If God doesn't exist...

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...and science holds the answer to all questions....

Then what kick started the universe?

After all we wouldn't want to violate one of Newton's three laws now would we?

If the scientific answer at this time is we don't know...

Then doesn't that mean a miracle occurred?



What are newtons 3 laws?

I thought you believed in science and the scientific method... Now you're saying you don't even know what Newton's Three Laws Of Motion are?

Actually, Just the one you are referring to.

Sigh!!!!!..... If I must provide the information then I expect some thought in return.


Newton's Three Laws Of Motion:

1. An object at rest stays at rest and an object in motion stays in motion with the same speed and in the same direction unless acted upon by an unbalanced force.

2. Acceleration is produced when a force acts on a mass. The greater the mass (of the object being accelerated) the greater the amount of force needed (to accelerate the object).

3. For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.


Why don't you tell me which one you think I'm most likely referring to.




I thought you were suggesting one of his laws ware "if something can't be explained it's a miracle."

I said no such thing.

You are very confusing. Not very effective proving God exists.

Perhaps a reading comprehension course might help you.

Now your onto newtons laws? What do they prove?

Aren't you the scientific minded atheist who disbelieves miracles occur?

What kick started the Big Bang?


I'm still going with a miracle occurred and that's why everything exists including us.



...and science holds the answer to all questions....

Then what kick started the universe?

After all we wouldn't want to violate one of Newton's three laws now would we?

If the scientific answer at this time is we don't know...

Then doesn't that mean a miracle occurred?



Obviously something happened. Defining that "something" as a miracle is childish.

Look at it this way. If a balloon is steadily given a flow of air eventually it will burst. Is it a miracle that the balloon explodes?

It is my best guess that the matter in the form of the electrons etc with all the spaces removed reached a point of tipping past equilibrium it exploded and formed our universe. I believe that in the distant past before our universe was formed the universe was gobbled up by a giant black hole resulting in a ball consisting of matter minus the distances between it's building materials. Eventually the hole ran out of material to gobble and the former universe ceased to exist. Then something tipped the balance. I suspect the black hole is what triggered the new universe when it in it's last snack ate it's self leaving nothing to hold the ball of matter. No miracle..just bad digestion.


I don't see anything here to give your 'belief' any more validation than mine.

Where's your evidence and proof?

All I see here is another scientific creation theology, with no evidence or proof to confirm it deserves merit, conceived by man (or woman) to comfort the minds of the unknowing and unknowledgeable.


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Thy words fall upon deaf ears.
It always happens. The question about God's existence should not be the subject of dispute.
God exist to those who believe in a Creator as a Supreme Being and God doesn't exist for those who believe that they do not believe, what actually is a belief what acknowledges God in a negative sense.
Thy words fall upon deaf ears.
It always happens. The question about God's existence should not be the subject of dispute.
God exist to those who believe in a Creator as a Supreme Being and God doesn't exist for those who believe that they do not believe, what actually is a belief what acknowledges God in a negative sense.

Double talk. Nonsense.

No creator means just that.
Thy words fall upon deaf ears.
It always happens. The question about God's existence should not be the subject of dispute.
God exist to those who believe in a Creator as a Supreme Being and God doesn't exist for those who believe that they do not believe, what actually is a belief what acknowledges God in a negative sense.

Double talk. Nonsense.

No creator means just that.

I observe the creator and his/her wonderful works every day.



...and science holds the answer to all questions....

Then what kick started the universe?

God doesn't exist. And science does not hold the answer to all questions. So your conditional is not satisfied.

After all we wouldn't want to violate one of Newton's three laws now would we?
Which of Newton's three laws does the Big Bang violate?


If science doesn't hold the answer to all questions then how do you know God doesn't exist?

As for your question... I'm waiting on a response from some all knowledgeable scientific minded atheist to provide me with an input on that prior to providing a response of my own.



I got it! If God doesn't exist you will still wake up today, still go to sleep tonight, still either be a good or bad person, you will still die one day.

In other words God has no impact on anything. Other than in your head of course.

