If Democrats want me to vote for them, they're going about it all wrong...

they want to raise taxes

they want to let in endless streams of millions of illegal aliens

they want as many babies to be aborted as possible

they want to destroy the economy to solve a problem they made up called "global warming"

they hate white people and I'm white

they hate straight people and I'm straight

they hate Christians and I'm Christian

...give me one reason I should ever vote Democrat.

We don't want you in the Democratic Party.

You can stay in the lower educated republic party where among equals.

Only a Democrat could be ignorant and gullible enough to think that membership in a political party could make him smart.
That's right, they're not. They've written off my vote, and the vote of almost everyone else who is white and middle-class. That's pretty stupid, don't you think?

You aren't everyone who is white and middle class.

Look, the dumb inbred racist white guy who votes against his own economic interest because Trump is right with Jesus when he isn't fucking porn stars... there's simply reasoning with that guy.

The middle class white person who hasn't drunk the koolaid, knows Trump is a buffoon... yeah, he can probably be reasoned with.... especially when the recession hits next year.

Joe votes for whoever hates religious people the most, because he is a dried up tired old fart, who will make the world a better place when he is 6 feet under it.

Oh, Marty, Check your privilege...

Yes, I'm really tired of religious dummies fucking it up for the rest of us. Time to keep them in their churches and let the grownups solve the problems.

And stop trying to suck up to the SJW nitwits you wish you were 50 years younger to hang out with.

You oppose social justice?

Do you always respond to a well thought out opinion with nonrelevant personal attacks?

If you ever manage to produce a well-thought-out opinion, I guess we'll find out.
It must be in the fine print because I couldn't find any reference to abortion in there either.

Oh, it's in there. Here's the instructions for the priest to perform them.
Ordeal of the bitter water - Wikipedia

For the 10,000 time that's not an abortion. One bad translation mentions a womb; that's not what it is.

Bullshit, but just to be nice, I'll concede that, as long as you understand it's just for the purposes of this discussion. That puts us back at square one. Abortion is not mentioned in the Bible.

Don't be "nice", that verse does not mention abortion. But why should the Bible have to mention "abortion". It doesn't mention "domestic violence" per se either, or "sexual assault", but it's implied through rape and etc.

I mean really

The Bible does mention abortion and it says if a man harms a pregnant woman causing her pregnancy to end, the man should pay a fine to her husband for his loss of property.

God gave us free will and choice. He gave women the option to choose to have a baby. YOU want to take what God gave to us away and force us to be slaves to biology. That's NOT what God intended.

Yes, we've heard this asinine attempt at logic from you many times before. "God gave us free will, so that must mean that He approves of every choice we could possibly make . . . because I was dropped on my head as a baby!"

I guess that means that since I have the ability to choose to slap you until your eyes switch sockets, it would be perfectly okay for me to do so. Right?
they want to raise taxes

they want to let in endless streams of millions of illegal aliens

they want as many babies to be aborted as possible

they want to destroy the economy to solve a problem they made up called "global warming"

they hate white people and I'm white

they hate straight people and I'm straight

they hate Christians and I'm Christian

...give me one reason I should ever vote Democrat.

Well, I am white, a Christian. Also a Democrat because I try to follow the words of Jesus!

Next question?

And here's the next question: what does "trying to follow the words of Jesus" have to do with being a Democrat? If there's one verse I DEFINITELY did not see anywhere in the Bible, let alone in the red letters, it was "Go ye forth and vote Democrat!"
...give me one reason I should ever vote Democrat.

Because if you aren't a millionaire, voting Republican makes as much sense as a chicken voting for Colonel Sanders.

You vote for people who've been chipping away at your middle class lifestyle for decades... because they promise you abortion is going to get banned some day, and nothing bothers you more than women deciding to control their own lady parts.

But funny thing happens. You have less rights at work, the rich pay less in taxes, and you pay more...

But on these social issues, abortions keep happening and the gays can get married now.

I'm sorry you are too dumb to see what is going on.

