If God doesn't exist...

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Just what this place needs, ANOTHER crazy nutjob. Lol. Oh boy! The crazies love their religion. :D

America is based on religion....our system of laws, and even the Constitution.

I'd suggest you re-think your post....but that presupposes an ability to think.
The Constitution, a completely secular document, contains no references to God, Jesus or Christianity.And politicalchic before you question ppl's abilty to think, I might suggest to actually show some critical thinking yourself. For instance the whole op here start with the assertion that since the big bang happened but since we don't know how or why it has to be a miracle. In religion 'we dont know' is not an answer, when in doubt god is responsible. The problem is that over the millenia, very gradually we as a species have found more and more answers to questions that used to be in religious domain. Nearly every time religion resisted and every time it had to aquies. If the whole basis of being religious is having faith without the availability of proof, even more, being proven wrong in alot of areas, I find it insanely ironic you questioning ppl's ability to think.

There is a clear reference to Jesus Christ in the Constitution.

You are entitled to your religious beliefs. Keep them to yourself and apply them to your own life. Nobody else is obligated to live by your rules. K? :)


I see... So now we can defund the tax dollars going to Planned Parenthood and tell them to rely on charitable donations just like religious organizations do.

Just because you have your laws granting your freedom does not mean everyone has to pay into the kitty to fund it.


God is a theory in which some of you choose to believe. You can think abortion is murder, or you can think whatever you want. You do NOT have the right to force your morality onto others who do not share your views. Get over yourselves. ;)


Can you and those who follow your morality do the same?

I think not since you need to rely on the government to provide tax dollars, provided by everyone at the point of a government sword, to support or enforce your morality.




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I never said that... Only that God exists and that I'm quite comfortable with that... Whereas you appear to have difficulties with that and explaining your scientific creationism beliefs.

I have read Lawrence Krauss, Stephen King, Einstein, and many others; and to quote you...

It would appear that even those physicsts are suggesting that a miracle occurred at that time of your scientific creationism theology. Does this mean another miracle will occur sometime where the laws and theories of physics don't apply?... Sort of like believing in the second coming don't you think?... Will Einstein and a few others be resurrected when this momentous event occurs? Can we call it a miracle then or will you and others still object to referring to something in that way even though you can't provide a quantfiable explanation for the event?



I found this logical and informative...

"The Genesis Enigma: Why the First Book of the Bible Is Scientifically Accurate"
by Andrew Parker

Parker is a scientist.

Why should the bible be "scientifically accurate"? "Science" is accurate today - hopefully - but what we know today in science will maybe not be accurate any longer in 2000 years - hopefully too. The bible tells us something what we are still able to understand. The story of Noahs arch for example understood every child 2000 yeras ago, understands every child today and will be understood from every child in 2000 years. Only some "scientifically accurate" people have sometimes a problem with the story of Noahs arch - for example if they are asking themselve. "Where concrete were once Sodom and Gomorah?". But maybe Sodom and Gomorah were in us? This story is not written to be a lesson in a book for physics - it's a prophecy. We do not know for example exactly where or when this had happended. Could even be this will happen here now - or in another universe anywhen - or one day in an unkown future as sure as it would had happened in the past.
This was anyway not the intention of the authors of the Genesis thousands of years ago, when they sat around the campfire and knew nothing about us. But the light of their campfires, the light in their eyes - living, loving, laughing - and also the light in a thornbush - are still enlightening us.

"I guess what Mr. Parker shows to us: The Genesis is not in confrontation with modern science."

Genesis Correlates With Modern Science

  1. God’s first command in Genesis is “Let there be light.” Nor is this the only introduction of light in the Genesis creation account, but it is the first, it represents the beginning of the formation of our solar System.

From the view of science today "light" is the electromagnetical spectrum - the part of this spectrum we are able to see we call "light". If we (=spiritual people) say "light" we are in most cases also always thinking about an inner representation of light. The most importnat thing for us is the ability "to see". If god says "Let there be light" this could in terms of science also mean for example "Let there be information." The strange thing: only spiritual beings, living entities, are able to see.

The Sumarians believed that the earth lay at the center of the universe, and the ancient Israelites saw the stars as a heavenly sphere that enclosed everything.
  1. The idea that th earth is round emerged some time after the Old Testament was written, when in the late sixth century BCE Pythagoras declared that the earth, along with the other planets, was spherical.
    1. In 287 BCE, Strato of Lampsacus’ school “advanced the theory that the sun was at rest at the center of the sphere of fixed stars, and that the earth and planets revolved around the sun.” Greek Astronomy
  2. Then, in the 20th century, Einstein advanced his theory of general relativity, the implication of which was that the universe was not static- it must be expanding or contracting.
One very nice "side effect" of this expansion is for example that the universe expands from everywhere in all directions. So: If someone travels through this universe this one will be always in the middle of the universe. Or with other words: All points of the universe are always only in the middle.

a. An understanding of the red shift pretty much established an expanding universe. With this came the realization that there must have been a beginning.

