If Dems refuse to denounce incitement to harassment and murder, make them own it

And when the majority is the right, incite violence which yes......can lead to death.

Dude. You are frightened of women wearing pussy hats. I laugh at you.
Hats are fine with me. Silly but fine. What frightens me though is lefty assholes with rifles attempting to kill Republican congressmen and others during softball practice.

Name 2.

Do these count???

"In 2011 a mentally ill registered Democrat named Jared Lee Loughner shot Rep. Gabrielle Giffords. The pot smoking Loughner killed 6 and wounded 18 in another liberal shooting tragedy.
In 2011 a registered Democrat named James Holmes went into a Colorado movie theater and shot and killed 12 people.
In 2012 Andrew Engeldinger a disgruntled Democrat shot and killed 7 people in Minneapolis.
On 9/16/2013, another mentally ill liberal, Aaron Alexis, killed 12 innocents at the Navy Yard in Washington DC."
Guns Don't Kill People, Democrats Kill People

No, moron. Did you read what I responded to?

I accept your retreat as yet another victory.

Be gone.
Dude. You are frightened of women wearing pussy hats. I laugh at you.
Hats are fine with me. Silly but fine. What frightens me though is lefty assholes with rifles attempting to kill Republican congressmen and others during softball practice.

Name 2.

Do these count???

"In 2011 a mentally ill registered Democrat named Jared Lee Loughner shot Rep. Gabrielle Giffords. The pot smoking Loughner killed 6 and wounded 18 in another liberal shooting tragedy.
In 2011 a registered Democrat named James Holmes went into a Colorado movie theater and shot and killed 12 people.
In 2012 Andrew Engeldinger a disgruntled Democrat shot and killed 7 people in Minneapolis.
On 9/16/2013, another mentally ill liberal, Aaron Alexis, killed 12 innocents at the Navy Yard in Washington DC."
Guns Don't Kill People, Democrats Kill People

No, moron. Did you read what I responded to?

I accept your retreat as yet another victory.

Be gone.

Still here. Lets have the softball ( the other moron meant to say baseball )game shooters list.

I'll wait.
Hats are fine with me. Silly but fine. What frightens me though is lefty assholes with rifles attempting to kill Republican congressmen and others during softball practice.

Name 2.

Do these count???

"In 2011 a mentally ill registered Democrat named Jared Lee Loughner shot Rep. Gabrielle Giffords. The pot smoking Loughner killed 6 and wounded 18 in another liberal shooting tragedy.
In 2011 a registered Democrat named James Holmes went into a Colorado movie theater and shot and killed 12 people.
In 2012 Andrew Engeldinger a disgruntled Democrat shot and killed 7 people in Minneapolis.
On 9/16/2013, another mentally ill liberal, Aaron Alexis, killed 12 innocents at the Navy Yard in Washington DC."
Guns Don't Kill People, Democrats Kill People

No, moron. Did you read what I responded to?

I accept your retreat as yet another victory.

Be gone.

Still here. Lets have the softball ( the other moron meant to say baseball )game shooters list.

I'll wait.

Why, dunce.....murders of other varieties by you Leftists don't count?

Democrats whip up their minions into a violent, killing frenzy… “Ismaaiyl Brinsley shot and killed two NYPD officers before committing suicide in Brooklyn’s Bed Stuy neighborhood just before 3 p.m. on December 20. … walked up to the cop’s patrol car and opened fire, “execution” style. The murdered cops have been named as officers Wenjian Liu and Rafael Ramos. Both cops … were pronounced dead just after 5 p.m.

…Brinsley thought of the shooting as a revenge mission for Eric Garner and Michael Brown.” Ismaaiyl Brinsley: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know | Heavy.com

Brinsley was a prototypical Liberal jihadi….after executions of the police, he killed himself.

Do these count???

"In 2011 a mentally ill registered Democrat named Jared Lee Loughner shot Rep. Gabrielle Giffords. The pot smoking Loughner killed 6 and wounded 18 in another liberal shooting tragedy.
In 2011 a registered Democrat named James Holmes went into a Colorado movie theater and shot and killed 12 people.
In 2012 Andrew Engeldinger a disgruntled Democrat shot and killed 7 people in Minneapolis.
On 9/16/2013, another mentally ill liberal, Aaron Alexis, killed 12 innocents at the Navy Yard in Washington DC."
Guns Don't Kill People, Democrats Kill People

No, moron. Did you read what I responded to?

I accept your retreat as yet another victory.

Be gone.

Still here. Lets have the softball ( the other moron meant to say baseball )game shooters list.

I'll wait.

Why, dunce.....murders of other varieties by you Leftists don't count?

Democrats whip up their minions into a violent, killing frenzy… “Ismaaiyl Brinsley shot and killed two NYPD officers before committing suicide in Brooklyn’s Bed Stuy neighborhood just before 3 p.m. on December 20. … walked up to the cop’s patrol car and opened fire, “execution” style. The murdered cops have been named as officers Wenjian Liu and Rafael Ramos. Both cops … were pronounced dead just after 5 p.m.

