If FBI goons can crucify a former president, no-one is safe. It's how democracy ends and – just maybe – how civil war starts

Lol, you are an idiot. Get to it start popping off. Until then you are a shouting little bitch. War been there. Get it going. I am old war is a better death than what I am currently facing. Let's get it going.
Im not the retard who wants a civil war. You think its amusing to fuck over millions of people. Many in your party think the same way. Why you dont expect a severe backlash is strange. Now the right will ratchet up the attacks on your party for the next several years. You will be as livid as we are when you get back into power, at which point YOU will ratchet things up, and things will keep escalating until we reach a boing point, then we are all fucked.
Holy shit.
The criminal justice system doing their jobs is ......................TYRANNY?

Innocent until proven guilty, has nothing to do with raids and charges.

Trump and his cult are even afraid of that.

Why WON'T they make fools out of the FBI?
My party is never in power truthfully.

Trump went after Hillary and his hand selected men who investigated everything didn’t give him what he wanted, so let remember that…
No one raided Hillarys home. No one made up fake dossiers against her or anyone else in your party. We didnt make up fake golden shower scandals, we didnt attack kids (like you guys did to Baron Trump), we never weaponized the DOJ at any point and the IRS didnt target dems either. There are lines that shouldnt be crossed that dems have been crossing with glee for years now.
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Holy shit.
The criminal justice system doing their jobs is ......................TYRANNY?

Innocent until proven guilty, has nothing to do with raids and charges.

Trump and his cult are even afraid of that.

Why WON'T they make fools out of the FBI?
No one believes Trump actually committed a crime. After YEARS, you still havent provided a shred of evidence against him, but you sure as fuck weaponized the DOJ and the FBI. Do you people not understand the damage this did to your party? Youre soooo happy about it, without realizing how terrible things look. This is the worst thing that could have happened to dems.
My party is never in power truthfully.

Trump went after Hillary and his hand selected men who investigated everything didn’t give him what he wanted, so let remember that…
That's because Hillary is either the greatest criminal mastermind ever, or the incompetence of the Keystone cops who run the Neo-GOP is overwhelming.

Maybe a third option?
No one raided Hillarys home. No one made up fake dossiers against her or anyone else in your party. We didnt make up fake golden shower scandals, we didnt attack kids (like you guys did to Baron Trump), we never weaponized the DOJ at any point.
Oh you guys attacked Obama kids and I told the right just like I told the left leave the fucking kids out of it, so go fuck yourself on that accusation!

You guys have been accusing the left of crimes since Nixon was told to get out of D.C. and the left has been accusing the right also, so fuck off with this nonsense!

You claimed Trump didn’t go after a Hillary and you damn well know he did and now you want to accuse me of abusing children just to make shit up to satisfy your damn retardation!

Fact is both sides are full of shit and yet you are just like the left with “ well your side did this or that “ nonsense!

Now your fucking ass need to show where I ever condoned any abuse against Trump youngest son and I will give you this Nic and Bruce T Laney to look under and when you can not just go fuck yourself!

If FBI goons can crucify a former president, no-one is safe. It's how democracy ends and

just maybe

how civil war starts

9 Aug 2022 ~~ By Richard Littlejohn

This is how democracy ends. Or maybe, just maybe, how civil war starts.
After the surgically embalmed octogenarian Nancy Pelosi jetted into Taiwan to proclaim America's enduring commitment to freedom, back home FBI goons were staging a politically motivated, prime-time raid on the home of her sworn enemy Donald Trump.
As events unfolded on live television, it was like watching one of those old conspiracy-theory movies, starring Robert Redford or Gene Hackman.
The intention was to portray Trump as guilty of something, anything - and divert attention away from Creepy Uncle Joe and his dodgy business dealings with nefarious foreign actors, via his druggy, whoring son Hunter.
The Dems are desperate to stop Trump running again, after polls showed him trouncing not just Biden but any other opponent. They want to shoo-in California 'liberal' Gavin Newsom, a toothy, vacuous left-wing poster boy who has let crime and illegal immigration rip in the once 'Golden State'.
We can only hope that the bungled effort by the FBI to discredit Trump proves to be the high watermark of the Deep State/Blob conspiracy to undermine for ever democracy in the West.
For America, in particular, to heal, the future demands the retreat of the CCP-style Deep State and magnanimity on the behalf of Trump, who should accept that he has the Establishment rattled and then graciously withdraws from the fray in favour of someone like DeSantis. It's the greatest service he could do his country.
Sadly, I'm not convinced that's going to happen. But the alternative is civil war. And that's too horrible to contemplate.

Progressive Maoist/DSA Democrats fear that the election of a GOP Congress in November will neutralize their efforts to complete their total transformation of America, because what will follow is the re-election of DJT.
This is an all out effort to destroy Trump. Failing to do so by Democrats will lead to their downfall or all out Civil War.

For any real civil war 2.0 comparable to the historical original to begin to be possible, Americans would have to choose a single electrifyingly polarizing issue around which to gather opposing forces, indeed to even define what exactly those opposing forces would stand and fight for. The fate of Donald Trump cannot be such an issue because Donald Trump himself is not America, nor is Biden—nor is any other past, present or future political leader. America is a grand shining idea, one which cannot be embodied by a single person, no matter how cool or essential people think he is.

