If DUI was an automatice felony, Wade Page could not legally have owned a gun

Drunk driving is a super-violent drug crime only committed by psychopaths with no concern for the safety of others. Of course it should be a felony and that means permanent loss of all gun rights. Page had at least one and maybe two convictions for DUI.

LOL, I don't think that anyone could post that bullshit with a straight face.

HAHAHA. The board notes that you have no argument and are reduced to namecalling.

And the board notes that you are an idiot.
DUI doesn't only mean drunk. It means driving under the influence. Not specifically alcohol. Are you ready to slap a felony on drug addicts like pot smokers?
drunk driving is a super-violent drug crime only committed by psychopaths with no concern for the safety of others. Of course it should be a felony and that means permanent loss of all gun rights. Page had at least one and maybe two convictions for dui.

DUI doesn't only mean drunk. It means driving under the influence. Not specifically alcohol. Are you ready to slap a felony on drug addicts like pot smokers?
Of course, If they are legally impaired and driving.
DUI doesn't only mean drunk. It means driving under the influence. Not specifically alcohol. Are you ready to slap a felony on drug addicts like pot smokers?
Of course, If they are legally impaired and driving.

Really but what if they're prescribed?? Of course that would just be "discrimination."

Not discrimination if prescribed. I have been there and did not drive while on opiates and such for pain control.

Impaired is impaired and one should not drive in that condition.
There also comes to mind the issue of impariment due to age.

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Driving drunk is rarely violent. It's usually done by people who stupidly dont think about what they are doing.


tell these people it's rarely violent

I think we need more car control. We need stiffer background checks and sites like autotrader.com that facilitate online purchases should be banned. We have to limit the availability of these deadly weapons.
Autos are defective, most all "accidents" are caused by one part.
The nut that holds the steering wheel.
There's lots of felons in the White Supremacy movement. I doubt that any of them would have trouble getting a weapon.

How do you know that?

Reading David Neiwert's books, especially God's Country, where he documents Christian Identity white supremacy groups like Posse Commitatus. White power groups actively recruit in prisons and the military. Other than that, I pay attention to this threat.
Truth is most people get DUI's not because they're driving erratically, but because they smell like they've been drinking after some faux stop...

I got pulled over about two months ago on my way home from work at 2am and the first thing out of the cops mouth were "how much have you had to drink tonight" I told him nothing, he called bullshit and said "I'm going to ask you again" and I told him nothing. Then I asked him why I was being pulled and he told me "oh your license plate light is out." So it is quite obvious he pulled me because it was 2am and he was just "fishing" for anyone to arrest.....

I suppose my point is the majority of those who get DUI's don't get them because they're a danger to anyone or anything - they get them because cops like to "fish" and when people smell like beer they're screwed.

That's why after I've had a couple/few I always make sure to wash up and brush my teeth.

Or you could just not drive.

If I can drive I will drive, if I cant I wont...

The notion that anyone who has a beer cant drive is total bullshit.

Just because some people are lightweights doesn't mean I am...

Now if someone cant keep their lane and cant go the speed limit they shouldn't be driving (drunk or not).

Hell I can drive better buzzed than half the idiots on the road... Half of them are on their cell phones talking or texting, however I'm sure that is perfectly fine with everyone else...

A couple years ago some lady killed a guy on a bike because she was painting her toenails while driving....

There are a lot of idiots on the road who are probably sober but pay absolutely no attention...

Like I said, I used to feel the same way. My friends even told me I was a good drunk driver.
I am lucky I never killed anyone. Alcohol effects your reaction time. Get a clue.
Drunk driving is a super-violent drug crime only committed by psychopaths with no concern for the safety of others. Of course it should be a felony and that means permanent loss of all gun rights. Page had at least one and maybe two convictions for DUI.

Why do you assume not legally being able to own a gun, would stop someone like Page from Getting one anyways?

Of course not, laws can't prevent crime they punish criminals. If we registered guns, and required gun sellers to sell only to those legally (that is licensed by the state) we would limit the market wherein drunks, drug addicts, felons and crazies could obtain a gun.

If a gun is obtained illegally, there are two criminals - at least - to punish. The seller (who would lose his license) and the drunk, drug addict, felon or crazy would go to prison. The other criminal, those who failed to secure their weapon(s) and 'allowed' the weapon to be stolen - Have a gun, have a gun safe or lose your license.
Now dat's some mighty fine shootin'...
Before suicide, Sikh temple gunman was felled by 'amazing shot'
August 8, 2012 - The man who opened fire in a Sikh temple in the United States, killing six people, apparently died of a self-inflicted gunshot wound to his head rather than from police fire, the FBI said Wednesday.
The gunman who killed six people at a Sikh temple near here on Sunday may have died by his own hand, but only after he was wounded by a police officer's well-aimed shot. Investigators credited an Oak Creek, Wis., police officer with shooting Wade Michael Page, 40, in the abdomen, seriously wounding Page before the gunman shot himself in the head. "I’ve seen the video -- it was an amazing shot," Teresa Carlson, FBI special agent in charge of the Milwaukee division, said Wednesday at a briefing in reference to police camera footage of the shooting.

The officer was about 75 yards from Page when he fired his weapon, according to a shooting chronology included in autopsy reports released Wednesday. Carlson said that wound probably would have been fatal. Citing the ongoing internal investigation into Page's shooting, investigators declined to identify the officer responsible for the shot and said that he would not be immediately available for comment. But the Wisconsin Professional Police Assn., the Madison-based police union representing the officer during the department’s investigation, identified him as Sam Lenda, a 32-year veteran of the Oak Creek Police Department.

Oak Creek Police Chief John Edwards has described the officer who shot Page as a "tactical expert," and a union spokesman said Lenda was especially skilled with firearms. “Not only is he experienced, he also serves as a firearms instructor at a local technical college,” Jim Palmer, the union's executive director, told the Los Angeles Times on Wednesday. According to autopsy reports for the six shooting victims, Page shot his first victims outside the temple and then proceeded inside; there, he shot and killed four people in various parts of the building. The reports were released Wednesday by the Milwaukee County Medical Examiner's Office.

Oak Creek Police Lt. Brian Murphy, 51, another department veteran, was shot and seriously wounded as he attempted to help one of two victims outside the temple, where Page also died. Page's autopsy report is being withheld at the request of prosecutors, medical examiner's staff said, and officials would not comment on what firearm was used to shoot him. Murphy and two other shooting victims remained hospitalized in critical condition at Froedtert Hospital in Wauwatosa, Wis., on Wednesday, a hospital spokeswoman said. Friends and former students of Lenda at Milwaukee Area Technical College, or MATC, voiced their pride online Wednesday as news spread of his heroics.


HAHAHA. You are a legal ignoramus. When you are convicted of a felony you have to give up all your guns. Not to say everyone does it but that's the law and if a felon is caught with a gun, that's another felony.

You are correct if your felony crime involved a gun.

HAHA. How can you be so ignorant.? ANY felony means permanent loss of gun rights. Martha Stewart and Pete Rose lost their gun rights even though their felonies had nothing to do with guns or even violence. I bet close to a million americans have lost gun rights from felony drug possession.
Autos are defective, most all "accidents" are caused by one part.
The nut that holds the steering wheel.

That's right. There are very few accidents on the roads. Nearly every crash, somebody drove recklessly.

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