if Crooked Hillary gets in, America will never be back again.

She's the most qualified .

What do u have against her anyway . Like specific . Just saying "she's a liar " doesn't mean anything .

She's already promised a long list of freebies to the ticks on the ass of society. Furthermore, she's a criminal.

And she's a space alien ! Anything else you'd like to make up?

What did I make up? If she was a Republican, she would have been in prison years ago.

For what?

You can't find an investigation never mind an actual conviction...

This is the joke part of your ideas... You build yourselves up with a few conspiracy theories and now you have convinced yourself is true.

"She hasn't been convicted?" That's your defense of the Hildabeast? That has to be the most pathetic defense of corrupt politician ever posted in this forum.
She's already promised a long list of freebies to the ticks on the ass of society. Furthermore, she's a criminal.

And she's a space alien ! Anything else you'd like to make up?

What did I make up? If she was a Republican, she would have been in prison years ago.

Lol. There u go making shit up again . In prison for what ? Doing the same thing as her GOP. predessors ?!!

Selling her office to the highest bidder, for one. The Clinton Foundation is nothing more than a repository for bribes. Several people have documented who donors to the Foundation often received quid quo pro action from Hillary in exchange for "donations" to the foundation. Then, of course, there is her criminal handling of classified government documents.

Lets take your first allegation... Have you got proof?

The Clinton Foundation unlike many charities in the US actually publish their major donors, they don't have to do this by law...

So show us the actual evidence...

The matter is under investigate by the FBI.
It's pretty sad that the only socialist the Dims have to throw out there is Hillary. And they say the republican party is imploding (it is). But I argue the leftists socialist democrats are equally imploding. This country can't seem to breed leadership anymore.
And she's a space alien ! Anything else you'd like to make up?

What did I make up? If she was a Republican, she would have been in prison years ago.

Lol. There u go making shit up again . In prison for what ? Doing the same thing as her GOP. predessors ?!!

Selling her office to the highest bidder, for one. The Clinton Foundation is nothing more than a repository for bribes. Several people have documented who donors to the Foundation often received quid quo pro action from Hillary in exchange for "donations" to the foundation. Then, of course, there is her criminal handling of classified government documents.

Lets take your first allegation... Have you got proof?

The Clinton Foundation unlike many charities in the US actually publish their major donors, they don't have to do this by law...

So show us the actual evidence...

The matter is under investigate by the FBI.

Yeah . And trumps being investigated by the irs . And he refuses to release his taxes .

Guess that makes him guilty of tax fraud !
It's pretty sad that the only socialist the Dims have to throw out there is Hillary. And they say the republican party is imploding (it is). But I argue the leftists socialist democrats are equally imploding. This country can't seem to breed leadership anymore.

Hillary is one of the most qualified candidates in decades . Her resume puts the others to shame .
It's pretty sad that the only socialist the Dims have to throw out there is Hillary. And they say the republican party is imploding (it is). But I argue the leftists socialist democrats are equally imploding. This country can't seem to breed leadership anymore.

Hillary is one of the most qualified candidates in decades . Her resume puts the others to shame .
Thats some funny shit right there. I'm afraid you've been diagnosed with "Maddow On The Brain Disease". Unfortunately, there's no cure. You can't fix stupid.
What did I make up? If she was a Republican, she would have been in prison years ago.

Lol. There u go making shit up again . In prison for what ? Doing the same thing as her GOP. predessors ?!!

Selling her office to the highest bidder, for one. The Clinton Foundation is nothing more than a repository for bribes. Several people have documented who donors to the Foundation often received quid quo pro action from Hillary in exchange for "donations" to the foundation. Then, of course, there is her criminal handling of classified government documents.

Lets take your first allegation... Have you got proof?

The Clinton Foundation unlike many charities in the US actually publish their major donors, they don't have to do this by law...

So show us the actual evidence...

The matter is under investigate by the FBI.

Yeah . And trumps being investigated by the irs . And he refuses to release his taxes .

Guess that makes him guilty of tax fraud !

Trump gets audited every year. There isn't the slightest thing suspicious about it.
if Crooked Hillary gets in, America will never be back again.

That statement is true with every new president. And "back" to what exactly?

Much of the change we have gone through is that outsourcing caused by the lack of support from congress to keep manufacturing "made in America" has made China, Mexico and a host of low balling countries luring the owners and board of directors to take our business out of country. That won't change no matter who occupies the white house.

Americans don't care either as demonstrated by the numbers shopping at Walmart and the other "clubs" and big box stores.

Now that the pandora's box has been opened it cannot be closed.

The only possible way things could be reversed to a self sustaining America would be a world war similar to WWII, the US and possibly the EU as allies against our current trading partners, that would reshuffle the deck. Short of that you people are dreaming an impossible dream.
When did they ever require proof for any of their vile and slanderous remarks........And when proven wrong.........they just move on the the next big lie as if their reputation for telling the truth is sacrosanct .........

But this time they in for a big surprise.........They are going to go down.....and down real hard
She's the most qualified .

What do u have against her anyway . Like specific . Just saying "she's a liar " doesn't mean anything .

Blah blah blah. We heard this about Bill Clinton, then you all came unglued over Obama - swearing he was going to destroy the country with soaring gas prices, sky-high unemployment, while being mired in a decade long depression. You all cry wolf far too often to be believable.

Yes, Lame Duck President Obama must be terribly disappointed that his intended $4+ per gallon gasoline was foiled by the successful fracking for oil on private and state land in North Dakota.

President Obama has driven down the unemployment only through the LOWEST Labor Participation Rate since 1978. With the highest poverty level, the highest number of folks on food stamps and a drop of $3,000 per year in the average workers income, we have been in a recession since 2008.

When President Obama leaves office, he will have doubled our National Debt from $1ren.0 TRILLION TO OVER $20 TRILLION IN ONLY EIGHT YEARS. A crushing debt for our children along with a failed Obamacare system.
And she's a space alien ! Anything else you'd like to make up?

What did I make up? If she was a Republican, she would have been in prison years ago.

Lol. There u go making shit up again . In prison for what ? Doing the same thing as her GOP. predessors ?!!

Selling her office to the highest bidder, for one. The Clinton Foundation is nothing more than a repository for bribes. Several people have documented who donors to the Foundation often received quid quo pro action from Hillary in exchange for "donations" to the foundation. Then, of course, there is her criminal handling of classified government documents.

Lets take your first allegation... Have you got proof?

The Clinton Foundation unlike many charities in the US actually publish their major donors, they don't have to do this by law...

So show us the actual evidence...

The matter is under investigate by the FBI.

Wow...really? Who knew?

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