A good issue around which to base a modern day internal kinetic war would be abortion, for example. The issue of abortion can be cleanly divided into two well defined, ideologically opposite political camps: Americans who support abortion and Americans who do not. Pro-choice people could for instance don a blue uniform while pro-life people don red ones or whatever other color. Boom, cut and dry, and we're off to the civil war races; fight!

Then there's the issue of diametrically opposed political ideological beliefs co-located and cohabiting within the same homes, neighborhoods, towns, cities, counties and states. America was rather cleanly divided along geographical lines prior to the outbreak of the original Civil War. How would Americans who believe in starkly different political issues be divided in modern times when we're all living amongst each other from sea to shining sea? I suppose we could go with something vanilla and boring like Red states vs. Blue states.

All of the above, however, is poorly speculative at best and academic. The only two classes of American people who could compel America to initiate a second civil are are the political and military classes. Average, everyday American citizens will not be initiating a new civil war, no matter how hard they try. Wars begin at the very top of the high halls of political power and only trickle down to involve citizen peons when the call goes out to conscript armies.

No one is going to war to save Donald Trump. A few rather small groups of Americans charged up by the raid on Trump's house might march in protest—even riot a bit—but in the end their outrage will change nothing. I'm sure the FBI and DHS are salivating over the prospect of another January 6th like event. Don't fall for it, don't get drawn into it. Take revenge at the polls by casting a vote.
Apparently right wing politics can no longer operate within the law. If they destroy the rule of law just to keep one crooked politician out of jeopardy they will do anything.
Oh you guys attacked Obama kids and I told the right just like I told the left leave the fucking kids out of it, so go fuck yourself on that accusation!

You guys have been accusing the left of crimes since Nixon was told to get out of D.C. and the left has been accusing the right also, so fuck off with this nonsense!

You claimed Trump didn’t go after a Hillary and you damn well know he did and now you want to accuse me of abusing children just to make shit up to satisfy your damn retardation!

Fact is both sides are full of shit and yet you are just like the left with “ well your side did this or that “ nonsense!

