“If God does not exist, then all things are permitted.”

In reality, everything comes from God, even our positions in life

John 19:10-11a

10 So Pilate said to Him, "You do not speak to me? Do You not know that I have authority to release You, and I have authority to crucify You?" 11 Jesus answered, "You would have no authority over Me, unless it had been given you from above;

That being the case, I guess that god gave hitler the authority to murder 6 million jews, and maybe another 6 million gypsies, homosexuals, political prisoners, etc.

We have free will - yet, God knows everything, He is not caught unawares.
People place too much value on THIS LIFE ON EARTH. There is an eternity to consider, and, God is the priority, not us.

Well, this is reality and more than likely, the only life we will have. :)

If you believe that you better get all you can, now....
In reality, everything comes from God, even our positions in life

John 19:10-11a

10 So Pilate said to Him, "You do not speak to me? Do You not know that I have authority to release You, and I have authority to crucify You?" 11 Jesus answered, "You would have no authority over Me, unless it had been given you from above;

That being the case, I guess that god gave hitler the authority to murder 6 million jews, and maybe another 6 million gypsies, homosexuals, political prisoners, etc.

We have free will - yet, God knows everything, He is not caught unawares.
People place too much value on THIS LIFE ON EARTH. There is an eternity to consider, and, God is the priority, not us.

Well, this is reality and more than likely, the only life we will have. :)

If you believe that you better get all you can, now....

I do believe that. Better get all I can of what?
conscience.... what's the difference between emotions and conscience?
You can see emotions in animals - fear, guilt, shame, happiness. but a conscience?

Well, shame and guilt make up the "conscience." No? When you do something you know is wrong, you feel guilty and maybe shame about it later, and that would be "conscience." I don't think animals feel guilt or shame either. I think they do have some emotions, but they are very limited, like happy, sad, and fear.
Oh I think they do. We had a cat who would put himself in time out if he acted ugly. He acted up then went to the door, I opened it and he would sit outside with his head low looking pitiful for about 5 minutes then come back in and behave himself. It was a riot to watch

I'm not sure you could necessarily say that is "conscience" or if it's "learned behavior" - unless you are in a cat (or dogs') mind no one can say for sure...
He was a stray, we didn't teach him anything

well maybe his former owners did
I don't think he had any from what neighbors told us when we moved here then took him in. They said he had been around for a few years living on others hand outs. Had another stray that was polite as could be too and he was incredibly sick when we took him in. I also had a cat who told on herself if she did a no no. She pottied in the house and came and told me about it being very insistent that I follow her and took me right to where she did it. She was very distressed about the whole thing. I do not think animals have the same extensive reasoning that humans do but they have the capacity to know right from wrong and an overwhelming capacity to love and forgive
In reality, everything comes from God, even our positions in life

John 19:10-11a

10 So Pilate said to Him, "You do not speak to me? Do You not know that I have authority to release You, and I have authority to crucify You?" 11 Jesus answered, "You would have no authority over Me, unless it had been given you from above;

That being the case, I guess that god gave hitler the authority to murder 6 million jews, and maybe another 6 million gypsies, homosexuals, political prisoners, etc.

We have free will - yet, God knows everything, He is not caught unawares.
People place too much value on THIS LIFE ON EARTH. There is an eternity to consider, and, God is the priority, not us.

Well, this is reality and more than likely, the only life we will have. :)

If you believe that you better get all you can, now....

I do believe that. Better get all I can of what?

Whatever you enjoy in life.... whatever makes you happy
Well, shame and guilt make up the "conscience." No? When you do something you know is wrong, you feel guilty and maybe shame about it later, and that would be "conscience." I don't think animals feel guilt or shame either. I think they do have some emotions, but they are very limited, like happy, sad, and fear.
Oh I think they do. We had a cat who would put himself in time out if he acted ugly. He acted up then went to the door, I opened it and he would sit outside with his head low looking pitiful for about 5 minutes then come back in and behave himself. It was a riot to watch

I'm not sure you could necessarily say that is "conscience" or if it's "learned behavior" - unless you are in a cat (or dogs') mind no one can say for sure...
He was a stray, we didn't teach him anything

well maybe his former owners did
I don't think he had any from what neighbors told us when we moved here then took him in. They said he had been around for a few years living on others hand outs. Had another stray that was polite as could be too and he was incredibly sick when we took him in. I also had a cat who told on herself if she did a no no. She pottied in the house and came and told me about it being very insistent that I follow her and took me right to where she did it. She was very distressed about the whole thing. I do not think animals have the same extensive reasoning that humans do but they have the capacity to know right from wrong and an overwhelming capacity to love and forgive

that's interesting because we have had 2 litters of strays in our back yard, and they won't come near any people, and we're talking a dozen cats.... but hey if you believe that more power to you....
That being the case, I guess that god gave hitler the authority to murder 6 million jews, and maybe another 6 million gypsies, homosexuals, political prisoners, etc.