…Brinsley thought of the shooting as a revenge mission for Eric Garner and Michael Brown.” Ismaaiyl Brinsley: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know | Heavy.com

Brinsley was a prototypical Liberal jihadi….after executions of the police, he killed himself.

We are so lucky that RW extremists never kill anyone here. Y'all are so gentle.
Do these count???

"In 2011 a mentally ill registered Democrat named Jared Lee Loughner shot Rep. Gabrielle Giffords. The pot smoking Loughner killed 6 and wounded 18 in another liberal shooting tragedy.
In 2011 a registered Democrat named James Holmes went into a Colorado movie theater and shot and killed 12 people.
In 2012 Andrew Engeldinger a disgruntled Democrat shot and killed 7 people in Minneapolis.
On 9/16/2013, another mentally ill liberal, Aaron Alexis, killed 12 innocents at the Navy Yard in Washington DC."
Guns Don't Kill People, Democrats Kill People

No, moron. Did you read what I responded to?

I accept your retreat as yet another victory.

Be gone.

Still here. Lets have the softball ( the other moron meant to say baseball )game shooters list.

I'll wait.

Why, dunce.....murders of other varieties by you Leftists don't count?

Democrats whip up their minions into a violent, killing frenzy… “Ismaaiyl Brinsley shot and killed two NYPD officers before committing suicide in Brooklyn’s Bed Stuy neighborhood just before 3 p.m. on December 20. … walked up to the cop’s patrol car and opened fire, “execution” style. The murdered cops have been named as officers Wenjian Liu and Rafael Ramos. Both cops … were pronounced dead just after 5 p.m.

…Brinsley thought of the shooting as a revenge mission for Eric Garner and Michael Brown.” Ismaaiyl Brinsley: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know | Heavy.com

Brinsley was a prototypical Liberal jihadi….after executions of the police, he killed himself.

We are so lucky that RW extremists never kill anyone here. Y'all are so gentle.

....the Left doesn't draw the line at allusion to actual violence...

1. The Liberal drumbeat of propaganda, right from Obama, about police out to murder black Americans, has led to the actions of this Democrat holy warrior, slaughtering five Dallas police officers.

“DALLAS — The heavily armed sniper who gunned down police officers in downtown Dallas, leaving five of them dead, specifically set out to kill as many white officers as he could, officials said Friday.

The shooting was the kind of retaliatory violence that people have feared through two years of protestsaround the country against deaths in police custody, forcing yet another wrenching shift in debates over race and criminal justice that had already deeply divided the nation.” Five Dallas Officers Were Killed as Payback, Police Chief Says

2. Where could the rationalization, the encouragement, the insistence, of such savagery come from?

3. And it went on:

"Obama Met With Ferguson Activists – Said He’s Concerned They “Stay on Course”
President Obama met with Ferguson protest leaders on November 5th, the day after the midterm elections. The meeting was not onhis daily schedule. He was concerned that the protesters“stay on course.”

What does that mean?" Obama Met With Ferguson Activists - Said He's Concerned They "Stay on Course" - The Gateway Pundit

Which side supported the Soviet slaughters for 70 years, and has brought the pattern to America?

The savages of the Left.

If you had comparable examples you would have provided same.

You didn't because you can't.

There is a savagery in Nazis, Communists, Liberals....in short, Leftists.
No influential Dem is inciting murder.

You snowflakes need to get used to what happens when THE MINORITY TRIES TO RULE OVER THE MAJORITY in a free nation.

The majority will prevail. It is what it is.

And when the majority is the right, incite violence which yes......can lead to death.

Dude. You are frightened of women wearing pussy hats. I laugh at you.
Hats are fine with me. Silly but fine. What frightens me though is lefty assholes with rifles attempting to kill Republican congressmen and others during softball practice.

Name 2.

Do these count???

"In 2011 a mentally ill registered Democrat named Jared Lee Loughner shot Rep. Gabrielle Giffords. The pot smoking Loughner killed 6 and wounded 18 in another liberal shooting tragedy.
In 2011 a registered Democrat named James Holmes went into a Colorado movie theater and shot and killed 12 people.
In 2012 Andrew Engeldinger a disgruntled Democrat shot and killed 7 people in Minneapolis.
On 9/16/2013, another mentally ill liberal, Aaron Alexis, killed 12 innocents at the Navy Yard in Washington DC."
Guns Don't Kill People, Democrats Kill People
Do you ever stop lying?


Jared Lee Loughner was a registered Independent.