Now your fucking ass need to show where I ever condoned any avoided again Trump youngest son and I will give you this Nic and Bruce T Laney to look under and when you can not just go fuck yourself!
When Obamas kids did something that got them in the news, sure people talked about them, but they didnt just insult them out of nowhere and for no reason like they did with Baron, who by the way is MUCH younger than the obama girls were.
If the DOJ is going after political opponents (only the right), im not sure why you would think a civil war is preposterous. How many more times do you think it will take to really piss people off? There have already been many examples of it and patience is wearing very thin now..
Maybe (since your old general (Jacob Chansley) with the buffalo robe and horns is currently busy in jail) you guys can get a new mascot for this next "civil war" incursion?
Sponge Bob!
I think Sponge Bob should be your next "civil war" commander.
You can put a red MAGA hat with the costume.
Maybe (since your old general (Jacob Chansley) with the buffalo robe and horns is currently busy in jail) you guys can get a new mascot for this next "civil war" incursion?
Sponge Bob!
I think Sponge Bob should be your next "civil war" commander.
You can put a red MAGA hat with the costume.
Dude, at least be creative if your going to try to be funny. Get that lazy uninspired shit out of my face.
Im not the retard who wants a civil war. You think its amusing to fuck over millions of people. Many in your party think the same way. Why you dont expect a severe backlash is strange. Now the right will ratchet up the attacks on your party for the next several years. You will be as livid as we are when you get back into power, at which point YOU will ratchet things up, and things will keep escalating until we reach a boing point, then we are all fucked.
Bla,bla,bla. The right has been attacking since Newt Guinrich with nothing but accusations and enuendo. So more of the same. Big fucking deal. We actually get guilty verdicts. All the right has done is tell you we are being invaded at our borders yet no more have crossed ghe border than they always have. The right is now trying to tell you teachers are pedo yet at no higher rate than they have been since the beginning of time. They give you fake worries as the rig the game for the ultra wealthy and you get screwed over. So keep shouting civil war. Get on with it. Mean while Trump actually tried to take over. We will continue to gather evidence against him and his cohorts and hopefully put him in front of a firing squad. As far as war goes I am ambivalent. Been there. Better way to die than shriveled in a hospital or nursing home. If it's gunna happen might as well happen while I can still do damage.
Bla,bla,bla. The right has been attacking since Newt Guinrich with nothing but accusations and enuendo. So more of the same. Big fucking deal. We actually get guilty verdicts. All the right has done is tell you we are being invaded at our borders yet no more have crossed ghe border than they always have. The right is now trying to tell you teachers are pedo yet at no higher rate than they have been since the beginning of time. They give you fake worries as the rig the game for the ultra wealthy and you get screwed over. So keep shouting civil war. Get on with it. Mean while Trump actually tried to take over. We will continue to gather evidence against him and his cohorts and hopefully put him in front of a firing squad. As far as war goes I am ambivalent. Been there. Better way to die than shriveled in a hospital or nursing home. If it's gunna happen might as well happen while I can still do damage.
You are playing dangerous games, but hey, at least youve set the precedent. It will be very easy for my side to start doing it after November, and it will get even worse for you in 2024. The next decade is going to be a rough time for dems i think.
Bla,bla,bla. The right has been attacking since Newt Guinrich with nothing but accusations and enuendo. So more of the same. Big fucking deal. We actually get guilty verdicts. All the right has done is tell you we are being invaded at our borders yet no more have crossed ghe border than they always have. The right is now trying to tell you teachers are pedo yet at no higher rate than they have been since the beginning of time. They give you fake worries as the rig the game for the ultra wealthy and you get screwed over. So keep shouting civil war. Get on with it. Mean while Trump actually tried to take over. We will continue to gather evidence against him and his cohorts and hopefully put him in front of a firing squad. As far as war goes I am ambivalent. Been there. Better way to die than shriveled in a hospital or nursing home. If it's gunna happen might as well happen while I can still do damage.
You're full of shit.
You are playing dangerous games, but hey, at least youve set the precedent. It will be very easy for my side to start doing it after November, and it will get even worse for you in 2024.
Lol, I am shaking in my boots. We do not care if we piss you off. Good I hope you are pissed. You already tried to overturn a fair election. We are already pissed. Run your fucking mouth all you want. We want our pound of flesh. There is nothing more you can threaten. You have already done the worst short of bullets. You have no leverage. You have already proven to be the worst kinda enemy short of bullets. Now you can expect the same fro us. But the difference is we have not marked ourselves in public. You have marked your selves with Trump flags it's all over your face book. None of that shit is on my face book. You don't know who I am but I know who the trumpeter are. It pops off to war I am likely standing right beside you. A ghost unknown and quiet until your time comes.
Lol, I am shaking in my boots. We do not care if we piss you off. Good I hope you are pissed. You already tried to overturn a fair election. We are already pissed. Run your fucking mouth all you want. We want our pound of flesh. There is nothing more you can threaten. You have already done the worst short of bullets. You have no leverage. You have already proven to be the worst kinda enemy short of bullets. Now you can expect the same fro us. But the difference is we have not marked ourselves in public. You have marked your selves with Trump flags it's all over your face book. None of that shit is on my face book. You don't know who I am but I know who the trumpeter are. It pops off to war I am likely standing right beside you. A ghost unknown and quiet until your time comes.
Its good that you like that we are pissed. Maybe you will take solace in that while we are buttfucking your party for the next decade.
Lol, I am shaking in my boots. We do not care if we piss you off. Good I hope you are pissed. You already tried to overturn a fair election. We are already pissed. Run your fucking mouth all you want. We want our pound of flesh. There is nothing more you can threaten. You have already done the worst short of bullets. You have no leverage. You have already proven to be the worst kinda enemy short of bullets. Now you can expect the same fro us. But the difference is we have not marked ourselves in public. You have marked your selves with Trump flags it's all over your face book. None of that shit is on my face book. You don't know who I am but I know who the trumpeter are. It pops off to war I am likely standing right beside you. A ghost unknown and quiet until your time comes.
Again, you're full of shit.

If FBI goons can crucify a former president, no-one is safe. It's how democracy ends and

just maybe

how civil war starts

9 Aug 2022 ~~ By Richard Littlejohn

This is how democracy ends. Or maybe, just maybe, how civil war starts.
After the surgically embalmed octogenarian Nancy Pelosi jetted into Taiwan to proclaim America's enduring commitment to freedom, back home FBI goons were staging a politically motivated, prime-time raid on the home of her sworn enemy Donald Trump.
As events unfolded on live television, it was like watching one of those old conspiracy-theory movies, starring Robert Redford or Gene Hackman.
The intention was to portray Trump as guilty of something, anything - and divert attention away from Creepy Uncle Joe and his dodgy business dealings with nefarious foreign actors, via his druggy, whoring son Hunter.
The Dems are desperate to stop Trump running again, after polls showed him trouncing not just Biden but any other opponent. They want to shoo-in California 'liberal' Gavin Newsom, a toothy, vacuous left-wing poster boy who has let crime and illegal immigration rip in the once 'Golden State'.
We can only hope that the bungled effort by the FBI to discredit Trump proves to be the high watermark of the Deep State/Blob conspiracy to undermine for ever democracy in the West.
For America, in particular, to heal, the future demands the retreat of the CCP-style Deep State and magnanimity on the behalf of Trump, who should accept that he has the Establishment rattled and then graciously withdraws from the fray in favour of someone like DeSantis. It's the greatest service he could do his country.
Sadly, I'm not convinced that's going to happen. But the alternative is civil war. And that's too horrible to contemplate.

Progressive Maoist/DSA Democrats fear that the election of a GOP Congress in November will neutralize their efforts to complete their total transformation of America, because what will follow is the re-election of DJT.
This is an all out effort to destroy Trump. Failing to do so by Democrats will lead to their downfall or all out Civil War.
Crucify? How has anyone been crucified?

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