If Dems refuse to denounce incitement to harassment and murder, make them own it

No influential Dem is inciting murder.

You snowflakes need to get used to what happens when THE MINORITY TRIES TO RULE OVER THE MAJORITY in a free nation.

The majority will prevail. It is what it is.

And when the majority is the right, incite violence which yes......can lead to death.

Like the death threats that Ford is facing?

Were the death threats from 1982? /mocking sarcasm


Dr. Christine Blasey Ford reportedly can't move back into her home because of the amount of death threats she is receiving.

Christine Blasey Ford Can't Go Back Home Due to Death Threats: Lawyer

Those are death threats she's been receiving since going public with her account of attempted forcible rape.

Says her lawyer....
Sorry,after witnessing all the lies I'll have to see some evidence.
And not the kind DR. Fraud brought to the table.
If Dems refuse to denounce incitement to harassment and murder, make them own it

With Steve Scalise still needing canes to walk after surviving an attempted mass assassination of GOP congressmen; Maxine Waters loudly urging Democrats to harass Republicans whenever they venture out, even to "gasoline stations"; paid demonstrators pounding on the doors of the Supreme Court while the newest justice was sworn in; and the rank and file urging the murder of Justice Kavanaugh, the Republic now faces a crisis of political violence.
So far, nobody of standing in the Democratic Party is calling out the thugs operating as the Dems' enforcers.
I suspect that the political calculus among Republicans has been to let Waters shoot off her mouth and alienate more and more independent voters. But the risk of violence is such that this may be foolish. It is now time for President Trump to start calling them out, reinforced by as many voices as possible, telling the public that if they don't condemn it, they approve of the violence and harassment.
The worst among the Democrats have free rein to speak and act on their murderous fantasies.
Once political violence becomes common, the toothpaste is difficult to put back in the tube.

The timid GOPers should be calling the Dims out left and right. Yes, make them own the uncalled for rhetoric, the childishness, the incitement to violence.
Sometimes rational people (voters) need to have the obvious told to them. Then they get it. Otherwise, the GOP is letting the Lame Stream Media continue to create the narratives.
We have witnessed more than two years of the most vile and hate-filled actions from the Progressive Marxist Socialists/DSA, the MSM, #OWS, #BLM, # Antifa, and militant snowflakes. It's time for a real reckoning that demands justice and the rule of law.
Really, the only thing that has surprised me about the Kavanaugh hearings is that people seem honestly astounded by the actions of the Democrats. Come on folks! Look back in history and they have used the same attacks since the Democrats have been a political party. They accused Lincoln of visiting "houses of ill repute" and almost any opponent they wanted to destroy, they accused of being a homosexual.
They are free to make these accusations and make wild promises because they have a solid base of Dead Dog Democrats, and they know it. We all know these people, There is nothing we can do about the Dead Dog Democrats. Fortunately, they are not the majority.
The thing that is different today is that we have the internet and we can quickly discover the protesters are being paid. We also noticed that Kavanaugh is an open book while Ford was quickly removed from the record. Nothing to hide? Then why hide?
IMO, let the Moonbat lunatics in the Democrat for Socialist America Party have free run to bay at the moon at full volume, and publicize their ravings. (When your opponents are busily engaged in destroying themselves do not get in their way!!!

Untwist your panties, Shirley. :gay:

Nobody spat on him or Pelosi. Already debunked long ago. Another liberal lie.

That's right, the video is faked and the tea party never angrily confronted elected officials. :laugh2:
Hmmmmm. You’ve quite an imagination. You made all of that up. You know that, don’t you? It didn’t actually happen.

I looked up the event you want to use to make your odd point.

One. The video doesn’t show the actual blow so the sensationalism is not there. Had the video shown the impact, you’d have seen it on a loop for a day or so.

Two. He kicked her in the shoulder in an attempt to kick her phone out of her hand. Had he kicked her in the abdomen, it would have gotten more attention.

Three. He was arrested and fired. Had he had gone unpunished, it would have gotten more attention.

Four. It was covered in the press.
An absolutely perfect Regressive response.

Hey, no big deal. Nothing to see here.

