"If cover-up is the real crime, Trump’s hush-money charges have a Nixonian ring"

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras

An interesting take on the upcoming porn star pay off trial. Lots of detail that I was unaware of. It looks like they have tape of Trump plotting with his co conspirators.

It doesnt sound promising for him.But it is probably a partisan view.

No doubt maga will cast it as a victimless crime but even that is a massive stretch. The American people are the victims in this case.

However I think trump has misjudged his base. They would be more likely to cheer on his infidelity rather than condemn it. Especially those evangelical wierdos.

The author makes compparisons to nixon and his crimes. Nixon resigned once the game was up. Trump is just trying to delay the trial until he is Pres.
America has sunk a lot since a crook like nixon.

So in conclusion I am looking forward to this case. Will it be live streamed for the viewing public ? I am popcorn ready.

An interesting take on the upcoming porn star pay off trial. Lots of detail that I was unaware of. It looks like they have tape of Trump plotting with his co conspirators.

It doesnt sound promising for him.But it is probably a partisan view.

No doubt maga will cast it as a victimless crime but even that is a massive stretch. The American people are the victims in this case.

However I think trump has misjudged his base. They would be more likely to cheer on his infidelity rather than condemn it. Especially those evangelical wierdos.

The author makes compparisons to nixon and his crimes. Nixon resigned once the game was up. Trump is just trying to delay the trial until he is Pres.
America has sunk a lot since a crook like nixon.

So in conclusion I am looking forward to this case. Will it be live streamed for the viewing public ? I am popcorn ready.
my theory was that the $170,000 was payment for service, service so unthinkable that stormy ran out of the room without taking the cash from under the pillow.

the only thing wrong with that one is trump would never send cohen to pay a contractor.
my theory was that the $170,000 was payment for service, service so unthinkable that stormy ran out of the room without taking the cash from under the pillow.

the only thing wrong with that one is trump would never send cohen to pay a contractor.
If pecker has already turned in the Cohen case his evidence is unlikely to be helpful to the defence..
It looks like they have receipts for all of it.
How will the fundies square this ?
Being extorted for hush money isn't a crime for the individual being extorted.

Should be an interesting trial, needless to say, but I can't see where President Trump can get a fair trial in a jurisdiction that hates his guts like Manhattan.

Should have a change of venue to Cattaraugus County in western New York state where the people don't hate Trump's guts and are willing to extend the presumption of innocence.

An interesting take on the upcoming porn star pay off trial. Lots of detail that I was unaware of. It looks like they have tape of Trump plotting with his co conspirators.

It doesnt sound promising for him.But it is probably a partisan view.

No doubt maga will cast it as a victimless crime but even that is a massive stretch. The American people are the victims in this case.

However I think trump has misjudged his base. They would be more likely to cheer on his infidelity rather than condemn it. Especially those evangelical wierdos.

The author makes compparisons to nixon and his crimes. Nixon resigned once the game was up. Trump is just trying to delay the trial until he is Pres.
America has sunk a lot since a crook like nixon.

So in conclusion I am looking forward to this case. Will it be live streamed for the viewing public ? I am popcorn ready.
There is no proof that President Trump ever had relations with this "Stormy " dame.

No DNA, no nothing.

She isn't even his type, Trump likes the Supermodel type, which Ms. Daniels definitely is not.

An interesting take on the upcoming porn star pay off trial. Lots of detail that I was unaware of. It looks like they have tape of Trump plotting with his co conspirators.

It doesnt sound promising for him.But it is probably a partisan view.

No doubt maga will cast it as a victimless crime but even that is a massive stretch. The American people are the victims in this case.

However I think trump has misjudged his base. They would be more likely to cheer on his infidelity rather than condemn it. Especially those evangelical wierdos.

The author makes compparisons to nixon and his crimes. Nixon resigned once the game was up. Trump is just trying to delay the trial until he is Pres.
America has sunk a lot since a crook like nixon.

So in conclusion I am looking forward to this case. Will it be live streamed for the viewing public ? I am popcorn ready.
I'm sure they have a video of him shooting JFK too......
There is no proof that President Trump ever had relations with this "Stormy " dame.

No DNA, no nothing.

She isn't even his type, Trump likes the Supermodel type, which Ms. Daniels definitely is not.
People involved in the hush money case have already served time over it. I doubt that argument will form part of his defence. Unless habba is his lawyer maybe
lol...Nixonian ring? ...calling it a "cover-up" is just a cover-up for the real reason...this screams "Bill Clinton", and this is partial pay back for knocking the queen off her pedestal which was the payback for Nixon.
Do you think he will make that argument in court ?
Do you think he will make that argument in court ?
Not that that is a legitimate response to my point but I'll answer anyway...No matter how true it may or may not be it would have no bearing on the proceedings even with undeniable proof of truth...however, in the white liberal world of make believe you can pretend the question has merit [even if you know better]
Exvellent straw man.. Not a compelling argument though.
Of course. You have to say that. Who cares that everything you believe about Biden is a fallacy.
I make fun of your OP and you claim that it's a straw man argument.
We both know that this claim does not apply because I wasn't arguing that there is a video of Trump shooting JFK.
It's too absurd.....and so is this claim of a audio of Trump discussing a crime when we all know that you can make complete dialog and have it say anything you want using computers.
It's worthless.

The fact is Michael Cohen and Stormy Daniels made the whole thing up, and most likely are being paid to repeat this nonsense in order to create a hoax about Trump paying someone off. Never mind the fact that Bill Clinton did the same thing when he paid off Paula Jones after she sued him for sexual-harassment. Which is a crime? Paying blackmail or sexual-harassment? Can you even tell who is the victim in these cases? No, of course not.
The fact that nobody in their right mind would take this case in front of a judge before somebody paid Alvin Bragg to do it doesn't bother you either.
Fabricated evidence doesn't prove anything.
If pecker has already turned in the Cohen case his evidence is unlikely to be helpful to the defence..
It looks like they have receipts for all of it.
How will the fundies square this ?
born again? chosen one? sins forgiven?

no, not necessary. the story is "fake news" and they restate the same nonsense that we just debunked. darndest thing.
Of course. You have to say that. Who cares that everything you believe about Biden is a fallacy.
I make fun of your OP and you claim that it's a straw man argument.
We both know that this claim does not apply because I wasn't arguing that there is a video of Trump shooting JFK.
It's too absurd.....and so is this claim of a audio of Trump discussing a crime when we all know that you can make complete dialog and have it say anything you want using computers.
It's worthless.

The fact is Michael Cohen and Stormy Daniels made the whole thing up, and most likely are being paid to repeat this nonsense in order to create a hoax about Trump paying someone off. Never mind the fact that Bill Clinton did the same thing when he paid off Paula Jones after she sued him for sexual-harassment. Which is a crime? Paying blackmail or sexual-harassment? Can you even tell who is the victim in these cases? No, of course not.
The fact that nobody in their right mind would take this case in front of a judge before somebody paid Alvin Bragg to do it doesn't bother you either.
Fabricated evidence doesn't prove anything.
Nope. I cant see that argument being trotted out in court either.
Not that that is a legitimate response to my point but I'll answer anyway...No matter how true it may or may not be it would have no bearing on the proceedings even with undeniable proof of truth...however, in the white liberal world of make believe you can pretend the question has merit [even if you know better]
Word salad.

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