If Democrats really care about human life, why don't they care about 3000 babies aborted per day?

In a 7-2 decision written by Justice Harry Blackmun (who was chosen because of his prior experience as counsel to the Mayo Clinic), the Court ruled that the Texas statute violated Jane Roe's constitutional right to privacy. The Court argued that the Constitution's First, Fourth, Ninth, and Fourteenth Amendments protect an individual's "zone of privacy" against state laws and cited past cases ruling that marriage, contraception, and child rearing are activities covered in this "zone of privacy." The Court then argued that the "zone of privacy" was "broad enough to encompass a woman's decision whether or not to terminate her pregnancy." This decision involved myriad physical, psychological, and economic stresses a pregnant woman must face.

Because abortions lie within a pregnant woman's "zone of privacy," the abortion decision "and its effectuation" are fundamental rights that are protected by the Constitution from regulation by the states...

The Court reviewed the history of abortion laws, from ancient Greece to contemporary America, and therein found three justifications for banning abortions: "a Victorian social concern to discourage illicit sexual conduct"; protecting the health of women; and protecting prenatal life. The Court rejected the first two justifications as irrelevant given modern gender roles and medical technology. As for the third justification, the Court argued that prenatal life was not within the definition of "persons" as used and protected in the U.S. Constitution and that America's criminal and civil laws only sometimes regard fetuses as persons deserving protection.

The Supreme Court . Expanding Civil Rights . Landmark Cases . Roe v. Wade (1973) | PBS
In a 7-2 decision written by Justice Harry Blackmun (who was chosen because of his prior experience as counsel to the Mayo Clinic), the Court ruled that the Texas statute violated Jane Roe's constitutional right to privacy. The Court argued that the Constitution's First, Fourth, Ninth, and Fourteenth Amendments protect an individual's "zone of privacy" against state laws and cited past cases ruling that marriage, contraception, and child rearing are activities covered in this "zone of privacy." The Court then argued that the "zone of privacy" was "broad enough to encompass a woman's decision whether or not to terminate her pregnancy." This decision involved myriad physical, psychological, and economic stresses a pregnant woman must face.

Because abortions lie within a pregnant woman's "zone of privacy," the abortion decision "and its effectuation" are fundamental rights that are protected by the Constitution from regulation by the states...

The Court reviewed the history of abortion laws, from ancient Greece to contemporary America, and therein found three justifications for banning abortions: "a Victorian social concern to discourage illicit sexual conduct"; protecting the health of women; and protecting prenatal life. The Court rejected the first two justifications as irrelevant given modern gender roles and medical technology. As for the third justification, the Court argued that prenatal life was not within the definition of "persons" as used and protected in the U.S. Constitution and that America's criminal and civil laws only sometimes regard fetuses as persons deserving protection.

The Supreme Court . Expanding Civil Rights . Landmark Cases . Roe v. Wade (1973) | PBS
Roe v. Wade was a naked grab for power by the Supreme Court. There is no such thing as a "right to privacy" enumerated in the United States Constitution. This was a fiction invented by a liberal court.
outlawing abortion was a naked grab for power by desperate men.
what kind of men are so desperate to control women they have to ask big daddy government to do it for them.
Abortion is the murder of an innocent human being.

Is there anyone who denies this?
Democrats are saying they care about human life, demanding gun control every time there is a mass shooting.

But these same Democrats care nothing about the 3000 babies who die every day to suction machines, forceps and scissors.

The reality is Democrats don't care about human life, because they are enemies of God, and see their fellow humans as nothing more than slabs of meat controlled by chemicals.

what kind of idiot doesn't recognize the slippery slope of government regulation of literally every FUCK.
snowflake op just realized human reproduction creates human beings! :uhoh3:
what kind of idiot doesn't recognize the slippery slope of government regulation of literally every FUCK.
Fucking has consequence. That's why traditionally people considered fucking to be something only committed married people should do with each other.