  1. And that was ‘The Big Bang’…some 13,700 million years ago. Quite an event…it lasted just 10 to the minus 35th seconds, beginning the universe, generating time and space, as well as all the matter and energy that the universe would ever, ever, contain!
  2. The basic forces of nature emerged- first gravity, then the strong force that holds the nuclei of atoms together (no atoms existed at this time), followed by weaker, then ‘electromagnetic’ forces. By the end of the firs second, there were quarks and electrons, nutrinos, some other stuff….and, later, some of them smashed together to form protons and neutrons.
  3. So, there we have the idea of the universe suddenly appearing at a beginning, and all of that from a huge amount of energy. Of course, that doesn’t begin to ask the obvious: what existed before the Big Bang, and where did all that energy come from?
I fear it's not wrong that god made the universe out of nothing - although if god made it in another way then this okay for me too. He's the creator. But the idea to create everything out of nothing is so clear and confusing the same time so I think god made it indeed in this way. With other words: No existance was existing - but god created existance. This makes all discussions about the existance of god somehow funny. God seems to be everywhere - even the nothing - or every notexistance - seems not to be without him.

And, of course, the ancient Israelites behind the account of creation in Genesis, chapter 1, would have been oblivious to all the detailed described above. No idea about any ‘Big Bang.’
  1. Probably anyone writing a creation account should have begun with the idea of the formation of the sun and the planets….shouldn’t they? Without the sun…how could Genesis refer to the ‘days’ of creation? So…“Let there be light” doesn’t really entail much….does it? It makes intuitive sense.
    1. Even the pagan world figured this out: most tended to worship the sun as the source of all life. But Genesis doesn’t speak of the sun…..only of light, until verses 14-19.
  2. Big Bang…explosion….energy….light. But no atoms to form the sun for some time. Light…but no sun? So says science. And so says Genesis. Parker, “The Genesis Enigma,” chapter two.
a. For reference, Genesis 1, verses 1-4: In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. And the earth was without form, and void; and darknesswasupon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. And God said, Let there be light: and there was light. And God saw the light, thatit wasgood: and God divided the light from the darkness.

Interesting? Modern scientific narrative and biblical narrative seem to agree here. But there’s more in the Genesis author’s narrative.

There follows an order of events of the creation.
A pretty specific order of events.
And it’s surprisingly accurate.

As a Catholic I love it to see everything in contact with anything else. We are still in the beginning - and somehow it looks to me as if we would be always in the beginning - until it ends. The strange thing - I also don't live in fear of this end. If I am not - why to be worried if god is also in the nothing? Who believes in god indeed never is alone - even if he's not existing any longer.

Christmas is in you. English subtitles:

Dear grandpa, just in case you forgot: I'm writing to remind you about the bicycle you said will be coming for Christmas this year. I hope that your trip to heaven is going well. Love, Tommy

For Tommy. I'm sorry this took so long. Grandpa

God is with a capital 'g.'

He said to me the little "g" in "god" is okay. It's a nice letter.

Just what this place needs, ANOTHER crazy nutjob. Lol. Oh boy! The crazies love their religion. :D

America is based on religion....our system of laws, and even the Constitution.

I'd suggest you re-think your post....but that presupposes an ability to think.

Must be why abortion IS in fact legal, eh? :D Lol.

No....that would because the Left corrupted that system.

Didn't you know that?

Sorry but most people do support freedom. You can take your religion an shove it up your smelly bum!

Interesting definition what you think what freedom is.

No....that would because the Left corrupted that system.

Didn't you know that?

Sorry but most people do support freedom. You can take your religion an shove it up your smelly bum!

I hope you aren't suggesting that killing another human being is your 'freedom.'

And, there is that Liberal white flag....vulgarity.

It is here in America. Also, women have been aborting babies since ancient times.

I posted this: "I hope you aren't suggesting that killing another human being is your 'freedom.'"

And you responded thus: "It is here in America."

Are you inarticulate or really, really immoral?

Any other human beings you feel the right to slaughter?
Perhaps you should be penned up before you injure anyone.

Morality is subjective.