We have free will - yet, God knows everything, He is not caught unawares.
People place too much value on THIS LIFE ON EARTH. There is an eternity to consider, and, God is the priority, not us.

Well, this is reality and more than likely, the only life we will have. :)

If you believe that you better get all you can, now....

I do believe that. Better get all I can of what?

Whatever you enjoy in life.... whatever makes you happy

Meh, I'm just happy to be alive. :D
We have free will - yet, God knows everything, He is not caught unawares.
People place too much value on THIS LIFE ON EARTH. There is an eternity to consider, and, God is the priority, not us.

Well, this is reality and more than likely, the only life we will have. :)

If you believe that you better get all you can, now....

I do believe that. Better get all I can of what?

Whatever you enjoy in life.... whatever makes you happy

Meh, I'm just happy to be alive. :D

well that is a good thing! I feel the same. :)
Oh I think they do. We had a cat who would put himself in time out if he acted ugly. He acted up then went to the door, I opened it and he would sit outside with his head low looking pitiful for about 5 minutes then come back in and behave himself. It was a riot to watch

I'm not sure you could necessarily say that is "conscience" or if it's "learned behavior" - unless you are in a cat (or dogs') mind no one can say for sure...
He was a stray, we didn't teach him anything

well maybe his former owners did
I don't think he had any from what neighbors told us when we moved here then took him in. They said he had been around for a few years living on others hand outs. Had another stray that was polite as could be too and he was incredibly sick when we took him in. I also had a cat who told on herself if she did a no no. She pottied in the house and came and told me about it being very insistent that I follow her and took me right to where she did it. She was very distressed about the whole thing. I do not think animals have the same extensive reasoning that humans do but they have the capacity to know right from wrong and an overwhelming capacity to love and forgive

that's interesting because we have had 2 litters of strays in our back yard, and they won't come near any people, and we're talking a dozen cats.... but hey if you believe that more power to you....
The first one became friendly to people so he could eat. The second one took a very long time to approach. He only came in because he knew he was dying but he had a very sweet nature. He had been around the neighborhood for some years as well but didn't come near anyone. The vet told me he likely never had an owner or a regular care giver.
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I love animals too, but it is important to keep things in perspective. They are not human beings. Watch the Dog Whisperer. He can teach you all about how a dog "thinks" and why he behaves the way he does. A lot of it is related to instinct and social status (alpha/beta, etc.).
I love animals too, but it is important to keep things in perspective. They are not human beings. Watch the Dog Whisperer. He can teach you all about how a dog "thinks" and why he behaves the way he does. A lot of it is related to instinct and social status (alpha/beta, etc.).
I have watched all the episodes multiple times and I don't even have a dog. I have learned a lot about people from that show as well. I am just telling you my experiences with the cats I have cared for. I have another who knows he is positioning himself to intimidate another. He has conscience thought of that. He doesn't do it all the time so it isn't instinctual. He makes a conscience decision to be a bung holeo lol
God must not exists because even Jesus got laid.

It's ok if you choose to be agnostic, but purposefully trying to incite or offend Christian's.
What is the point in that?
But Jesus only got laid once, I guess he didn't like to do it with a woman. Know what that means? :D
he couldn't say "no" to a professional woman?
No, he was gay. :D

You know you are not offending anyone but God, right?
And if you don't believe in God guess who you are offending....?
No one!
I love animals too, but it is important to keep things in perspective. They are not human beings. Watch the Dog Whisperer. He can teach you all about how a dog "thinks" and why he behaves the way he does. A lot of it is related to instinct and social status (alpha/beta, etc.).
I have watched all the episodes multiple times and I don't even have a dog. I have learned a lot about people from that show as well. I am just telling you my experiences with the cats I have cared for. I have another who knows he is positioning himself to intimidate another. He has conscience thought of that. He doesn't do it all the time so it isn't instinctual. He makes a conscience decision to be a bung holeo lol

Well sure, to an extent perhaps, but a very limited one. They just don't have the brain power for any type of critical thinking skills.
I have watched all the episodes multiple times and I don't even have a dog. I have learned a lot about people from that show as well.

