Zone1 If God Is All Powerful, All Knowing, and All Loving, Then Why Didn't He Create Us To Be Perfect Like Himself

"You are bent for destruction " what is that if not a judgement?

Are you daring to speak for your god?

You have turned a discussion about being present in the now into me INSISTING you believe something, into me telling you you CANNOT use the word "if" and yet you cannot quote me saying any of these things.

You are not reading what I write and responding to it. You are inventing things you think I said then arguing against them.

The Word of God speaks for my God
I don't want atheism to be true. I want their to be a god and heaven. What I don't want is your religion to be true. But that's not why I would reject it. That'd be stupid. If I believed it I'd follow it, read the bible, and look forward to heaven. It's a silly notion. That you yourself are basically a god. How are you not? You're going to live forever and never get sick after you die? What a super power you have.

This guy kept saying HOPE I'm right? Then he's not showing conviction. Sounds like he's scared he might be wrong but even still can't believe it. I tetered on that for a while but today I firmly believe Christianity and all other religions are a joke. Or lies. Man made up not inspired by god. Or inspired by their wish for a god. Or, written to control the masses. It's brilliant. You can't make it illegal to lust after your wife but you can make me feel like big brother is watching 24/7.

I can't believe any Republican would be afraid of cameras being everywhere. Why care when god is watching all the time? Isn't that enough of a deterant?

You believe pat saying really easily. Did it in Covid. Do it with religions.
Do you know what "pat sayings" means? Like, catchphrases. Things that have been typed, written, read and said over and over and over. Like this:

"control the masses"

The rich control the masses through government, corporations and yes religions. It's a con game.
The rich control the masses through government, corporations and yes religions. It's a con game.

Let me ask you something. How much were you controlled through the Covid narrative? Did you buy into all of it: the masks, the social distancing, the lockdowns, the efficacy of the vaccines?

If you did, you really have no place commenting on how the masses are controlled. YOU are the masses.
I don't want atheism to be true. I want their to be a god and heaven. What I don't want is your religion to be true. But that's not why I would reject it. That'd be stupid. If I believed it I'd follow it, read the bible, and look forward to heaven. It's a silly notion. That you yourself are basically a god. How are you not? You're going to live forever and never get sick after you die? What a super power you have.

This guy kept saying HOPE I'm right? Then he's not showing conviction. Sounds like he's scared he might be wrong but even still can't believe it. I tetered on that for a while but today I firmly believe Christianity and all other religions are a joke. Or lies. Man made up not inspired by god. Or inspired by their wish for a god. Or, written to control the masses. It's brilliant. You can't make it illegal to lust after your wife but you can make me feel like big brother is watching 24/7.

I can't believe any Republican would be afraid of cameras being everywhere. Why care when god is watching all the time? Isn't that enough of a deterant?
You cpntradict yourself and that is what is troubling, that you can't see that.
1)_ why does your opinion matter at all ?
2) Funny you don't know Nagel but presume to be up on all things religious. HE is an atheist who has devoted himself of late to rebutting folks like YOU. you say sillly and give no data, no reasoning, no adducement of other people, not even anything anecdotal. Nagel became disgusted with people like you.

Your basic problem --- if I may -- is you were born on meat and potatoes and you will die on them and you boast about it.
Buthat is the double fallacy you always commit

1) fallacy that because something is free it could not be known
It's possible that God could know all potential options, but the choice we make is still our own.
2) Free will is NOT random will. Even a non-omniscient being who knew a creature bound to follow what it perceives as good (whether perceiving rightly or wrongly ) would know what you would choose.
Aren't you making an assumption? Or are you saying that if you were predetermined to be good, the choices you made would be good? And if you were predetermined to be bad, your choices would be bad/evil/sinful?
You cpntradict yourself and that is what is troubling, that you can't see that.
1)_ why does your opinion matter at all ?
2) Funny you don't know Nagel but presume to be up on all things religious. HE is an atheist who has devoted himself of late to rebutting folks like YOU. you say sillly and give no data, no reasoning, no adducement of other people, not even anything anecdotal. Nagel became disgusted with people like you.

