If God doesn't exist...

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Life in our universe is probably not rare. What are the 5 most common elements of our universe? They exist everywhere. They exist in our sun, planet, space and in you.

So just because we are too small stupid and far to see life is all over the universe, that doesn't make us special or unique

"Life in our universe is probably not rare."

There couldn't be a more perfect example of the faith you have in your religion, science.
Why do you think we are all alone? Is there any scientific logic behind your belief?

The idea we are alone and special came from a time we didn't have all the facts. In fact they thought we were the center of the universe.

I tend to believe science because it's basing it's beliefs on facts, logic, reasoning.

There's no debating what Jesus said, right?

To understand your acceptance of science in place of religion requires an understanding of the French Revolution, the attempt to replace religion and morality with science and reason.

How blind must you be to say 'I tend to believe science because it's basing it's beliefs on facts, logic, reasoning' when there is not the slightest indication of what you believe.

I certainly don't begrudge you your faith.

How rare is life in the universe when this is a fact?

The Top 5 Most Common Elements in the Universe

Element Parts Per Million
1 Hydrogen (H) 750,000
2 Helium (He) 240,000
3 Oxygen (O) 10,000
4 Carbon (C) 5,000
5 Neon (Ne) 1,300

Life is probably everywhere. Just too far for you to see it. Your ignorance doesn't justify your beliefs but it does justify mine. Do these facts scare you or just go over your head because you aren't smart enough to grasp them?

Could Ancient Mars Have Supported Life? Water Isn't the Only Key

Evidence is building that Earth life originated on Mars and was brought to this planet aboard a meteorite, said biochemist Steven Benner of The Westheimer Institute for Science and Technology in Florida.

An oxidized form of the element molybdenum, which may have been crucial to the origin of life, was likely available on the Red Planet's surface long ago, but unavailable on Earth

- See more at: Earth Life Likely Came from Mars, Study Suggests

There is so much information that PROVES you are wrong. We don't claim to have all the answers. Not like you. So I do worship science and have faith in it because every cure we have has come from it. It's not perfect but it's better than religion.

A pretty silly post, considering that I answered it already....

"Bulletin: with elements available....no amount of experimentation has been able to make them come alive."
I direct you to Stanley Urey's famous experiment.

More to the point: most especially with the 'raw materials' available, why have none of the vast number of attempts been able to accomplish 'life'?
Maybe life is a miracle.

And....I've been thinking about documenting the accuracy of the Genesis version...and would be happy to do so....but it is longer than I'd put in one post.
So...if you are interested in same, issue a challenge to Genesis that I can use in an OP: post that challenge, and I'll cobble together a thread answering it.
They started life in a lab! Have you seen the cosmos?

Now wait 1 million years and see that bacteria become a single cell then multi cell then fish then monkey then you
"Life in our universe is probably not rare."

There couldn't be a more perfect example of the faith you have in your religion, science.
Why do you think we are all alone? Is there any scientific logic behind your belief?

The idea we are alone and special came from a time we didn't have all the facts. In fact they thought we were the center of the universe.

I tend to believe science because it's basing it's beliefs on facts, logic, reasoning.

There's no debating what Jesus said, right?

To understand your acceptance of science in place of religion requires an understanding of the French Revolution, the attempt to replace religion and morality with science and reason.

How blind must you be to say 'I tend to believe science because it's basing it's beliefs on facts, logic, reasoning' when there is not the slightest indication of what you believe.

I certainly don't begrudge you your faith.

How rare is life in the universe when this is a fact?

The Top 5 Most Common Elements in the Universe

Element Parts Per Million
1 Hydrogen (H) 750,000
2 Helium (He) 240,000
3 Oxygen (O) 10,000
4 Carbon (C) 5,000
5 Neon (Ne) 1,300

Life is probably everywhere. Just too far for you to see it. Your ignorance doesn't justify your beliefs but it does justify mine. Do these facts scare you or just go over your head because you aren't smart enough to grasp them?

Could Ancient Mars Have Supported Life? Water Isn't the Only Key

Evidence is building that Earth life originated on Mars and was brought to this planet aboard a meteorite, said biochemist Steven Benner of The Westheimer Institute for Science and Technology in Florida.

