Zone1 If God Is All Powerful, All Knowing, and All Loving, Then Why Didn't He Create Us To Be Perfect Like Himself

We can't know there is no god. That's the opposite of you have never seen god and can't prove god exists. Neither have been proven. So we remain agnostic. Why would we say "there is no god"? We remain open.

But from what we see, there is no god. And the way we are atheist is about your religion that says god met our ancestors. Are you stupid? Or do you think we are? I know most humans believe that shit but come on man. You really believe in God? You're a god? I mean you say you're going to heaven to live for all eternity and never be sad or sick. You're a god. And we're supposed to buy that? Without any proof? So on that, I'm pretty atheist. In other words, I'm pretty sure the Jesus story is a myth. I'm confident enough to lean towards atheist.

Because remember The existence and non-existence of a god are not equally probable outcomes. Thus, belief is not as valid a position as skepticism when dealing with unsupported or unfalsifiable claims. Agnostic atheism is the most rational position.
God can be known through the light of human reason by studying what he created. So you are <ahem> agnostic because it suits you. And have never known the benefits of fellowship with God.

As for your belief that the existence and non-existence of God are not equally probable outcomes that's true but the opposite of what you believe. There's plenty of evidence for the existence of God. Just none you will accept.
Well then there is this:

Moroni 10:32: “Yea, come unto Christ, and be perfected in him, and deny yourselves of all ungodliness; and if ye shall deny yourselves of all ungodliness, and love God with all your might, mind and strength, then is his grace sufficient for you, that by his grace ye may be perfect in Christ”
This verse is speaking of becoming perfect in Christ. Once can receive the grace of God and be forgiven without first becoming perfect. Perfection is a process that you may attain over time and through many encounters with the grace of God. Eventually through much grace, you can be perfected in Christ Jesus. This verse, although speaking of perfection in Christ, is not preaching that you have to deny yourself of all ungodliness before your can ever taste of any grace from God. However it is saying that in order to be perfect in Christ you will, through the grace of God, need to eventually overcome all sin.
It makes the most sense to me that the bible is just a book of Iron Age philosophy
You have your God given freedom to believe as you will. Isn't free will wonderful? We get to choose what we want to believe.
If a peaceful life of introspection and doing my best to practice kindness
You don't seem very peaceful to me. In fact, quite the opposite, you seek conflict which is the opposite of peace. And is this really you doing your best to be kind?
Let me say it again, dumbass--- you are probably a million times richer, smarter and more capable than your child, yet, why don't you give your eight year old a college degree, a bank account of $500,000, and a V8 powered Cadillac?

You are probably capable of doing that but what would an eight year old learn or gain from such reckless help? Children need to learn and grow according to their means, find a direction in life and a sense of accomplishment--- children who are given too much too soon in life usually end up not appreciating their power and fortune, and misusing it tyrannically, don't they???
If my child was made to have all knowledge, wisdom, and understanding, then I would most certainly would give him any degree. He would be smart enough to go out and make much more than a mere $500,000 and could buy any car he pleased.

Children need to learn and grow because they are not perfect. If God created them perfect, then they would not need to learn because they would already know everything. With perfect understanding and wisdom they would of themselves already know the right direction in life and easily obtain a sense of accomplishment. With perfect wisdom and understanding they would already have a perfect appreciation for their power and fortune and with perfect decision making ability they would never misuse their power tyrannically!

I think you need t think deeper about what perfection is.
God can be known through the light of human reason by studying what he created. So you are <ahem> agnostic because it suits you. And have never known the benefits of fellowship with God.

As for your belief that the existence and non-existence of God are not equally probable outcomes that's true but the opposite of what you believe. There's plenty of evidence for the existence of God. Just none you will accept.
I'm agnostic because I'm open minded. I would think it just as ignorant for me to say I KNOW there is no God just like I think it's ignorant to say you do know for certain.
God can be known through the light of human reason by studying what he created. So you are <ahem> agnostic because it suits you. And have never known the benefits of fellowship with God.

