If Democrats stopped the hate for ten seconds they might find themselves feeling better about life..

...just sayin'.
Democrats are not the ones spewing hate, tRumpkin.
And here's one of the miserable haters, Creepy Crepitus is what I call this brainwashed moron. Or CC for short.
My, how original.
You are a miserable and hateful one, CC. And QUITE dumb. Please get some professional help. Thank you.
Sounds like I got under someone's skin.

All that hate has done the Democrats no good. Trump is STILL the President, and it looks like he will be re-elected in November.
...just sayin'.
Democrats are not the ones spewing hate, tRumpkin.
And here's one of the miserable haters, Creepy Crepitus is what I call this brainwashed moron. Or CC for short.
My, how original.
You are a miserable and hateful one, CC. And QUITE dumb. Please get some professional help. Thank you.
Sounds like I got under someone's skin.

He-he, you're a fool. You get under your OWN skin all the time, CC. And it's hilarious to observe!
Democrats are not the ones spewing hate, tRumpkin.
And here's one of the miserable haters, Creepy Crepitus is what I call this brainwashed moron. Or CC for short.
My, how original.
You are a miserable and hateful one, CC. And QUITE dumb. Please get some professional help. Thank you.
Sounds like I got under someone's skin.

He-he, you're a fool. You get under your OWN skin all the time, CC. And it's hilarious to observe!
You aren't very observant.
All that hate has done the Democrats no good. Trump is STILL the President, and it looks like he will be re-elected in November.
You think these brainwashed assholes are bad now? Can you IMAGINE what they'll be like after Trump IS re-elected? It will be both frightening AND hilarious to observe. And they WILL be violent, NO question. The wonderful quote by Isaac Asimov - "Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent". We WILL be observing this in November.
Despite the fact that Democrats are tools of Satan, I do not hate them. Instead, I hope (and I express this often) that they repent and are saved.

I don't hate Liberals but I do hate Leftists and there is a great difference between Liberals and Leftists, the Liberals for eg. are open to debate and do not want to shut down any debate that is of differing opinions to their opinions. The Leftists are the ones almost constantly protesting, banging pots and pans, screaming, threatening violence, DEMANDING that unlimited amounts from Third World Shit Holes are imported into Western nations, INSISTING that EVERYONE is racist and bigoted for NOT agreeing to commit Cultural Suicide, INSISTING that EVERYONE is the SAME when we are NOT, they are a plague on Social Media attempting to Doxx ANYONE who has a different opinion, the most extreme of them even attempting to get peoples fired from their jobs and have their children taken off them because they might have Rightist opinions.

The Leftists are a general cancer on humanity and they need eradicating from the face of this earth. I think in general we could put some differences aside and join forces with Liberals, Centrists and Independents to eventually form some type of Political Bloc to oppose International Leftism, WE have the numbers, THEY are a minority they have always been a minority it's just they are loud mouths and that's how they get the attention, but this attention changes nothing from the situation that the Leftists are a LOUD MINORITY.
In 1861, the Democrats tore this nation apart because they didn't want to abide by the election of a Republican President.

Will history repeat itself?
...just sayin'.
There is not one democrat candidate that has a ghost of a chance of beating ANY republican presidential candidate.

This isn't about Trump. It is about the dems' sickness. What they stand for is evil or awful.
Despite the fact that Democrats are tools of Satan, I do not hate them. Instead, I hope (and I express this often) that they repent and are saved.

I don't hate Liberals but I do hate Leftists and there is a great difference between Liberals and Leftists, the Liberals for eg. are open to debate and do not want to shut down any debate that is of differing opinions to their opinions. The Leftists are the ones almost constantly protesting, banging pots and pans, screaming, threatening violence, DEMANDING that unlimited amounts from Third World Shit Holes are imported into Western nations, INSISTING that EVERYONE is racist and bigoted for NOT agreeing to commit Cultural Suicide, INSISTING that EVERYONE is the SAME when we are NOT, they are a plague on Social Media attempting to Doxx ANYONE who has a different opinion, the most extreme of them even attempting to get peoples fired from their jobs and have their children taken off them because they might have Rightist opinions.