Unless the tables were turned, of course. THAT would be DIFFERENT.

Do you want the US media to make a big deal out of this hairdresser being an asshole and violently kicking that woman?
I'd like to see Regressives admit what illiberal, nasty and hateful hypocrites and liars they are.

But not to worry, I'm not holding my breath.

You didn’t answer the question.
Too bad.

Yep. Mature adulting going on here.
If Dems refuse to denounce incitement to harassment and murder, make them own it

With Steve Scalise still needing canes to walk after surviving an attempted mass assassination of GOP congressmen; Maxine Waters loudly urging Democrats to harass Republicans whenever they venture out, even to "gasoline stations"; paid demonstrators pounding on the doors of the Supreme Court while the newest justice was sworn in; and the rank and file urging the murder of Justice Kavanaugh, the Republic now faces a crisis of political violence.
So far, nobody of standing in the Democratic Party is calling out the thugs operating as the Dems' enforcers.
I suspect that the political calculus among Republicans has been to let Waters shoot off her mouth and alienate more and more independent voters. But the risk of violence is such that this may be foolish. It is now time for President Trump to start calling them out, reinforced by as many voices as possible, telling the public that if they don't condemn it, they approve of the violence and harassment.
The worst among the Democrats have free rein to speak and act on their murderous fantasies.
Once political violence becomes common, the toothpaste is difficult to put back in the tube.

The timid GOPers should be calling the Dims out left and right. Yes, make them own the uncalled for rhetoric, the childishness, the incitement to violence.
Sometimes rational people (voters) need to have the obvious told to them. Then they get it. Otherwise, the GOP is letting the Lame Stream Media continue to create the narratives.
We have witnessed more than two years of the most vile and hate-filled actions from the Progressive Marxist Socialists/DSA, the MSM, #OWS, #BLM, # Antifa, and militant snowflakes. It's time for a real reckoning that demands justice and the rule of law.
Really, the only thing that has surprised me about the Kavanaugh hearings is that people seem honestly astounded by the actions of the Democrats. Come on folks! Look back in history and they have used the same attacks since the Democrats have been a political party. They accused Lincoln of visiting "houses of ill repute" and almost any opponent they wanted to destroy, they accused of being a homosexual.
They are free to make these accusations and make wild promises because they have a solid base of Dead Dog Democrats, and they know it. We all know these people, There is nothing we can do about the Dead Dog Democrats. Fortunately, they are not the majority.
The thing that is different today is that we have the internet and we can quickly discover the protesters are being paid. We also noticed that Kavanaugh is an open book while Ford was quickly removed from the record. Nothing to hide? Then why hide?
IMO, let the Moonbat lunatics in the Democrat for Socialist America Party have free run to bay at the moon at full volume, and publicize their ravings. (When your opponents are busily engaged in destroying themselves do not get in their way!!!

Untwist your panties, Shirley. :gay:

If I wore panties like your faggoty boyfriend...you would probably want to watch.

Calling me a faggot says far more about you than it does me, loser.
by accusing your enemies of inciting violence ( a big fat lie!) and then encouraging your friends to "do something about it" you are inciting violence. You want to "kill them before they kill you".....

Self-defense is not encouraging violence, it's preparing for attacks.

It's like an old Chinese proverb my former karate teacher taught me

"Only use violence for self-defense, or when mind is too weak to solve problem."

Self-defense is not encouraging violence, it's preparing for attacks.

It's called irrational fear. Probably the exact type that should not have a conceal and carry permit.

No, I don't think it's irrational at all:

Rap Sheet: ***594** Acts of Media-Approved Violence and Harassment Against Trump Supporters

Rap Sheet: ***594** Acts of Media-Approved Violence and Harassment Against Trump Supporters | Breitbart

When a child can't even enjoy a hamburger at his favorite restaurant without some big stupid leftist clown hitting his hat off because it says MAGA, there is nothing rational about you people.

As for guns, the only reason we need to carry guns is because of liberals. Liberals are very violent people.
No, I don't think it's irrational at all:

Not surprising. The mentally ill rarely understand their illness.

