If Democrats Win House, What Damage Can They Really Do ?

It also means Democrats can now start up their own investigations into Russian meddling. Just in case trump is thinking about installing a new Attorney General who will fire Mueller for him.

Oh would we love that; Congress starting an investigation that was already started two years ago with a special council and a team of Trump haters that didn't produce squat. And don't give me who was indicted. It had nothing to do with Russian collusion.

Are you retarded? Or just suffer from memory loss?

Republicans reopened Whitewater after it had already been opened up. They parlayed that into investigation after investigation until they finally got something to impeach Clinton on. Helped them win the 2000 election.

Now watch, and bitch & moan, as Democrats flip that on the right.

And what were the result? Clinton lied to the American people and a judge. He lost his license to practice law in his state.
And Republicans gained power. So there is no reason for Democrats to not resort to the Republican playbook now.

They gained seats in the House and lost seats in the Senate.
The power they gained in the Senate came in 2014. They retained control of the Senate in 2016 and the power they gained in that election was the Executive branch. Like in 2000, when they gained the Executive branch.

Proves publicly investigating the president in charge nets positive results. There’s no reason for them not to.
Just like Obama took it from -8.4 to +5.1, a 13.5 point gain. Well, not exactly like trump... his gain was a paltry 2.4 points.
Pathetic posters are ones who REPEAT themselves right after their same words just got refuted. Again, Community organizer Obama did not take anything.

He knew nothing about business or economics, and hardly did more than promote jihad and racial division. And Trump's +2.4 is a lot better than Obama's MINUS 0.5. :badgrin:
The only reason Trump would fire Mueller is if he believes Mueller has real evidence against him. If Mueller has nothing, it's to Trump's advantage to let the investigation run it's course. Then Trump get's a clean bill health that he can use as a campaign issue. It would backup his claims of innocence, no collusion, a horrible waste of tax payer money, a democrat conspiracy, etc...
Mueller is a DNC hack. He'll fabricate "evidence" just like the whole hoax is a fabrication. Trump should dump Mueller and get the deep state dumped totally.

You’re senile, gramps.

In reality, from which you are severely divorced, Mueller is a Republican, who was appointed FBI Director by a Republican in 2001, and in 2017, appointed Special Council by a Republican assistant Attorney General, filling in for a Republican Attorney General, serving a Republican President.

He's also a staunch anti-trumper. We have plenty of those. Our Governor is one of them.
So you say.
The power they gained in the Senate came in 2014. They retained control of the Senate in 2016 and the power they gained in that election was the Executive branch. Like in 2000, when they gained the Executive branch.

Proves publicly investigating the president in charge nets positive results. There’s no reason for them not to.
The reasons are in Post # 176 and 177. :biggrin:
Why would I bother to go hunting for your nonsense there? You don’t even make sense now.
Oldstyle, post: 21131636
Why pray tell are the tax cuts not good economic policy, Ben? Did we lose revenue?


“A few months before they passed, the Congressional Budget Office predicted the government would take in $3.53 trillionin revenues for the fiscal year. On Monday, the Treasury reported that revenue was actually $3.33 trillion for the year — $200 billion short,....”

No, Trump’s Tax Cut Isn’t Paying for Itself (at Least Not Yet)

Wake up, please. Cutting taxes as as a political vote getting scheme during high employment and far removed from a recession is dangerous and irresponsible.

The federal debt is going up not down. When a recession hits again the higher debt will make it harder to deal with.
Let's be clear.

The House can vote to impeach trump.

Then it goes to the senate where the trial takes place.

2/3 of the senate has to vote to remove him from office.

You know that...right ?
The Democrats can do nothing but put on a big show with all their investigations and subpoenas, wasting million of taxpayers' dollars, turning millions of Americans away from them.
Like Republicans, ya mean. Show me where you rightwingnuts ever complained when the GOP held eight independent investigations into Benghazi.... show me where you bitched about the cost of repeating that investigation over and over and over.

You didn’t care then; no one cares about your bitching now. You might as well just sit back and enjoy the ride.

The difference is there is suspicious evidence that something went terribly wrong in Benghazi. Zero evidence of Trump having anything to do with Russia or dirty dealings.

Or do you think that Benghazi should have not been investigated given the Ambassador asked for more security, that funds were appropriated for security that was never provided, and the US never sent any help at the initial sign of an attack?
There may have been suspicious evidence over Benghazi which did indeed warrant an investigation.

The 7 investigations which followed were utter bullshit for no reason other than political gain in elections. And worked out well for Republicans. They won the Senate in 2014 and the White House in 2016.

Now it’s the Democrats’ turn. And with trump, there is a wealth of shit to investigate him on.

That will be good.

It will keep the federal government in a tizzzy.

They won't get anything done.

O.K. by me.
Just like Obama took it from -8.4 to +5.1, a 13.5 point gain. Well, not exactly like trump... his gain was a paltry 2.4 points.
Pathetic posters are ones who REPEAT themselves right after their same words just got refuted. Again, Community organizer Obama did not take anything.

He knew nothing about business or economics, and hardly did more than promote jihad and racial division. And Trump's +2.4 is a lot better than Obama's MINUS 0.5. :badgrin:

You’re funny. You refuted nothing. All you did was spit empty rhetoric and then mindlessly spout, look at me, i won!

Oldstyle, post: 21131636
Why pray tell are the tax cuts not good economic policy, Ben? Did we lose revenue?

Think about this comparison to Obama’s record in 2015 when economic growth was comparable to current conditions.