Jared Loughner’s Political Affiliation: Was He a Democrat or Republican? | Heavy.com
The past is the past, and is prologue to the future. Both sides have killed members of the opposition, but the difference this time is that politicians, like Maxine Waters, are actively encouraging the violence. ANY past violence that was not directed by members of Congress really don't count in this thread unless there was "incitement" as listed in the thread title. Cory Booker & Maxine Waters support "menacing" They are liable and should be arrested if/when someone is injured or killed.
Last edited:
The past is the past, and is prologue to the future. Both side have killed members of the opposition, but the difference this time is that politicians, like Maxine Waters, are actively encouraging the violence. ANY past violence that was not directed by members of Congress really don't count in this thread unless there was "incitement" as listed in the thread title. Cory Booker & Maxine Waters support "menacing" They are liable and should be arrested if/when someone is injured or killed.

Maxine Waters did not encourage violence. Booker did not encourage violence.

Trump encouraged violence.
If Dems refuse to denounce incitement to harassment and murder, make them own it

With Steve Scalise still needing canes to walk after surviving an attempted mass assassination of GOP congressmen; Maxine Waters loudly urging Democrats to harass Republicans whenever they venture out, even to "gasoline stations"; paid demonstrators pounding on the doors of the Supreme Court while the newest justice was sworn in; and the rank and file urging the murder of Justice Kavanaugh, the Republic now faces a crisis of political violence.
So far, nobody of standing in the Democratic Party is calling out the thugs operating as the Dems' enforcers.
I suspect that the political calculus among Republicans has been to let Waters shoot off her mouth and alienate more and more independent voters. But the risk of violence is such that this may be foolish. It is now time for President Trump to start calling them out, reinforced by as many voices as possible, telling the public that if they don't condemn it, they approve of the violence and harassment.
The worst among the Democrats have free rein to speak and act on their murderous fantasies.
Once political violence becomes common, the toothpaste is difficult to put back in the tube.

The timid GOPers should be calling the Dims out left and right. Yes, make them own the uncalled for rhetoric, the childishness, the incitement to violence.
Sometimes rational people (voters) need to have the obvious told to them. Then they get it. Otherwise, the GOP is letting the Lame Stream Media continue to create the narratives.
We have witnessed more than two years of the most vile and hate-filled actions from the Progressive Marxist Socialists/DSA, the MSM, #OWS, #BLM, # Antifa, and militant snowflakes. It's time for a real reckoning that demands justice and the rule of law.
Really, the only thing that has surprised me about the Kavanaugh hearings is that people seem honestly astounded by the actions of the Democrats. Come on folks! Look back in history and they have used the same attacks since the Democrats have been a political party. They accused Lincoln of visiting "houses of ill repute" and almost any opponent they wanted to destroy, they accused of being a homosexual.
They are free to make these accusations and make wild promises because they have a solid base of Dead Dog Democrats, and they know it. We all know these people, There is nothing we can do about the Dead Dog Democrats. Fortunately, they are not the majority.
The thing that is different today is that we have the internet and we can quickly discover the protesters are being paid. We also noticed that Kavanaugh is an open book while Ford was quickly removed from the record. Nothing to hide? Then why hide?
IMO, let the Moonbat lunatics in the Democrat for Socialist America Party have free run to bay at the moon at full volume, and publicize their ravings. (When your opponents are busily engaged in destroying themselves do not get in their way!!!

GOP gubernatorial candidate in Pennsylvania warns Democrat of plans to ‘stomp all over your face with golf spikes’

any conservatives here care to denounce this?

And when the majority is the right, incite violence which yes......can lead to death.

Dude. You are frightened of women wearing pussy hats. I laugh at you.
Hats are fine with me. Silly but fine. What frightens me though is lefty assholes with rifles attempting to kill Republican congressmen and others during softball practice.

Name 2.

Do these count???

"In 2011 a mentally ill registered Democrat named Jared Lee Loughner shot Rep. Gabrielle Giffords. The pot smoking Loughner killed 6 and wounded 18 in another liberal shooting tragedy.
In 2011 a registered Democrat named James Holmes went into a Colorado movie theater and shot and killed 12 people.
In 2012 Andrew Engeldinger a disgruntled Democrat shot and killed 7 people in Minneapolis.
On 9/16/2013, another mentally ill liberal, Aaron Alexis, killed 12 innocents at the Navy Yard in Washington DC."
Guns Don't Kill People, Democrats Kill People
Do you ever stop lying?


Jared Lee Loughner was a registered Independent.

Jared Loughner’s Political Affiliation: Was He a Democrat or Republican? | Heavy.com

As you know, I never lie.

Loughner was a grad of Obama-financed school....

1. "Jared Lee Loughner, the suspected gunman in Saturday's Arizona shooting, attended a high school that is part of a network in which teachers are trained and provided resources by a liberal group founded by Weatherman terrorist Bill Ayers and funded by President Obama, WND has learned.

The group, Small Schools Workshop, has been led by a former top communist activist who is an associate of Ayers.