You feel the need to carry a gun because you're driven by fear and insecurity. Both are no doubt rooted in your poor understanding of the world.
Last edited:
If Dems refuse to denounce incitement to harassment and murder, make them own it

With Steve Scalise still needing canes to walk after surviving an attempted mass assassination of GOP congressmen; Maxine Waters loudly urging Democrats to harass Republicans whenever they venture out, even to "gasoline stations"; paid demonstrators pounding on the doors of the Supreme Court while the newest justice was sworn in; and the rank and file urging the murder of Justice Kavanaugh, the Republic now faces a crisis of political violence.
So far, nobody of standing in the Democratic Party is calling out the thugs operating as the Dems' enforcers.
I suspect that the political calculus among Republicans has been to let Waters shoot off her mouth and alienate more and more independent voters. But the risk of violence is such that this may be foolish. It is now time for President Trump to start calling them out, reinforced by as many voices as possible, telling the public that if they don't condemn it, they approve of the violence and harassment.
The worst among the Democrats have free rein to speak and act on their murderous fantasies.
Once political violence becomes common, the toothpaste is difficult to put back in the tube.

The timid GOPers should be calling the Dims out left and right. Yes, make them own the uncalled for rhetoric, the childishness, the incitement to violence.
Sometimes rational people (voters) need to have the obvious told to them. Then they get it. Otherwise, the GOP is letting the Lame Stream Media continue to create the narratives.
We have witnessed more than two years of the most vile and hate-filled actions from the Progressive Marxist Socialists/DSA, the MSM, #OWS, #BLM, # Antifa, and militant snowflakes. It's time for a real reckoning that demands justice and the rule of law.
Really, the only thing that has surprised me about the Kavanaugh hearings is that people seem honestly astounded by the actions of the Democrats. Come on folks! Look back in history and they have used the same attacks since the Democrats have been a political party. They accused Lincoln of visiting "houses of ill repute" and almost any opponent they wanted to destroy, they accused of being a homosexual.
They are free to make these accusations and make wild promises because they have a solid base of Dead Dog Democrats, and they know it. We all know these people, There is nothing we can do about the Dead Dog Democrats. Fortunately, they are not the majority.
The thing that is different today is that we have the internet and we can quickly discover the protesters are being paid. We also noticed that Kavanaugh is an open book while Ford was quickly removed from the record. Nothing to hide? Then why hide?
IMO, let the Moonbat lunatics in the Democrat for Socialist America Party have free run to bay at the moon at full volume, and publicize their ravings. (When your opponents are busily engaged in destroying themselves do not get in their way!!!

Untwist your panties, Shirley. :gay:

So can you name one time Trump "called for violence" unprovoked?

You liberals start trouble, and when somebody responds like Trump did, we are the bad guys.


Shouting at someone is not provocation towards violence, loser.

What pussies you losers are.
And when the majority is the right, incite violence which yes......can lead to death.

It seems that LoneLaugher thinks that faggots, trannies, illegal aliens, violent criminals, and “women wearing pussy hats” constitute the majority.

They constitute a part of the majority. Scares you don't it?

And what majority might that be?

The majority of voters. There were at least 3 million more of us in the last election. It's a big part of why Trump hates being known as an illegitimate president.

A couple big cities don’t decide the election, why is that so hard for idiots to understand?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I'm sure you think that is relevant somehow. If you think votes from big cities should count less than any other vote in the country, you should work to have the constitution changed.
No influential Dem is inciting murder.

You snowflakes need to get used to what happens when THE MINORITY TRIES TO RULE OVER THE MAJORITY in a free nation.

The majority will prevail. It is what it is.
So you're endorsing the use of violence against those you disagree with? Really?


In every case, Trump is talking about people who are trespassing against his rallies or who committed acts of violence themselves, like throwing tomatoes.
It seems that LoneLaugher thinks that faggots, trannies, illegal aliens, violent criminals, and “women wearing pussy hats” constitute the majority.

They constitute a part of the majority. Scares you don't it?

And what majority might that be?

