If DUI was an automatice felony, Wade Page could not legally have owned a gun

Drunk driving is a super-violent drug crime only committed by psychopaths with no concern for the safety of others. Of course it should be a felony and that means permanent loss of all gun rights. Page had at least one and maybe two convictions for DUI.

Sorry, no.
Define "drunk."

Irresponsible idiots kill people....

Many people can drive perfectly fine after a few, however some people get tanked and don't care.

One just needs to know their limit and we all have different limits.

I would never drive if I felt I could not safely do so...

HAHAHA. That's what all criminals say. It's ok for ME to break the law cause i know what i'm doing.
He could own one if he had bought it before the DUI. that is if the DUI had been a felony capable of preventing gun purchases.

HAHAHA. You are a legal ignoramus. When you are convicted of a felony you have to give up all your guns. Not to say everyone does it but that's the law and if a felon is caught with a gun, that's another felony.

But you'd like a felon to be able to vote, right?
Driving drunk is rarely violent. It's usually done by people who stupidly dont think about what they are doing.

HAHA. Drunk drivers kill thousands of americans every year and yet you say they are non-violent!!! Pretty obvious you're a DUI yourself and don't want to admit that you belong in prison.

I've represented hundreds of DUI clients. none of them have been violent or hurt anyone. i am familiar with cases my colleagues have had as well. There are maybe one or two of the hundreds of cases that actually involved others being hurt. Clearly, thats one or two too many, but it doesnt change the fact that percentage wise, most DUIs dont result in injury.
What a stupid topic. Thousands if not tens of thousands of people get DUIs daily for having just one to many. .08 is ridiculously low for many people.


If DUI was a felony, most of them wouldn't do it.

That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard. You think people are going to stop drinking because you make dui a felony? Has criminalizing drugs stopped most people from doing drugs? (Hint: They are still using them).

People with addictions dont stop their addiction because a poliitcians makes it illegal.
He could own one if he had bought it before the DUI. that is if the DUI had been a felony capable of preventing gun purchases.

HAHAHA. You are a legal ignoramus. When you are convicted of a felony you have to give up all your guns. Not to say everyone does it but that's the law and if a felon is caught with a gun, that's another felony.

Yes, because we all know convicted felons obey the law.

But you'd like a felon to be able to vote, right?

Voting?? Since when does voting kill anyone?

BTW - most states do let felons vote and that makes sense.

No, most states don't let felons vote. Some do. And if you want to restrict a felon's right to own a gun, it seems that you would logically also have to restrict his right to vote. Seems opportunistic to me seeing a large number of potential Democratic voters are felons and a large number of would be legal gun owners are Conservatives.
What a stupid topic. Thousands if not tens of thousands of people get DUIs daily for having just one to many. .08 is ridiculously low for many people.

Just start everyone off with a felony at age 21 while you're at it.

yeah, we need more drunk drivers.


Did I say we needed more jackass? No I didn't. I said the limit is too low for some and such a penalty would be stupid.

Crawl back under your failed mod rock.

whiny felon is whiny
Hardly is drunk driving only for psychopaths. Alcohol is like ether it causes one to loose dialectical consciousness , when high.
There's lots of felons in the White Supremacy movement. I doubt that any of them would have trouble getting a weapon.
There's lots of felons in the White Supremacy movement. I doubt that any of them would have trouble getting a weapon.

there's lots of felons in the democratic party as well.

i doubt that any of them have trouble getting reelected.

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