Zone1 If God Is All Powerful, All Knowing, and All Loving, Then Why Didn't He Create Us To Be Perfect Like Himself

If God is all powerful, all knowing, and an all loving God why didn't He simply create us to be perfect like himself?
So that we could experience good and evil; victory and defeat; laughing and crying; loving and hating, success and failure. What are you expecting? Why isn't this enough? You are the pinnacle of creation. The most complex creation in the universe that we know of.

But if that's not good enough of an answer for you, see Job 40 for God's response.
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Surely if God can create from absolutely nothing, then why couldn't or why wouldn't God create us to be exactly like himself?
Doesn't the same question apply regardless of whether God created existence from something or nothing?
He could have created us with a perfect knowledge, wisdom, understanding, and a free will. With a perfect knowledge, wisdom and understanding, we would use our free will to always make perfect decisions just as God Himself does. What would be your answer to this philosophical dilemma? Why would he make us inferior?
Because we are his creatures. We are not gods. Or maybe because God wants us to love him for who God is and not for what God can do for us. Does your love for God hinge on your reward? Is your love for God on the condition he couldn't make everything be perfect? Would you love God less if he could have made everything perfect but didn't. Because I submit to you that this is how he grows the crops he wants to grow.
Subordination of religion is subordination of religion. You're going to keep doing it and I'm going to keep pointing out that you are doing it.

An an institution is not religion. Religion is a belief and institution is a thing

And you are defending an institution that protects pedophiles
So that we could experience good and evil; victory and defeat; laughing and crying; loving and hating, success and failure. What are you expecting? Why isn't this enough? You are the pinnacle of creation. The most complex creation in the universe that we know of.

But if that's not good enough of an answer for you, see Job 40 for God's response.
People create "good" and "evil" and that you think you are the ultimate creation speaks to your ego and your arrogance.

We only know of an infinitesimal piece of the universe and you think that gives you license to proclaim you are the pinnacle of all creation. Man, Trump's ego has nothing on yours,
Doesn't the same question apply regardless of whether God created existence from something or nothing?

You have declared over and over that your god created the universe from nothing now you sing a different tune
I don't find peace in your posts. They lack understanding of what others have discovered in the Bible, in religion, in God. You haven't the peace my grandfather had or my husband has. They both recognized that while the Bible, religion, God elude them, and that they are on another path, the Bible, religion and God do not elude all.

i.e. There is more peace available for you on your path.
Long ago when I realized religions were all made up, I still had a personal relationship with god. But then I realized I was just talking to myself.

Every once in a great while, I still talk to him. But then I realize what I'm doing.

I love it when bad things happen to good people all around me but not to me and I say "if there was a god, he would have done that to me not them".
I don't find peace in your posts. They lack understanding of what others have discovered in the Bible, in religion, in God. You haven't the peace my grandfather had or my husband has. They both recognized that while the Bible, religion, God elude them, and that they are on another path, the Bible, religion and God do not elude all.

i.e. There is more peace available for you on your path.

When I study the Salem Witch Trials and I see it was Christians who did that. And it wasn't just in ignorant America. That shit spread around Europe too. So when I see the history of our religion I realize I can't accept this religion if it comes from those people. Kings who edited it. No one knows who wrote it exactly or when. It's totally brilliant especially when 2000 years later so many people are still buying it.

You don't have to find peace in me. I know it's there. And it doesn't matter. I can't "believe" because I want to believe. I have to believe. And based on all the facts I've seen in 50 years, FAIL. Sorry but you feel the same way about Mormons and Muslims.

We're no different except you believe in one religion and I don't.
Long ago when I realized religions were all made up, I still had a personal relationship with god. But then I realized I was just talking to myself.

Every once in a great while, I still talk to him. But then I realize what I'm doing.

I love it when bad things happen to good people all around me but not to me and I say "if there was a god, he would have done that to me not them".

But don't you get it you're just not as smart or perceptive as people who believe in gods and the bible.
Long ago when I realized religions were all made up, I still had a personal relationship with god. But then I realized I was just talking to myself.

Every once in a great while, I still talk to him. But then I realize what I'm doing.

I love it when bad things happen to good people all around me but not to me and I say "if there was a god, he would have done that to me not them".

Enjoying the misfortune of other people is not something to be proud of.
Long ago when I realized religions were all made up, I still had a personal relationship with god. But then I realized I was just talking to myself.

Every once in a great while, I still talk to him. But then I realize what I'm doing.

I love it when bad things happen to good people all around me but not to me and I say "if there was a god, he would have done that to me not them".

You LOVE it when bad things happen to good people?

That's demonic
Long ago when I realized religions were all made up, I still had a personal relationship with god. But then I realized I was just talking to myself.

Every once in a great while, I still talk to him. But then I realize what I'm doing.

I love it when bad things happen to good people all around me but not to me and I say "if there was a god, he would have done that to me not them".
Missing context is the bane of religion. The context of changing language and cultures. Religion is not made up as much as it can be misunderstood.

While it is good to talk to God, it is even better to listen, which is why contemplation can be a blessing.

God disciplines those he loves. The Beatitudes are also worth considering during hard times, and also during good times...But woe to you who are filled now, for you will be hungry; for those who laugh now, for you will grieve and weep...

I know a lot of people who are both smart and perceptive who are not Believers. ???

I have been told by many people here and in the real world that I just don't understand the subtleties and nuances of the bible no matter how many times I have read it and that if I did I would have to believe everything it said.
I have been told by many people here and in the real world that I just don't understand the subtleties and nuances of the bible no matter how many times I have read it and that if I did I would have to believe everything it said.

I'm sorry, but no. Jesus said many times, "Those with ears to hear, let them hear". It has nothing to with being smart. IMO, not that it means much, you are clearly smart.

ETA: I mean you ARE a musician, so...hahaha
But don't you get it you're just not as smart or perceptive as people who believe in gods and the bible.
Some I am some I'm not. The intelligence of the person doesn't matter. Lots of smart people believe and lots don't. And lots of dumb people believe and some don't. I think religion wins over all the dummies. Non believers tend to be smart.

Atheists score 3.82 IQ points above Liberals and close to 6 IQ points above Dogmatics.

To be dogmatic is to follow a set of rules no matter what. The rules might be religious, philosophical, or made-up, but dogmatic people would never waver in their beliefs so don't even think of trying to change their minds.
I'm sorry, but no. Jesus said many times, "Those with ears to hear, let them hear". It has nothing to with being smart. IMO, not that it means much, you are clearly smart.

ETA: I mean you ARE a musician, so...hahaha
The problem I have with that is it implies that if I do not believe what is being said is true then I am not hearing it. So in not believing it is true I am lacking something.

And yeah maybe a lot of that is my aversion to the "because I said so" reason for doing anything.
Some I am some I'm not. The intelligence of the person doesn't matter. Lots of smart people believe and lots don't. And lots of dumb people believe and some don't. I think religion wins over all the dummies. Non believers tend to be smart.

Atheists score 3.82 IQ points above Liberals and close to 6 IQ points above Dogmatics.

To be dogmatic is to follow a set of rules no matter what. The rules might be religious, philosophical, or made-up, but dogmatic people would never waver in their beliefs so don't even think of trying to change their minds.


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