If Democrats Win House, What Damage Can They Really Do ?


That Obama is an amazing guy. He never instituted one business or economic growth policy, yet he's still responsible for what's taking place under Trump almost two years later.

When you look at the clusterfuck he inherited from Bush, Obama did a great job - with a hostile Congress and Senate. You did here of the GFC, right? You do remember that, right?

Maybe, but you'd have to use words instead of letters. What's the GFC?
Let's be clear.

The House can vote to impeach trump.

Then it goes to the senate where the trial takes place.

2/3 of the senate has to vote to remove him from office.

You know that...right ?
The Democrats can do nothing but put on a big show with all their investigations and subpoenas, wasting million of taxpayers' dollars, turning millions of Americans away from them.
Oh, they can do a lot more than that. Every spending bill must originate in the House which also means the budget. Every republican bill must pass the House. And Trump's big beautiful 25 billion dollar wall is more likely to become a reinforced fence in selected areas. And those investigating committees can certainly be a problem for Trump. Since the Mid Terms are over, the Mueller investigation can now move on subpoenas and indictments. With democrat control of the House it opens up the possibility of an impeachment indictment if Mueller or the House uncovers sufficient evidence.

There is no sufficient evidence. If there were, it would have been out months ago.

If the Democrats want a shorter lived leadership in the House than last time, nothing could be better than to harass Trump with investigations when not an ounce of evidence points to any wrongdoing. Just harass for the sake of harassing.
Let's be clear.

The House can vote to impeach trump.

Then it goes to the senate where the trial takes place.

2/3 of the senate has to vote to remove him from office.

You know that...right ?
The Democrats can do nothing but put on a big show with all their investigations and subpoenas, wasting million of taxpayers' dollars, turning millions of Americans away from them.
Oh, they can do a lot more than that. Every spending bill must originate in the House which also means the budget. Every republican bill must pass the House. And Trump's big beautiful 25 billion dollar wall is more likely to become a reinforced fence in selected areas. And those investigating committees can certainly be a problem for Trump. Since the Mid Terms are over, the Mueller investigation can now move on subpoenas and indictments. With democrat control of the House it opens up the possibility of an impeachment indictment if Mueller or the House uncovers sufficient evidence.

There is no sufficient evidence. If there were, it would have been out months ago.

If the Democrats want a shorter lived leadership in the House than last time, nothing could be better than to harass Trump with investigations when not an ounce of evidence points to any wrongdoing. Just harass for the sake of harassing.
Well Trump just fired Sessions. Mueller could be next. Trump may have no choice but to fire Mueller to prevent the upcoming subpoenas and indictments. If that happens it will be interesting to see the reaction in the House.

If he wanted to fire Mueller, he would have done so quite some time back. Sessions is a different story because there were Republicans that thought he was doing a fine job and Republicans that thought he was doing a crappy job. It was good planning on Trump's part to wait until after the election for that.
The only reason Trump would fire Mueller is if he believes Mueller has real evidence against him. If Mueller has nothing, it's to Trump's advantage to let the investigation run it's course. Then Trump get's a clean bill of health that he can use as a campaign issue. It would backup his claims of innocence, no collusion, a horrible waste of tax payer money, a democrat conspiracy, etc...
Let's be clear.

The House can vote to impeach trump.

Then it goes to the senate where the trial takes place.

2/3 of the senate has to vote to remove him from office.

You know that...right ?
The Democrats can do nothing but put on a big show with all their investigations and subpoenas, wasting million of taxpayers' dollars, turning millions of Americans away from them.
Oh, they can do a lot more than that. Every spending bill must originate in the House which also means the budget. Every republican bill must pass the House. And Trump's big beautiful 25 billion dollar wall is more likely to become a reinforced fence in selected areas. And those investigating committees can certainly be a problem for Trump. Since the Mid Terms are over, the Mueller investigation can now move on subpoenas and indictments. With democrat control of the House it opens up the possibility of an impeachment indictment if Mueller or the House uncovers sufficient evidence.
It also means Democrats can now start up their own investigations into Russian meddling. Just in case trump is thinking about installing a new Attorney General who will fire Mueller for him.

Oh would we love that; Congress starting an investigation that was already started two years ago with a special council and a team of Trump haters that didn't produce squat. And don't give me who was indicted. It had nothing to do with Russian collusion.

Are you retarded? Or just suffer from memory loss?

Republicans reopened Whitewater after it had already been opened up. They parlayed that into investigation after investigation until they finally got something to impeach Clinton on. Helped them win the 2000 election.

