If Democrats really care about human life, why don't they care about 3000 babies aborted per day?

Abortion (and slavery) are the issues that proved that Democrats have no problem with killing and abusing people who can't fight back. That's why I'm so determined to defend the Second Amendment.
all those saved fetuses can have something to look forward to. :uhoh3:
Does using the word fetus dull you morality?

noun: fetus; plural noun: fetuses; noun: foetus; plural noun: foetuses
  1. an unborn offspring of a mammal, in particular an unborn human baby more than eight weeks after conception.
    synonyms: embryo, unborn baby/child
    "an ultrasonic photo of the fetus"

late Middle English: from Latin, ‘pregnancy, childbirth, offspring.’
Fetus is a word to dehumanize someone before you kill it.

Southerners also had a word for the people they victimized, a word to dehumanize them.

I can't even type the word here because the forum will censor it out.

Unlike fuck and shit which is allowed.
If Republicans really care about human life, why don't they care about 10,829 babies born per day?
They still need healthcare and food after they are born, but Republicans just turn their backs on these and so many other things.
What a whooping lie that the abortion cultist parade out whenever their debauchery is called into question. Where and how, EXACTLY, has anything been done to stop taking care of babies? What freakin' world do you live in that such a lie as you have stated you say with such surety?

Liberals, always so sure, always so wrong.

Really?? Why didn’t Republicans Renew the CHIP program.

Lapse In Federal Funding Imperils Children's Health Coverage

What about the kids disappearing from the school system altogether when public schools are converted to charter schools?

Opinion | The Myth of the New Orleans School Makeover

Or Republicans refusal to help Flints children.

Why Congress still isn't helping Flint

Or cutting after school programs for poor kids.

Trump budget casualty: After-school programs for 1.6 million kids. Most are poor.

Or cuts to the SNAP program which benefits needy families.

Trump’s cuts could see hungry kids in vulnerable California GOP districts
What's hilarious is all the mental gymnastics Democrats will do to justify abortion, rather than simply admit they are wrong.
Democrats are saying they care about human life, demanding gun control every time there is a mass shooting.

But these same Democrats care nothing about the 3000 babies who die every day to suction machines, forceps and scissors.

The reality is Democrats don't care about human life, because they are enemies of God, and see their fellow humans as nothing more than slabs of meat controlled by chemicals.
If Republicans care about "babies", why don't they give a fuck about them once they're born?
The thing is, every single person who gets on a political forum and argues that abortion should be legal, will be penalized at death when they meet Jesus, and he sends them to hell.

So, I ask you pro-aborts, is it worth it to go to hell?
What's hilarious is all the mental gymnastics Democrats will do to justify abortion, rather than simply admit they are wrong.

democrats are on the constitutionally correct side of this legal argument.

PS: republican women abort pregnancies every day, Despite your mental gymnastics, this is a fact.
Republican women who have abortions will ALSO go to hell.
Fetus is a word to dehumanize someone before you kill it.

Southerners also had a word for the people they victimized, a word to dehumanize them.

I can't even type the word here because the forum will censor it out.

Unlike fuck and shit which is allowed.

No fetus is the correct medical term for a gestating human which is not yet fully formed or capable of living outside the womb. There’s also zygote but that’s for a fertilized egg/cell cluster with no heartbeat.

A fetus is a potential life, and a fragile one at that. 1/3 of all pregnancies end in miscarriage so there is no guarantee that the fetus will become a baby. Most miscarriages take place in the first trimester. This is why people don’t generally announce a pregnancy until the second trimester, until the most vulnerable period has passed.
The thing is, every single person who gets on a political forum and argues that abortion should be legal, will be penalized at death when they meet Jesus, and he sends them to hell.

So, I ask you pro-aborts, is it worth it to go to hell?

Just a suggestion, but I heard he got pissed when people started poking their noses into his business. He can make those decisions. Don't think he needs your help.
Fetus is a word to dehumanize someone before you kill it.

Southerners also had a word for the people they victimized, a word to dehumanize them.

I can't even type the word here because the forum will censor it out.

Unlike fuck and shit which is allowed.

No fetus is the correct medical term for a gestating human which is not yet fully formed or capable of living outside the womb. There’s also zygote but that’s for a fertilized egg/cell cluster with no heartbeat.

A fetus is a potential life, and a fragile one at that. 1/3 of all pregnancies end in miscarriage so there is no guarantee that the fetus will become a baby. Most miscarriages take place in the first trimester. This is why people don’t generally announce a pregnancy until the second trimester, until the most vulnerable period has passed.
All scientifically true, but doesn't justify murder.
Blackrook said:
But at least I tried saving babies' lives by speaking out against abortion.

That will cover for many, many sins.

you keep telling yourself that, s0n. :itsok:
Jesus will send you to hell for advocating legalized abortion.

You are more guilty than the women who actually have abortions, because at least they have stressful circumstances that caused them to make a bad decision.

You people on this forum do not have this kind of stress, so you are just as guilty as the abortionist.

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