If classic music can raise your IQ...


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
If classical music can raise your IQ, isn't it reasonable to expect some sounds can lower it? Like CNN phamaceutical commercials? Watching news this morning I found myself hitting Mute during commercials fearing they're having a negative effect on my intelligence. One in particular is for an overactive bladder. And the likely side effects include not being able to empty your bladder. Seems to me having to pee too much means you're drinking too much. So instead of taking something that's gonna mess up your kidneys andliver, how about drinking less first and see how that works?

Find I hit Mute for most every commercial break now worrying they're mkaing me dumber. :) Someone needs to invent a etter tv you can program to do that automatically. Among other things. Like give youa detailed report of the content on each channel and program as you turn to it to help avoid objectionable content like violence or anything beginning with "Country.." :)
If classical music can raise your IQ, isn't it reasonable to expect some sounds can lower it? Like CNN phamaceutical commercials? Watching news this morning I found myself hitting Mute during commercials fearing they're having a negative effect on my intelligence. One in particular is for an overactive bladder. And the likely side effects include not being able to empty your bladder. Seems to me having to pee too much means you're drinking too much. So instead of taking something that's gonna mess up your kidneys andliver, how about drinking less first and see how that works?

Find I hit Mute for most every commercial break now worrying they're mkaing me dumber. :) Someone needs to invent a etter tv you can program to do that automatically. Among other things. Like give youa detailed report of the content on each channel and program as you turn to it to help avoid objectionable content like violence or anything beginning with "Country.." :)
I prerecord most stuff I watch, and zip past the commercials.
If classical music can raise your IQ, isn't it reasonable to expect some sounds can lower it? Like CNN phamaceutical commercials? Watching news this morning I found myself hitting Mute during commercials fearing they're having a negative effect on my intelligence. One in particular is for an overactive bladder. And the likely side effects include not being able to empty your bladder. Seems to me having to pee too much means you're drinking too much. So instead of taking something that's gonna mess up your kidneys andliver, how about drinking less first and see how that works?

Find I hit Mute for most every commercial break now worrying they're mkaing me dumber. :) Someone needs to invent a etter tv you can program to do that automatically. Among other things. Like give youa detailed report of the content on each channel and program as you turn to it to help avoid objectionable content like violence or anything beginning with "Country.." :)
Get a DVR and record the show you want to watch. If the show comes on at 9 PM, start the show and pause at the first scene. Go fix yourself a snack and use the bathroom, Check your email and at 9:17 hit the play button. Every time a commercial comes on, hit the button that advances play 30 seconds 4 times. Once you know the DVR, you can all but eliminate ads and you don't miss parts of the program with trips to the john and the fridge.
If classical music can raise your IQ, isn't it reasonable to expect some sounds can lower it? Like CNN phamaceutical commercials? Watching news this morning I found myself hitting Mute during commercials fearing they're having a negative effect on my intelligence. One in particular is for an overactive bladder. And the likely side effects include not being able to empty your bladder. Seems to me having to pee too much means you're drinking too much. So instead of taking something that's gonna mess up your kidneys andliver, how about drinking less first and see how that works?

Find I hit Mute for most every commercial break now worrying they're mkaing me dumber. :) Someone needs to invent a etter tv you can program to do that automatically. Among other things. Like give youa detailed report of the content on each channel and program as you turn to it to help avoid objectionable content like violence or anything beginning with "Country.." :)
I prerecord most stuff I watch, and zip past the commercials.

That's one way.
Here's another, and it's a lot less work. Put a blindfold on your TV and tell it "we're going for a little ride". Take it up to the Grand Canyon and chuck it. All that advertising you're muting out --- is its only purpose.

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