Now watch, and bitch & moan, as Democrats flip that on the right.

And what were the result? Clinton lied to the American people and a judge. He lost his license to practice law in his state.
The only reason Trump would fire Mueller is if he believes Mueller has real evidence against him. If Mueller has nothing, it's to Trump's advantage to let the investigation run it's course. Then Trump get's a clean bill health that he can use as a campaign issue. It would backup his claims of innocence, no collusion, a horrible waste of tax payer money, a democrat conspiracy, etc...
Mueller is a DNC hack. He'll fabricate "evidence" just like the whole hoax is a fabrication. Trump should dump Mueller and get the deep state dumped totally.
The Democrats can do nothing but put on a big show with all their investigations and subpoenas, wasting million of taxpayers' dollars, turning millions of Americans away from them.
Oh, they can do a lot more than that. Every spending bill must originate in the House which also means the budget. Every republican bill must pass the House. And Trump's big beautiful 25 billion dollar wall is more likely to become a reinforced fence in selected areas. And those investigating committees can certainly be a problem for Trump. Since the Mid Terms are over, the Mueller investigation can now move on subpoenas and indictments. With democrat control of the House it opens up the possibility of an impeachment indictment if Mueller or the House uncovers sufficient evidence.

There is no sufficient evidence. If there were, it would have been out months ago.

If the Democrats want a shorter lived leadership in the House than last time, nothing could be better than to harass Trump with investigations when not an ounce of evidence points to any wrongdoing. Just harass for the sake of harassing.
The Democrats can do nothing but put on a big show with all their investigations and subpoenas, wasting million of taxpayers' dollars, turning millions of Americans away from them.
Oh, they can do a lot more than that. Every spending bill must originate in the House which also means the budget. Every republican bill must pass the House. And Trump's big beautiful 25 billion dollar wall is more likely to become a reinforced fence in selected areas. And those investigating committees can certainly be a problem for Trump. Since the Mid Terms are over, the Mueller investigation can now move on subpoenas and indictments. With democrat control of the House it opens up the possibility of an impeachment indictment if Mueller or the House uncovers sufficient evidence.

There is no sufficient evidence. If there were, it would have been out months ago.

If the Democrats want a shorter lived leadership in the House than last time, nothing could be better than to harass Trump with investigations when not an ounce of evidence points to any wrongdoing. Just harass for the sake of harassing.
Well Trump just fired Sessions. Mueller could be next. Trump may have no choice but to fire Mueller to prevent the upcoming subpoenas and indictments. If that happens it will be interesting to see the reaction in the House.

If he wanted to fire Mueller, he would have done so quite some time back. Sessions is a different story because there were Republicans that thought he was doing a fine job and Republicans that thought he was doing a crappy job. It was good planning on Trump's part to wait until after the election for that.
The only reason Trump would fire Mueller is if he believes Mueller has real evidence against him. If Mueller has nothing, it's to Trump's advantage to let the investigation run it's course. Then Trump get's a clean bill of health that he can use as a campaign issue. It would backup his claims of innocence, no collusion, a horrible waste of tax payer money, a democrat conspiracy, etc...

I think that's already been proven. Even if Trump fired Mueller, that wouldn't end the investigation nor would it stop Mueller from telling the media what he found.
Well, now you’re cherry picking. Actually, while Trump took GDP from 1.8% growth to 3.5%, a difference of 1.7 points .... Obama took GDP from -8.4% growth to 1.8%, a difference of 10.2 points.

So now we see you cherry pick AND lie.
Congratulations! You are the 1000th poster to have presented that idiotic "argument" in USMB.

EARTH TO FAUN. After any very severe recession, as in 2008, economies naturally spring back to normal range on their own, no matter who is president. By 2016 however, that was already done. In 2016, Obama was on his own with the economy, the 2016 numbers can be attributed to HIM, and he was a flunk, to put it mildly.
Well that’s just another lie on top of your last lie. The truth is, the economy could have double dipped into another recession, but didn’t. Or worse, it could have slipped into a depression, but didn’t. Still, just like Trump took GDO from 1.8% to 3.5%; Obama took it from -8.4% to 1.8%.

And :puhleeze:Trump took GDP to 4.2, not 3.5. :eusa_naughty:

Using your idiotic reasoning and cherry picking, Obama took GDP from -8.4% to +5.1%. :mm:
I think that's already been proven. Even if Trump fired Mueller, that wouldn't end the investigation nor would it stop Mueller from telling the media what he found.
True. I wonder how much the DNC is paying him to pretend to be neutral, like Khizir Khan who pretended to be just a non-partisan, Muslim gold star father, when he was hand-picked by Obama, and got $50,000 from the DNC.

