021, and further scrutinize the history of this mine in Yunnan.

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