If God doesn't exist...

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.....But I shouldn't make fun. The moral of this message is good. You can become a better person. I get it. You can always change. You could teach this message without talking snakes you know.


But you obviously can't.



Did you see this?

"New York Times executive editor: 'We don't get religion'
The executive editor of The New York Times said in an interview this week that journalists at his publication, and elsewhere, have a hard time understanding religion and the role it plays in people's lives.

"I think that the New York-based — and Washington-based too, probably — media powerhouses don't quite get religion."
New York Times executive editor: 'We don't get religion'

Geee.....who knew?

Do you get Islam? Do you get Mormons? If you do explain.

I have no beef with the Mormons.

And...what makes you imagine (I almost said 'think') Islam is a religion?

1. "We believe in freedom of religion insofar as a religion teaches peace and love and the brotherhood of man. When someone uses the concept of religion to dominate other religions through force and coercion or to take over a nation, they you have to say, "My friend, that's not a religion."
Michael Savage

2. Admiral James “Ace” Lyons, Jr. (Ret.), the former commander in chief of the U.S. Pacific Fleet,".... until you recognize that Islam is a political movement masquerading as a religion, you’re never going to come to grips with it. And as far as a strategy – let me just conclude one thing, as I just had in my latest op-ed -- the Obama Administration has a strategy.”
“It’s very simple, any thinking American should be able to grasp,” said the admiral. “It’s anti-American, anti-Western, it’s pro-Islamic, it’s pro-Iranian, and pro-Muslim Brotherhood!”

3. 'Christians and Jews....the more devout, the less violent. Not so with Islam.' Bill Donohue

4. BTW.....can you name the only 'religion' that Barack Hussein Obama has stood up for, shielded from criticism, defended and advanced?
Shall I wait....?

5. And....you seem not to grasp this:
[President Recep Tayyip] Erdogan from Turkey said, ‘Islam is Islam. There are no modifiers [e.g., Islamic extremism]. Democracy is the train we ride to our ultimate objective.[ world domination.] It must be understood that Islam is a political movement masquerading as a religion. The Islamic movement will seize power as soon as it is able.
Obama’s distorted strategy

Do Republicans agree with general lyin?
.....But I shouldn't make fun. The moral of this message is good. You can become a better person. I get it. You can always change. You could teach this message without talking snakes you know.


But you obviously can't.



Did you see this?

"New York Times executive editor: 'We don't get religion'
The executive editor of The New York Times said in an interview this week that journalists at his publication, and elsewhere, have a hard time understanding religion and the role it plays in people's lives.

"I think that the New York-based — and Washington-based too, probably — media powerhouses don't quite get religion."
New York Times executive editor: 'We don't get religion'

Geee.....who knew?

Do you get Islam? Do you get Mormons? If you do explain.

I have no beef with the Mormons.

And...what makes you imagine (I almost said 'think') Islam is a religion?

1. "We believe in freedom of religion insofar as a religion teaches peace and love and the brotherhood of man. When someone uses the concept of religion to dominate other religions through force and coercion or to take over a nation, they you have to say, "My friend, that's not a religion."
Michael Savage

2. Admiral James “Ace” Lyons, Jr. (Ret.), the former commander in chief of the U.S. Pacific Fleet,".... until you recognize that Islam is a political movement masquerading as a religion, you’re never going to come to grips with it. And as far as a strategy – let me just conclude one thing, as I just had in my latest op-ed -- the Obama Administration has a strategy.”
“It’s very simple, any thinking American should be able to grasp,” said the admiral. “It’s anti-American, anti-Western, it’s pro-Islamic, it’s pro-Iranian, and pro-Muslim Brotherhood!”

3. 'Christians and Jews....the more devout, the less violent. Not so with Islam.' Bill Donohue

4. BTW.....can you name the only 'religion' that Barack Hussein Obama has stood up for, shielded from criticism, defended and advanced?
Shall I wait....?

