If Democrats/Liberals Believe Michael Wolff's Thesis...

Most of know knew this crap about Trump before his book. Trump has always been a liar and charlatan, has always been a Shyster , a low moral con man.

Now....focus like a laser:

Is it "his "ultimate goal ... had never been to win."


"Russian collusion" to steal the election?


See why intelligent folks are amused by you morons?

Thank you...as always....right to the point....

No I remember T from the late 80's on. Trump has never been an American, he loved cheap labor and foreign workers and materials.

the last 10 years he was reduced to a reality Tv person. That is low.

How about his results, compared to the serial failures by Hussein Obama?

"Year One List: 81 major Trump achievements, 11 Obama legacy items repealed"
Year One List: 81 major Trump achievements, 11 Obama legacy items repealed

What sort of imbecile would leave that calculation out of their conclusions?
Raise your paw.

Paul Bedard really? I thought I was reading Hannity.

What brought you here.....you imagined that there weren't enough morons ready to support Wolff???

BTW...are you attempting to deny this....
"Year One List: 81 major Trump achievements, 11 Obama legacy items repealed"
Year One List: 81 major Trump achievements, 11 Obama legacy items repealed

You're not dumb enough to pretend that Hussein Obama did the job as well as Trump is doing, are you???

I mean...you're pretty dumb....but.....are you?

Oh....and congrats on finally having learned to read.
Last edited:
No doubt you have evidence....and you'd best overnight same to Mueller....he hasn't been able to find any.


There's also nothing to support this argument regarding the ongoing investigation. You don't know anything. Thus, your opinion is entirely useless partisan pap.

Gee.....I searched you post for either evidence, or for indications that Mueller et al had evidence.

And none of either was to be found.

Evidence of what? Where did I claim to have evidence of anything either way? I said: 'There's also nothing to support this argument regarding the ongoing investigation.', which is entirely correct. Do you possess any reading comprehension at all?

Did you say "your opinion is entirely useless partisan pap."

Seems to have become a boomerang, huh?

Yep. I'm quite aware what I said, because I said it. Until there is any concrete evidence to the contrary, I also believe your opinion on the matter means very little. Anything else, dum dum?

Sooo.....your demand is that President Trump prove innocence....????

Gads, you're a dunce.

I have made no such demand, you complete imbecile. Shovel your hyperbole at someone else. Politics is not organized sport, thus speculation is worth little from all sides. You seem mentally impaired in some way if you can't understand this simple concept.

That, or you're just another worthless troll. Take your pick.

Looks like I'll have to prove that you are the 'complete imbecile.'

Here we go.

From the OP:

... the general claim his campaign did not wish to actually defeat Clinton),...."
If Trump wanted to lose the election, why would he have colluded with Russia?

Sooooo......if Trump didn't actually want to win......

....you morons.....

"...it would seem to create problems for the narrative of Russian collusion."

Now.....anything not true there?
Sources provided.

Are the two statements diametrically opposite....or...are you simply a complete imbecile?
...jeezzz.....they must be schizophrenic.

The only possible conclusion:

1. "Not only would Trump not be president," Wolff wrote, "almost everyone in the campaign agreed, he should probably not be. Conveniently, the former conviction meant nobody had to deal with the latter issue." He described Trump as "sanguine" at the end of the campaign, claiming his "ultimate goal ... had never been to win." Wolff further reported Trump, expecting to fall to Hillary Clinton, told Roger Ailes: "I don’t think about losing, because it isn’t losing. We’ve totally won."

2. Consider this selection from Wolff's book, in which Trump was reportedly "horrified" as the reality he won the election crystalized on election night:

Shortly after 8 p.m. on Election Night, when the unexpected trend — Trump might actually win — seemed confirmed, Don Jr. told a friend that his father, or DJT, as he calls him, looked as if he had seen a ghost. Melania was in tears — and not of joy.

There was, in the space of little more than an hour, in Steve Bannon’s not unamused observation, a befuddled Trump morphing into a disbelieving Trump and then into a horrified Trump.