We are going for the votes of people who are smart enough to see this.

Joe votes for whoever hates religious people the most, because he is a dried up tired old fart, who will make the world a better place when he is 6 feet under it.
Kind of like Trump? Except Joe is not obese, ignorant of the Laws of the Land or the Constitution, or mean.

Other than that, just alike!

"But TRRRUUUUMMMPPP!!! Whatever the topic, I must wedge Trump into it! I win the debate, because TTTTRRRRUUUUUMMMPPP!!!"

So far, that's the most pathetic thing I've seen today.
they want to raise taxes

they want to let in endless streams of millions of illegal aliens

they want as many babies to be aborted as possible

they want to destroy the economy to solve a problem they made up called "global warming"

they hate white people and I'm white

they hate straight people and I'm straight

they hate Christians and I'm Christian

...give me one reason I should ever vote Democrat.

The DNC understands that there dumb right wingers who will never vote for them. I'm pretty sure they aren't losing any sleep over your vote.
I have a question for you liberals. Are there any dumb left Wingers?

Very few! That is why they are Liberals.
Social justice is just a weasel term to describe people who think they know better than me how to live my live, and use unearned status and unwarranted gravitas to get that.

Nobody is telling you how to live your life.

We just think gays, minorities and women should be able to live their lives on an equal footing.

Check your privilege, bitch!

Wow, you tell me no one is telling me how to live my life, then tell me to check my privilege. A classic example of doublethink.

Of course a ducktalker like you would be good at that.

And you don't want equality, you want punishment for those you don't like.

Let's see, you want to ban gay marriage. Why? Because you're not gay and you don't like it? What difference does it make to you if two men or two women get married? That you think that YOU should not have to extend rights to them or acknowledge their existence is the very definition of "privilege".

The bald fact is that rights for others aren't diminishing your rights or doing YOU harm, and yet you oppose gay marriage. The amount of opposition that those in the position of privilege in the US exercise in suppressing the rights of minorities is appalling.

When gay marriage was legalized in Canada, absolutely nothing in my life changed. Nothing. As a straight, married woman, my life went on exactly as before. It made no difference whatsoever. And yet American conservatives are appoplectic over gay marriage in the USA. Why?

Why can Americans not let other people live their lives in peace. Why must religious conservatives inflict their beliefs and values on the entire fabric of American culture? Why is there a tyanny of theocratic values which do not reflect the marjority of Americans' values?

Fully 80% of American are in favour of abortion, and gay marriage. But we have this loud, vociferous band of religious zealots who are trying to force the government to codify their beliefs that these practices violate God's laws, even though neither practice is mentioned at all in "God's laws" - aka The 10 Commandments.

It is possible to live your entire life without having to deal with either homosexuality or abortion and leave others to live by their own personal beliefs as well.

It's amazing. This whole big long waste of letters to say, "Let's see, THIS is what I'm just SURE you think and believe, so now defend all these thoughts and beliefs which I have attributed to you, because I'm an immature nitwit who thinks my perception creates reality."

See how much more concise your posts would be if you'd stop trying to convince yourself that you're not horse dung?
And the idiots try to shame us in Congress , they can't figure out we don't want no part of their grown men in little girls bathrooms B.S.

I don't know about you but I personally would NEVER send my 'liittle girl' into a public bathroom by herself. That would be some special kind of insane.

If you can't figure out how to protect your child in a public bathroom, you have plenty to figure out.


You never had kids, or you never let them grow up, which is it...


No parent allows "little girls" to go into public washrooms on their own. Ever!

Furthermore, every woman has seen trans women in the public washrooms. All of our lives. They go into the stalls, they do their business, they wash their hands, and they leave. Just like everyone else. Only idiots like you make a big deal about it.

Of course they do, you troglodyte. What do you expect the father of a 10-year-old girl to do when they're out somewhere and she has to pee? Drag her into the men's room? Follow her into the ladies'? Tell her to piss her pants?

Yet another example of you shooting off your flapping headhole without bothering to think first.