5. And....you seem not to grasp this:
[President Recep Tayyip] Erdogan from Turkey said, ‘Islam is Islam. There are no modifiers [e.g., Islamic extremism]. Democracy is the train we ride to our ultimate objective.[ world domination.] It must be understood that Islam is a political movement masquerading as a religion. The Islamic movement will seize power as soon as it is able.
Obama’s distorted strategy

The most devout Jew would be sickened at how much skin you show off in public.
You believe in only religions you approve of. Lol. How free is that?

You buy any load of crap Moslems shovel your way I suppose.
No. I recognize them as a crazy man made religion just like I do crazy Christians.

Your delusion vets you to do good things. So does theirs. Sometimes you get a nut and Christians always say the same thing Muslims do. "He doesn't represent our religion. If he were a true (insert religion) he wouldn't have done that.
4. BTW.....can you name the only 'religion' that Barack Hussein Obama has stood up for, shielded from criticism, defended and advanced?
I think Obama stands up for FREEDOM of belief, including belief in stupidity, like religion.
There are differences between belief and overt behavior.
It's the bad behavior that should be condemned, and I'm sure Obama condemns Islamic extremism that expands to authoritarian politics & violence.
.....can you name the only 'religion' that Barack Hussein Obama has stood up for, shielded from criticism, defended and advanced?
No, can you?
Please don't get stupid on me; you're halfway there.
Hmm.....you linked to this query....
.....can you name the only 'religion' that Barack Hussein Obama has stood up for, shielded from criticism, defended and advanced?
Then ignored your own link.
Pretty much a priori evidence of your stupidity.
I answered your Q with alleged accuracy.
You could not answer my Q, which was your own Q implying "something".
Now that's stupid. or is it cowardice?
4. BTW.....can you name the only 'religion' that Barack Hussein Obama has stood up for, shielded from criticism, defended and advanced?
I think Obama stands up for FREEDOM of belief, including belief in stupidity, like religion.
There are differences between belief and overt behavior.
It's the bad behavior that should be condemned, and I'm sure Obama condemns Islamic extremism that expands to authoritarian politics & violence.
You answered the dumb bitch here and what did she come back with? TWICE??

"Name the only religion Obama ever stood up for"

Why even try to have a conversation with a person like this? You nailed it here. Now if politichich has a good reply for what you wrote here let's see it.
  • Thanks
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.....But I shouldn't make fun. The moral of this message is good. You can become a better person. I get it. You can always change. You could teach this message without talking snakes you know.


But you obviously can't.



Did you see this?

"New York Times executive editor: 'We don't get religion'
The executive editor of The New York Times said in an interview this week that journalists at his publication, and elsewhere, have a hard time understanding religion and the role it plays in people's lives.

"I think that the New York-based — and Washington-based too, probably — media powerhouses don't quite get religion."
New York Times executive editor: 'We don't get religion'

Geee.....who knew?

Do you get Islam? Do you get Mormons? If you do explain.

I have no beef with the Mormons.

And...what makes you imagine (I almost said 'think') Islam is a religion?

1. "We believe in freedom of religion insofar as a religion teaches peace and love and the brotherhood of man. When someone uses the concept of religion to dominate other religions through force and coercion or to take over a nation, they you have to say, "My friend, that's not a religion."
Michael Savage

2. Admiral James “Ace” Lyons, Jr. (Ret.), the former commander in chief of the U.S. Pacific Fleet,".... until you recognize that Islam is a political movement masquerading as a religion, you’re never going to come to grips with it. And as far as a strategy – let me just conclude one thing, as I just had in my latest op-ed -- the Obama Administration has a strategy.”
“It’s very simple, any thinking American should be able to grasp,” said the admiral. “It’s anti-American, anti-Western, it’s pro-Islamic, it’s pro-Iranian, and pro-Muslim Brotherhood!”

3. 'Christians and Jews....the more devout, the less violent. Not so with Islam.' Bill Donohue

4. BTW.....can you name the only 'religion' that Barack Hussein Obama has stood up for, shielded from criticism, defended and advanced?
Shall I wait....?