Obama provided the group with funds in the 1990s when he worked at an education reform group alongside Ayers."
Read more: Bill Ayers, communist provided Arizona shooter's curriculum?

2. Left-wing pot-head Jared Loughner. As soon as he shot up the Gabrielle Giffords political event, Paul Krugman wrote his column, “Climate of Hate,” announcing that the cause of the shooting was “toxic rhetoric” coming “overwhelmingly from the right.” This was followed by the usual torrent of exactly zero examples.
  1. Sadly, for the Left, lots of Loughner acquaintances chimed in: “left-wing,” “political radical,” “quite liberal,” AZ SHOOTER: Left-Winger JARED LOUGHNER – He Likes Watching US Flags Burn & Favorite Book is Communist Manifesto One friend said Loughner never listened to talk radio, of watched TV news. Throw in “never read books” and you have the dictionary definition of a liberal.
  2. Research turned up an Obama-Loughner link: Obama and Ayers shunted funds to support Maoist Michael Klonsky. In 1991 Klonsky and Ayers co-founded a project known as the "Small Schools Workshop" (SSW); the teacher preaching the “social justice” gospel that American capitalism is a racist, materialist, imperialist cauldron of injustice can have greater impact on the students he seeks to mold into his conception of the “good citizen” — and on the teachers he is teaching to be preachers. Another Communist in Obama’s Orb - Andrew C. McCarthy - National Review Online .
  3. During his formative high school years, Jarod Lee Loughner attended the Mountain View High School, in Arizona…a school whose curriculum was designed by Mike Klonsky, friend and associate of Bill Ayers and Barack Obama… Shooting suspect?s nihilism rose with isolation - Herald News

Wasn't that fun.....destroying you yet again???

Not like that's difficult.....

But.....thanks for proving yet again that I'm never wrong.
And when the majority is the right, incite violence which yes......can lead to death.

It seems that LoneLaugher thinks that faggots, trannies, illegal aliens, violent criminals, and “women wearing pussy hats” constitute the majority.

They constitute a part of the majority. Scares you don't it?

And what majority might that be?

Gays are out and about everywhere!
in business, politics, entertainment, the military

they live in our neighborhoods, are our friends, neighbors and relatives.

and MOST people are fine with it.

Gays, blacks and women are in prominent and powerful positions in business, entertainment, the military, politics....
and most people are fine with that

interracial relationships are common
and nobody cares

pot is being legalized/decriminalized all over the country.

and everyone is fine with that

atheism is on the rise, adherents to christianity are starting to shrink

The majority of the people are NOT right wing.....
The past is the past, and is prologue to the future. Both side have killed members of the opposition, but the difference this time is that politicians, like Maxine Waters, are actively encouraging the violence. ANY past violence that was not directed by members of Congress really don't count in this thread unless there was "incitement" as listed in the thread title. Cory Booker & Maxine Waters support "menacing" They are liable and should be arrested if/when someone is injured or killed.

Maxine Waters did not encourage violence. Booker did not encourage violence.

Trump encouraged violence.

Menacing or harassing to the point of chasing someone out of restaurants is violence. If someone is afraid of being injured, and decides its better to leave than to defend yourself by pushing back, is on the borderline of violence. Harassment can escalate to violence very quickly if someone feels threatened or wants to protect their loved ones.
Dude. You are frightened of women wearing pussy hats. I laugh at you.
Hats are fine with me. Silly but fine. What frightens me though is lefty assholes with rifles attempting to kill Republican congressmen and others during softball practice.

Name 2.

Do these count???

"In 2011 a mentally ill registered Democrat named Jared Lee Loughner shot Rep. Gabrielle Giffords. The pot smoking Loughner killed 6 and wounded 18 in another liberal shooting tragedy.
In 2011 a registered Democrat named James Holmes went into a Colorado movie theater and shot and killed 12 people.
In 2012 Andrew Engeldinger a disgruntled Democrat shot and killed 7 people in Minneapolis.
On 9/16/2013, another mentally ill liberal, Aaron Alexis, killed 12 innocents at the Navy Yard in Washington DC."
Guns Don't Kill People, Democrats Kill People
Do you ever stop lying?


Jared Lee Loughner was a registered Independent.

Jared Loughner’s Political Affiliation: Was He a Democrat or Republican? | Heavy.com

As you know, I never lie.

Loughner was a grad of Obama-financed school....

1. "Jared Lee Loughner, the suspected gunman in Saturday's Arizona shooting, attended a high school that is part of a network in which teachers are trained and provided resources by a liberal group founded by Weatherman terrorist Bill Ayers and funded by President Obama, WND has learned.

The group, Small Schools Workshop, has been led by a former top communist activist who is an associate of Ayers.

Obama provided the group with funds in the 1990s when he worked at an education reform group alongside Ayers."
Read more: Bill Ayers, communist provided Arizona shooter's curriculum?