No kidding. Every time I start to argue with her she gives me a stern look, points her finger at me and says "pshhht"
In reality, everything comes from God, even our positions in life

John 19:10-11a

10 So Pilate said to Him, "You do not speak to me? Do You not know that I have authority to release You, and I have authority to crucify You?" 11 Jesus answered, "You would have no authority over Me, unless it had been given you from above;

That being the case, I guess that god gave hitler the authority to murder 6 million jews, and maybe another 6 million gypsies, homosexuals, political prisoners, etc.

We have free will - yet, God knows everything, He is not caught unawares.
People place too much value on THIS LIFE ON EARTH. There is an eternity to consider, and, God is the priority, not us.

Why did you bother to quote me? Your post has absolutely nothing to do with my post.
In reality, everything comes from God, even our positions in life

John 19:10-11a

10 So Pilate said to Him, "You do not speak to me? Do You not know that I have authority to release You, and I have authority to crucify You?" 11 Jesus answered, "You would have no authority over Me, unless it had been given you from above;

That being the case, I guess that god gave hitler the authority to murder 6 million jews, and maybe another 6 million gypsies, homosexuals, political prisoners, etc.

We have free will - yet, God knows everything, He is not caught unawares.
People place too much value on THIS LIFE ON EARTH. There is an eternity to consider, and, God is the priority, not us.

Well, this is reality and more than likely, the only life we will have. :)

If you believe that you better get all you can, now....

I do believe that. Better get all I can of what?

A real estate agent once told me that I should get a lot while I was young.
In reality, everything comes from God, even our positions in life

John 19:10-11a

10 So Pilate said to Him, "You do not speak to me? Do You not know that I have authority to release You, and I have authority to crucify You?" 11 Jesus answered, "You would have no authority over Me, unless it had been given you from above;

That being the case, I guess that god gave hitler the authority to murder 6 million jews, and maybe another 6 million gypsies, homosexuals, political prisoners, etc.

We have free will - yet, God knows everything, He is not caught unawares.
People place too much value on THIS LIFE ON EARTH. There is an eternity to consider, and, God is the priority, not us.

Why did you bother to quote me? Your post has absolutely nothing to do with my post.

It has EVERYTHING to do with it! Hitler had the free will that GOD gave him!
In addition to that, our lives on this Earth can end at anytime, via disease or killing, but, ultimately it is GOD and his plan that matter. You don't see the connect?
That being the case, I guess that god gave hitler the authority to murder 6 million jews, and maybe another 6 million gypsies, homosexuals, political prisoners, etc.

We have free will - yet, God knows everything, He is not caught unawares.
People place too much value on THIS LIFE ON EARTH. There is an eternity to consider, and, God is the priority, not us.

Well, this is reality and more than likely, the only life we will have. :)

If you believe that you better get all you can, now....

I do believe that. Better get all I can of what?

A real estate agent once told me that I should get a lot while I was young.

A lot of real estate? :)
That being the case, I guess that god gave hitler the authority to murder 6 million jews, and maybe another 6 million gypsies, homosexuals, political prisoners, etc.

We have free will - yet, God knows everything, He is not caught unawares.
People place too much value on THIS LIFE ON EARTH. There is an eternity to consider, and, God is the priority, not us.

Well, this is reality and more than likely, the only life we will have. :)

If you believe that you better get all you can, now....

I do believe that. Better get all I can of what?

A real estate agent once told me that I should get a lot while I was young.

What's this? Another man trying to get attention from ChrisL? Say it ain't so!
We have free will - yet, God knows everything, He is not caught unawares.
People place too much value on THIS LIFE ON EARTH. There is an eternity to consider, and, God is the priority, not us.

Well, this is reality and more than likely, the only life we will have. :)

If you believe that you better get all you can, now....

I do believe that. Better get all I can of what?

A real estate agent once told me that I should get a lot while I was young.

What's this? Another man trying to get attention from ChrisL? Say it ain't so!

And it worked too

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