If George Floyd Was a Good Citizen in Texas He Would Not Have Died in Minneapolis Ergo He is Responsible for His Own Death; Enter Politics

Bad cops and bad people attract each other.
Isn't it amazing how all these innocent people end up in the presence of the police. This guy was released from prison.....Didn't take him long to attract the police again.

Minor drug and theft charges.
There is a well known link between poverty and crime.
In general, crime is the fault of injustices in society, not individuals.
Then perhaps his parents should have found a fucking job and raised their goddamn son right. He had free will when he stuck that pistol in a pregnant woman's belly.

That is not well covered or explained, and certainly was not a major criminal act.
Pretty much insignificant.
Not at all as bad an a cop deliberately putting his knee across Floyd's throat.

You lying son of a bitch, if you watch the videos his knee is not close to the criminals throat.


Anyone watching the video sees his shin right across the throat of George Floyd.
Not only that, but the cop also clearly is pressing on the carotid artery, deliberately trying to cause unconsciousness.
The knee may be on the ground, but the point of putting the knee there was to cause the leg blow the knee to intentionally cause death by an incredibly uncomfortable way.
It was not just deliberate murder, but torture.

Once again you're lying your ass off. Floyd was on his side facing away from the officer and the officers knee was on his shoulder and the back of his head, not the throat. Floyd was complaining of not being able to breathe while they were trying to put him in the police car. He was clearly resisting and not listening to the officers. He had fentanyl, meth and marijuana in his system, the 11 ng/ml he had onboard is a fatal dose alone, add the other drugs and he was a dead man walking. That's what killed him not the officers. What are ya gonna do when the offices are acquitted?


Totally and completely wrong.
Floyd is not on his side, but on his stomach, with 3 cops on top of him.
And while sometimes the knee is on the back of his neck, sometime the knee is on the ground and the cop's shin is across the neck.
And since the head is turned to the side so that the face is not in the hot asphault, the shin then is across the carotid artery.
With the cop on his back, he also could not move his rib cage to breath.


He not only was not resisting, but had committed no crime.
The bills claimed to be counterfeit were real.

Stupid is as stupid does. Floyd was stupid. Life is hard. Life is really hard when you're stupid. Smart people stay away from cops.

Probably true, since I think doing drugs is a fairly stupid thing to do.
But murder is still far worse.
I can endure stupidity and drug abuse by others around me, but a murderer has to be lock up away from people.

Homicide. Murder is determined by a jury. You really should be accurate in your posts.
Did you read the coroner report?


IT found it was a homicide.
Since when is homicide considered murder? Idiot.

Whenever it was not in defense or accidental, and this homicide was neither in defence or accidental.
Deliberately fatal acts were perpetrated on a person who was not and could not defend themselves.
That is more of a murder than any I have ever heard of.
The jury will determine whether the evidence says it's murder or manslaughter. Do you respect our jury system?

Sure a courtroom has to be the best place to determine the truth.
As long as it is a change of venue, so that the prosecutors who are friends of these police are the ones prosecuting.
Bad cops and bad people attract each other.
Isn't it amazing how all these innocent people end up in the presence of the police. This guy was released from prison.....Didn't take him long to attract the police again.

Minor drug and theft charges.
There is a well known link between poverty and crime.
In general, crime is the fault of injustices in society, not individuals.
Then perhaps his parents should have found a fucking job and raised their goddamn son right. He had free will when he stuck that pistol in a pregnant woman's belly.

That is not well covered or explained, and certainly was not a major criminal act.
Pretty much insignificant.
Not at all as bad an a cop deliberately putting his knee across Floyd's throat.

You lying son of a bitch, if you watch the videos his knee is not close to the criminals throat.


Anyone watching the video sees his shin right across the throat of George Floyd.
Not only that, but the cop also clearly is pressing on the carotid artery, deliberately trying to cause unconsciousness.
The knee may be on the ground, but the point of putting the knee there was to cause the leg blow the knee to intentionally cause death by an incredibly uncomfortable way.
It was not just deliberate murder, but torture.

Once again you're lying your ass off. Floyd was on his side facing away from the officer and the officers knee was on his shoulder and the back of his head, not the throat. Floyd was complaining of not being able to breathe while they were trying to put him in the police car. He was clearly resisting and not listening to the officers. He had fentanyl, meth and marijuana in his system, the 11 ng/ml he had onboard is a fatal dose alone, add the other drugs and he was a dead man walking. That's what killed him not the officers. What are ya gonna do when the offices are acquitted?