Nowadays, strangers fuck on a first date, and think nothing of aborting the child that results from this casual encounter.
men should stop "thinking nothing of" being such fucking dogs toward women.
I for one wish that the problem of abortion was one of the two only things we needed to worry about. sadly if you look around a little its not true.
Anyway, any Democrat who claims to care about the value of human life is a complete hypocrite, and should be exposed as such. The only thing they care about is taking away our guns.

Why aren't you out side IVF clinics protesting... They throw away about 1.7 million fertilised eggs a year...

Whay are you not starting there first... Please protest them first and then we can talk... Until then you are just a hypocrite...
Anyway, any Democrat who claims to care about the value of human life is a complete hypocrite, and should be exposed as such. The only thing they care about is taking away our guns.

Why aren't you out side IVF clinics protesting... They throw away about 1.7 million fertilised eggs a year...

Whay are you not starting there first... Please protest them first and then we can talk... Until then you are just a hypocrite...
If it were up to me (it's not) it would be illegal to create human embryos in laboratories.
Everyone knows they're babies, Matthew.

Recently, I have seen abortion portrayed in TV shows, once on GLOW, and once on The Affair.

In both TV shows, the characters were quite honest in admitting that the life they were about to snuff out was a baby.

These are liberal shows, written by liberals.

Why do conservatives claim to care about the unborn when they don’t care about children who are already living. They failed to renew the CHIP program to give health insurance to poor children.

They’re closing schools in poor communities to give vouchers to charter schools knowing full well that poor parents can’t make up the funding gap. Thousands of children fail to enroll in any school after neighbourhood public schools are closed.

They even refused to provide funding to help the children of Flint Michigan who had been poisoned by the drinking water for two years until Trump was elected.

There is no day care funding for poor children, no mandated maternity leave or job security for pregnant women, no family leave if a child is sick.

When right wingers start to care about living breathing children, I may believe that they care about the unborn.
Everyone knows they're babies, Matthew.

Recently, I have seen abortion portrayed in TV shows, once on GLOW, and once on The Affair.

In both TV shows, the characters were quite honest in admitting that the life they were about to snuff out was a baby.

These are liberal shows, written by liberals.

Why do conservatives claim to care about the unborn when they don’t care about children who are already living. They failed to renew the CHIP program to give health insurance to poor children.

They’re closing schools in poor communities to give vouchers to charter schools knowing full well that poor parents can’t make up the funding gap. Thousands of children fail to enroll in any school after neighbourhood public schools are closed.

They even refused to provide funding to help the children of Flint Michigan who had been poisoned by the drinking water for two years until Trump was elected.

There is no day care funding for poor children, no mandated maternity leave or job security for pregnant women, no family leave if a child is sick.

When right wingers start to care about living breathing children, I may believe that they care about the unborn.
No link for any of this. Don't think I didn't notice.
Everyone knows they're babies, Matthew.

Recently, I have seen abortion portrayed in TV shows, once on GLOW, and once on The Affair.

In both TV shows, the characters were quite honest in admitting that the life they were about to snuff out was a baby.

These are liberal shows, written by liberals.

Why do conservatives claim to care about the unborn when they don’t care about children who are already living. They failed to renew the CHIP program to give health insurance to poor children.

They’re closing schools in poor communities to give vouchers to charter schools knowing full well that poor parents can’t make up the funding gap. Thousands of children fail to enroll in any school after neighbourhood public schools are closed.

They even refused to provide funding to help the children of Flint Michigan who had been poisoned by the drinking water for two years until Trump was elected.

There is no day care funding for poor children, no mandated maternity leave or job security for pregnant women, no family leave if a child is sick.

When right wingers start to care about living breathing children, I may believe that they care about the unborn.
No link for any of this. Don't think I didn't notice.

Why I post links? There’s no link to support any of the claims you made in the OP.

Don’t think I didn’t notice.

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