Zone1 If God Is All Powerful, All Knowing, and All Loving, Then Why Didn't He Create Us To Be Perfect Like Himself

Well it would arrogant and ignorant for me to tell you I know for sure your god does't exist. How would I know?

This is what's causing the confusion. A theist like you claims he knows. So what's that make a denier? Either agnostic or atheist. I say the smartest position is agnostic who leans towards atheism. Because the likelihood of your god being real and not real are not equal. It's more than likely like all the other religions, you're making it up too. You have no proof.

And besides. Outrageous claims require a lot of evidence. My theory doesn't require any.
Again... you are arguing I should set aside the bountiful harvest I have received because of my fellowship with God in favor of your beliefs so that you can be comfortable with your beliefs? Is that correct?
I don't believe that God ordains all things that will happen. I don't believe that he programs/designs us to do what we choose to do. I don't think knowing what a person will do with their free will choices is controlling their free will to choose of themselves.
I don't think we are too far apart on this. The question is does "Knowing" with the power to change those outcomes because God is all powerful too, still make God culpable? If God knows the intent and knows the decision, but chooses not to change the circumstance, thus allowing potentially harmful evil to occur, make God culpable?
If God makes you with your own free will and choice, you wouldn't be able to point the finger back at Him. Eternal torment, in my estimation, is coming to the realization that you rejected the blessings God offered you of your own free will and find yourself outside his heavenly kingdom.
Again, not too far apart either. However, I think there is a case for annihilationism, the eternal death of the soul. But that is another topic
I am not personally limiting God. I, as a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, believe that Joseph Smith was a true prophet of God and that he received revelation in these latter days. The following two verses come from the revelations that he received:

Doctrine and Covenants 93:29
29 Man was also in the beginning with God. Intelligence, or the light of truth, was not created or made, neither indeed can be.
That's because God IS truth. Truth exists unto itself. Truth... however, can be discovered. But are you saying that we are not God's creatures? Because we come from dust and to dust we shall return. This isn't just scripture. This is plain old observation and empirical evidence.
That's because God IS truth. Truth exists unto itself. Truth... however, can be discovered. But are you saying that we are not God's creatures? Because we come from dust and to dust we shall return. This isn't just scripture. This is plain old observation and empirical evidence.
I accidently posted my last post before finishing. If you didn't catch it all, you can read it again. What I am saying is the God the Father is the Father of our spirits. However, our intelligence within our spirits is self-existing and was not created or made and neither indeed can be. I believe also from Doctrine and Covenants 93 that the element are eternal in nature also. God does not create from nothing. He creates from that which exists. We don't believe that God caused anything to pop into existence from nothing. The creation of physical man is from the dust of the earth and not from nothing also.
I accidently posted my last post before finishing. If you didn't catch it all, you can read it again. What I am saying is the God the Father is the Father of our spirits. However, our intelligence within our spirits is self-existing and was not created or made and neither indeed can be. I believe also from Doctrine and Covenants 93 that the element are eternal in nature also. God does not create from nothing. He creates from that which exists. We don't believe that God caused anything to pop into existence from nothing. The creation of physical man is from the dust of the earth and not from nothing also.
I think God is more than capable of creating from nothing. In fact, there are a lot of problems associated with limiting God's ability to create from nothing. For instance, if you say our spirits were self existing then that would mean they always existed the same as God has always existed. If you say God can only create from existing elements that too means those elements have always existed the same as God. The science behind the big bang tells us the universe was not created from pre-existing matter or energy. That it literally popped into existence at the time of creation.
I think you need t think deeper about what perfection is.

Right, sure, whatever you say. I need to think DEEPER about these things to realize what a FU God is, right, genius?!

No, wait, lemme guess--- you think you have rationally created a man made thought experiment disproving the existence of God, right? :lmao:
If God has the power to do anything imaginable and knows all things, certainly He would have the power to make us to be exactly like himself. Certainly He would know how to make us perfect like himself, and if He truly loves us, then he would certainly make us to be the best we could be. So why did God create us as imperfect sinful beings instead of perfect beings just like himself?

Some have answered this by saying that God gave us free will and because of this mankind has chosen to be imperfect. However, this does not really answer the dilemma. If God created us to be perfect like Himself, then we would make perfect choices given that we are created to be perfect even as God is perfect. Does God have free will? Does God make bad choices?

As a Christian, how would you respond to this problem of imperfect and evil?
To know that absolutely requires that we absolutely know the mind of God, and we don't.
Humans are not the first humanlike creatures God created, we are the last...
Given that He said this,

28 And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.

When you replenish something, you refill it or restore it to a previous condition. That would indicate that the earth was demolished by something and God was telling man to repair it.
Again... you are arguing I should set aside the bountiful harvest I have received because of my fellowship with God in favor of your beliefs so that you can be comfortable with your beliefs? Is that correct?
If you feel that way, keep that feeling. I'd keep it too if I had it. That feeling of ignorant bliss.
If you feel that way, keep that feeling. I'd keep it too if I had it. That feeling of ignorant bliss.
It's not ignorant bliss though. It's seeing reality for what it is. As such I have experienced success in all phases of my life; work, family and all relationships. Are those successes ignorant bliss too? Or is it natural for someone who sees everything as it is - instead of how they want it to be - to be successful?

Thankfulness, prayer, meditation, self reflection, forgiveness, random acts of kindness, treating others with respect, treating your body with respect, treating every act as a scared act... all lead to happiness and happiness leads to success. It's literally that simple and it all starts with a relationship with God.
It's not ignorant bliss though. It's seeing reality for what it is. As such I have experienced success in all phases of my life; work, family and all relationships. Are those successes ignorant bliss too? Or is it natural for someone who sees everything as it is - instead of how they want it to be - to be successful?

Thankfulness, prayer, meditation, self reflection, forgiveness, random acts of kindness, treating others with respect, treating your body with respect, treating every act as a scared act... all lead to happiness and happiness leads to success. It's literally that simple and it all starts with a relationship with God.

So have lots of people who do it without your Iron Age god.

Don't need gods or organized religion to meditate or be thankful of to be self introspective or to be kind or to treat others with respect

In fact those are all secular ideas that religion has claimed as its own.
So have lots of people who do it without your Iron Age god.

Don't need gods or organized religion to meditate or be thankful of to be self introspective or to be kind or to treat others with respect

In fact those are all secular ideas that religion has claimed as its own.
Clearly you need something cause it ain't working for you. You have no peace.
You don't seem very peaceful to me. In fact, quite the opposite, you seek conflict which is the opposite of peace. And is this really you doing your best to be kind?
You don't seem very intelligent to me.

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