Zone1 If God Is All Powerful, All Knowing, and All Loving, Then Why Didn't He Create Us To Be Perfect Like Himself

Consider no one is implying anything...which means you are inferring something not implied. People become annoyed when told what they "really" believe or are "really" thinking, saying, or posting. People see things differently, which is not a bad thing. If gives us something to discuss.

Consider that a person can hear something ant not believe it in no way means they have ears but do not hear
Ever watch the Cosmos? There are two series. I suggest watching both series. I think when you are done you'll conclude there is no god.
No, I have never watched Cosmos and it would make no difference to one who has come face-to-face with God.
I an criticizing an institution IDGAF what you believe

When a theist says "why are you attacking god" remind them that you don't even believe this god exists. So you can't be attacking it. I'm just attacking the religion that tells this crazy unbelievable story. Has nothing to do with if god exists or not. We're just calling bullshit on that he visited, or sent his son, who performed miracles. Sounds like a story we've heard already before.

The Bible is not self-authenticating; it is simply one of many religious texts. Like those other texts, it itself constitutes no evidence for the existence of a god. Its florid prose and fanciful content do not legitimise it nor distinguish it from other ancient works of literature.
Because God is sovereign, and plenty of Bible verses point to God electing believers before time began.

That's a big plank of what's known as Calvinism.

Me, I take a rather middle approach, rather like God and Pharaoh. That is, God enacted His sovereign will on him, but Pharoah also participated with God. I think this is how it works, generally.

So then why get all defensive when people don't believe?

And that kind of contradicts the idea of god given free will.
Dude, you have absolutely zero case for talking to anyone about brainwashing

Funny stuff, though
What do you mean? I grew up brainwashed like the rest of you. Told this crazy creation story by my overly religious aunt. Your only defense for the stories she told me was that it was for my own good. That religious children who are afraid of god's punishment if they are bad grow up to be better people. But there was no challenging my aunts story. I simply agreed but not really. I remember. From the very beginning I said BULLSHIT. So no, I was never brainwashed completely.

But, it wasn't until I was an adult and discovered more information on the internet that I came to the conclusion.

Do you know the internet was great for atheism? Remember when you were a kid, you couldn't find good shit like this

This was blasphemy when we were kids. Now it's right there for you to read and wise up.
I didn't quote your post in that response and you think I must be responding to you.

Here's all the proof I need to know religions are man made up and used to control people. Trump's going to win Iowa, because of Evangelicals. Mic drop.
When I study the Salem Witch Trials and I see it was Christians who did that.

When you study communism, you should see that it was atheists who killed tens of millions, but you don't see that at all. You hold Judeo-Christians responsible for our sins, but not atheists. You excuse them with silly words.

You don't have to find peace in me. I know it's there. And it doesn't matter. I can't "believe" because I want to believe. I have to believe. And based on all the facts I've seen in 50 years, FAIL. Sorry but you feel the same way about Mormons and Muslims.

We're no different except you believe in one religion and I don't.

A page taken out of Richard Dawkins' many books and writings. He is a miserable human being and a pathological liar.

The evidence of Nature's God, as He is called in our Declaration of Independence, is overwhelming to thoughtful people. Books confirm these truths, such as "The New Evidence that Demands a Verdict" by Josh McDowell. 985 pages thoroughly documented by scientists, researchers, educated men and women, over centuries. Eighty-five percent of Nobel Laureates in science have been Jews and Christians NOT atheists. So much for your evil cult.

"Every thinking man is an atheist." - Ernest Hemingway, who went on to put his shotgun barrel in his mouth and pull the trigger, leaving his poor (fourth) wife to find his brains everywhere . How 'thoughtful' of Ernie, right atheists? How "thoughtful" of him to divorce three times. So "intellectual."

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When you study communism, you should see that it was atheists who killed tens of millions, but you don't see that at all. You hold Judeo-Christians responsible for our sins, but not atheists. You excuse them with silly words.

A page taken out of Richard Dawkins' many books and writings. He is a miserable human being and a pathological liar.

The evidence of Nature's God, as He is called in our Declaration of Independence, is overwhelming to thoughtful people. Books confirm these truths, such as "The New Evidence that Demands a Verdict" by Josh McDowell. 985 pages thoroughly documented by scientists, researchers, educated men and women, over centuries. Eighty-five percent of Nobel Laureates in science have been Jews and Christians NOT atheists. So much for your evil cult.

Do you realize that if I was up for a Nobel Laureates I would say I'm Greek Orthodox Christian?

Consider this. If you are running for President of the United States, it's better to be a liar and philanderer than it is to be an Atheist. We're still in the closet.

I don't aspouse my beliefs to just anyone in public. First I have to know they won't get triggered if I suggest I don't believe in God.
Who says? Perhaps God would reward our intelligence. Not falling for organized religions made up by men.

I would never tell a theist they are wrong. Or why they are wrong. If they've been brainwashed I know what I say isn't going to change them. But if they have doubts, I can help them realize they aren't crazy or wrong.
We may not be thinking of 'claim' in the same way.

What claim do you believe God has on you and your present life? What do you do for God?

I have no doubt that God will continue to bless you and all atheists. Do you feel any need or desire to bless or glorify God?

If they have doubts, do you advise that they have been brainwashed, and that is the reason they are not crazy or wrong? Can doubts (about anything) be addressed in more than one way?
We may not be thinking of 'claim' in the same way.

What claim do you believe God has on you and your present life? What do you do for God?

I have no doubt that God will continue to bless you and all atheists. Do you feel any need or desire to bless or glorify God?

If they have doubts, do you advise that they have been brainwashed, and that is the reason they are not crazy or wrong? Can doubts (about anything) be addressed in more than one way?

Yes if there is a god that put me here, praise him. Thank him. And I'll try to be good. And if he ever visits he should stop by and say hi to me personally like he did Ding.

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