Now try posting without putting up a music video that no one is watching
Thy words fall upon deaf ears.
It always happens. The question about God's existence should not be the subject of dispute.
God exist to those who believe in a Creator as a Supreme Being and God doesn't exist for those who believe that they do not believe, what actually is a belief what acknowledges God in a negative sense.

Double talk. Nonsense.

No creator means just that.

I observe the creator and his/her wonderful works every day.



Stop posting stupid videos. No ones clicking on them.

...and science holds the answer to all questions....

Then what kick started the universe?

After all we wouldn't want to violate one of Newton's three laws now would we?

If the scientific answer at this time is we don't know...

Then doesn't that mean a miracle occurred?



Obviously something happened. Defining that "something" as a miracle is childish.

Look at it this way. If a balloon is steadily given a flow of air eventually it will burst. Is it a miracle that the balloon explodes?

It is my best guess that the matter in the form of the electrons etc with all the spaces removed reached a point of tipping past equilibrium it exploded and formed our universe. I believe that in the distant past before our universe was formed the universe was gobbled up by a giant black hole resulting in a ball consisting of matter minus the distances between it's building materials. Eventually the hole ran out of material to gobble and the former universe ceased to exist. Then something tipped the balance. I suspect the black hole is what triggered the new universe when it in it's last snack ate it's self leaving nothing to hold the ball of matter. No miracle..just bad digestion.


I don't see anything here to give your 'belief' any more validation than mine.

Where's your evidence and proof?

All I see here is another scientific creation theology, with no evidence or proof to confirm it deserves merit, conceived by man (or woman) to comfort the minds of the unknowing and unknowledgeable.



So your belief is based on what you don't know. Ignorance
... That is such utter ignorant nonsense I don't even know where to begin. The fucking big bang blew up ...

Why? ... Would you call this for example a senseful event or a senseless event? ... Or let me ask a more concrete "why" ... Why was something in the big bang what you are now? Are you fascinated from your "I am"?

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Thy words fall upon deaf ears.
It always happens. The question about God's existence should not be the subject of dispute.
God exist to those who believe in a Creator as a Supreme Being and God doesn't exist for those who believe that they do not believe, what actually is a belief what acknowledges God in a negative sense.

Double talk. Nonsense.

No creator means just that.

I observe the creator and his/her wonderful works every day.



Amun Ra. The creator of all.

... That is such utter ignorant nonsense I don't even know where to begin. The fucking big bang blew up ...

Why? ... Would you call this for example a senseful event or a senseless event? ... Or let me ask a more concrete "why" ... Why was something in the big bang what you are now?

I won't answer any questions from people who put up random stupid videos in every reply.

Are you incapable or unwilling to stop?

And why? What does Lord of the rings or Aragorn's sleeping have to do with what we are talking about

...and science holds the answer to all questions....

Then what kick started the universe?

After all we wouldn't want to violate one of Newton's three laws now would we?

If the scientific answer at this time is we don't know...

Then doesn't that mean a miracle occurred?



Obviously something happened. Defining that "something" as a miracle is childish.

Look at it this way. If a balloon is steadily given a flow of air eventually it will burst. Is it a miracle that the balloon explodes?

It is my best guess that the matter in the form of the electrons etc with all the spaces removed reached a point of tipping past equilibrium it exploded and formed our universe. I believe that in the distant past before our universe was formed the universe was gobbled up by a giant black hole resulting in a ball consisting of matter minus the distances between it's building materials. Eventually the hole ran out of material to gobble and the former universe ceased to exist. Then something tipped the balance. I suspect the black hole is what triggered the new universe when it in it's last snack ate it's self leaving nothing to hold the ball of matter. No miracle..just bad digestion.


I don't see anything here to give your 'belief' any more validation than mine.

Where's your evidence and proof?

All I see here is another scientific creation theology, with no evidence or proof to confirm it deserves merit, conceived by man (or woman) to comfort the minds of the unknowing and unknowledgeable.



Of course you don't see any difference. You filter your the information regarding how the universe came to be through your concept and understanding of the bible. That process varies from denial to just pure faith....meaning that which you do not understand you take the scripture's viewpoint even if it does not make any scientific sense. The more a scientific argument centers on basic ideas such as the Big Bang the more apt you are to defer to a biblical passage or "witness".

