Zone1 If God Is All Powerful, All Knowing, and All Loving, Then Why Didn't He Create Us To Be Perfect Like Himself

Incorrect. I am opposing your attempts at subordinating religion. It's not personal.
it's very personal to you and that's obvious. If you really thought your religion was beyond reproach you wouldn't have the pathological need to defend it.
But don't you get it you're just not as smart or perceptive as people who believe in gods and the bible.
Please, don't be an idiot when joining a discussion I am having with another poster whose intelligence and perception is not in question.
I wouldn't expect you to see it any other way. You seek conflicts.

Says the guy who lives with his own conflicts.

You would abolish an imaginary religion that blinds children but you defend an institution that runs a global syndicate to protect pedophiles
it's very personal to you and that's obvious. If you really thought your religion was beyond reproach you wouldn't have the pathological need to defend it.
Not at all. I respond to your posts exactly like I respond to all militant atheist post that attempt to subordinate religion and condemn respect for people of faith.
Please, don't be an idiot when joining a discussion I am having with another poster whose intelligence and perception is not in question.

Please don't tell me who or what I can respond to if I am not responding to one of your posts
Says the guy who lives with his own conflicts.

You would abolish an imaginary religion that blinds children but you defend an institution that runs a global syndicate to protect pedophiles
I'm not the one who is attacking your beliefs. I'm the one defending my beliefs from your attacks.
No, I don't "feel the same way about Mormons and Muslims." Far from it.

Sometimes people cannot believe because they cannot take the bad with the good and work with what is. Reality from the beginning of the knowledge of good and evil is that one can take evil and create good from it. And people can take what is good and create evil.

You mention the Salem Witch Trials, a great example of people taking what is good and using it for great evil. I have ancestors who were involved in the Salem Witch Trials, so I see it from the other perspective as well: Those who saw/endured great evil from them and with this evil turned it to create goodness. (Of course, you would have laughed at them, happy that good people were suffering, right, while all was well with you?)

Atheists have this to wrestle with: God has no claim on those who have no belief, Do yo consider that a plus or a minus?

There is a difference between someone feeling at peace at the conclusion s/he has reached. I haven't a doubt that you are at peace with the conclusion you have reached--no God, and man-made religion. But your posts don't seem at all at peace with the conclusions others have reached. I am quite at peace with the conclusions Mormons, Muslims, Hindus--and atheists--have reached.

Why? Because we are all learning and not to be at peace would be like not being at peace with a first grader's understanding of math because it doesn't match the understanding of a university math major's understanding, who in turn has little understanding of what a philosophy major is studying.
God has no claim on those who have no belief?

Who says? Perhaps God would reward our intelligence. Not falling for organized religions made up by men.

I would never tell a theist they are wrong. Or why they are wrong. If they've been brainwashed I know what I say isn't going to change them. But if they have doubts, I can help them realize they aren't crazy or wrong.

Ever watch the Cosmos? There are two series. I suggest watching both series. I think when you are done you'll conclude there is no god.
Not at all. I respond to your posts exactly like I respond to all militant atheist post that attempt to subordinate religion and condemn respect for people of faith.

Not an atheist by definition I am an agnostic but then again you like your labels
No it didn't work because half the country didn't go along. So it kept spreading and mutating.

Yes, masks work. No one got sick during covid. No colds. flus. Why? Because for the first time we were socially distancing from each other. Working from home. When I go into work two days a week, I always come home with the sniffles.

Dude, you have absolutely zero case for talking to anyone about brainwashing

Funny stuff, though
Please don't tell me who or what I can respond to if I am not responding to one of your posts
I'm not. I'm telling you what you can expect when you attempt to subordinate religion and condemn respect for people of faith.
But don't you get it you're just not as smart or perceptive as people who believe in gods and the bible.
You were kidding when you said this right?

The fact that an intelligent person holds an irrational belief is simply evidence that our brains are able to compartmentalise world-views and models from one another, usually in order to maintain a state of ‘ignorant bliss’ and escape the discomfort of cognitive dissonance.
I'm not. I'm telling you what you can expect when you attempt to subordinate religion and condemn respect for people of faith.

You are so fixated on what I write that you didn't even notice that post was not in response to anything you said.
The problem I have with that is it implies that if I do not believe what is being said is true then I am not hearing it. So in not believing it is true I am lacking something.
Consider no one is implying anything...which means you are inferring something not implied. People become annoyed when told what they "really" believe or are "really" thinking, saying, or posting. People see things differently, which is not a bad thing. If gives us something to discuss.
Why isn't belief entirely up to the individual?

Because God is sovereign, and plenty of Bible verses point to God electing believers before time began.

That's a big plank of what's known as Calvinism.

Me, I take a rather middle approach, rather like God and Pharaoh. That is, God enacted His sovereign will on him, but Pharoah also participated with God. I think this is how it works, generally.

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