2. Left-wing pot-head Jared Loughner. As soon as he shot up the Gabrielle Giffords political event, Paul Krugman wrote his column, “Climate of Hate,” announcing that the cause of the shooting was “toxic rhetoric” coming “overwhelmingly from the right.” This was followed by the usual torrent of exactly zero examples.
  1. Sadly, for the Left, lots of Loughner acquaintances chimed in: “left-wing,” “political radical,” “quite liberal,” AZ SHOOTER: Left-Winger JARED LOUGHNER – He Likes Watching US Flags Burn & Favorite Book is Communist Manifesto One friend said Loughner never listened to talk radio, of watched TV news. Throw in “never read books” and you have the dictionary definition of a liberal.
  2. Research turned up an Obama-Loughner link: Obama and Ayers shunted funds to support Maoist Michael Klonsky. In 1991 Klonsky and Ayers co-founded a project known as the "Small Schools Workshop" (SSW); the teacher preaching the “social justice” gospel that American capitalism is a racist, materialist, imperialist cauldron of injustice can have greater impact on the students he seeks to mold into his conception of the “good citizen” — and on the teachers he is teaching to be preachers. Another Communist in Obama’s Orb - Andrew C. McCarthy - National Review Online .
  3. During his formative high school years, Jarod Lee Loughner attended the Mountain View High School, in Arizona…a school whose curriculum was designed by Mike Klonsky, friend and associate of Bill Ayers and Barack Obama… Shooting suspect?s nihilism rose with isolation - Herald News

Wasn't that fun.....destroying you yet again???

Not like that's difficult.....

But.....thanks for proving yet again that I'm never wrong.

rush limbaugh says that is you say something that is untrue then you are a liar even if you believe it!

you may not knowingly lie but you certainly say a lot of things that are MISINFORMATION and/or UNTRUE.

btw....when you OMIT data and facts to prove your point you are, indeed, lying.....
The past is the past, and is prologue to the future. Both side have killed members of the opposition, but the difference this time is that politicians, like Maxine Waters, are actively encouraging the violence. ANY past violence that was not directed by members of Congress really don't count in this thread unless there was "incitement" as listed in the thread title. Cory Booker & Maxine Waters support "menacing" They are liable and should be arrested if/when someone is injured or killed.

Maxine Waters did not encourage violence. Booker did not encourage violence.

Trump encouraged violence.

Menacing or harassing to the point of chasing someone out of restaurants is violence. If someone is afraid of being injured, and decides its better to leave than to defend yourself by pushing back, is on the borderline of violence. Harassment can escalate to violence very quickly if someone feels threatened or wants to protect their loved ones.

Nope. Sorry. Yelling at someone in a restaurant is annoying. It is not violent.

This is where the idea came from, by the way.

Right-Wing Harassment Strategy Against Dems Detailed In Memo: ‘Yell,’ ‘Stand Up And Shout Out,’ ‘Rattle Him’
Hats are fine with me. Silly but fine. What frightens me though is lefty assholes with rifles attempting to kill Republican congressmen and others during softball practice.

Name 2.

Do these count???

"In 2011 a mentally ill registered Democrat named Jared Lee Loughner shot Rep. Gabrielle Giffords. The pot smoking Loughner killed 6 and wounded 18 in another liberal shooting tragedy.
In 2011 a registered Democrat named James Holmes went into a Colorado movie theater and shot and killed 12 people.
In 2012 Andrew Engeldinger a disgruntled Democrat shot and killed 7 people in Minneapolis.
On 9/16/2013, another mentally ill liberal, Aaron Alexis, killed 12 innocents at the Navy Yard in Washington DC."
Guns Don't Kill People, Democrats Kill People
Do you ever stop lying?


Jared Lee Loughner was a registered Independent.

Jared Loughner’s Political Affiliation: Was He a Democrat or Republican? | Heavy.com

As you know, I never lie.

Loughner was a grad of Obama-financed school....

1. "Jared Lee Loughner, the suspected gunman in Saturday's Arizona shooting, attended a high school that is part of a network in which teachers are trained and provided resources by a liberal group founded by Weatherman terrorist Bill Ayers and funded by President Obama, WND has learned.

The group, Small Schools Workshop, has been led by a former top communist activist who is an associate of Ayers.

Obama provided the group with funds in the 1990s when he worked at an education reform group alongside Ayers."
Read more: Bill Ayers, communist provided Arizona shooter's curriculum?