The majority of voters. There were at least 3 million more of us in the last election. It's a big part of why Trump hates being known as an illegitimate president.

A couple big cities don’t decide the election, why is that so hard for idiots to understand?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I'm sure you think that is relevant somehow. If you think votes from big cities should count less than any other vote in the country, you should work to have the constitution changed.
The Founding Fathers already decided that issue, moron. The Constitution already does that.
If Dems refuse to denounce incitement to harassment and murder, make them own it

With Steve Scalise still needing canes to walk after surviving an attempted mass assassination of GOP congressmen; Maxine Waters loudly urging Democrats to harass Republicans whenever they venture out, even to "gasoline stations"; paid demonstrators pounding on the doors of the Supreme Court while the newest justice was sworn in; and the rank and file urging the murder of Justice Kavanaugh, the Republic now faces a crisis of political violence.
So far, nobody of standing in the Democratic Party is calling out the thugs operating as the Dems' enforcers.
I suspect that the political calculus among Republicans has been to let Waters shoot off her mouth and alienate more and more independent voters. But the risk of violence is such that this may be foolish. It is now time for President Trump to start calling them out, reinforced by as many voices as possible, telling the public that if they don't condemn it, they approve of the violence and harassment.
The worst among the Democrats have free rein to speak and act on their murderous fantasies.
Once political violence becomes common, the toothpaste is difficult to put back in the tube.

The timid GOPers should be calling the Dims out left and right. Yes, make them own the uncalled for rhetoric, the childishness, the incitement to violence.
Sometimes rational people (voters) need to have the obvious told to them. Then they get it. Otherwise, the GOP is letting the Lame Stream Media continue to create the narratives.
We have witnessed more than two years of the most vile and hate-filled actions from the Progressive Marxist Socialists/DSA, the MSM, #OWS, #BLM, # Antifa, and militant snowflakes. It's time for a real reckoning that demands justice and the rule of law.
Really, the only thing that has surprised me about the Kavanaugh hearings is that people seem honestly astounded by the actions of the Democrats. Come on folks! Look back in history and they have used the same attacks since the Democrats have been a political party. They accused Lincoln of visiting "houses of ill repute" and almost any opponent they wanted to destroy, they accused of being a homosexual.
They are free to make these accusations and make wild promises because they have a solid base of Dead Dog Democrats, and they know it. We all know these people, There is nothing we can do about the Dead Dog Democrats. Fortunately, they are not the majority.
The thing that is different today is that we have the internet and we can quickly discover the protesters are being paid. We also noticed that Kavanaugh is an open book while Ford was quickly removed from the record. Nothing to hide? Then why hide?
IMO, let the Moonbat lunatics in the Democrat for Socialist America Party have free run to bay at the moon at full volume, and publicize their ravings. (When your opponents are busily engaged in destroying themselves do not get in their way!!!

Untwist your panties, Shirley. :gay:

So can you name one time Trump "called for violence" unprovoked?

You liberals start trouble, and when somebody responds like Trump did, we are the bad guys.


Shouting at someone is not provocation towards violence, loser.

What pussies you losers are.

Sure it is, asshole. It's harassment.
Nazi, you're lying as always. It's what you do - democrats are piles of shit.

Civil war is the last thing I want. I enjoy a peaceful life and a stable society. It's you Nazi pigs who are attacking the basic foundations of our society.

Dude. Just search “civil war” and input your name.

You are obsessed with it.

You think we’ve been in a civil war for half a decade or more. Yet here you are saying THE SAME SHIT the entire time.

You are certifiable.

I don't know about a civil war, but if the left keeps up with their promotion of aggressiveness against Republicans, it's only a matter of time before something really bad happens.

What aggressiveness? Yelling at people in restaurants? Knocking on doors?

You fuckers have been itching for a fight for a long time. And now you are frightened by a few hundred women chanting in the halls of Congress?

And you think that's an isolated incident?

I guess you don't remember the Rodney King riot where they pulled an innocent truck driver out of his cab and nearly beat him to death. I guess you forget all the police protests where the left were stopping cars, jumping up and down on their vehicles, and even the several attacks on pedestrians. Or the same kind of incidents that took place at several Republican Conventions.