... the general claim his campaign did not wish to actually defeat Clinton),...."
If Trump wanted to lose the election, why would he have colluded with Russia?

Sooooo......if Trump didn't actually want to win......

....you morons.....

"...it would seem to create problems for the narrative of Russian collusion."
Just as expected you run to try smear the man who had inside access to the WH , just like all the other RW smear merchants.

Wollff spoke to hundreds of people that work in the WH house and they ALL said “ Hes not fit to be president because he’s an imbecile , dumb as shit, incurious, doesn’t want to learn etc.
This is the opposition saying this... it’s Trump’s own staff.
The truth stings doesn’t it.

Nobody's allowed to smear the smearer? Is this like Dumb and Dumber? You can't triple stamp a double stamp! You can't triple stamp a double stamp. And then I plug my ears and go, LA LA LA LA! LA LA LA LA!
I thought it was strange when Trump announced he would run as a Republican. What made sense was he would run as a joke.

How about you act like a sentient individual....

You have a problem with this?

"Hispanic unemployment at all-time low under Trump" Hispanic unemployment at all-time low under Trump

"Black Unemployment Rate Lowest in 17 Years"
Black Unemployment Rate Lowest in 17 Years

How about this?

"Year One List: 81 major Trump achievements, 11 Obama legacy items repealed"
Year One List: 81 major Trump achievements, 11 Obama legacy items repealed

These successes represent events that Hussein Obama never could accomplish for America.

What is wrong with you??????
Lacking a budget and without a tax plan until the Advent season, how could Trump and his minions possibly take credit for a robust economy? The American economy is less like a jet ski and more like an ocean liner. It does not turn on a dime. Thank Obama progress for the economy.

Stop dodging.

Hussein was a total failure, and this was far from unexpected.

Don't pretend you don't recognize the difference in outcome between the two individuals.

I asked you why you refuse to recognize the value to America and the world having a competent, effective individual at the helm.

While it is possible you don't understand the animosity of the establishments of both parties to this man.....at the least admit that Trump is far better suited to the role of President.
There's your problem! You actually think Trump is competent! Most of us think he ain't.
Trump has always been a liar and charlatan, has always been a Shyster , a low moral con man.

The LEFT has hated Trump since this beautiful example of how Trump exposed NYC Democrat corruption and kleptocracy...

ABOUT NEW YORK; Pssst, Here's a Secret: Trump Rebuilds Ice Rink

"Donald J. Trump refurbished the Central Park -skating rink two and a half months ahead of his own speedy six-month schedule and $750,000 below his own projected $3 million budget, having taken over the project after the city spent six years and $12 million unsuccessfully trying to get the job done."

This explains much. The LEFT has four core "values."


Here we find the LEFT STEALING "infrastructure spending," LYING about STEALING, HATING those telling the truth about the Stealing = in this case TRUMP.....

My hatred of Trump peaked when I learned about Trump University. Con artists of that sort I find particularly reprehensible.

I have quite a long list but the top 2 are.
1. Hire Americans and Buy Americans as one of his motto. Hypocritically he hired and continue to hire foreigners for his maralago and vineyard. And his products are made in China, Mexico etc etc etc.
2. He always blast his own fellow Americans just to make himself big which proves he is a coward and unfit.
Example this tweet the other day against Iran. Does he really need bring Obama just to make himself big?

*The people of Iran are finally acting against the brutal and corrupt Iranian regime," Trump tweeted. "All of the money that President Obama so foolishly gave them went into terrorism and into their 'pockets.' The people have little food, big inflation and no human rights. The U.S. is watching!"*
No I remember T from the late 80's on. Trump has never been an American, he loved cheap labor and foreign workers and materials.

the last 10 years he was reduced to a reality Tv person. That is low.
He earned his ( less than) Billion dollar fortune by defrauding small businessmen and then outlasting them in court when they sued him to be paid for their services. I’m from NJ and I know a contractor who was screwed by trump in Atlantic City. He lost his shirt while Trump walked away with millions.
All this was readily known BEFORE the election but the idiots still voted for the fraud.