By several measures, post-tax-cut revenues have not grown at all
By the Treasury’s numbers, total revenues grew 0.4 percent from the 2017 fiscal year to the 2018 fiscal year. That’s weak, historically speaking, for an economy growing as fast as it is; in the 2015 fiscal year, when growth was comparable to what it is today, revenues grew 7.5 percent from the previous year.

No, Trump’s Tax Cut Isn’t Paying for Itself (at Least Not Yet)

Obama outperformed Trumpo x20 when comparing revenues in a year of high growth to to the previous year, yet you drool over Trumpo.

Why is that? Why trash Obama when he did way better than Trumpo?
Oldstyle, post: 21131636
Why pray tell are the tax cuts not good economic policy, Ben? Did we lose revenue?


“A few months before they passed, the Congressional Budget Office predicted the government would take in $3.53 trillionin revenues for the fiscal year. On Monday, the Treasury reported that revenue was actually $3.33 trillion for the year — $200 billion short,....”

No, Trump’s Tax Cut Isn’t Paying for Itself (at Least Not Yet)

Wake up, please. Cutting taxes as as a political vote getting scheme during high employment and far removed from a recession is dangerous and irresponsible.

The federal debt is going up not down. When a recession hits again the higher debt will make it harder to deal with.

I would agree.

We can't keep stacking debt on top of the huge debt accumulated under Obama.
Sun Devil 92, post: 21149585
We can't keep stacking debt on top of the huge debt accumulated under Obama.

Trumpo’s tax cuts are self-inflicted reduction of revenue during economic expansion. That is increasing debt. All to buy votes, nothing more.

Obama also cut taxes as part of the stimulus package - payroll tax cuts that put extra money in the hands of working class people according to established economic practice during the worst recession since the Great Depression. That recession was delivered on Dubya’s watch.

What Trumpo did was preposterous- stimulating an expanding economy when unemployment was low.

I have posted a list of Mueller's Muslim Brotherhood misdeeds numerous times in this forum. You never saw them ? Sheeesh! :rolleyes:

Oh man, I feel real bad now. Been away from this board too long. Didn't realise I was dealing with a conspiracy theory loon.

Oldstyle, post: 21131636
Why pray tell are the tax cuts not good economic policy, Ben? Did we lose revenue?


“A few months before they passed, the Congressional Budget Office predicted the government would take in $3.53 trillionin revenues for the fiscal year. On Monday, the Treasury reported that revenue was actually $3.33 trillion for the year — $200 billion short,....”

No, Trump’s Tax Cut Isn’t Paying for Itself (at Least Not Yet)

Wake up, please. Cutting taxes as as a political vote getting scheme during high employment and far removed from a recession is dangerous and irresponsible.

The federal debt is going up not down. When a recession hits again the higher debt will make it harder to deal with.

I would agree.

We can't keep stacking debt on top of the huge debt accumulated under Obama.
Did Obama leave the moron a recession like pubscum left him?
Sun Devil 92, post: 21149585
We can't keep stacking debt on top of the huge debt accumulated under Obama.

Trumpo’s tax cuts are self-inflicted reduction of revenue during economic expansion. That is increasing debt. All to buy votes, nothing more.

Obama also cut taxes as part of the stimulus package - payroll tax cuts that put extra money in the hands of working class people according to established economic practice.

What Trumpo did was preposterous- stimulating an expanding economy when unemployment was low.

Total fairy tale.

The debt grew large under Bush. It grew huge under Obama. Nobody is electing legislators to slow it down.

Now with the democrats in office, well watch to see if it continues to grow.

Obama simply would not cut spending to the levels he should have.

The GOP did nothing to force the issue.

And we put these morons in charge of our health care.
Oldstyle, post: 21131636
Why pray tell are the tax cuts not good economic policy, Ben? Did we lose revenue?


“A few months before they passed, the Congressional Budget Office predicted the government would take in $3.53 trillionin revenues for the fiscal year. On Monday, the Treasury reported that revenue was actually $3.33 trillion for the year — $200 billion short,....”

No, Trump’s Tax Cut Isn’t Paying for Itself (at Least Not Yet)

Wake up, please. Cutting taxes as as a political vote getting scheme during high employment and far removed from a recession is dangerous and irresponsible.

The federal debt is going up not down. When a recession hits again the higher debt will make it harder to deal with.

I would agree.

We can't keep stacking debt on top of the huge debt accumulated under Obama.
Did Obama leave the moron a recession like pubscum left him?

I don't know who pubscum is......maybe Harry Ried ?

But Obama left a good economy.

He also left a huge debt.

Now what was your question ?
Sun Devil 92, post: 21149585
We can't keep stacking debt on top of the huge debt accumulated under Obama.

Trumpo’s tax cuts are self-inflicted reduction of revenue during economic expansion. That is increasing debt. All to buy votes, nothing more.

Obama also cut taxes as part of the stimulus package - payroll tax cuts that put extra money in the hands of working class people according to established economic practice during the worst recession since the Great Depression. That recession was delivered on Dubya’s watch.

What Trumpo did was preposterous- stimulating an expanding economy when unemployment was low.

Given the fact that DumBama had the slowest growth since WWII, Trump felt he had to do something extra.

Furthermore unlike DumBama who never so much as sold hotdogs from a hotdog stand, Trump knew what accelerates business and what slows it down.

You sit there and cry about Trump's debt with tax cuts, well WTF do you think DumBama's extra money came from from his tax cuts? That's right, it was part of his near trillion dollar pork bill that didn't do squat for the country.

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