An oxidized form of the element molybdenum, which may have been crucial to the origin of life, was likely available on the Red Planet's surface long ago, but unavailable on Earth

- See more at: Earth Life Likely Came from Mars, Study Suggests

There is so much information that PROVES you are wrong. We don't claim to have all the answers. Not like you. So I do worship science and have faith in it because every cure we have has come from it. It's not perfect but it's better than religion.

A pretty silly post, considering that I answered it already....

"Bulletin: with elements available....no amount of experimentation has been able to make them come alive."
I direct you to Stanley Urey's famous experiment.

More to the point: most especially with the 'raw materials' available, why have none of the vast number of attempts been able to accomplish 'life'?
Maybe life is a miracle.

And....I've been thinking about documenting the accuracy of the Genesis version...and would be happy to do so....but it is longer than I'd put in one post.
So...if you are interested in same, issue a challenge to Genesis that I can use in an OP: post that challenge, and I'll cobble together a thread answering it.
They started life in a lab! Have you seen the cosmos?

Now wait 1 million years and see that bacteria become a single cell then multi cell then fish then monkey then you

Clearly my post...that there has never been a successful experiment to produce life...skewered you.

And...Genesis, in the outline of the course of existence on the planet...conforms with current scientific belief.
Why do you think we are all alone? Is there any scientific logic behind your belief?

The idea we are alone and special came from a time we didn't have all the facts. In fact they thought we were the center of the universe.

I tend to believe science because it's basing it's beliefs on facts, logic, reasoning.

There's no debating what Jesus said, right?

To understand your acceptance of science in place of religion requires an understanding of the French Revolution, the attempt to replace religion and morality with science and reason.

How blind must you be to say 'I tend to believe science because it's basing it's beliefs on facts, logic, reasoning' when there is not the slightest indication of what you believe.

I certainly don't begrudge you your faith.

How rare is life in the universe when this is a fact?

The Top 5 Most Common Elements in the Universe

Element Parts Per Million
1 Hydrogen (H) 750,000
2 Helium (He) 240,000
3 Oxygen (O) 10,000
4 Carbon (C) 5,000
5 Neon (Ne) 1,300

Life is probably everywhere. Just too far for you to see it. Your ignorance doesn't justify your beliefs but it does justify mine. Do these facts scare you or just go over your head because you aren't smart enough to grasp them?

Could Ancient Mars Have Supported Life? Water Isn't the Only Key

Evidence is building that Earth life originated on Mars and was brought to this planet aboard a meteorite, said biochemist Steven Benner of The Westheimer Institute for Science and Technology in Florida.

An oxidized form of the element molybdenum, which may have been crucial to the origin of life, was likely available on the Red Planet's surface long ago, but unavailable on Earth

- See more at: Earth Life Likely Came from Mars, Study Suggests

There is so much information that PROVES you are wrong. We don't claim to have all the answers. Not like you. So I do worship science and have faith in it because every cure we have has come from it. It's not perfect but it's better than religion.

A pretty silly post, considering that I answered it already....

"Bulletin: with elements available....no amount of experimentation has been able to make them come alive."
I direct you to Stanley Urey's famous experiment.

More to the point: most especially with the 'raw materials' available, why have none of the vast number of attempts been able to accomplish 'life'?
Maybe life is a miracle.

And....I've been thinking about documenting the accuracy of the Genesis version...and would be happy to do so....but it is longer than I'd put in one post.
So...if you are interested in same, issue a challenge to Genesis that I can use in an OP: post that challenge, and I'll cobble together a thread answering it.
They started life in a lab! Have you seen the cosmos?

Now wait 1 million years and see that bacteria become a single cell then multi cell then fish then monkey then you

Clearly my post...that there has never been a successful experiment to produce life...skewered you.

And...Genesis, in the outline of the course of existence on the planet...conforms with current scientific belief.
Of course it does, dear. Current scientific belief conforms to a 6,000 year old earth.

Another graduate of the Harun Yahya madrassah.
No drinking or smoking the funny sticks. Aren't atheists the champions of logic?

The assumption is an universe without God, If no God, then no atheists. (I suppose one can say If no belief in God, then no non-belief in His existence.) Can we agree on that?

I'm just trying to point out we cannot have a condition where atheists and no God or where God and no atheists exist.

So, logically is it possible to come up with yes atheist and no God?
If no god, then atheists are right. End of story.

God says there is no end of the story. See. Atheists are usually wrong.
You got any proof of god saying anything or is this just more fartsmoke?