And your problem with this?

"Hispanic unemployment at all-time low under Trump" Hispanic unemployment at all-time low under Trump

"Black Unemployment Rate Lowest in 17 Years"
Black Unemployment Rate Lowest in 17 Years

Maybe you remember this nightmare:
Tavis Smiley: 'Black People Will Have Lost Ground in Every Single Economic Indicator' Under Obama

Imagine how different your posts would be if you actually considered reality instead of living in fear of offending your masters.

I thought you always hate Hispanics. I’m sure they have papers.
I thought it was strange when Trump announced he would run as a Republican. What made sense was he would run as a joke.

How about you act like a sentient individual....

You have a problem with this?

"Hispanic unemployment at all-time low under Trump" Hispanic unemployment at all-time low under Trump
"Black Unemployment Rate Lowest in 17 Years"
Black Unemployment Rate Lowest in 17 Years

How about this?

"Year One List: 81 major Trump achievements, 11 Obama legacy items repealed"
Year One List: 81 major Trump achievements, 11 Obama legacy items repealed

These successes represent events that Hussein Obama never could accomplish for America.

What is wrong with you??????
Lacking a budget and without a tax plan until the Advent season, how could Trump and his minions possibly take credit for a robust economy? The American economy is less like a jet ski and more like an ocean liner. It does not turn on a dime. Thank Obama progress for the economy.

Stop dodging.

Hussein was a total failure, and this was far from unexpected.

Don't pretend you don't recognize the difference in outcome between the two individuals.

I asked you why you refuse to recognize the value to America and the world having a competent, effective individual at the helm.

While it is possible you don't understand the animosity of the establishments of both parties to this man.....at the least admit that Trump is far better suited to the role of President.
There's your problem! You actually think Trump is competent! Most of us think he ain't.

Based on that projection, you should never be allowed to use the term 'think.'

Even you know you're lying.

The man may have faults, but his has proven to be a huuuuuuggggggge success both in business, and now, in politics.

Just a few indicia.....

50. Trump for new immigration policy!!!!

"...legislation would move the United States to a "merit-based" immigration system and away from the current model, which is largely based on family ties.

“Instead of today's low-skilled system — which is a terrible system where anyone comes in, people who have never worked, people that are criminals, anyone comes in — we want a merit-based system,” he said. “One that protects our workers, protects our taxpayers, and one that protects our economy.”
Trump, GOP senators unveil measure to cut legal immigration

"Trump endorses new immigration bill to cut green-card limits, favor English speakers"
Donald Trump endorses new immigration bill to cut green card limits, favor English speakers
51. "NYT: Trump administration prepares to investigate 'race-based discrimination'
Washington (CNN)The Trump administration is readying resources in the Justice Department's civil rights division for the purpose of investigating and litigating "race-based discrimination" in US higher education, potentially with the aim of protecting white applicants from discrimination through affirmative action, The New York Times reported Tuesday."
NYT: Trump administration prepares to investigate 'race-based discrimination' - CNNPolitics.com
52. "West Virginia Governor Switches From Democrat to Republican
Jim Justice made the announcement at a rally with President Trump. "
West Virginia Governor Switches from Democrat to Republican at Trump Rally

53. "$2 trillion man? Market value added since Trump's election win passes milestone