Your basic problem --- if I may -- is you were born on meat and potatoes and you will die on them and you boast about it.
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The bible contradicts itself too. That doesn't bother you.

Listen lady. I don't have to be an expert in religion to know it's bullshit. I've heard enough. And then some. You love it? Good for you. But then you also probably love trump too right?
The Word of God speaks for my God

There is no evidence to support any of the claims made in the Bible concerning the existence of a god. Any ‘evidence’ proposed by theists to support the Bible’s various historical and supernatural claims is non-existent at best, manufactured at worst.

The Bible is not self-authenticating; it is simply one of many religious texts. Like those other texts, it itself constitutes no evidence for the existence of a god.

The Bible is historically inaccurate, factually incorrect, inconsistent and contradictory. It was artificially constructed by a group of men in antiquity and is poorly translated, heavily altered and selectively interpreted. Entire sections of the text have been redacted over time.

There is no contemporary evidence for Jesus’ existence or the Bible’s account of his life; no artefacts, dwellings, works of carpentry, self-written manuscripts, court records, eyewitness testimony, official diaries, birth records, reflections on his significance or written disputes about his teachings. Nothing survives from the time in which he is said to have lived.

All historical references to Jesus derive from hearsay accounts written decades or centuries after his supposed death. These historical references generally refer to early Christians rather than a historical Jesus and, in some cases, directly contradict the Gospels or were deliberately manufactured.

The Gospels themselves contradict one-another on many key events and were constructed by unknown authors up to a century after the events they describe are said to have occurred. They are not eyewitness accounts. The New Testament, as a whole, contains many internal inconsistencies as a result of its piecemeal construction and is factually incorrect on several historical claims, such as the early existence of Nazareth, the reign of Herod and the Roman census. Like the Old Testament, it too has had entire books and sections redacted.

The Biblical account of Jesus has striking similarities with other mythologies and texts and many of his supposed teachings existed prior to his time. It is likely the character was either partly or entirely invented by competing first century messianic cults from an amalgamation of Greco-Roman, Egyptian and Judeo-Apocalyptic myths and prophecies.

Even if Jesus’ existence could be established, this would in no way validate Christian theology or any element of the story portrayed in the Bible, such as the performance of miracles or the resurrection. Simply because it is conceivable a heretical Jewish preacher named Yeshua lived circa 30 AD, had followers and was executed, does not imply the son of a god walked the Earth at that time.

There is no evidence to support any of the claims made in the Bible concerning the existence of a god. Any ‘evidence’ proposed by theists to support the Bible’s various historical and supernatural claims is non-existent at best, manufactured at worst.

The Bible is not self-authenticating; it is simply one of many religious texts. Like those other texts, it itself constitutes no evidence for the existence of a god.

The Bible is historically inaccurate, factually incorrect, inconsistent and contradictory. It was artificially constructed by a group of men in antiquity and is poorly translated, heavily altered and selectively interpreted. Entire sections of the text have been redacted over time.

There is no contemporary evidence for Jesus’ existence or the Bible’s account of his life; no artefacts, dwellings, works of carpentry, self-written manuscripts, court records, eyewitness testimony, official diaries, birth records, reflections on his significance or written disputes about his teachings. Nothing survives from the time in which he is said to have lived.

All historical references to Jesus derive from hearsay accounts written decades or centuries after his supposed death. These historical references generally refer to early Christians rather than a historical Jesus and, in some cases, directly contradict the Gospels or were deliberately manufactured.

The Gospels themselves contradict one-another on many key events and were constructed by unknown authors up to a century after the events they describe are said to have occurred. They are not eyewitness accounts. The New Testament, as a whole, contains many internal inconsistencies as a result of its piecemeal construction and is factually incorrect on several historical claims, such as the early existence of Nazareth, the reign of Herod and the Roman census. Like the Old Testament, it too has had entire books and sections redacted.