The Leftists are a general cancer on humanity and they need eradicating from the face of this earth. I think in general we could put some differences aside and join forces with Liberals, Centrists and Independents to eventually form some type of Political Bloc to oppose International Leftism, WE have the numbers, THEY are a minority they have always been a minority it's just they are loud mouths and that's how they get the attention, but this attention changes nothing from the situation that the Leftists are a LOUD MINORITY.
Thank you for another fine post.
All that hate has done the Democrats no good. Trump is STILL the President, and it looks like he will be re-elected in November.
You think these brainwashed assholes are bad now? Can you IMAGINE what they'll be like after Trump IS re-elected? It will be both frightening AND hilarious to observe. And they WILL be violent, NO question. The wonderful quote by Isaac Asimov - "Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent". We WILL be observing this in November.

You have to hope that The Donald and Co. have a plan already in place for this, because yes they will get violent and ugly and they will need to be dealt with using Zero Tolerance.
No doubt, they are some miserable SOB's

This is the primary predilection toward becoming a Democrat. Miserable with their lives....they look to the party of change to change their lives....instead of doing things for themselves to make their own life better.

No self-respect; no self control; no self-introspection; no individual initiative===Democratic/Socialist.

The Democrat Party's Motto ought to be:

Despite the fact that Democrats are tools of Satan, I do not hate them. Instead, I hope (and I express this often) that they repent and are saved.

I don't hate Liberals but I do hate Leftists and there is a great difference between Liberals and Leftists, the Liberals for eg. are open to debate and do not want to shut down any debate that is of differing opinions to their opinions. The Leftists are the ones almost constantly protesting, banging pots and pans, screaming, threatening violence, DEMANDING that unlimited amounts from Third World Shit Holes are imported into Western nations, INSISTING that EVERYONE is racist and bigoted for NOT agreeing to commit Cultural Suicide, INSISTING that EVERYONE is the SAME when we are NOT, they are a plague on Social Media attempting to Doxx ANYONE who has a different opinion, the most extreme of them even attempting to get peoples fired from their jobs and have their children taken off them because they might have Rightist opinions.

The Leftists are a general cancer on humanity and they need eradicating from the face of this earth. I think in general we could put some differences aside and join forces with Liberals, Centrists and Independents to eventually form some type of Political Bloc to oppose International Leftism, WE have the numbers, THEY are a minority they have always been a minority it's just they are loud mouths and that's how they get the attention, but this attention changes nothing from the situation that the Leftists are a LOUD MINORITY.
Thank you for another fine post.

I have friends who are Liberals and we get along very well, we disagree about politics but we can discuss politics and still be friends. The Leftists would think this was NOT an acceptable situation to even be in the same ROOM as a Right-Winger and that IF in the same ROOM that I should be automatically screamed at and called names and NOT allowed to have an OPINION about ANYTHING.

This is why I always make a differentiation between Liberals and Leftists and you know I can watch an old film with any of my Liberal friends and they are not like "OMG that's racist" "OMG that's sexist" etc etc I feel no need to apologise to anyone for having some Liberal friends and they feel no need to apologise to anyone for having a Right-Winger as a friend.
All that hate has done the Democrats no good. Trump is STILL the President, and it looks like he will be re-elected in November.
We shall see, we shall see

Dems are not alone in their hatred towards Trump
Most of the world agrees with us
All that hate has done the Democrats no good. Trump is STILL the President, and it looks like he will be re-elected in November.
We shall see, we shall see

Dems are not alone in their hatred towards Trump
Most of the world agrees with us
I don't care what foreigners think. They're all brainwashed by their media, which is even more biased against Trump than the American media.
Speaking of hate.....here is what Scotland thinks about Trump


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