  • The S&P 500 has added $2.04 trillion in market value since Trump's election last November, said Howard Silverblatt, senior Index analyst at S&P Dow Jones Indices.
  • Tech is up nearly 30 percent since the election, and has also added $1.019 trillion in value to the S&P in the time period, the most out of any sector" $2 trillion man? Market value added since Trump's election win passes milestone
54. "Food stamp usage has declined every month since President Trump took office in January, according to the latest U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) statistics on food stamp enrollment."
Food Stamp Usage Has Fallen Every Month of Trump Presidency - Breitbart
55. "The Trump administration announced Thursday that it plans to withdraw from the UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) because of the agency's "anti-Israel bias."
56. "During his campaign, President Trump promised pro-life voters that he would support their agenda. And he has delivered.
He reinstated the Mexico City policy; he has cut funding to Planned Parenthood; he has rolledl back Obamacare's birth control mandate. And now a new strategic plan for the Department of Health and Human Services has definitely taken a pro-life turn, with references to protecting life from conception to natural death.
"We are on track to seeing the most pro-life president this country has ever seen," says Tony Perkins, of the Family Research Council. "
BioEdge: the latest news and articles about bioethics
57. "Fewest Jobless Claims Since 1973 Show Firm U.S. Job Market" Fewest Jobless Claims Since 1973 Show Firm U.S. Job Market

58. Trump Jobs Numbers Out: Unemployment at 17 year Low, 2.2 Million New Jobs Since Election, More Americans Working than Ever!
President Trump’s Economy is Simply “On Fire”.
Job numbers released today through the end of November show an increase of 2.2 million jobs since last years election and an unemployment rate of 4.1 percent. After the same period under Obama, (4.8) million jobs were lost and unemployment skyrocketed to 9.9 percent!" Trump Jobs Numbers Out: Unemployment at 17 year Low, 2.2 Million New Jobs Since Election, More Americans Working than Ever!
59. "Year One List: 81 major Trump achievements, 11 Obama legacy items repealed

With the passage of the GOP tax bill this week, the Trump administration has scored 81 major achievements in its first year, making good on campaign promises to provide significant tax cuts, boost U.S. energy production, and restore respect to the United States, according to the White House.

And along the way, President Trump even outdid his own expectations and slashed at least 11 major legacy items of former President Barack Obama, including cracking down on the open border, slowing recognition of communist Cuba and effectively killing Obamacare by ending the mandate that everyone have health insurance or face a tax."

Year One List: 81 major Trump achievements, 11 Obama legacy items repealed

60. "US private sector added 250,000 jobs in Dec, vs estimate of 190,000: ADP

The report helped send the Dow to break the 25,000 mark for the first time."


61. "Hispanic unemployment at all-time low under Trump" Hispanic unemployment at all-time low under Trump

"Black Unemployment Rate Lowest in 17 Years"
Black Unemployment Rate Lowest in 17 Years

Maybe you remember this nightmare:
Tavis Smiley: 'Black People Will Have Lost Ground in Every Single Economic Indicator' Under Obama

Go forth and lie no more.

Let me know if you need the first 50....
I thought it was strange when Trump announced he would run as a Republican. What made sense was he would run as a joke.

How about you act like a sentient individual....

You have a problem with this?

"Hispanic unemployment at all-time low under Trump" Hispanic unemployment at all-time low under Trump

"Black Unemployment Rate Lowest in 17 Years"
Black Unemployment Rate Lowest in 17 Years

How about this?

"Year One List: 81 major Trump achievements, 11 Obama legacy items repealed"
Year One List: 81 major Trump achievements, 11 Obama legacy items repealed

These successes represent events that Hussein Obama never could accomplish for America.

What is wrong with you??????
Lacking a budget and without a tax plan until the Advent season, how could Trump and his minions possibly take credit for a robust economy? The American economy is less like a jet ski and more like an ocean liner. It does not turn on a dime. Thank Obama progress for the economy.

Stop dodging.

Hussein was a total failure, and this was far from unexpected.

Don't pretend you don't recognize the difference in outcome between the two individuals.

I asked you why you refuse to recognize the value to America and the world having a competent, effective individual at the helm.

While it is possible you don't understand the animosity of the establishments of both parties to this man.....at the least admit that Trump is far better suited to the role of President.
There's your problem! You actually think Trump is competent! Most of us think he ain't.

The guy won a presidential election when the leadership in both political parties and 90 percent of his media coverage was hysterically negative. He won out over a Bush and a Clinton, the closest thing the US has to royal families, and won out over the entire political machine minus Breitbart and a minor majority of Fox's coverage.