The whole point is it's EITHER God and atheists or no God and no atheists. We know the latter is not the case in our universe. So it leaves God or the belief in God is wrong or the atheists are wrong. Only one can be right. Can we agree on that?

There are arguments for God that I can present if you want, but the above is what I thought from the OP.
Don't really know wat you mean by your statement that if theirs no god there are no atheists. Seems like a semantics question to me. I think it's simply God exists or he doesn't. Anyways if you think you can make an argument for god existing by all means, make your case. I've been making mine so I'dd like to see you make yours.

Yes, you got it with your second to the last sentence.

God says there is no end to the story in the Bible because of the afterlife. How do we know it exists and what is it? One evidence for its existence is the finding that consciousness continues on for a bit after clinical death. The other evidence is from near death experiences. What we will not know is what is beyond that? One has to die to find out and then there is no return to describe what happened.

The other evidence lies with the judgment of our lives. All religions except atheism has final judgment. One can be evil or good and many shades of gray in-between. Even atheists want judgment to occur, but it can only happen while alive. Better final judgment if there is an afterlife.
I thought a miracle was a God intervention. My bad.

This, from a Harper's essay, by a physicist.

1. " …according to various calculations, if the values of some of the fundamental parameters of our universe were a little larger or a little smaller, life could not have arisen.

2. For example, if the nuclear force were a few percentage points stronger than it actually is, then all the hydrogen atoms in the infant universe would have fused with other hydrogen atoms to make helium, and there would be no hydrogen left. No hydrogen means no water.
Although we are far from certain about what conditions are necessary for life, most biologists believe that water is necessary.

4. On the other hand, if the nuclear force were substantially weaker than what it actually is, then the complex atoms needed for biology could not hold together.

5. As another example, if the relationship between the strengths of the gravitational force and the electromagnetic force were not close to what it is, then the cosmos would not harbor any stars that explode and spew out life-supporting chemical elements into space or any other stars that form planets. Both kinds of stars are required for the emergence of life.

6. The strengths of the basic forces and certain other fundamental parameters in our universe appear to be “fine-tuned” to allow the existence of life. The recognition of this fine tuning led British physicist Brandon Carter to articulate what he called the anthropic principle, which states that the universe must have the parameters it does because we are here to observe it. Actually, the word
anthropic, from the Greek for “man,” is a misnomer: if these fundamental parameters were much different from what they are, it is not only human beings who would not exist. No life of any kind would exist."
The Accidental Universe | Harper's Magazine

Miracle .....or coincidence?

Maybe less miracle and less coincidence but more a kind of very hard fact. If I remember well then all natural constants have to be very very very exact for living structures - in one case it are about 40 digits. So even if the speculation about a Multiversum would be correct: In case we would be able to communicate with other universes then in only less than 1 of 10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 cases we would be able to find life within a universe of this multiverse. And we do not know anything about wether life is existing in more than one case in our own universe too.

Life in our universe is probably not rare. What are the 5 most common elements of our universe? They exist everywhere. They exist in our sun, planet, space and in you.

So just because we are too small stupid and far to see life is all over the universe, that doesn't make us special or unique

"Life in our universe is probably not rare."

There couldn't be a more perfect example of the faith you have in your religion, science.

I base that belief on science. You base your belief on ignorance. You can't see any other life so you assume you are special. From what we can see, you're probably not.

A true skeptic would believe that life is highly improbable also.

Notice I use words like probably? Does your religion admit it doesn't know for sure? Hell no. It took 7 days. Your religion has answers for everything, even if they aren't good ones

In the words of Isaac Newton earlier on in this thread...

Physicists state the laws of the universe didn't exist at and right after the Big Bang. Read Lawrence Krauss or Stephen Hawking, they spell it out quite well.

How long did the 'Laws Of The Universe' not exist right after the Big Bang?

It would appear that Christian creation theology has a lot in common with scientific creationism theology.

Didn't the Christians come up with the concept first? I do believe so!

It would appear that Christian concepts are 'good enough' for the scientific community to steal from.


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Maybe less miracle and less coincidence but more a kind of very hard fact. If I remember well then all natural constants have to be very very very exact for living structures - in one case it are about 40 digits. So even if the speculation about a Multiversum would be correct: In case we would be able to communicate with other universes then in only less than 1 of 10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 cases we would be able to find life within a universe of this multiverse. And we do not know anything about wether life is existing in more than one case in our own universe too.