The reason that didn't happen here is because our laws are very liberal when it comes to guns. Trying to break into my car is the same as trying to break into my home, and the losers know this. If some leftist clown breaks my car window trying to get at me, I can legally put him into a grave and there is nothing the law can do to me.

Mind you, I hope it never comes down to that, but if the left keeps baiting their followers to conduct themselves this way, like I said, something really bad is going to happen. It's only a matter of time.

You fantasize about shooting Americans. You’re ill.

That's the result of carrying a gun everywhere everyday. Fantasizing about it's use is inevitable.

The majority of voters. There were at least 3 million more of us in the last election. It's a big part of why Trump hates being known as an illegitimate president.

Take a civics class, Nazi.

Millions of illegals voting in California does not remove the voice of the rest of America.

You think millions of illegals voted in California. You're pretty dumb, aren't you?


The Left: An Unhinged Mob

If you think the leftist are unhinged now, wait until they lose the midterms in a few weeks.

It's gonna be epic!!!
No influential Dem is inciting murder.

You snowflakes need to get used to what happens when THE MINORITY TRIES TO RULE OVER THE MAJORITY in a free nation.

The majority will prevail. It is what it is.
So you're endorsing the use of violence against those you disagree with? Really?


I'll take that as a "yes."

Take it as what it is.

Proof that you're a gullible dope who is unable to see through the narrative fed to you.
No influential Dem is inciting murder.

You snowflakes need to get used to what happens when THE MINORITY TRIES TO RULE OVER THE MAJORITY in a free nation.

The majority will prevail. It is what it is.
So you're endorsing the use of violence against those you disagree with? Really?


In every case, Trump is talking about people who are trespassing against his rallies or who committed acts of violence themselves, like throwing tomatoes.

Trump is calling for violence, dope.
If Dems refuse to denounce incitement to harassment and murder, make them own it

With Steve Scalise still needing canes to walk after surviving an attempted mass assassination of GOP congressmen; Maxine Waters loudly urging Democrats to harass Republicans whenever they venture out, even to "gasoline stations"; paid demonstrators pounding on the doors of the Supreme Court while the newest justice was sworn in; and the rank and file urging the murder of Justice Kavanaugh, the Republic now faces a crisis of political violence.
So far, nobody of standing in the Democratic Party is calling out the thugs operating as the Dems' enforcers.
I suspect that the political calculus among Republicans has been to let Waters shoot off her mouth and alienate more and more independent voters. But the risk of violence is such that this may be foolish. It is now time for President Trump to start calling them out, reinforced by as many voices as possible, telling the public that if they don't condemn it, they approve of the violence and harassment.
The worst among the Democrats have free rein to speak and act on their murderous fantasies.
Once political violence becomes common, the toothpaste is difficult to put back in the tube.

The timid GOPers should be calling the Dims out left and right. Yes, make them own the uncalled for rhetoric, the childishness, the incitement to violence.
Sometimes rational people (voters) need to have the obvious told to them. Then they get it. Otherwise, the GOP is letting the Lame Stream Media continue to create the narratives.
We have witnessed more than two years of the most vile and hate-filled actions from the Progressive Marxist Socialists/DSA, the MSM, #OWS, #BLM, # Antifa, and militant snowflakes. It's time for a real reckoning that demands justice and the rule of law.
Really, the only thing that has surprised me about the Kavanaugh hearings is that people seem honestly astounded by the actions of the Democrats. Come on folks! Look back in history and they have used the same attacks since the Democrats have been a political party. They accused Lincoln of visiting "houses of ill repute" and almost any opponent they wanted to destroy, they accused of being a homosexual.
They are free to make these accusations and make wild promises because they have a solid base of Dead Dog Democrats, and they know it. We all know these people, There is nothing we can do about the Dead Dog Democrats. Fortunately, they are not the majority.
The thing that is different today is that we have the internet and we can quickly discover the protesters are being paid. We also noticed that Kavanaugh is an open book while Ford was quickly removed from the record. Nothing to hide? Then why hide?
IMO, let the Moonbat lunatics in the Democrat for Socialist America Party have free run to bay at the moon at full volume, and publicize their ravings. (When your opponents are busily engaged in destroying themselves do not get in their way!!!