You can make a lot of criticisms about Trump that I would be inclined to agree with, but not competent? If he's not competent then most of this board isn't even fucking ambulatory.
There's also nothing to support this argument regarding the ongoing investigation. You don't know anything. Thus, your opinion is entirely useless partisan pap.

Gee.....I searched you post for either evidence, or for indications that Mueller et al had evidence.

And none of either was to be found.

Evidence of what? Where did I claim to have evidence of anything either way? I said: 'There's also nothing to support this argument regarding the ongoing investigation.', which is entirely correct. Do you possess any reading comprehension at all?

Did you say "your opinion is entirely useless partisan pap."

Seems to have become a boomerang, huh?

Yep. I'm quite aware what I said, because I said it. Until there is any concrete evidence to the contrary, I also believe your opinion on the matter means very little. Anything else, dum dum?

Sooo.....your demand is that President Trump prove innocence....????

Gads, you're a dunce.

I have made no such demand, you complete imbecile. Shovel your hyperbole at someone else. Politics is not organized sport, thus speculation is worth little from all sides. You seem mentally impaired in some way if you can't understand this simple concept.

That, or you're just another worthless troll. Take your pick.

Looks like I'll have to prove that you are the 'complete imbecile.'

Here we go.

From the OP:

... the general claim his campaign did not wish to actually defeat Clinton),...."
If Trump wanted to lose the election, why would he have colluded with Russia?

Sooooo......if Trump didn't actually want to win......

....you morons.....

"...it would seem to create problems for the narrative of Russian collusion."

Now.....anything not true there?
Sources provided.

Are the two statements diametrically opposite....or...are you simply a complete imbecile?

They are. I haven't confirmed or denied either allegation because there's no concrete evidence to support doing so yet. Your link is simply an article that 'sources' itself from Wolff's book. Anyone can write a book. Thus, what you've provided means precisely zip in providing truth or fiction beyond a reasonable doubt. You're dismissed. Way to bold letters, though.
No I remember T from the late 80's on. Trump has never been an American, he loved cheap labor and foreign workers and materials.

the last 10 years he was reduced to a reality Tv person. That is low.
He earned his ( less than) Billion dollar fortune by defrauding small businessmen and then outlasting them in court when they sued him to be paid for their services. I’m from NJ and I know a contractor who was screwed by trump in Atlantic City. He lost his shirt while Trump walked away with millions.
All this was readily known BEFORE the election but the idiots still voted for the fraud.

And your problem with this?

"Hispanic unemployment at all-time low under Trump" Hispanic unemployment at all-time low under Trump

"Black Unemployment Rate Lowest in 17 Years"
Black Unemployment Rate Lowest in 17 Years

Maybe you remember this nightmare:
Tavis Smiley: 'Black People Will Have Lost Ground in Every Single Economic Indicator' Under Obama

Imagine how different your posts would be if you actually considered reality instead of living in fear of offending your masters.

I thought you always hate Hispanics. I’m sure they have papers.

"I thought ..."

Fact not in evidence.

Try again....but stick to facts.
. If so then he should be arrested for recording people without their knowledge, and lying to them by saying things would be off the record when he had no intent for it to be off the record. To commit fraud, to defraud or engage in fraudulent activity in the Whitehouse has got to be a crime. The attempt to trojan horse the presidency in this country should be met with dire consequences big time.
Gee.....I searched you post for either evidence, or for indications that Mueller et al had evidence.

And none of either was to be found.

Evidence of what? Where did I claim to have evidence of anything either way? I said: 'There's also nothing to support this argument regarding the ongoing investigation.', which is entirely correct. Do you possess any reading comprehension at all?

Did you say "your opinion is entirely useless partisan pap."

Seems to have become a boomerang, huh?

Yep. I'm quite aware what I said, because I said it. Until there is any concrete evidence to the contrary, I also believe your opinion on the matter means very little. Anything else, dum dum?

Sooo.....your demand is that President Trump prove innocence....????

Gads, you're a dunce.