5. And....you seem not to grasp this:
[President Recep Tayyip] Erdogan from Turkey said, ‘Islam is Islam. There are no modifiers [e.g., Islamic extremism]. Democracy is the train we ride to our ultimate objective.[ world domination.] It must be understood that Islam is a political movement masquerading as a religion. The Islamic movement will seize power as soon as it is able.
Obama’s distorted strategy

You don't have a beef with Mormons? Not the point. Do you get it? No you do not. You recognize it as a silly cult foolish enough to believe such nonsense. They just say your religion lost its authority from God in the dark ages and God told Joseph Smith to start a new one. And they do recruit just like islam.

And I don't care what savage says Islam is another religion. And like Christians some are good and some are bad. So Islam is free to be in the USA.

I hope the new gop government will stop taking in Muslims but they won't. They'll say it's for humanitarian reasons but they love the cheap labor

"And I don't care what savage says Islam is another religion."

Don't be silly.
.....But I shouldn't make fun. The moral of this message is good. You can become a better person. I get it. You can always change. You could teach this message without talking snakes you know.


But you obviously can't.



Did you see this?

"New York Times executive editor: 'We don't get religion'
The executive editor of The New York Times said in an interview this week that journalists at his publication, and elsewhere, have a hard time understanding religion and the role it plays in people's lives.

"I think that the New York-based — and Washington-based too, probably — media powerhouses don't quite get religion."
New York Times executive editor: 'We don't get religion'

Geee.....who knew?

Do you get Islam? Do you get Mormons? If you do explain.

I have no beef with the Mormons.

And...what makes you imagine (I almost said 'think') Islam is a religion?

1. "We believe in freedom of religion insofar as a religion teaches peace and love and the brotherhood of man. When someone uses the concept of religion to dominate other religions through force and coercion or to take over a nation, they you have to say, "My friend, that's not a religion."
Michael Savage

2. Admiral James “Ace” Lyons, Jr. (Ret.), the former commander in chief of the U.S. Pacific Fleet,".... until you recognize that Islam is a political movement masquerading as a religion, you’re never going to come to grips with it. And as far as a strategy – let me just conclude one thing, as I just had in my latest op-ed -- the Obama Administration has a strategy.”
“It’s very simple, any thinking American should be able to grasp,” said the admiral. “It’s anti-American, anti-Western, it’s pro-Islamic, it’s pro-Iranian, and pro-Muslim Brotherhood!”

3. 'Christians and Jews....the more devout, the less violent. Not so with Islam.' Bill Donohue

4. BTW.....can you name the only 'religion' that Barack Hussein Obama has stood up for, shielded from criticism, defended and advanced?
Shall I wait....?

5. And....you seem not to grasp this:
[President Recep Tayyip] Erdogan from Turkey said, ‘Islam is Islam. There are no modifiers [e.g., Islamic extremism]. Democracy is the train we ride to our ultimate objective.[ world domination.] It must be understood that Islam is a political movement masquerading as a religion. The Islamic movement will seize power as soon as it is able.
Obama’s distorted strategy

You believe in only religions you approve of. Lol. How free is that?

"And I don't care what savage says Islam is another religion."

I'll go with this:
"We believe in freedom of religion insofar as a religion teaches peace and love and the brotherhood of man. When someone uses the concept of religion to dominate other religions through force and coercion or to take over a nation, they you have to say, "My friend, that's not a religion."
Michael Savage

Unless you feel that serial killers are entitled to their freedom of expression.

But you obviously can't.



Did you see this?

"New York Times executive editor: 'We don't get religion'
The executive editor of The New York Times said in an interview this week that journalists at his publication, and elsewhere, have a hard time understanding religion and the role it plays in people's lives.

"I think that the New York-based — and Washington-based too, probably — media powerhouses don't quite get religion."
New York Times executive editor: 'We don't get religion'

Geee.....who knew?

Do you get Islam? Do you get Mormons? If you do explain.

I have no beef with the Mormons.

And...what makes you imagine (I almost said 'think') Islam is a religion?