Untwist your panties, Shirley. :gay:

So can you name one time Trump "called for violence" unprovoked?

You liberals start trouble, and when somebody responds like Trump did, we are the bad guys.


Shouting at someone is not provocation towards violence, loser.

What pussies you losers are.

Sure it is, asshole. It's harassment.

Sure it is, asshole. It's harassment.

Which of course is not violence, dope.
And you think that's an isolated incident?

I guess you don't remember the Rodney King riot where they pulled an innocent truck driver out of his cab and nearly beat him to death. I guess you forget all the police protests where the left were stopping cars, jumping up and down on their vehicles, and even the several attacks on pedestrians. Or the same kind of incidents that took place at several Republican Conventions.

The reason that didn't happen here is because our laws are very liberal when it comes to guns. Trying to break into my car is the same as trying to break into my home, and the losers know this. If some leftist clown breaks my car window trying to get at me, I can legally put him into a grave and there is nothing the law can do to me.

Mind you, I hope it never comes down to that, but if the left keeps baiting their followers to conduct themselves this way, like I said, something really bad is going to happen. It's only a matter of time.

You fantasize about shooting Americans. You’re ill.

I'm ill? You have the guts to say that with such poor comprehension skills? It's only the last sentence for crying out loud I hope it never comes to that. Now if you still don't understand it, let somebody explain it to you.
The liberals are ill. Soros financed Black Lives Matter to get out black vote for Hillary. Promoted violence against police. Cops died as a result.
Snipers shoot 11 officers, killing 5 during Dallas protest

They will never see it that way just like the current group we have here doesn't see violence talk out of their leaders.

You are going to get kooks on either side of the aisle, but the difference is our people don't promote it. We denounce it on every level on the right.
But when leftist turn violent...law and order must be restored and self defense must be allowed. This is how Antifa violence should be handled...scatter them like cockroaches.

Or, we actually use probable cause, due process and the rule of law.

Rather than the inane gibbering of a conspiracy theorist in its place.

Yes, arrest him and let him stand trial. He is an imminent threat to our National Security. He's financing terrorist gangs like BLM and Antifa. He's their Bin Laden.

He's an imminent threat to our national security....says you, citing your imagination.

Your latest batshit conspiracy theory isn't actually evidence. And doesn't establish probable cause. Let alone the basis of arrest or trial. Let alone conviction.

As I said, we will actually use probable cause, due process and the rule of law.

He's their Bin Laden. He needs to be held accountable. Follow the money, it all leads to George Soros.

He's their Bin Laden....says you, citing your imagination. Do you see how this works? Your imagination isn't probable cause. Or the basis of any charge, any trial, or any convinction.
It is always a conspiracy theory to you dupes until your cult leaders tell you otherwise....

Just follow the money. All violent Leftist/Democrat gangs are financed by Soros. He's become a threat to our National Security.
Yes, arrest him and let him stand trial. He is an imminent threat to our National Security. He's financing terrorist gangs like BLM and Antifa. He's their Bin Laden.

He's an imminent threat to our national security....says you, citing your imagination.

Your latest batshit conspiracy theory isn't actually evidence. And doesn't establish probable cause. Let alone the basis of arrest or trial. Let alone conviction.

As I said, we will actually use probable cause, due process and the rule of law.

He's their Bin Laden. He needs to be held accountable. Follow the money, it all leads to George Soros.

He's their Bin Laden....says you, citing your imagination. Do you see how this works? Your imagination isn't probable cause. Or the basis of any charge, any trial, or any convinction.
It is always a conspiracy theory to you dupes until your cult leaders tell you otherwise....

Just follow the money. All violent Leftist/Democrat gangs are financed by Soros. He's become a threat to our National Security.

In your fetid imagination. Meanwhile, in the real world, Sheldon Adelson is spending $80 million on behalf of Republicans in the mid-terms.

If I told you, 'no strings attached,' be assured I would be joking.

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