He was also an immigration lawyer for Muslims, a Muslim Brotherhood operative, and in cahoots with the Clinton Foundation.
The Democrats can do nothing but put on a big show with all their investigations and subpoenas, wasting million of taxpayers' dollars, turning millions of Americans away from them.
Oh, they can do a lot more than that. Every spending bill must originate in the House which also means the budget. Every republican bill must pass the House. And Trump's big beautiful 25 billion dollar wall is more likely to become a reinforced fence in selected areas. And those investigating committees can certainly be a problem for Trump. Since the Mid Terms are over, the Mueller investigation can now move on subpoenas and indictments. With democrat control of the House it opens up the possibility of an impeachment indictment if Mueller or the House uncovers sufficient evidence.
It also means Democrats can now start up their own investigations into Russian meddling. Just in case trump is thinking about installing a new Attorney General who will fire Mueller for him.

Oh would we love that; Congress starting an investigation that was already started two years ago with a special council and a team of Trump haters that didn't produce squat. And don't give me who was indicted. It had nothing to do with Russian collusion.

Are you retarded? Or just suffer from memory loss?

Republicans reopened Whitewater after it had already been opened up. They parlayed that into investigation after investigation until they finally got something to impeach Clinton on. Helped them win the 2000 election.

Now watch, and bitch & moan, as Democrats flip that on the right.

And what were the result? Clinton lied to the American people and a judge. He lost his license to practice law in his state.
And Republicans gained power. So there is no reason for Democrats to not resort to the Republican playbook now.
The only reason Trump would fire Mueller is if he believes Mueller has real evidence against him. If Mueller has nothing, it's to Trump's advantage to let the investigation run it's course. Then Trump get's a clean bill health that he can use as a campaign issue. It would backup his claims of innocence, no collusion, a horrible waste of tax payer money, a democrat conspiracy, etc...
Mueller is a DNC hack. He'll fabricate "evidence" just like the whole hoax is a fabrication. Trump should dump Mueller and get the deep state dumped totally.

You’re senile, gramps.

In reality, from which you are severely divorced, Mueller is a Republican, who was appointed FBI Director by a Republican in 2001, and in 2017, appointed Special Council by a Republican assistant Attorney General, filling in for a Republican Attorney General, serving a Republican President.
Well that’s just another lie on top of your last lie. The truth is, the economy could have double dipped into another recession, but didn’t. Or worse, it could have slipped into a depression, but didn’t. Still, just like Trump took GDO from 1.8% to 3.5%; Obama took it from -8.4% to 1.8%.

Using your idiotic reasoning and cherry picking, Obama took GDP from -8.4% to +5.1%.
Obama did not take anything anywhere. He sat back and allowed the economy to SPRING back into normalcy, as economies typically do. Ho hum. If you had been one of my microeconomics students, I would have flunked you.

And there is not idiotic reasoning. Under Trump, GDP went from 1.8% to 4.2% > FACT, whether you like it or not.
Oh, they can do a lot more than that. Every spending bill must originate in the House which also means the budget. Every republican bill must pass the House. And Trump's big beautiful 25 billion dollar wall is more likely to become a reinforced fence in selected areas. And those investigating committees can certainly be a problem for Trump. Since the Mid Terms are over, the Mueller investigation can now move on subpoenas and indictments. With democrat control of the House it opens up the possibility of an impeachment indictment if Mueller or the House uncovers sufficient evidence.
It also means Democrats can now start up their own investigations into Russian meddling. Just in case trump is thinking about installing a new Attorney General who will fire Mueller for him.

Oh would we love that; Congress starting an investigation that was already started two years ago with a special council and a team of Trump haters that didn't produce squat. And don't give me who was indicted. It had nothing to do with Russian collusion.

Are you retarded? Or just suffer from memory loss?

Republicans reopened Whitewater after it had already been opened up. They parlayed that into investigation after investigation until they finally got something to impeach Clinton on. Helped them win the 2000 election.

Now watch, and bitch & moan, as Democrats flip that on the right.

And what were the result? Clinton lied to the American people and a judge. He lost his license to practice law in his state.
And Republicans gained power. So there is no reason for Democrats to not resort to the Republican playbook now.