It is unlikely you are capable of thinking freely about matters such as "how the universe came into being" without comparing these ideas to and deferring to the bible references.

Religists are to me similar any group of people that have acquired a strong prejudice which makes it impossible to think openly about some subjects.

For instance try talking to many blacks about racism and say the word "ni**er". They feel so strongly about that word that their brain completely shuts down and the discussion is over.

The same thing happens when the basic fundamentals of christianity are challenged.

The human brain is only capable of just so much anyway. Trying to visualize the big bang even without poisoning the concept with made up images of some humanoid creature lurking nearby orchestrating the whole event is just too much silliness mixed in with a cold scientific visualization.

If someone has invested a substantial portion of their life sincerely believing that there is an actual god that has created everything the shock associated with finding out that there actually is no such being would be too much and drive many christians over the edge to mental breakdowns.

In short ..you do not want to know that there is no god and there never was a god. Your mind will not allow that idea to sink in no matter how much proof I were to provide.
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Thy words fall upon deaf ears.
It always happens. The question about God's existence should not be the subject of dispute.
God exist to those who believe in a Creator as a Supreme Being and God doesn't exist for those who believe that they do not believe, what actually is a belief what acknowledges God in a negative sense.

Double talk. Nonsense.

No creator means just that.

Why not? What about if some people are real and others are only tattoos tattooed on their tattoos - or thoughts thought from their thoughts?

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...and science holds the answer to all questions....

Then what kick started the universe?

After all we wouldn't want to violate one of Newton's three laws now would we?

If the scientific answer at this time is we don't know...

Then doesn't that mean a miracle occurred?



Obviously something happened. Defining that "something" as a miracle is childish.

Look at it this way. If a balloon is steadily given a flow of air eventually it will burst. Is it a miracle that the balloon explodes?

It is my best guess that the matter in the form of the electrons etc with all the spaces removed reached a point of tipping past equilibrium it exploded and formed our universe. I believe that in the distant past before our universe was formed the universe was gobbled up by a giant black hole resulting in a ball consisting of matter minus the distances between it's building materials. Eventually the hole ran out of material to gobble and the former universe ceased to exist. Then something tipped the balance. I suspect the black hole is what triggered the new universe when it in it's last snack ate it's self leaving nothing to hold the ball of matter. No miracle..just bad digestion.


I don't see anything here to give your 'belief' any more validation than mine.

Where's your evidence and proof?

All I see here is another scientific creation theology, with no evidence or proof to confirm it deserves merit, conceived by man (or woman) to comfort the minds of the unknowing and unknowledgeable.



Of course you don't see any difference. You filter your the information regarding how the universe came to be through your concept and understanding of the bible. That process any scientific sense.varies from denial to just pure faith....meaning that which you do not understand you take the scripture's viewpoint even if it does not make any scientific sense. The more a scientific argument centers on basic ideas such as the Big Bang the more apt you are to defer to a biblical passage or "witness".

It is unlikely you are capable of thinking freely about matters such as "how the universe came into being" without comparing these ideas to and deferring to the bible references.

Religists are to me similar any group of people that have acquired a strong prejudice which makes it impossible to think openly about some subjects.

For instance try talking to many blacks about racism and say the word "ni**er". They feel so strongly about that word that their brain completely shuts down and the discussion is over.

The same thing happens when the basic fundamentals of christianity are challenged.

The human brain is only capable of just so much anyway. Trying to visualize the big bang even without poisoning the concept with made up images of some humanoid creature lurking nearby orchestrating the whole event is just too much silliness mixed in with a cold scientific visualization.

If someone has invested a substantial portion of their life sincerely believing that there is an actual god that has created everything the shock associated with finding out that there actually is no such being would be too much and drive many christians over the edge to mental breakdowns.

In short ..you do not want to know that there is no god and there never was a god. Your mind will not allow that idea to sink in no matter how much proof I were to provide.

I remember for a couple days after deciding for good that there is no God I was a little uncomfortable and felt a little guilty and sad.

If there was a God and he wanted me to believe he would have given me a sign. He didn't. He did what he always does. Absolutely nothing.
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