Totally and completely wrong.
Floyd is not on his side, but on his stomach, with 3 cops on top of him.
And while sometimes the knee is on the back of his neck, sometime the knee is on the ground and the cop's shin is across the neck.
And since the head is turned to the side so that the face is not in the hot asphault, the shin then is across the carotid artery.
With the cop on his back, he also could not move his rib cage to breath.


He not only was not resisting, but had committed no crime.
The bills claimed to be counterfeit were real.

Stupid is as stupid does. Floyd was stupid. Life is hard. Life is really hard when you're stupid. Smart people stay away from cops.

Probably true, since I think doing drugs is a fairly stupid thing to do.
But murder is still far worse.
I can endure stupidity and drug abuse by others around me, but a murderer has to be lock up away from people.

Homicide. Murder is determined by a jury. You really should be accurate in your posts.

The coroner already determined it was a homicide, (not drug related death),
So the only reason to even have any additional opinion at all is whether or not it was a murder.
And although I will respect the results of a courtroom with a change of venue, it is valid for me to have the opinion it is a murder, until someone prevents more evidence to the contrary.
Sure looked like a deliberate murder.
Three people can not pile on top of someone and expect them to survive.
Bad cops and bad people attract each other.
Isn't it amazing how all these innocent people end up in the presence of the police. This guy was released from prison.....Didn't take him long to attract the police again.

Minor drug and theft charges.
There is a well known link between poverty and crime.
In general, crime is the fault of injustices in society, not individuals.
Then perhaps his parents should have found a fucking job and raised their goddamn son right. He had free will when he stuck that pistol in a pregnant woman's belly.

That is not well covered or explained, and certainly was not a major criminal act.
Pretty much insignificant.
Not at all as bad an a cop deliberately putting his knee across Floyd's throat.

You lying son of a bitch, if you watch the videos his knee is not close to the criminals throat.


Anyone watching the video sees his shin right across the throat of George Floyd.
Not only that, but the cop also clearly is pressing on the carotid artery, deliberately trying to cause unconsciousness.
The knee may be on the ground, but the point of putting the knee there was to cause the leg blow the knee to intentionally cause death by an incredibly uncomfortable way.
It was not just deliberate murder, but torture.

Once again you're lying your ass off. Floyd was on his side facing away from the officer and the officers knee was on his shoulder and the back of his head, not the throat. Floyd was complaining of not being able to breathe while they were trying to put him in the police car. He was clearly resisting and not listening to the officers. He had fentanyl, meth and marijuana in his system, the 11 ng/ml he had onboard is a fatal dose alone, add the other drugs and he was a dead man walking. That's what killed him not the officers. What are ya gonna do when the offices are acquitted?


Totally and completely wrong.
Floyd is not on his side, but on his stomach, with 3 cops on top of him.
And while sometimes the knee is on the back of his neck, sometime the knee is on the ground and the cop's shin is across the neck.
And since the head is turned to the side so that the face is not in the hot asphault, the shin then is across the carotid artery.
With the cop on his back, he also could not move his rib cage to breath.


He not only was not resisting, but had committed no crime.
The bills claimed to be counterfeit were real.

Body cam footage shows you're still lying. Go away child, the dude died of an OD, there were no signs of asphyxia noted in the autopsy.

The jury will determine whether the evidence says it's murder or manslaughter. Do you respect our jury system?

12 people too stupid to get out of jury duty... um, no. I don't respect it at all.

They'll probably convict him because they are afraid of more riots.
What privilege would that be, I've worked my ass off for everything I have. I've never collected unemployment and was never without a job for more than 2 weeks unless I chose to be. I've done jobs that would have you throwing up your guts, but I needed the work. So just stuff your ignorant commie terms.

The privilege of being white.

You've probably never been rejected for a job because of the color of your skin or pulled over by a cop because he felt like it.
What privilege would that be, I've worked my ass off for everything I have. I've never collected unemployment and was never without a job for more than 2 weeks unless I chose to be. I've done jobs that would have you throwing up your guts, but I needed the work. So just stuff your ignorant commie terms.

The privilege of being white.

You've probably never been rejected for a job because of the color of your skin or pulled over by a cop because he felt like it.

I have never seen someone with such a severe case of white guilt. You have been fully and completely indoctrinated. No amount of facts or reasoning can overcome your illness. What is weird is, one would think that with all the white priviidge you have evidently benefitted from, why aren’t you already retired and living on a beach in warm and sunny Florida instead of working a 9-5 in God forsaken Chicago? I guess some of us white folks benefit more than others...I guess some are just lucky on top of privilege. LOL
I have never seen someone with such a severe case of white guilt. You have been fully and completely indoctrinated. No amount of facts or reasoning can overcome your illness.