2. Left-wing pot-head Jared Loughner. As soon as he shot up the Gabrielle Giffords political event, Paul Krugman wrote his column, “Climate of Hate,” announcing that the cause of the shooting was “toxic rhetoric” coming “overwhelmingly from the right.” This was followed by the usual torrent of exactly zero examples.
  1. Sadly, for the Left, lots of Loughner acquaintances chimed in: “left-wing,” “political radical,” “quite liberal,” AZ SHOOTER: Left-Winger JARED LOUGHNER – He Likes Watching US Flags Burn & Favorite Book is Communist Manifesto One friend said Loughner never listened to talk radio, of watched TV news. Throw in “never read books” and you have the dictionary definition of a liberal.
  2. Research turned up an Obama-Loughner link: Obama and Ayers shunted funds to support Maoist Michael Klonsky. In 1991 Klonsky and Ayers co-founded a project known as the "Small Schools Workshop" (SSW); the teacher preaching the “social justice” gospel that American capitalism is a racist, materialist, imperialist cauldron of injustice can have greater impact on the students he seeks to mold into his conception of the “good citizen” — and on the teachers he is teaching to be preachers. Another Communist in Obama’s Orb - Andrew C. McCarthy - National Review Online .
  3. During his formative high school years, Jarod Lee Loughner attended the Mountain View High School, in Arizona…a school whose curriculum was designed by Mike Klonsky, friend and associate of Bill Ayers and Barack Obama… Shooting suspect?s nihilism rose with isolation - Herald News

Wasn't that fun.....destroying you yet again???

Not like that's difficult.....

But.....thanks for proving yet again that I'm never wrong.

rush limbaugh says that is you say something that is untrue then you are a liar even if you believe it!

you may not knowingly lie but you certainly say a lot of things that are MISINFORMATION and/or UNTRUE.

btw....when you OMIT data and facts to prove your point you are, indeed, lying.....

Yet....you were unable to provide any such.

Hence....you turn out to be the liar.

But, heck....I fully understand it: you poor Liberals....my posts affect you the way a paddle affects a ping-pong ball!
And when the majority is the right, incite violence which yes......can lead to death.

It seems that LoneLaugher thinks that faggots, trannies, illegal aliens, violent criminals, and “women wearing pussy hats” constitute the majority.

They constitute a part of the majority. Scares you don't it?

And what majority might that be?

Gays are out and about everywhere!
in business, politics, entertainment, the military

they live in our neighborhoods, are our friends, neighbors and relatives.

and MOST people are fine with it.

Gays, blacks and women are in prominent and powerful positions in business, entertainment, the military, politics....
and most people are fine with that

interracial relationships are common
and nobody cares

pot is being legalized/decriminalized all over the country.

and everyone is fine with that

atheism is on the rise, adherents to christianity are starting to shrink

The majority of the people are NOT right wing.....

So disappointed you don't have theme music to go with that less than creative avi....

...I feel sorry for you....so, I'll award you one.

Dude. You are frightened of women wearing pussy hats. I laugh at you.
Hats are fine with me. Silly but fine. What frightens me though is lefty assholes with rifles attempting to kill Republican congressmen and others during softball practice.

Name 2.

Do these count???

"In 2011 a mentally ill registered Democrat named Jared Lee Loughner shot Rep. Gabrielle Giffords. The pot smoking Loughner killed 6 and wounded 18 in another liberal shooting tragedy.
In 2011 a registered Democrat named James Holmes went into a Colorado movie theater and shot and killed 12 people.
In 2012 Andrew Engeldinger a disgruntled Democrat shot and killed 7 people in Minneapolis.
On 9/16/2013, another mentally ill liberal, Aaron Alexis, killed 12 innocents at the Navy Yard in Washington DC."
Guns Don't Kill People, Democrats Kill People
Do you ever stop lying?


Jared Lee Loughner was a registered Independent.

Jared Loughner’s Political Affiliation: Was He a Democrat or Republican? | Heavy.com

As you know, I never lie.

Loughner was a grad of Obama-financed school....

1. "Jared Lee Loughner, the suspected gunman in Saturday's Arizona shooting, attended a high school that is part of a network in which teachers are trained and provided resources by a liberal group founded by Weatherman terrorist Bill Ayers and funded by President Obama, WND has learned.

The group, Small Schools Workshop, has been led by a former top communist activist who is an associate of Ayers.

Obama provided the group with funds in the 1990s when he worked at an education reform group alongside Ayers."
Read more: Bill Ayers, communist provided Arizona shooter's curriculum?

