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If god does exist

So basically, you would remove part of their free will and just program them to behave exactly as you want, like little automatons marching around. What would be their purpose in existing, then?

This is the stock answer to my statement, but it rests upon a logical fallacy. I can point out any number of people with a high level of moral character. Are you saying they don't have free will or that part of their freewill has been removed? Of course not. Your statement is fallacious because it assumes people created with higher moral character and integrity would lack freewill, when clearly this is not the case as we have such people in the world today and they have as much freewill as anyone else.

There is a big difference between those people having high moral character because they chose to, and them having it because they have no choice about being good or not. Whatever you think, they are NOT good by default at the moment.
speaking of free will...

according to the bible, god gave two classesd of created beings free will and inteelect. Both saw him for the piece of shit, mysoginist, needy, violent, hypocritical, incompetent tyrant that he is and rejected him. Both times the only way to regain control was through violence, fear, and keeping his eings in line with the threat of eternal punishment in 'god's dungeon'

What does that say about your god?
Have you ever sought out therapy for all that bitterness and anger? :lol:
why are you so concerned about them to begin with? why is it any of your business?

Because they seek to forge a 'christian antion'- kinda like a Western Iran that is dangerous to liberty and civil socierty. They would bring us back to 6000 BCE,. where people are stoned for their beliefs and we live under a theocratic monarchy. They are enemies of liberty, equality, and all the progress mankind has made
tp be a 'chritian' ios to be 'christ-like'. There are no 'good christians' or 'bad christians' there are, in the biblical view, only chistians and unbelivers who follow satan

Wrong. Show me where the Bible EVER says that to be a Christian means to be perfect right off the bat. Just because the world can be divided into Christian and non-Christian doesn't mean that Christians don't still come in varying degrees of skill and proficiency at it.

And show me where the Bible EVER says that non-believers get to set the standards for believers.[/QUOTE]

That might be the craziest thing I've read on this MB.

Good plan..let the ones having the hallucinations make the rules...sweet!
why are you so concerned about them to begin with? why is it any of your business?

Because they seek to forge a 'christian antion'- kinda like a Western Iran that is dangerous to liberty and civil socierty. They would bring us back to 6000 BCE,. where people are stoned for their beliefs and we live under a theocratic monarchy. They are enemies of liberty, equality, and all the progress mankind has made

Really? Where's your evidence of this?
either you follow the word and law of god or you follow satan

these are teachings of the King's Holy Library (you callit it the 'book' or bible)

If I run contrary to instructions given in 1 Timothy 5:11-13, by helping a young widow, am I following Satan?
If I run contrary to instructions given in 1 Timothy 5:11-13, by helping a young widow, am I following Satan?

if you act against the law/word/will of god, then yes- that is the very premise of the abrahamic tradition. It doens't even matter what the verse refers to (too lazzy to google it)

That is why the local religious leaders questioned jesus' defiance of the commandment regarding the sabbath- or, more accurately, of the religious laws and social customs that had developed around it.

now, if you find another verse that defends your actions- then you will have highlighted the self-contradiction of the text, proving that it cannot be the word of an infallible god (either the literal word of god' or 'the word of god written by man throught the holy spirit'), destroying the book's claim to authority. In so doing, you would have shown the entire christian faith to be wrong and based on falsities
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why are you so concerned about them to begin with? why is it any of your business?

Because they seek to forge a 'christian antion'- kinda like a Western Iran that is dangerous to liberty and civil socierty. They would bring us back to 6000 BCE,. where people are stoned for their beliefs and we live under a theocratic monarchy. They are enemies of liberty, equality, and all the progress mankind has made

what a crock! :cuckoo:

can you say, PARANOID, dellusional tripe?

Come onnnnnnn, get real....you have nothing to fear but fear itself jb!

Avail myself to god? You mean bend over and pull my pants down?

What I'm saying is that since the world is full of doubters, why not hold a press... and prove to the doubters that you exist? Seems pretty reasonable to me?

He came down and died for your sins so he has been here once already. Now you want the almighty creator to work on your schedule? I think not.

These twelve Jesus sent out with the following instructions: "Do not go among the Gentiles or enter any town of the Samaritans. Go rather to the lost sheep of Israel."

But he answered and said, "I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel."

"Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost."

Herod died 10 years before the census- your god doesn't know history

"Think not that I come to destroy the law, or the prophets, I am not come to destroy but to fulfill. I tell you the truth, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished."

" ... and the Scripture cannot be broken ..."

" ... and how from infancy you have known the holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work."

Above all, you must understand that no prophecy of Scripture came about by the prophet's own interpretation. For prophecy never had its origin in the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit.

Someone please prove God doesn't exist.

prove it does. he who argues the positive bears the burden of proof

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