Uh, no man, I'm a realist. I've seen too many openly racist bosses, too many thug cops pulling over black people for a DWB, to try to pretend that we are a racially equal society. We're not. Racism is built into our national DNA.

What is weird is, one would think that with all the white priviidge you have evidently benefitted from, why aren’t you already retired and living on a beach in warm and sunny Florida instead of working a 9-5 in God forsaken Chicago?

Why would I ever want to "retire"? I pretty much intend to keep working until I die, not because I need to but because I want to. I'm not happy unless I'm keeping busy.

For the record, I live in one of Chicago's more affluent suburbs... much nicer than the state you won't identify because you know I'll mock it.

I guess some of us white folks benefit more than others...I guess some are just lucky on top of privilege. LOL

Yes, I'm sure your double wide is very nice, Cleetus.
I have never seen someone with such a severe case of white guilt. You have been fully and completely indoctrinated. No amount of facts or reasoning can overcome your illness.

Uh, no man, I'm a realist. I've seen too many openly racist bosses, too many thug cops pulling over black people for a DWB, to try to pretend that we are a racially equal society. We're not. Racism is built into our national DNA.

What is weird is, one would think that with all the white priviidge you have evidently benefitted from, why aren’t you already retired and living on a beach in warm and sunny Florida instead of working a 9-5 in God forsaken Chicago?

Why would I ever want to "retire"? I pretty much intend to keep working until I die, not because I need to but because I want to. I'm not happy unless I'm keeping busy.

For the record, I live in one of Chicago's more affluent suburbs... much nicer than the state you won't identify because you know I'll mock it.

I guess some of us white folks benefit more than others...I guess some are just lucky on top of privilege. LOL

Yes, I'm sure your double wide is very nice, Cleetus.
so you're basically saying that you can't think of anything to do to keep you busy other than working for someone else?

I just retired at age 51 and I have no problem being productive and creative without a job.

you need to reexamine your life
FYI I sold off all my rental properties in 2018 and 2019 and that money added to my 401k that I have been paying into since I was 21 provided more than enough to retire on.

Yes, every Repuke on here is a total success and not living in a double wide somewhere.
FYI I sold off all my rental properties in 2018 and 2019 and that money added to my 401k that I have been paying into since I was 21 provided more than enough to retire on.

Yes, every Repuke on here is a total success and not living in a double wide somewhere.
so now I'm a republican?

Tell me how did you come to that conclusion?

Maybe it was my criticism of Reagan ?
so now I'm a republican?

Tell me how did you come to that conclusion?

Maybe it was my criticism of Reagan ?

Hey, nice thing about Republicans... never being responsible for your past mistakes.

You guys have denounced Romney, McCain, the Bushes, Reagan, Ford and Nixon...

Pretty soon, you'll all completely disown Trump, too. Never met the guy.
so now I'm a republican?

Tell me how did you come to that conclusion?

Maybe it was my criticism of Reagan ?

Hey, nice thing about Republicans... never being responsible for your past mistakes.

You guys have denounced Romney, McCain, the Bushes, Reagan, Ford and Nixon...

Pretty soon, you'll all completely disown Trump, too. Never met the guy.
tell me what brought you to the conclusion I am a republican.

Surely you must have some sort of reason other than calling everyone who says something you don't believe a republican

and FYI I didn't vote for Trump either time he ran
Uh, no man, I'm a realist. I've seen too many openly racist bosses, too many thug cops pulling over black people for a DWB, to try to pretend that we are a racially equal society. We're not. Racism is built into our national DNA.

I guess I happened to avoid that DNA strand, but you weren’t so fortunate.

For the record, I live in one of Chicago's more affluent suburbs... much nicer than the state you won't identify because you know I'll mock it.

We have been through this. The average income in my area is higher than the highest suburb of Chicago. Our weather is FAR better too I might add.

Yes, I'm sure your double wide is very nice, Cleetus.

I am sure your ghetto apartment puts it to shame. Keep voting for Democrats and you may get an upgrade. They love rewarding failure.
FYI I sold off all my rental properties in 2018 and 2019 and that money added to my 401k that I have been paying into since I was 21 provided more than enough to retire on.

Yes, every Repuke on here is a total success and not living in a double wide somewhere.

You keep forgetting the demographics of YOUR party. The poorest of the poor and the richest of the rich vote for commie Democrats. Those that can’t succeed and those that want to control everything. Too bad you morons can’t see that.

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