The Biblical account of Jesus has striking similarities with other mythologies and texts and many of his supposed teachings existed prior to his time. It is likely the character was either partly or entirely invented by competing first century messianic cults from an amalgamation of Greco-Roman, Egyptian and Judeo-Apocalyptic myths and prophecies.

Even if Jesus’ existence could be established, this would in no way validate Christian theology or any element of the story portrayed in the Bible, such as the performance of miracles or the resurrection. Simply because it is conceivable a heretical Jewish preacher named Yeshua lived circa 30 AD, had followers and was executed, does not imply the son of a god walked the Earth at that time.

Claiming you absolutely know if gods exist or not are equally faulty intellectual stances.

The mistake here is substituting the phrase , "I think" or, "I believe" for "I know"

The truth is that no one really knows which is why there are so many different religions and so many different interpretations of the same religions among its subscribers.

Anyone can think or believe anything.
Claiming you absolutely know if gods exist or not are equally faulty intellectual stances.

The mistake here is substituting the phrase , "I think" or, "I believe" for "I know"

The truth is that no one really knows which is why there are so many different religions and so many different interpretations of the same religions among its subscribers.

Anyone can think or believe anything.
You are correct. Chapter 21 in my bible says

The existence and non-existence of a god are not equally probable outcomes. The majority of things we can possibly imagine do not exist. Thus, belief is not as valid a position as skepticism when dealing with unsupported or unfalsifiable claims. Agnostic atheism is the most rational position.
There's nothing rational about atheists acting like they are agnostic.
There's nothing rational about atheists acting like they are agnostic.

We can't know there is no god. That's the opposite of you have never seen god and can't prove god exists. Neither have been proven. So we remain agnostic. Why would we say "there is no god"? We remain open.

But from what we see, there is no god. And the way we are atheist is about your religion that says god met our ancestors. Are you stupid? Or do you think we are? I know most humans believe that shit but come on man. You really believe in God? You're a god? I mean you say you're going to heaven to live for all eternity and never be sad or sick. You're a god. And we're supposed to buy that? Without any proof? So on that, I'm pretty atheist. In other words, I'm pretty sure the Jesus story is a myth. I'm confident enough to lean towards atheist.

Because remember The existence and non-existence of a god are not equally probable outcomes. Thus, belief is not as valid a position as skepticism when dealing with unsupported or unfalsifiable claims. Agnostic atheism is the most rational position.
We can't know there is no god. That's the opposite of you have never seen god and can't prove god exists. Neither have been proven. So we remain agnostic. Why would we say "there is no god"? We remain open.

But from what we see, there is no god. And the way we are atheist is about your religion that says god met our ancestors. Are you stupid? Or do you think we are? I know most humans believe that shit but come on man. You really believe in God? You're a god? I mean you say you're going to heaven to live for all eternity and never be sad or sick. You're a god. And we're supposed to buy that? Without any proof? So on that, I'm pretty atheist. In other words, I'm pretty sure the Jesus story is a myth. I'm confident enough to lean towards atheist.

Because remember The existence and non-existence of a god are not equally probable outcomes. Thus, belief is not as valid a position as skepticism when dealing with unsupported or unfalsifiable claims. Agnostic atheism is the most rational position.
Actually agnostic deism and agnostic atheism are equally valid if the likelihood of a god's existence or nonexistence are equally probable.
Actually agnostic deism and agnostic atheism are equally valid if the likelihood of a god's existence or nonexistence are equally probable.
If. But they aren't. Scientifically, if you present your case, you have no evidence to prove your wild claim. We're just saying bullshit. We don't have to prove bullshit on something amazing they say we have to believe on faith. And because smart people believe it. Or the majority of people believe it. I'm sure there are Muslims who are smarter than me too. Doesn't mean Islam is real even if that smart person believes it.

I saw god is on trial. I don't have to prove you didn't see god.

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