Furthermore, you and your brainless fucknut brigade have only been told about one million fucking times that the "trans women" - aka insane men in dresses - are not the primary problem we're worried about; it's the predators who will use your brainless prattling activism on behalf of the "trans women" who are the big concern. And if you hadn't long ago removed your fucking brain to make room for your towering ego and self-congratulation, you MIGHT be able to remember the many, MANY times you've had this explained to you, only to come back five minutes later to repeat your talking point because you're incapable of formulating an original thought of your own.

Only idiots parrot the same sentence over and over and think that constitutes a conversation. Take a bow, Idiot-in-Chief.
I'm pretty sure Jesus wasn't for killing unborn babies. I could be wrong, I mean I only used to lead a bible study group and all....
It must be in the fine print because I couldn't find any reference to abortion in there either.

Oh, it's in there. Here's the instructions for the priest to perform them.
Ordeal of the bitter water - Wikipedia

Please don't pretend you have a clue what the bible says. It's an inaccurate translation.

Bitter Water that Causes a Curse: Does Numbers 5:11-22 Condone Abortion?

Skeptics claim that these verses prove that the God of the Old Testament condones abortion. As Atheist John Hamill wrote: “The verses appear to describe explicit divine support for abortion. In fact, the context in which it seems that Yahweh approves of abortion, is when a husband wishes to force his wife to terminate a pregnancy (even against her will) if he suspects he may not be the biological father.”1 Do these verses condone abortion?2

First, it is important to ask why the skeptic believes this passage discusses abortion. The bulk of the passage has to do with adultery and nowhere even mentions pregnancy. The accusation of condoning abortion is based primarily, if not entirely, on the final verses that say of the woman “your womb miscarry” and “may this water that brings a curse enter your body so that your abdomen swells and your womb miscarries.” In truth, the NIV in this case provides an unfortunate and inaccurate translation of the terms in the passage. Compare how these terms from verses 21 and 22 are translated in other versions.

NKJV: “when the Lord makes your thigh rot and your belly swell…and make your belly swell and your thigh rot.”

KJV: “when the Lord doth make thy thigh to rot, and thy belly to swell…to make thy belly to swell, and thy thigh to rot.”

ESV: “when the Lord makes your thigh fall away and your body swell…and make your womb swell and your thigh fall away.”

ASV: “doth make thy thigh fall away, and thy body to swell…and make thy body to swell, and thy thigh fall away.”

Notice that other translations say nothing about a miscarriage or miscarrying. The term that the NIV translates “womb” is yarek. This word actually means “thigh, loin, side, or base.”3 It can be used to describe both males and females. It is used in Genesis 32:25 to describe the area that God wounded on Jacob when they wrestled, described as “the socket of his hip” (NKJV). It obviously could not have been Jacob’s “womb.” Judges 3:16 contains the word, describing Ehud’s dagger that he fastened “on his right thigh.” Furthermore, the term translated “miscarry” is the Hebrew word naphal, which means, “to fall, waste away, rot.”4 It can be used as broadly as an animal falling into a pit (as in Exodus 21:33), a sword falling from one’s hand (Ezekiel 30:22), or a violent or untimely death (Judges 5:27).

Again, only someone ignorant enough to be a pro-abort in the first place would be ignorant enough to think THAT is how an abortion is performed. I can only assume they think modern medicine does it by waving a magic wand and sprinkling glitter.

Even if one believes that the Bible was saying her womb would be made to miscarry, that would be a reference to making her infertile as punishment for her adultery, not aborting a baby which wasn't even MENTIONED anywhere in the entire passage.

Abortions should be performed in the alley with a coat hanger, like God intended.
Why do you assume people will burn the store down over a cake?

You are using the potential violence of others as an excuse for tyranny.

And you keep lying about the spousal abuse, you slanderous bastard.

Hey, I've seen Mrs. Klein, the poor woman looks terrified while her husband rants to crowds of other Christian Nutters. "All I wanted to do was bake cakes... all I wanted to do was bake cakes!" She might as well be blinking in morse code.