They gained seats in the House and lost seats in the Senate.
The only reason Trump would fire Mueller is if he believes Mueller has real evidence against him. If Mueller has nothing, it's to Trump's advantage to let the investigation run it's course. Then Trump get's a clean bill health that he can use as a campaign issue. It would backup his claims of innocence, no collusion, a horrible waste of tax payer money, a democrat conspiracy, etc...
Mueller is a DNC hack. He'll fabricate "evidence" just like the whole hoax is a fabrication. Trump should dump Mueller and get the deep state dumped totally.

You’re senile, gramps.

In reality, from which you are severely divorced, Mueller is a Republican, who was appointed FBI Director by a Republican in 2001, and in 2017, appointed Special Council by a Republican assistant Attorney General, filling in for a Republican Attorney General, serving a Republican President.

He's also a staunch anti-trumper. We have plenty of those. Our Governor is one of them.
Democrats already making a circus out of the house. This will be good for Trump and especially the republican party.

You’re senile, gramps.

In reality, from which you are severely divorced, Mueller is a Republican, who was appointed FBI Director by a Republican in 2001, and in 2017, appointed Special Council by a Republican assistant Attorney General, filling in for a Republican Attorney General, serving a Republican President.
HA HA. Mueller is a Muslim Brotherhood operative, and enemy of anyone who defends America from the seditious Muslim Brotherhood. Are you actually that ignorant that you don't know Mueller's past, and what he has been involved with ?

I have posted a list of Mueller's Muslim Brotherhood misdeeds numerous times in this forum. You never saw them ? Sheeesh! :rolleyes:
Ray From Cleveland, post: 21146694
Given the outcome of last nights election, do you think that if we do have economic troubles, nobody will blame the new leadership in Congress?

Trumpo is stuck at a high disapproval rating in the steadily improving economy that Obama bestowed upon him.

Most Americans ain’t buyin’ the typical Trumpo dupe’s crap that a super economy is all Trumpo’s doin’.

Since they aren’t buyin’ your bs now - when it all goes to crap economically, it’s not the smarter Americans that will be ‘deer in the headlights’ shit out of political luck. That will be you Trumpo dupes having nothing to justify your pathetic amoral devotion to the lyin clown president.

You can blame the Dems all you want. You are a minority now and you will be a most miserable pathetic minority then.
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protectionist, post: 21131744
2. Lowered unemployment from 4.8% to 3.7%

You fool. Trumpo will never lower unemployment as much as Obama did from the Great Bush Recession grand finale of Republican Presidential rule in January 2009
to January 2017. Why would you ever cite such a stat?
Trumpo is stuck at a high disapproval rating in the steadily improving economy that Obama bestowed upon him.

Most Americans ain’t buyin’ the typical Trumpo dupe’s crap that a super economy is all Trumpo’s doin’.

Since they aren’t buyin’ your bs now - when it all goes to crap economically, it’s not the smarter Americans that will be ‘deer in the headlights’ shit out of political luck. That will be you Trumpo dupes having nothing to justify your pathetic amoral devotion to the lyin clown president.

You can blame the Dems all you want. You are a minority now and you will be a most miserable pathetic minority then.
"high disapproval rating" if you believe the laughingstock polls. Once again they proved themselves to be a joke. In Florida they had Gillum up by 5-7 points, Gillum lost.

"Obama bestowed" ? HA HAHA. Obama bestowed a sinking GDP (2.3 to 1.8) which Trump reversed and sent it up to 4.2%

The booming economy IS all Trump's doing. It was sinking before he started, and it rose to 4.2% GDP after he took over. FACT.

All you're doing is talking about the future, and making baseless predictions of what you hope will happen. :rolleyes:
Well that’s just another lie on top of your last lie. The truth is, the economy could have double dipped into another recession, but didn’t. Or worse, it could have slipped into a depression, but didn’t. Still, just like Trump took GDO from 1.8% to 3.5%; Obama took it from -8.4% to 1.8%.

Using your idiotic reasoning and cherry picking, Obama took GDP from -8.4% to +5.1%.
Obama did not take anything anywhere. He sat back and allowed the economy to SPRING back into normalcy, as economies typically do. Ho hum. If you had been one of my microeconomics students, I would have flunked you.

And there is not idiotic reasoning. Under Trump, GDP went from 1.8% to 4.2% > FACT, whether you like it or not.
Just like Obama took it from -8.4 to +5.1, a 13.5 point gain. Well, not exactly like trump... his gain was a paltry 2.4 points.

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