As for your belief that the existence and non-existence of God are not equally probable outcomes that's true but the opposite of what you believe. There's plenty of evidence for the existence of God. Just none you will accept.
I won't believe flawed evidence. And the more I learn, the more it confirms that I'm right about religions. It's not that the more I learn the more I realize I could be wrong. In fact the opposite.

Don't study the bible. It's mindless ramblings that rewards repetitive readings. Read the history of Christianity and other religions. You'll see, it's all made up.

You are believing the greatest bullshit stories ever told. First Old Testament then the New. No doubt in my mind about that. As for that I'm an atheist.
I'm agnostic because I'm open minded. I would think it just as ignorant for me to say I KNOW there is no God just like I think it's ignorant to say you do know for certain.
You've been beating that dead horse for years. It's time for you to come out of the closet, bro.
I won't believe flawed evidence. And the more I learn, the more it confirms that I'm right about religions. It's not that the more I learn the more I realize I could be wrong. In fact the opposite.

Don't study the bible. It's mindless ramblings that rewards repetitive readings. Read the history of Christianity and other religions. You'll see, it's all made up.

You are believing the greatest bullshit stories ever told. First Old Testament then the New. No doubt in my mind about that. As for that I'm an atheist.
It's not for the intellectually weak, that's for sure.
God can be known through the light of human reason by studying what he created. So you are <ahem> agnostic because it suits you. And have never known the benefits of fellowship with God.

As for your belief that the existence and non-existence of God are not equally probable outcomes that's true but the opposite of what you believe. There's plenty of evidence for the existence of God. Just none you will accept.
You have to admit it's pretty arrogant and ignorant for someone to say they know for certain there isn't a creator. Who knows. But did he impregnate Mary? Come on Ding. Time to grow up. Santa isn't real.

I wish it was real. I'd be at church every sunday really worshiping my ass off. I'd be annoying about it. And I'd be more concerned about non belivers. Dude, they're going to hell for all eternity.
You've been beating that dead horse for years. It's time for you to come out of the closet, bro.

Here's everything I believe. This is my bible. Don't argue with me because my reply is here. Every time

No. Not at all.
If God has ordained all things to happen, even the choices we make, meaning that I have been programmed/designed since the beginning of time to do what I do, then how can I be culpable for those decision I make?
I don't believe that God ordains all things that will happen. I don't believe that he programs/designs us to do what we choose to do. I don't think knowing what a person will do with their free will choices is controlling their free will to choose of themselves.
I have a hard time with God sending anyone to a potential eternal torment if someone had no choice in the choices they make.
We can't stand in front of God and have a potential to point the finger back at God and say, "This is how you made me".
If God makes you with your own free will and choice, you wouldn't be able to point the finger back at Him. Eternal torment, in my estimation, is coming to the realization that you rejected the blessings God offered you of your own free will and find yourself outside his heavenly kingdom.
Choice isn't a choice if some grand puppeteer is always pulling the string.

Rather, is it possible that God can know what is knowable at the moment it is knowable? Presented before us everyday are 100s, if not 1000s of choices. I don't believe God has ordained every single decision. However, he knows each decision the moment it occurs. This makes us responsible for our own decisions. It also helps answer some difficult questions of why evil exists and occurs.

Theologically, Christians have backed themselves into a corner by making some claims that we just don't actually know for sure. This is one of them. Good thing is that if I read Jesus' words, I don't have to believe in the omniscience of God (as traditionally understood in Westernized Christianity) to be saved.
I don't believe that God is a grand puppeteer who is always pulling the strings. I think he knows way in advance, however, what we will choose. Because of this he is able to tell the future many, many years in advance. I think evil exists because mankind chooses to not follow God's commandments and does evil deeds. I believe that there is opposition to all things. In other words, wherever there is good, there is also it's opposite. Temptation of the devil is to get us to choose the opposite of good. Below is a list of verses in the Bible as well as other LDS scripture that tell us that God is omniscient:

God, Omniscience of

You have to admit it's pretty arrogant and ignorant for someone to say they know for certain there isn't a creator. Who knows. But did he impregnate Mary? Come on Ding. Time to grow up. Santa isn't real.