I point out that if you are going to have a law to protect the Klein's property, then you should have one that protects the rights of their customers to get service without abuse.

Seems reasonable and fair to me.
We're dealing with the global currency correction here no?

No, we were dealing with the American bankers defrauding the world economic system because Bush didn't do his job and enforce the regulations.

Don't say retarded-if one can type, one is not retarded. Besides, you are insulting a lot of people who did not insult you.

That's true. Comparing third party idiots to retards is definitely an insult to retards.

I don't have either the time or the energy to deal with any of those other issues.The Bush family like many other Republicans and Democrats are ultimately globalists.

Okay, sorry, when I hear anyone say "Globalist", I just can't take them seriously.
The DNC understands that there dumb right wingers who will never vote for them. I'm pretty sure they aren't losing any sleep over your vote.

Well they were asleep in 2016 and haven't woke yet.
they want to raise taxes

they want to let in endless streams of millions of illegal aliens

they want as many babies to be aborted as possible

they want to destroy the economy to solve a problem they made up called "global warming"

they hate white people and I'm white

they hate straight people and I'm straight

they hate Christians and I'm Christian

...give me one reason I should ever vote Democrat.

We don't want you in the Democratic Party.

You can stay in the lower educated republic party where among equals.

Only a Democrat could be ignorant and gullible enough to think that membership in a political party could make him smart.

Indeed cecile,

Membership in a political does not make one smart. However in the age of trump they measure how smart one is.

In your case, the party of lower educated white folks is the best choice.
they want to raise taxes

they want to let in endless streams of millions of illegal aliens

they want as many babies to be aborted as possible

they want to destroy the economy to solve a problem they made up called "global warming"

they hate white people and I'm white

they hate straight people and I'm straight

they hate Christians and I'm Christian

...give me one reason I should ever vote Democrat.

The DNC understands that there dumb right wingers who will never vote for them. I'm pretty sure they aren't losing any sleep over your vote.
I have a question for you liberals. Are there any dumb left Wingers?

Very few! That is why they are Liberals.
I see that the conceit and the condescension is alive and well with you leftards
they want to raise taxes

they want to let in endless streams of millions of illegal aliens

they want as many babies to be aborted as possible

they want to destroy the economy to solve a problem they made up called "global warming"

they hate white people and I'm white

they hate straight people and I'm straight

they hate Christians and I'm Christian

...give me one reason I should ever vote Democrat.

Nobody on this side of the isle wants your dumbass deplorable vote, go put it down for your favorite Bibble-waving, porn star fucking, swamp king.
Last edited:
they want to raise taxes

they want to let in endless streams of millions of illegal aliens

they want as many babies to be aborted as possible

they want to destroy the economy to solve a problem they made up called "global warming"

they hate white people and I'm white

they hate straight people and I'm straight

they hate Christians and I'm Christian

...give me one reason I should ever vote Democrat.

Nobody on this side of the isle wants your dumbass deplorable vote, go put it down for your favorite Bibble-waving, porn star fucking, swamp king.

Haha...all of those on your “side of the isle” are the most disgusting pieces of shits in this nation. Wetbacks, criminals, faggots, men in dresses, degenerate filth...you’re a funny dude.
they want to raise taxes

they want to let in endless streams of millions of illegal aliens

they want as many babies to be aborted as possible

they want to destroy the economy to solve a problem they made up called "global warming"

they hate white people and I'm white

they hate straight people and I'm straight

they hate Christians and I'm Christian

...give me one reason I should ever vote Democrat.

Nobody on this side of the isle wants your dumbass deplorable vote, go put it down for your favorite Bibble-waving, porn star fucking, swamp king.

Haha...all of those on your “side of the isle” are the most disgusting pieces of shits in this nation. Wetbacks, criminals, faggots, men in dresses, degenerate filth...you’re a funny dude.


Is your side of the aisle.

Tennessee preacher-cop calls for execution of LGBTQ people - CNN

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