If Democrats really care about human life, why don't they care about 3000 babies aborted per day?


Not this again.

FACT is, pro-lifers are actually pro-birthers.

You can tell because, every time the subject of oh, say, food stamps, school breakfast programs, single mothers, that sort of thing, comes up, the "pro-lifers" always post things like "off with her head" and "she should'a put an aspirin between her knees".

Blackrook I've read enough of your posts to know you really don't give a flying fuck about the children who desperately need help just to survive, never mind excel.
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Everyone knows they're babies, Matthew.

Recently, I have seen abortion portrayed in TV shows, once on GLOW, and once on The Affair.

In both TV shows, the characters were quite honest in admitting that the life they were about to snuff out was a baby.

These are liberal shows, written by liberals.

Why do conservatives claim to care about the unborn when they don’t care about children who are already living. They failed to renew the CHIP program to give health insurance to poor children.

They’re closing schools in poor communities to give vouchers to charter schools knowing full well that poor parents can’t make up the funding gap. Thousands of children fail to enroll in any school after neighbourhood public schools are closed.

They even refused to provide funding to help the children of Flint Michigan who had been poisoned by the drinking water for two years until Trump was elected.

There is no day care funding for poor children, no mandated maternity leave or job security for pregnant women, no family leave if a child is sick.

When right wingers start to care about living breathing children, I may believe that they care about the unborn.
No link for any of this. Don't think I didn't notice.

Why I post links? There’s no link to support any of the claims you made in the OP.

Don’t think I didn’t notice.
Are there really 3,700 abortions each day in the U.S.?

Nationally, there are about [URL='http://content.nejm.org/cgi/content/full/355/1/1#R1']1.3 million abortions each year, which works out to 3,562 abortions each day, according to the New England Journal of Medicine. That number was based on this report. The New York Times cites a similar figure.[/URL]
Abortion Was Legal
Abortion has been performed for thousands of years, and in every society that has been studied. It was legal in the United States from the time the earliest settlers arrived. At the time the Constitution was adopted, abortions before “quickening” were openly advertised and commonly performed.

Making Abortion Illegal
In the mid-to-late 1800s US states began passing laws that made abortion illegal. The motivations for anti-abortion laws varied from state to state.

History of Abortion

These are not great times for choice in America. These are not great times to be a woman in America.

At least, not if you are a woman who believes that your body is your own.

How Pro-Life and Anti-Abortion Culture Kills Women - Maternal Mortality Rate in America
So, my number was lower than the REAL number. Sorry for not providing a link before.

Now, let's see your links.
takes a big man to seek government intervention with your woman. :itsok:
No one has answered the question, to wit:

How can Democrats claim to care about human life when they sanction the murder of so many innocents per day?
takes a big man to seek government intervention with your woman. :itsok:
So what are you suggesting?

If I was a "big man" I would force a woman to carry her baby to term?

How would I do that short of physical violence?

Is that what you're saying, that "real men" commit acts of violence against women?

What a total dumbshit you are.
Democrats are saying they care about human life, demanding gun control every time there is a mass shooting.

But these same Democrats care nothing about the 3000 babies who die every day to suction machines, forceps and scissors.

The reality is Democrats don't care about human life, because they are enemies of God, and see their fellow humans as nothing more than slabs of meat controlled by chemicals.
Because they aren't babies. If you could save one kid in that church shooting or 100 fetus most people would save the real baby
Democrats are saying they care about human life, demanding gun control every time there is a mass shooting.

But these same Democrats care nothing about the 3000 babies who die every day to suction machines, forceps and scissors.

The reality is Democrats don't care about human life, because they are enemies of God, and see their fellow humans as nothing more than slabs of meat controlled by chemicals.

Shall I tell you what I care about?

Emotions. When people you have raised and looked after for decades die, it is very hard for people to deal with. When one 14 year old gets killed it impacts hundreds and hundreds of people. Family members, neighbors, school classmates, friends etc.

A fetus doesn't have those ties. If a mother has those ties to that fetus then they wouldn't abort the fetus. However others don't have such ties.

There is too much human life on this planet for there not to be problems. Abortion was protected by religions in the past for the simple reason that many kids would die in childhood and humanity couldn't afford to have abortion. But in the modern era it's just not the case.

Life should be POSITIVE. There's no point bring a kid into this world just for them to be miserable because no one gives a damn about them. The right is very good at saying they're "pro-life" while not giving a damn about living kids, taking money away from their education, making things worse for them socially etc. And also being pro-War and pro-Executions.

I'm not conflicted with my views.
If Republicans really care about human life, why don't they care about 10,829 babies born per day?
They still need healthcare and food after they are born, but Republicans just turn their backs on these and so many other things.

Shouldn't the babies' parents be paying for those things?
You aren't required to be able to afford a kid. All you need is a pee pee and wee wee.

In fact some people want to force all pee pees and wee weed to become parents if they get prego No if ands or buts
If Republicans really care about human life, why don't they care about 10,829 babies born per day?
They still need healthcare and food after they are born, but Republicans just turn their backs on these and so many other things.
What a whooping lie that the abortion cultist parade out whenever their debauchery is called into question. Where and how, EXACTLY, has anything been done to stop taking care of babies? What freakin' world do you live in that such a lie as you have stated you say with such surety?

Liberals, always so sure, always so wrong.
Democrats are on real shaky ground on this issue. They can't logically defend their pro-murder stance towards the unborn, so they always throw up a smokescreen and beat a hasty retreat in every argument.
Democrats are saying they care about human life, demanding gun control every time there is a mass shooting.

But these same Democrats care nothing about the 3000 babies who die every day to suction machines, forceps and scissors.

The reality is Democrats don't care about human life, because they are enemies of God, and see their fellow humans as nothing more than slabs of meat controlled by chemicals.

There aren't any babies being aborted.
Then what are they? Has a woman ever given birth to anything other then a human child? The answer is no. Why do you perpetuate these stupid arguments? Tell us, what is the difference between a child 1 minute old and one 1 minute from birth? Or even 3 months from birth?

Do you realize your argument diminishes the value of life? And do you further realize that this diminished value of life some idiot might take as a reason to end life? Do you?
Democrats are on real shaky ground on this issue. They can't logically defend their pro-murder stance towards the unborn, so they always throw up a smokescreen and beat a hasty retreat in every argument.
The left wants to convince us that guns have brains and the ability to kill people, yet the unborn child is nothing but a mindless clump of cells that magically turns into a human being at birth. That's it, the left believes in magic.
Democrats are saying they care about human life, demanding gun control every time there is a mass shooting.

But these same Democrats care nothing about the 3000 babies who die every day to suction machines, forceps and scissors.

The reality is Democrats don't care about human life, because they are enemies of God, and see their fellow humans as nothing more than slabs of meat controlled by chemicals.

Why do you value embryos more than born human beings?

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