Morality is an intersubjective truth. For example in the way of the categorical imperative of Immanuel Kant: "Act only according to that maxim whereby you can at the same time will that it should become a universal law without contradiction."

Nobody has to live by your rules, silly! Mind your business.

Nobody has to have any form of moral - but the consequence of a lack of moral lead often into a prison. On the other side lives a person with a high moral standard normally not in conflict with public laws. The conflict starts in this moment when the laws have nothing to do with justice any longer. That's for example a problem in case of abortion. A human being will be killed in case of abortion - and this is often only a private decision - although this hurts the human right to live.

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...and science holds the answer to all questions....

Then what kick started the universe?

After all we wouldn't want to violate one of Newton's three laws now would we?

If the scientific answer at this time is we don't know...

Then doesn't that mean a miracle occurred?


No. same thing could be asked of religion: If everything needs a preceding event/creator, then were did GOD come from? And where did THAT come from, ad infinitum. Perhaps this is an unanswerable question, and perhaps, it doesn't matter.

Saint Augustine gave an answer to this question about 1600 years ago. He said such a question is senseless because god created time. "Before" it was created was no time so we are not able to ask "What was before?". He said the creating word of god was a timeless word.

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Just what this place needs, ANOTHER crazy nutjob. Lol. Oh boy! The crazies love their religion. :D

America is based on religion....our system of laws, and even the Constitution.

I'd suggest you re-think your post....but that presupposes an ability to think.
The Constitution, a completely secular document, contains no references to God, Jesus or Christianity. ...

What's by the way a very christian idea because Jesus Christ said "My kingdom is not of this world. ..."

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I hope you aren't suggesting that killing another human being is your 'freedom.'

And, there is that Liberal white flag....vulgarity.

It is here in America. Also, women have been aborting babies since ancient times.

I posted this: "I hope you aren't suggesting that killing another human being is your 'freedom.'"

And you responded thus: "It is here in America."

Are you inarticulate or really, really immoral?

Any other human beings you feel the right to slaughter?
Perhaps you should be penned up before you injure anyone.

Morality is subjective. Nobody has to live by your rules, silly! Mind your business.

"Morality is subjective."

I don't have the time or interest in giving you the lesson you so sorely require....but...
  1. If there's no God - declaring that nobody can be the source of ethics for anybody, and therefore morality is, again, purely subjective. Abortion may be legal, and a woman’s right….but this doesn’t mean it is ethically right. The Greeks believed in a version of same in which they placed deformed babies on the hillside. The reason I use the Greek example of ugly children is not because we do it today, but because they had reason on their side. Reason supports a lot of things, as for example, a very liberal position on abortion. If there is no God, "Love your neighbor as yourself" is just a good idea. That's why it is written, incidentally, in Leviticus, "Love your neighbor as yourself, I am God." I, God, tell you to be decent to other people. Prager
A serial killer operates via your motto "Morality is subjective." I don't expect you to benefit from the above, but felt I needed to provide it.

You know what they say . . . if you NEED religion to make you a good person, you really are not a good person at all. ;)

I guess you're misunderstand something: Christians are not good persons - we are sinners like everyone else. Because we know we are sinners this is a chance not to be a slave of sins forever. That's all. But people who try not to be a slave of sins are normally not the worst people - as long as they don't "fall". Unfortunatelly there's absolutelly no guarantee for anyone not to fall. As long as we are alive we are able to make everything wrong - but on the other side: As long as anyone lives - maybe even longer - everyone has also always a good chance. And we know: god helps us - and that's not bad.

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God is a theory in which some of you choose to believe. You can think abortion is murder, or you can think whatever you want. You do NOT have the right to force your morality onto others who do not share your views. Get over yourselves. ;)

Everyone has every right "to force" (better to say "to help to understand") the sovereigns of a country to take care to make the best laws for all human beings and every life. Unfortunatelly some sovereigns (=citizens) don't like to hear something what fits not to their own prejudices and would force them to start to think again about still unsolved problems.

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Maybe the universe always existed, and didn't need a ETERNAL supreme being to create it? What do we need a God for? One way or the other, we exist and we are here NOW.

But why? Why exists something without any plausible reason? This makes no sense. I tried it many ways to question this - but im absolutelly not able to doubt about to live in a senseful world. On the other side my own traumata could force me to think in such a way, because it would be better for my life to do so. But why should it be better? So tell me: Are you really able to think your life is worth nothing and only a game of not existing bad evil "gods"?

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It is here in America. Also, women have been aborting babies since ancient times.

I posted this: "I hope you aren't suggesting that killing another human being is your 'freedom.'"

And you responded thus: "It is here in America."

Are you inarticulate or really, really immoral?