Life in our universe is probably not rare. What are the 5 most common elements of our universe? They exist everywhere. They exist in our sun, planet, space and in you.

So just because we are too small stupid and far to see life is all over the universe, that doesn't make us special or unique

"Life in our universe is probably not rare."

There couldn't be a more perfect example of the faith you have in your religion, science.

I base that belief on science. You base your belief on ignorance. You can't see any other life so you assume you are special.

From what we can see, you're probably not.

Notice I use words like probably? Does your religion admit it doesn't know for sure? Hell no. It took 7 days. Your religion has answers for everything, even if they aren't good ones

"I base that belief on science."

Of course you don't.You base it on the same thing that other religious folk base it on....faith.

There is no proof, evidence, or even indication.

After you say "Life in our universe is probably not rare." you should follow with 'can I get an Amen!'

What do you think and why do you think that? Maybe I believe the alternative to what you believe because what you believe makes no sense...

Unless of course you believe God did it? That's why God makes people stupid. Rather than look to find other life we should give up because your ancient ancestors said God told them we are unique/special/alone.

Your God, or religion I should say, got too much wrong. Called God of the gaps.

And when we find life somewhere else you'll just move the goalposts


Science moves it's goalposts all the time.

...No one can travel faster than 50 miles an hour or the air will be sucked out of the vehicle.

...No one can travel faster than the speed of sound.

...No one will be able to travel faster than the speed of light.

Your argument is a strawman at best.




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...and science holds the answer to all questions....

Then what kick started the universe?

After all we wouldn't want to violate one of Newton's three laws now would we?

If the scientific answer at this time is we don't know...

Then doesn't that mean a miracle occurred?



What are newtons 3 laws? Actually, Just the one you are referring to.
Life in our universe is probably not rare. What are the 5 most common elements of our universe? They exist everywhere. They exist in our sun, planet, space and in you.

So just because we are too small stupid and far to see life is all over the universe, that doesn't make us special or unique

"Life in our universe is probably not rare."

There couldn't be a more perfect example of the faith you have in your religion, science.
I base that belief on science. You base your belief on ignorance. You can't see any other life so you assume you are special.

From what we can see, you're probably not.

Notice I use words like probably? Does your religion admit it doesn't know for sure? Hell no. It took 7 days. Your religion has answers for everything, even if they aren't good ones

"I base that belief on science."

Of course you don't.You base it on the same thing that other religious folk base it on....faith.

There is no proof, evidence, or even indication.

After you say "Life in our universe is probably not rare." you should follow with 'can I get an Amen!'
What do you think and why do you think that? Maybe I believe the alternative to what you believe because what you believe makes no sense...

Unless of course you believe God did it? That's why God makes people stupid. Rather than look to find other life we should give up because your ancient ancestors said God told them we are unique/special/alone.

Your God, or religion I should say, got too much wrong. Called God of the gaps.

And when we find life somewhere else you'll just move the goalposts

View attachment 68478

Science moves it's goalposts all the time.

...No one can travel faster than 50 miles an hour or the air will be sucked out of the vehicle.

...No one can travel faster than the speed of sound.

...No one will be able to travel faster than the speed of light.

Your argument is a strawman at best.



So where does this leave us?

...and science holds the answer to all questions....

Then what kick started the universe?

After all we wouldn't want to violate one of Newton's three laws now would we?

If the scientific answer at this time is we don't know...

Then doesn't that mean a miracle occurred?



What are newtons 3 laws?

I thought you believed in science and the scientific method... Now you're saying you don't even know what Newton's Three Laws Of Motion are?

Actually, Just the one you are referring to.

Sigh!!!!!..... If I must provide the information then I expect some thought in return.


Newton's Three Laws Of Motion:

1. An object at rest stays at rest and an object in motion stays in motion with the same speed and in the same direction unless acted upon by an unbalanced force.

2. Acceleration is produced when a force acts on a mass. The greater the mass (of the object being accelerated) the greater the amount of force needed (to accelerate the object).

3. For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.


Why don't you tell me which one you think I'm most likely referring to.



"Life in our universe is probably not rare."

There couldn't be a more perfect example of the faith you have in your religion, science.
I base that belief on science. You base your belief on ignorance. You can't see any other life so you assume you are special.

From what we can see, you're probably not.