1. "We believe in freedom of religion insofar as a religion teaches peace and love and the brotherhood of man. When someone uses the concept of religion to dominate other religions through force and coercion or to take over a nation, they you have to say, "My friend, that's not a religion."
Michael Savage

2. Admiral James “Ace” Lyons, Jr. (Ret.), the former commander in chief of the U.S. Pacific Fleet,".... until you recognize that Islam is a political movement masquerading as a religion, you’re never going to come to grips with it. And as far as a strategy – let me just conclude one thing, as I just had in my latest op-ed -- the Obama Administration has a strategy.”
“It’s very simple, any thinking American should be able to grasp,” said the admiral. “It’s anti-American, anti-Western, it’s pro-Islamic, it’s pro-Iranian, and pro-Muslim Brotherhood!”

3. 'Christians and Jews....the more devout, the less violent. Not so with Islam.' Bill Donohue

4. BTW.....can you name the only 'religion' that Barack Hussein Obama has stood up for, shielded from criticism, defended and advanced?
Shall I wait....?

5. And....you seem not to grasp this:
[President Recep Tayyip] Erdogan from Turkey said, ‘Islam is Islam. There are no modifiers [e.g., Islamic extremism]. Democracy is the train we ride to our ultimate objective.[ world domination.] It must be understood that Islam is a political movement masquerading as a religion. The Islamic movement will seize power as soon as it is able.
Obama’s distorted strategy

You don't have a beef with Mormons? Not the point. Do you get it? No you do not. You recognize it as a silly cult foolish enough to believe such nonsense. They just say your religion lost its authority from God in the dark ages and God told Joseph Smith to start a new one. And they do recruit just like islam.

And I don't care what savage says Islam is another religion. And like Christians some are good and some are bad. So Islam is free to be in the USA.

I hope the new gop government will stop taking in Muslims but they won't. They'll say it's for humanitarian reasons but they love the cheap labor

"And I don't care what savage says Islam is another religion."

Don't be silly.

Then Republicans will be taking their tax breaks away? I doubt that. So reality says you're being a stupid girl.

But you obviously can't.



Did you see this?

"New York Times executive editor: 'We don't get religion'
The executive editor of The New York Times said in an interview this week that journalists at his publication, and elsewhere, have a hard time understanding religion and the role it plays in people's lives.

"I think that the New York-based — and Washington-based too, probably — media powerhouses don't quite get religion."
New York Times executive editor: 'We don't get religion'

Geee.....who knew?

Do you get Islam? Do you get Mormons? If you do explain.

I have no beef with the Mormons.

And...what makes you imagine (I almost said 'think') Islam is a religion?

1. "We believe in freedom of religion insofar as a religion teaches peace and love and the brotherhood of man. When someone uses the concept of religion to dominate other religions through force and coercion or to take over a nation, they you have to say, "My friend, that's not a religion."
Michael Savage

2. Admiral James “Ace” Lyons, Jr. (Ret.), the former commander in chief of the U.S. Pacific Fleet,".... until you recognize that Islam is a political movement masquerading as a religion, you’re never going to come to grips with it. And as far as a strategy – let me just conclude one thing, as I just had in my latest op-ed -- the Obama Administration has a strategy.”
“It’s very simple, any thinking American should be able to grasp,” said the admiral. “It’s anti-American, anti-Western, it’s pro-Islamic, it’s pro-Iranian, and pro-Muslim Brotherhood!”

3. 'Christians and Jews....the more devout, the less violent. Not so with Islam.' Bill Donohue

4. BTW.....can you name the only 'religion' that Barack Hussein Obama has stood up for, shielded from criticism, defended and advanced?
Shall I wait....?

5. And....you seem not to grasp this:
[President Recep Tayyip] Erdogan from Turkey said, ‘Islam is Islam. There are no modifiers [e.g., Islamic extremism]. Democracy is the train we ride to our ultimate objective.[ world domination.] It must be understood that Islam is a political movement masquerading as a religion. The Islamic movement will seize power as soon as it is able.
Obama’s distorted strategy

You believe in only religions you approve of. Lol. How free is that?