2. Left-wing pot-head Jared Loughner. As soon as he shot up the Gabrielle Giffords political event, Paul Krugman wrote his column, “Climate of Hate,” announcing that the cause of the shooting was “toxic rhetoric” coming “overwhelmingly from the right.” This was followed by the usual torrent of exactly zero examples.
  1. Sadly, for the Left, lots of Loughner acquaintances chimed in: “left-wing,” “political radical,” “quite liberal,” AZ SHOOTER: Left-Winger JARED LOUGHNER – He Likes Watching US Flags Burn & Favorite Book is Communist Manifesto One friend said Loughner never listened to talk radio, of watched TV news. Throw in “never read books” and you have the dictionary definition of a liberal.
  2. Research turned up an Obama-Loughner link: Obama and Ayers shunted funds to support Maoist Michael Klonsky. In 1991 Klonsky and Ayers co-founded a project known as the "Small Schools Workshop" (SSW); the teacher preaching the “social justice” gospel that American capitalism is a racist, materialist, imperialist cauldron of injustice can have greater impact on the students he seeks to mold into his conception of the “good citizen” — and on the teachers he is teaching to be preachers. Another Communist in Obama’s Orb - Andrew C. McCarthy - National Review Online .
  3. During his formative high school years, Jarod Lee Loughner attended the Mountain View High School, in Arizona…a school whose curriculum was designed by Mike Klonsky, friend and associate of Bill Ayers and Barack Obama… Shooting suspect?s nihilism rose with isolation - Herald News

Wasn't that fun.....destroying you yet again???

Not like that's difficult.....

But.....thanks for proving yet again that I'm never wrong.

Of course you lied and everyone here sees that.

You falsely claimed Loughner was a ”registered Democrat.”

Absolutely nothing you posted corroborated that; and how could it since you were lying?

Jared Lee Loughner was a registered independent, didn’t vote in 2010 election

Do you ever stop lying?

The past is the past, and is prologue to the future. Both side have killed members of the opposition, but the difference this time is that politicians, like Maxine Waters, are actively encouraging the violence. ANY past violence that was not directed by members of Congress really don't count in this thread unless there was "incitement" as listed in the thread title. Cory Booker & Maxine Waters support "menacing" They are liable and should be arrested if/when someone is injured or killed.

Maxine Waters did not encourage violence. Booker did not encourage violence.

Trump encouraged violence.

Menacing or harassing to the point of chasing someone out of restaurants is violence. If someone is afraid of being injured, and decides its better to leave than to defend yourself by pushing back, is on the borderline of violence. Harassment can escalate to violence very quickly if someone feels threatened or wants to protect their loved ones.

Nope. Sorry. Yelling at someone in a restaurant is annoying. It is not violent.

This is where the idea came from, by the way.

Right-Wing Harassment Strategy Against Dems Detailed In Memo: ‘Yell,’ ‘Stand Up And Shout Out,’ ‘Rattle Him’

There is a big difference between yelling at a congressman at a rally and yelling at him and is family at a restaurant.
At a rally there is security, and I call it free speech if you let him know you oppose his policies, like Obamacare.
There are numerous yellers at Trump rallies and they are safely escorted out. No harm done.

Its your call, do you really want to start hunting each others representatives anywhere anytime? That can happen if you want.
Hats are fine with me. Silly but fine. What frightens me though is lefty assholes with rifles attempting to kill Republican congressmen and others during softball practice.

Name 2.

Do these count???

"In 2011 a mentally ill registered Democrat named Jared Lee Loughner shot Rep. Gabrielle Giffords. The pot smoking Loughner killed 6 and wounded 18 in another liberal shooting tragedy.
In 2011 a registered Democrat named James Holmes went into a Colorado movie theater and shot and killed 12 people.
In 2012 Andrew Engeldinger a disgruntled Democrat shot and killed 7 people in Minneapolis.
On 9/16/2013, another mentally ill liberal, Aaron Alexis, killed 12 innocents at the Navy Yard in Washington DC."
Guns Don't Kill People, Democrats Kill People
Do you ever stop lying?


Jared Lee Loughner was a registered Independent.

Jared Loughner’s Political Affiliation: Was He a Democrat or Republican? | Heavy.com

As you know, I never lie.

Loughner was a grad of Obama-financed school....

1. "Jared Lee Loughner, the suspected gunman in Saturday's Arizona shooting, attended a high school that is part of a network in which teachers are trained and provided resources by a liberal group founded by Weatherman terrorist Bill Ayers and funded by President Obama, WND has learned.

The group, Small Schools Workshop, has been led by a former top communist activist who is an associate of Ayers.

Obama provided the group with funds in the 1990s when he worked at an education reform group alongside Ayers."
Read more: Bill Ayers, communist provided Arizona shooter's curriculum?

2. Left-wing pot-head Jared Loughner. As soon as he shot up the Gabrielle Giffords political event, Paul Krugman wrote his column, “Climate of Hate,” announcing that the cause of the shooting was “toxic rhetoric” coming “overwhelmingly from the right.” This was followed by the usual torrent of exactly zero examples.
  1. Sadly, for the Left, lots of Loughner acquaintances chimed in: “left-wing,” “political radical,” “quite liberal,” AZ SHOOTER: Left-Winger JARED LOUGHNER – He Likes Watching US Flags Burn & Favorite Book is Communist Manifesto One friend said Loughner never listened to talk radio, of watched TV news. Throw in “never read books” and you have the dictionary definition of a liberal.
  2. Research turned up an Obama-Loughner link: Obama and Ayers shunted funds to support Maoist Michael Klonsky. In 1991 Klonsky and Ayers co-founded a project known as the "Small Schools Workshop" (SSW); the teacher preaching the “social justice” gospel that American capitalism is a racist, materialist, imperialist cauldron of injustice can have greater impact on the students he seeks to mold into his conception of the “good citizen” — and on the teachers he is teaching to be preachers. Another Communist in Obama’s Orb - Andrew C. McCarthy - National Review Online .
  3. During his formative high school years, Jarod Lee Loughner attended the Mountain View High School, in Arizona…a school whose curriculum was designed by Mike Klonsky, friend and associate of Bill Ayers and Barack Obama… Shooting suspect?s nihilism rose with isolation - Herald News