Notice I use words like probably? Does your religion admit it doesn't know for sure? Hell no. It took 7 days. Your religion has answers for everything, even if they aren't good ones

"I base that belief on science."

Of course you don't.You base it on the same thing that other religious folk base it on....faith.

There is no proof, evidence, or even indication.

After you say "Life in our universe is probably not rare." you should follow with 'can I get an Amen!'
What do you think and why do you think that? Maybe I believe the alternative to what you believe because what you believe makes no sense...

Unless of course you believe God did it? That's why God makes people stupid. Rather than look to find other life we should give up because your ancient ancestors said God told them we are unique/special/alone.

Your God, or religion I should say, got too much wrong. Called God of the gaps.

And when we find life somewhere else you'll just move the goalposts

View attachment 68478

Science moves it's goalposts all the time.

...No one can travel faster than 50 miles an hour or the air will be sucked out of the vehicle.

...No one can travel faster than the speed of sound.

...No one will be able to travel faster than the speed of light.

Your argument is a strawman at best.



So where does this leave us?


Well... In your case most likely being an uninvited guest at a tea party.....

Now the question is which way do you want to go to get there?


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...and science holds the answer to all questions....

Then what kick started the universe?

God doesn't exist. And science does not hold the answer to all questions. So your conditional is not satisfied.

After all we wouldn't want to violate one of Newton's three laws now would we?
Which of Newton's three laws does the Big Bang violate?

...and science holds the answer to all questions....

Then what kick started the universe?

God doesn't exist.

And what's your reason why you chose this belief?

And science does not hold the answer to all questions. So your conditional is not satisfied.

After all we wouldn't want to violate one of Newton's three laws now would we?
Which of Newton's three laws does the Big Bang violate?

Specially the third law - because the big bang is not a reaction.

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...and science holds the answer to all questions....

Then what kick started the universe?

After all we wouldn't want to violate one of Newton's three laws now would we?

If the scientific answer at this time is we don't know...

Then doesn't that mean a miracle occurred?



What are newtons 3 laws? Actually, Just the one you are referring to.

1) resistance to a change in a state of motion
2) F=m*a
3) actio est reactio
4) principle of superposition

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...and science holds the answer to all questions....

Then what kick started the universe?

After all we wouldn't want to violate one of Newton's three laws now would we?

If the scientific answer at this time is we don't know...

Then doesn't that mean a miracle occurred?



What are newtons 3 laws?

I thought you believed in science and the scientific method... Now you're saying you don't even know what Newton's Three Laws Of Motion are?

Actually, Just the one you are referring to.

Sigh!!!!!..... If I must provide the information then I expect some thought in return.


Newton's Three Laws Of Motion:

1. An object at rest stays at rest and an object in motion stays in motion with the same speed and in the same direction unless acted upon by an unbalanced force.

2. Acceleration is produced when a force acts on a mass. The greater the mass (of the object being accelerated) the greater the amount of force needed (to accelerate the object).

3. For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.


Why don't you tell me which one you think I'm most likely referring to.




I thought you were suggesting one of his laws ware "if something can't be explained it's a miracle."

You are very confusing. Not very effective proving God exists.

Now your onto newtons laws? What do they prove?

...and science holds the answer to all questions....

Then what kick started the universe?

God doesn't exist. And science does not hold the answer to all questions. So your conditional is not satisfied.

After all we wouldn't want to violate one of Newton's three laws now would we?
Which of Newton's three laws does the Big Bang violate?
The 3rd law where it says anything Newton can't explain is a miracle from God. Duh!

...and science holds the answer to all questions....

Then what kick started the universe?

God doesn't exist.

And what's your reason why you chose this belief?

And science does not hold the answer to all questions. So your conditional is not satisfied.

After all we wouldn't want to violate one of Newton's three laws now would we?
Which of Newton's three laws does the Big Bang violate?

Specially the third law - because the big bang is not a reaction.

Government schooling.

...and science holds the answer to all questions....

Then what kick started the universe?

God doesn't exist.

And what's your reason why you chose this belief?

And science does not hold the answer to all questions. So your conditional is not satisfied.

After all we wouldn't want to violate one of Newton's three laws now would we?
Which of Newton's three laws does the Big Bang violate?

Specially the third law - because the big bang is not a reaction.

Government schooling.

The David Berlinski school for the intellectually crippled.
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