"And I don't care what savage says Islam is another religion."

I'll go with this:
"We believe in freedom of religion insofar as a religion teaches peace and love and the brotherhood of man. When someone uses the concept of religion to dominate other religions through force and coercion or to take over a nation, they you have to say, "My friend, that's not a religion."
Michael Savage

Unless you feel that serial killers are entitled to their freedom of expression.

Until caught they are. In fact make it easy for them to get a gun.

But you obviously can't.



Did you see this?

"New York Times executive editor: 'We don't get religion'
The executive editor of The New York Times said in an interview this week that journalists at his publication, and elsewhere, have a hard time understanding religion and the role it plays in people's lives.

"I think that the New York-based — and Washington-based too, probably — media powerhouses don't quite get religion."
New York Times executive editor: 'We don't get religion'

Geee.....who knew?

Do you get Islam? Do you get Mormons? If you do explain.

I have no beef with the Mormons.

And...what makes you imagine (I almost said 'think') Islam is a religion?

1. "We believe in freedom of religion insofar as a religion teaches peace and love and the brotherhood of man. When someone uses the concept of religion to dominate other religions through force and coercion or to take over a nation, they you have to say, "My friend, that's not a religion."
Michael Savage

2. Admiral James “Ace” Lyons, Jr. (Ret.), the former commander in chief of the U.S. Pacific Fleet,".... until you recognize that Islam is a political movement masquerading as a religion, you’re never going to come to grips with it. And as far as a strategy – let me just conclude one thing, as I just had in my latest op-ed -- the Obama Administration has a strategy.”
“It’s very simple, any thinking American should be able to grasp,” said the admiral. “It’s anti-American, anti-Western, it’s pro-Islamic, it’s pro-Iranian, and pro-Muslim Brotherhood!”

3. 'Christians and Jews....the more devout, the less violent. Not so with Islam.' Bill Donohue

4. BTW.....can you name the only 'religion' that Barack Hussein Obama has stood up for, shielded from criticism, defended and advanced?
Shall I wait....?

5. And....you seem not to grasp this:
[President Recep Tayyip] Erdogan from Turkey said, ‘Islam is Islam. There are no modifiers [e.g., Islamic extremism]. Democracy is the train we ride to our ultimate objective.[ world domination.] It must be understood that Islam is a political movement masquerading as a religion. The Islamic movement will seize power as soon as it is able.
Obama’s distorted strategy

You believe in only religions you approve of. Lol. How free is that?

"And I don't care what savage says Islam is another religion."

I'll go with this:
"We believe in freedom of religion insofar as a religion teaches peace and love and the brotherhood of man. When someone uses the concept of religion to dominate other religions through force and coercion or to take over a nation, they you have to say, "My friend, that's not a religion."
Michael Savage

Unless you feel that serial killers are entitled to their freedom of expression.

You haven't given any evidence against Islam I couldn't find on Christianity.

And Muslims are much nicer than you guys. If you had to choose between getting your head chopped off or burning in hell for eternity I'll get the haircut
.....can you name the only 'religion' that Barack Hussein Obama has stood up for, shielded from criticism, defended and advanced?

Islam of course. Looks for Obama to revert in the near future.

None of his supporters would ever answer that query.
You remind me of a nazi who cries that the world only defends Jews well I'm sorry but it's the Jews being tossed in the ovens. Muslim americans are getting a bad rap for a few bad apples.

Are you suggesting its more than just a few bad apples?

Trump should be able to deport any known bad actors. I hope the GOP are tough on anti Americans living in America. On that we agree. Fuck them up.
You believe in only religions you approve of. Lol. How free is that?

You buy any load of crap Moslems shovel your way I suppose.
No. I recognize them as a crazy man made religion just like I do crazy Christians.

Your delusion vets you to do good things. So does theirs. Sometimes you get a nut and Christians always say the same thing Muslims do. "He doesn't represent our religion. If he were a true (insert religion) he wouldn't have done that.

Obviously you don't understand Islam. Probably never read the Koran.
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