I wish it was real. I'd be at church every sunday really worshiping my ass off. I'd be annoying about it. And I'd be more concerned about non belivers. Dude, they're going to hell for all eternity.

Here's everything I believe. This is my bible. Don't argue with me because my reply is here. Every time

It's not arrogant at all. I've tested it. I'm at peace even while the world around me is not. You want me to give that up?

It's not like I am trying to force you to believe as I do like you are doing to me right now. That would be arrogant, bro.
Here's everything I believe. This is my bible. Don't argue with me because my reply is here. Every time
I don't plan on trying to argue with you about this. I'll just say it's funny that a guy who claimed he was agnostic a couple of posts ago says his bible is a bunch of responses for there being no God.
So we shouldn't expect to understand why bad things happen to good people some of the time. It's part of life.
Just to reiterate, my personal belief is that God could not create us perfect and thus we are not perfect in this life. I think bad things can happen because mankind does make imperfect decisions and also things can happen by chance and cause something bad to happen. An example of that would be an old tree falling over on an unsuspecting passer by and injuring him/her or causing death.
Just to reiterate, my personal belief is that God could not create us perfect and thus we are not perfect in this life. I think bad things can happen because mankind does make imperfect decisions and also things can happen by chance and cause something bad to happen. An example of that would be an old tree falling over on an unsuspecting passer by and injuring him/her or causing death.
I wouldn't limit God. Rather I would ask what his purpose was for creating a material existence. Because it is entirely possible that the answer to that question explains the answer to this question.
It's not arrogant at all. I've tested it. I'm at peace even while the world around me is not. You want me to give that up?

It's not like I am trying to force you to believe as I do like you are doing to me right now. That would be arrogant, bro.
Well it would arrogant and ignorant for me to tell you I know for sure your god does't exist. How would I know?

This is what's causing the confusion. A theist like you claims he knows. So what's that make a denier? Either agnostic or atheist. I say the smartest position is agnostic who leans towards atheism. Because the likelihood of your god being real and not real are not equal. It's more than likely like all the other religions, you're making it up too. You have no proof.

And besides. Outrageous claims require a lot of evidence. My theory doesn't require any.
I wouldn't limit God. Rather I would ask what his purpose was for creating a material existence. Because it is entirely possible that the answer to that question explains the answer to this question.
I am not personally limiting God. I, as a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, believe that Joseph Smith was a true prophet of God and that he received revelation in these latter days. The following two verses come from the revelations that he received:

Doctrine and Covenants 93:29
29 Man was also in the beginning with God. Intelligence, or the light of truth, was not created or made, neither indeed can be.

Abraham 3:18
18 Howbeit that he made the greater star; as, also, if there be two spirits, and one shall be more intelligent than the other, yet these two spirits, notwithstanding one is more intelligent than the other, have no beginning; they existed before, they shall have no end, they shall exist after, for they are gnolaum, or eternal.

From these verses, the Lord himself has revealed that the intelligence within our spirits is self-existing and was not created or made and neither indeed can be. Thus God could not create the intelligence of man and therefore could not create it to be perfect. I believe that God, through the process of procreation combined our self-existing intelligence with spirit matter to form our spirit bodies. Another revelation in our scriptures tells us that there is spirit matter.

Doctrine and Covenants 131:7-8
7 There is no such thing as immaterial matter. All spirit is matter, but it is more fine or pure, and can only be discerned by purer eyes;
8 We cannot see it; but when our bodies are purified we shall see that it is all matter.
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