Any other human beings you feel the right to slaughter?
Perhaps you should be penned up before you injure anyone.

Morality is subjective. Nobody has to live by your rules, silly! Mind your business.

"Morality is subjective."

I don't have the time or interest in giving you the lesson you so sorely require....but...
  1. If there's no God - declaring that nobody can be the source of ethics for anybody, and therefore morality is, again, purely subjective. Abortion may be legal, and a woman’s right….but this doesn’t mean it is ethically right. The Greeks believed in a version of same in which they placed deformed babies on the hillside. The reason I use the Greek example of ugly children is not because we do it today, but because they had reason on their side. Reason supports a lot of things, as for example, a very liberal position on abortion. If there is no God, "Love your neighbor as yourself" is just a good idea. That's why it is written, incidentally, in Leviticus, "Love your neighbor as yourself, I am God." I, God, tell you to be decent to other people. Prager
A serial killer operates via your motto "Morality is subjective." I don't expect you to benefit from the above, but felt I needed to provide it.

You know what they say . . . if you NEED religion to make you a good person, you really are not a good person at all. ;)

View attachment 67703

Does not having being religious make everybody a good person?



My fav radio personality is Dennis Prager....and he says something very much like that.
If you were walking down a dark street and say a group of men approaching....wouldn't you feel better if you knew they had just attended a prayer meeting.
God is a theory in which some of you choose to believe. You can think abortion is murder, or you can think whatever you want. You do NOT have the right to force your morality onto others who do not share your views. Get over yourselves. ;)

Abortion may not be murder, as it is legal up to a point....

...but it certainty is the killing of another human being.
Just what this place needs, ANOTHER crazy nutjob. Lol. Oh boy! The crazies love their religion. :D

America is based on religion....our system of laws, and even the Constitution.

I'd suggest you re-think your post....but that presupposes an ability to think.

Er no. My post stands. Crazies love their religions.

The not-crazies love their religion too, specially Christians. Christianity is the religion of love. So everyone who is crazy is welcome too in our religiion. We'll find a way.

Just what this place needs, ANOTHER crazy nutjob. Lol. Oh boy! The crazies love their religion. :D

America is based on religion....our system of laws, and even the Constitution.

I'd suggest you re-think your post....but that presupposes an ability to think.

Er no. My post stands. Crazies love their religions.

The not-crazies love their religion too, specially Christians. Christianity is the religion of love. So everyone who is crazy is welcome too in our religiion. We'll find a way.
Christianity is the religion where the god drowns everyone who's not on the boat with all the animals.
If God does not exist, then atheists do not exist.

Atheists do exist.

Atheists state God does not exist.

Thus, atheists are wrong about God's non-existence..

Thus, God exists.

Thus, it has to either be both God and atheists exist or neither exist.

Do you see any problems with the logic above?
If God does not exist, then atheists do not exist.

Atheists do exist.

Atheists state God does not exist.

Thus, atheists are wrong about God's non-existence..

Thus, God exists.

Thus, it has to either be both God and atheists exist or neither exist.

Do you see any problems with the logic above?
Yes, drinking this early in the morning is your problem.
Just what this place needs, ANOTHER crazy nutjob. Lol. Oh boy! The crazies love their religion. :D

America is based on religion....our system of laws, and even the Constitution.

I'd suggest you re-think your post....but that presupposes an ability to think.

Er no. My post stands. Crazies love their religions.

The not-crazies love their religion too, specially Christians. Christianity is the religion of love. So everyone who is crazy is welcome too in our religiion. We'll find a way.

Ahh. So you think your religion is the "better" one? Is that right? :)
If God does not exist, then atheists do not exist.

Atheists do exist.

Atheists state God does not exist.

Thus, atheists are wrong about God's non-existence..

Thus, God exists.

Thus, it has to either be both God and atheists exist or neither exist.

Do you see any problems with the logic above?
Yes, drinking this early in the morning is your problem.

Agree. That post was stupid as hell. Lol. :p
Just what this place needs, ANOTHER crazy nutjob. Lol. Oh boy! The crazies love their religion. :D

America is based on religion....our system of laws, and even the Constitution.

I'd suggest you re-think your post....but that presupposes an ability to think.

Er no. My post stands. Crazies love their religions.

The not-crazies love their religion too, specially Christians. Christianity is the religion of love. So everyone who is crazy is welcome too in our religiion. We'll find a way.
Christianity is the religion where the god drowns everyone who's not on the boat with all the animals.

I remember being a little girl and hearing these "stories" and thinking, wow, what a rotten thing that God is!
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