I have made no such demand, you complete imbecile. Shovel your hyperbole at someone else. Politics is not organized sport, thus speculation is worth little from all sides. You seem mentally impaired in some way if you can't understand this simple concept.

That, or you're just another worthless troll. Take your pick.

Looks like I'll have to prove that you are the 'complete imbecile.'

Here we go.

From the OP:

... the general claim his campaign did not wish to actually defeat Clinton),...."
If Trump wanted to lose the election, why would he have colluded with Russia?

Sooooo......if Trump didn't actually want to win......

....you morons.....

"...it would seem to create problems for the narrative of Russian collusion."

Now.....anything not true there?
Sources provided.

Are the two statements diametrically opposite....or...are you simply a complete imbecile?

They are. I haven't confirmed or denied either allegation because there's no concrete evidence to support doing so yet. Your link is simply an article that 'sources' itself from Wolff's book. Anyone can write a book. Thus, what you've provided means precisely zip in providing truth or fiction beyond a reasonable doubt. You're dismissed. Way to bold letters, though.


You appear to be on of those really boring people who use 'air quotes' when they speak.

Now, can you get off the fence and pick a side before we all fall asleep.
Evidence of what? Where did I claim to have evidence of anything either way? I said: 'There's also nothing to support this argument regarding the ongoing investigation.', which is entirely correct. Do you possess any reading comprehension at all?

Yep. I'm quite aware what I said, because I said it. Until there is any concrete evidence to the contrary, I also believe your opinion on the matter means very little. Anything else, dum dum?

Sooo.....your demand is that President Trump prove innocence....????

Gads, you're a dunce.

I have made no such demand, you complete imbecile. Shovel your hyperbole at someone else. Politics is not organized sport, thus speculation is worth little from all sides. You seem mentally impaired in some way if you can't understand this simple concept.

That, or you're just another worthless troll. Take your pick.

Looks like I'll have to prove that you are the 'complete imbecile.'

Here we go.

From the OP:

... the general claim his campaign did not wish to actually defeat Clinton),...."
If Trump wanted to lose the election, why would he have colluded with Russia?

Sooooo......if Trump didn't actually want to win......

....you morons.....

"...it would seem to create problems for the narrative of Russian collusion."

Now.....anything not true there?
Sources provided.

Are the two statements diametrically opposite....or...are you simply a complete imbecile?

They are. I haven't confirmed or denied either allegation because there's no concrete evidence to support doing so yet. Your link is simply an article that 'sources' itself from Wolff's book. Anyone can write a book. Thus, what you've provided means precisely zip in providing truth or fiction beyond a reasonable doubt. You're dismissed. Way to bold letters, though.


You appear to be on of those really boring people who use 'air quotes' when they speak.

Now, can you get off the fence and pick a side before we all fall asleep.

OMG! Cool story, bro. Whatever side of the 'fence' (air quotes! catch it!) you're on, I'm thinking I'm nowhere near. It's not necessarily because of politics either. Your opinions are lacking and your mental acumen just seems rather off putting. This is our country at stake, not a fucking football game.

Where did you get the idea they didn't know they were being recorded?

Stop making shit up. Your whining about lies looks pretty fucking stupid when you lie out of your own ass.
. Heard it the news today... They said some who were being interviewed we're told it was off the record, but the book proved otherwise. You calling me a liar or Wolff the liar ?
Sooo.....your demand is that President Trump prove innocence....????

Gads, you're a dunce.

I have made no such demand, you complete imbecile. Shovel your hyperbole at someone else. Politics is not organized sport, thus speculation is worth little from all sides. You seem mentally impaired in some way if you can't understand this simple concept.

That, or you're just another worthless troll. Take your pick.

Looks like I'll have to prove that you are the 'complete imbecile.'

Here we go.

From the OP:

... the general claim his campaign did not wish to actually defeat Clinton),...."
If Trump wanted to lose the election, why would he have colluded with Russia?

Sooooo......if Trump didn't actually want to win......

....you morons.....

