Zone1 If God Is All Powerful, All Knowing, and All Loving, Then Why Didn't He Create Us To Be Perfect Like Himself

Yes, it is my opinion. An opinion based upon observing your animosity towards Christianity and Christians.
Wrong again.

Criticizing organized religion is not criticizing the customers of the institutions. That's your persecution complex
Wrong again.

Criticizing organized religion is not criticizing the customers of the institutions. That's your persecution complex
Your posts speak for themselves. I'm not the only one who has seen this.
And by whining you mean to say I shine a spotlight on what you are doing. Sounds like you are the whining.
No you're whining.

you sound like a 5 year old

"MAMA he's picking on god make him stop"
Your posts speak for themselves. I'm not the only one who has seen this.

YEs too bad you can't read very well.

The RCC is NOT all Christians it is an institution, a business and that's all it is. The Southern Baptist Church id not a person it is an institution , a business, that's all it is.
YEs too bad you can't read very well.

The RCC is NOT all Christians it is an institution, a business and that's all it is. The Southern Baptist Church id not a person it is an institution , a business, that's all it is.
Subordination of religion is subordination of religion. You're going to keep doing it and I'm going to keep pointing out that you are doing it.
I don't want atheism to be true. I want their to be a god and heaven. What I don't want is your religion to be true. But that's not why I would reject it. That'd be stupid. If I believed it I'd follow it, read the bible, and look forward to heaven.

I don't have to be an expert in religion to know it's bullshit. I've heard enough. And then some.
Fill in the blank with any sport, career, school subject, political view, etc. "I don't have to be an expert in ______________ to know its bs. I've heard enough and then some."

Religion and all of the above is like mining through dirt, rock, and debris to unearth the gold, diamonds, etc. Some find the hard work pays off, others only find dirt.

As ever, I recommend starting with seeking and finding God. Once you have a start on that relationship it is easier to grasp what the Bible and religion strive to teach.

What is the best way to know you? Seek you out and establish a relationship or simply read through your high school yearbook?
Fill in the blank with any sport, career, school subject, political view, etc. "I don't have to be an expert in ______________ to know its bs. I've heard enough and then some."

Religion and all of the above is like mining through dirt, rock, and debris to unearth the gold, diamonds, etc. Some find the hard work pays off, others only find dirt.

As ever, I recommend starting with seeking and finding God. Once you have a start on that relationship it is easier to grasp what the Bible and religion strive to teach.

What is the best way to know you? Seek you out and establish a relationship or simply read through your high school yearbook?
I have found my peace you find yours.
I have found my peace you find yours.
I don't find peace in your posts. They lack understanding of what others have discovered in the Bible, in religion, in God. You haven't the peace my grandfather had or my husband has. They both recognized that while the Bible, religion, God elude them, and that they are on another path, the Bible, religion and God do not elude all.

i.e. There is more peace available for you on your path.
I don't think we are too far apart on this. The question is does "Knowing" with the power to change those outcomes because God is all powerful too, still make God culpable? If God knows the intent and knows the decision, but chooses not to change the circumstance, thus allowing potentially harmful evil to occur, make God culpable?

Again, not too far apart either. However, I think there is a case for annihilationism, the eternal death of the soul. But that is another topic
If God were culpable for our bad choices, then God would not be a good being. My belief is that our self-existing intelligences have free will from all eternity.
I think God is more than capable of creating from nothing. In fact, there are a lot of problems associated with limiting God's ability to create from nothing. For instance, if you say our spirits were self existing then that would mean they always existed the same as God has always existed. If you say God can only create from existing elements that too means those elements have always existed the same as God. The science behind the big bang tells us the universe was not created from pre-existing matter or energy. That it literally popped into existence at the time of creation.
Thinking about those who believe God could create absolutely anything from nothing is what prompted me to create this thread. If God is all powerful, all knowing, and an all loving God why didn't He simply create us to be perfect like himself? Surely if God can create from absolutely nothing, then why couldn't or why wouldn't God create us to be exactly like himself? He could have created us with a perfect knowledge, wisdom, understanding, and a free will. With a perfect knowledge, wisdom and understanding, we would use our free will to always make perfect decisions just as God Himself does. What would be your answer to this philosophical dilemma? Why would he make us inferior?
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Right, sure, whatever you say. I need to think DEEPER about these things to realize what a FU God is, right, genius?!

No, wait, lemme guess--- you think you have rationally created a man made thought experiment disproving the existence of God, right? :lmao:
I actually heard this argument in a philosophy of religion class back in the 1980's. My search for an answer led me to my conclusion that I've made through out this thread.
To know that absolutely requires that we absolutely know the mind of God, and we don't.
Through the revelations of God we do know the mind and will of God to a certain degree. Jesus commanded us in Matt 5:48 to be perfect even as our Father in Heaven is perfect. Does this not let us know that God wants us to be as perfect as our Father in Heaven? God wants us to repent and overcome and be forgiven of our sins. Was not Jesus' atoning sacrifice evidence that we can be forgiven and his teaching of repentance evidence that we should repent? True, we don't know all the thoughts and intentions of God but we do know the ones he has revealed to us. We are not totally in the dark. The question I gave contains some suppositions of what many in the world believe and I wanted to know what their answer to my question was if they believe the suppositions. My first supposition was, "if God has the power to do absolutely anything imaginable". I personally do not believe that God can do absolutely anything imaginable myself. But there are some in the world who do believe this. if this were true, certainly God would have the power to make us perfect like himself, right? The question then follows, "Why didn't he make us perfect?". That seem like a rational question based on the supposition.
Why is it an excuse? If God is all powerful, then wouldn't he have the power to create us perfect like himself? If God is all knowing, then wouldn't have the know how to create us perfect like himself? If God is all loving, then wouldn't he love us enough to create us perfect like himself? How is it an excuse?

If He did create us perfect, how is it that we make imperfect decisions and have short comings?
Man creates robots without will. God creates living beings who make choices. He leaves it to you to choose

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