Wasn't that fun.....destroying you yet again???

Not like that's difficult.....

But.....thanks for proving yet again that I'm never wrong.

Of course you lied and everyone here sees that.

You falsely claimed Loughner was a ”registered Democrat.”

Absolutely nothing you posted corroborated that; and how could it since you were lying?

Jared Lee Loughner was a registered independent, didn’t vote in 2010 election

Do you ever stop lying?



Another spanking????

Sure, Ugly......

1. "Jared Lee Loughner, the suspected gunman in Saturday's Arizona shooting, attended a high school that is part of a network in which teachers are trained and provided resources by a liberal group founded by Weatherman terrorist Bill Ayers and funded by President Obama, WND has learned.

The group, Small Schools Workshop, has been led by a former top communist activist who is an associate of Ayers.

Obama provided the group with funds in the 1990s when he worked at an education reform group alongside Ayers."
Read more: Bill Ayers, communist provided Arizona shooter's curriculum?

2. Left-wing pot-head Jared Loughner. As soon as he shot up the Gabrielle Giffords political event, Paul Krugman wrote his column, “Climate of Hate,” announcing that the cause of the shooting was “toxic rhetoric” coming “overwhelmingly from the right.” This was followed by the usual torrent of exactly zero examples.
  1. Sadly, for the Left, lots of Loughner acquaintances chimed in: “left-wing,” “political radical,” “quite liberal,” AZ SHOOTER: Left-Winger JARED LOUGHNER – He Likes Watching US Flags Burn & Favorite Book is Communist Manifesto One friend said Loughner never listened to talk radio, of watched TV news. Throw in “never read books” and you have the dictionary definition of a liberal.

  1. Research turned up an Obama-Loughner link: Obama and Ayers shunted funds to support Maoist Michael Klonsky. In 1991 Klonsky and Ayers co-founded a project known as the "Small Schools Workshop" (SSW); the teacher preaching the “social justice” gospel that American capitalism is a racist, materialist, imperialist cauldron of injustice can have greater impact on the students he seeks to mold into his conception of the “good citizen” — and on the teachers he is teaching to be preachers. Another Communist in Obama’s Orb - Andrew C. McCarthy - National Review Online .
  2. During his formative high school years, Jarod Lee Loughner attended the Mountain View High School, in Arizona…a school whose curriculum was designed by Mike Klonsky, friend and associate of Bill Ayers and Barack Obama… Shooting suspect?s nihilism rose with isolation - Herald News

Wasn't that fun.....destroying you yet again???

Not like that's difficult.....

But.....thanks for proving yet again that I'm never wrong.
The past is the past, and is prologue to the future. Both side have killed members of the opposition, but the difference this time is that politicians, like Maxine Waters, are actively encouraging the violence. ANY past violence that was not directed by members of Congress really don't count in this thread unless there was "incitement" as listed in the thread title. Cory Booker & Maxine Waters support "menacing" They are liable and should be arrested if/when someone is injured or killed.

Maxine Waters did not encourage violence. Booker did not encourage violence.

Trump encouraged violence.

Menacing or harassing to the point of chasing someone out of restaurants is violence. If someone is afraid of being injured, and decides its better to leave than to defend yourself by pushing back, is on the borderline of violence. Harassment can escalate to violence very quickly if someone feels threatened or wants to protect their loved ones.

Nope. Sorry. Yelling at someone in a restaurant is annoying. It is not violent.

This is where the idea came from, by the way.

Right-Wing Harassment Strategy Against Dems Detailed In Memo: ‘Yell,’ ‘Stand Up And Shout Out,’ ‘Rattle Him’

There is a big difference between yelling at a congressman at a rally and yelling at him and is family at a restaurant.
At a rally there is security, and I call it free speech if you let him know you oppose his policies, like Obamacare.
There are numerous yellers at Trump rallies and they are safely escorted out. No harm done.

Its your call, do you really want to start hunting each others representatives anywhere anytime? That can happen if you want.

Not rally. Town hall. An event designed to allow constituents to meet and talk with reps. You assholes LOVED it when those reps were shouted down. Loved it.

It’s my call? What a jackass. You fuckers never take personal responsibility.

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