"...it would seem to create problems for the narrative of Russian collusion."

Now.....anything not true there?
Sources provided.

Are the two statements diametrically opposite....or...are you simply a complete imbecile?

They are. I haven't confirmed or denied either allegation because there's no concrete evidence to support doing so yet. Your link is simply an article that 'sources' itself from Wolff's book. Anyone can write a book. Thus, what you've provided means precisely zip in providing truth or fiction beyond a reasonable doubt. You're dismissed. Way to bold letters, though.


You appear to be on of those really boring people who use 'air quotes' when they speak.

Now, can you get off the fence and pick a side before we all fall asleep.

OMG! Cool story, bro. Whatever side of the 'fence' (air quotes! catch it!) you're on, I'm thinking I'm nowhere near. It's not necessarily because of politics either. Your opinions are lacking and your mental acumen just seems rather off putting. This is our country at stake, not a fucking football game.

Why are you back???

Splinters from that fence???
Evidence of what? Where did I claim to have evidence of anything either way? I said: 'There's also nothing to support this argument regarding the ongoing investigation.', which is entirely correct. Do you possess any reading comprehension at all?

Yep. I'm quite aware what I said, because I said it. Until there is any concrete evidence to the contrary, I also believe your opinion on the matter means very little. Anything else, dum dum?

Sooo.....your demand is that President Trump prove innocence....????

Gads, you're a dunce.

I have made no such demand, you complete imbecile. Shovel your hyperbole at someone else. Politics is not organized sport, thus speculation is worth little from all sides. You seem mentally impaired in some way if you can't understand this simple concept.

That, or you're just another worthless troll. Take your pick.

Looks like I'll have to prove that you are the 'complete imbecile.'

Here we go.

From the OP:

... the general claim his campaign did not wish to actually defeat Clinton),...."
If Trump wanted to lose the election, why would he have colluded with Russia?

Sooooo......if Trump didn't actually want to win......

....you morons.....

"...it would seem to create problems for the narrative of Russian collusion."

Now.....anything not true there?
Sources provided.

Are the two statements diametrically opposite....or...are you simply a complete imbecile?

They are. I haven't confirmed or denied either allegation because there's no concrete evidence to support doing so yet. Your link is simply an article that 'sources' itself from Wolff's book. Anyone can write a book. Thus, what you've provided means precisely zip in providing truth or fiction beyond a reasonable doubt. You're dismissed. Way to bold letters, though.


You appear to be on of those really boring people who use 'air quotes' when they speak.

Now, can you get off the fence and pick a side before we all fall asleep.

What the heck are "air quotes". Man the young ones make stuff up all the time, :rolleyes:
Sooo.....your demand is that President Trump prove innocence....????

Gads, you're a dunce.

I have made no such demand, you complete imbecile. Shovel your hyperbole at someone else. Politics is not organized sport, thus speculation is worth little from all sides. You seem mentally impaired in some way if you can't understand this simple concept.

That, or you're just another worthless troll. Take your pick.

Looks like I'll have to prove that you are the 'complete imbecile.'

Here we go.

From the OP:

... the general claim his campaign did not wish to actually defeat Clinton),...."
If Trump wanted to lose the election, why would he have colluded with Russia?

Sooooo......if Trump didn't actually want to win......

....you morons.....

"...it would seem to create problems for the narrative of Russian collusion."

Now.....anything not true there?
Sources provided.

Are the two statements diametrically opposite....or...are you simply a complete imbecile?

They are. I haven't confirmed or denied either allegation because there's no concrete evidence to support doing so yet. Your link is simply an article that 'sources' itself from Wolff's book. Anyone can write a book. Thus, what you've provided means precisely zip in providing truth or fiction beyond a reasonable doubt. You're dismissed. Way to bold letters, though.


You appear to be on of those really boring people who use 'air quotes' when they speak.

Now, can you get off the fence and pick a side before we all fall asleep.

What the heck are "air quotes". Man the young ones make stuff up all the time, :rolleyes:


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