Zone1 If God Is All Powerful, All Knowing, and All Loving, Then Why Didn't He Create Us To Be Perfect Like Himself

If I lived in your present....yeesh. Your present says we were created by nothing, for nothing, with nothing in the future. Here we are on a random floating rock on the outpost of some suburban galaxy, destined for eventual heat-death. For no reason at all we are conscious and aware of all of this.

It's absurd; it's laughable; it's tragic.

It is absurd so why create anxiety, fear, worry and depression by making it more than it is ?

And I don't live for nothing. And you misunderstand what living in the present means.

If you're working on something ,no matter what it is, and your mind is elsewhere worrying if what your working on will be liked or good enough you are creating a problem that doesn't exist and your work will suffer for it.

If you just live in the present, do the work to the best of your ability and let it go not only will you be more fulfilled by the work of creating something, you will have produced a better work. You have no control over the rest.

Why does your purpose have to be defined for you by some outside agent?
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If God Is All Powerful, All Knowing, and All Loving, Then Why Didn't He Create Us To Be Perfect Like Himself​

Let me say it again, dumbass--- you are probably a million times richer, smarter and more capable than your child, yet, why don't you give your eight year old a college degree, a bank account of $500,000, and a V8 powered Cadillac?

You are probably capable of doing that but what would an eight year old learn or gain from such reckless help? Children need to learn and grow according to their means, find a direction in life and a sense of accomplishment--- children who are given too much too soon in life usually end up not appreciating their power and fortune, and misusing it tyrannically, don't they???
If you just live in the present, do the work to the best of your ability and let it go not only will you be more fulfilled by the work of creating something, you will have produced a better work. You have no control over the rest.

There is no ultimate meaning in a temporal world built by no one. Any meaning you construct is your own fantasy.

And are you implying that to be a Christian is to worry about whether the work we do is accepted or good enough? That's....interesting.
There is no ultimate meaning in a temporal world built by no one. Any meaning you construct is your own fantasy.

And are you implying that to be a Christian is to worry about whether the work we do is accepted or good enough? That's....interesting.

Aren't you the one who just said the idea of a life without purpose is tragic? What is that statement but a worry about fulfilling a purpose that someone else has defined for you? What else is that but regret for mistakes you have made in the past that you feel may work against you?

And my example said nothing about religion why do you feel the need to add it to the example? Even if you are praying to your god do you think you should be worrying about what other people think about the quality of your prayers? Do you worry that your prayers might be deemed inadequate by your higher power or do you just do the best you can and let it go realizing you have no control over how those supplications will be received?

And the only ultimate meaning is the one you invent. Why do you need someone else to tell you what that ultimate meaning is?

My world without religion is full of meaning to me. Spirituality is not an outside in thing that is placed upon you by another. It's just the opposite in fact. Spirituality is bottom up from the inside out.
Making us smarter, stronger, faster and could see better wouldn't mean we were perfect. Perfect is impossible. If he's a god, he could have made us better. Which tells me what made us isn't a god at all.

If we were his chosen species we'd be the strongest thing on land. Not bear.

I heard this on a show once. Why would god make a beautiful flower but hide a poisonous snake behind it? Then it dawned on me. This world wasn't made for us.
You misuse words all the time.
"Better" depends entirely on the why yet you reject that !! God made us in His image and likeness and we are that. That bothers you but so what :)
If we were his chosen species !! So then a bear is his chosen species'. HOW STUP(ID OF YOU

As to the last statement (cut-and-pasted) here you go again arguing using contrafactuals.
God did make beautiful flowers and snakes but He didn't make snakes for them to kill people.THat is you thinking God must have the perverted misanthropic view of life that you have.

Does it make any sense to say that God made us because He wanted us but presevers us because HE doesn't want us.
How stupid you are, consistently.

And as I've said to you a million times. If the BIble is the Word of God you have to accept what it says. And if it isn't why are you pretending that it is your unimpeachable source for the stupid things you make up
Aren't you the one who just said the idea of a life without purpose is tragic? What is that statement but a worry about fulfilling a purpose that someone else has defined for you? What else is that but regret for mistakes you have made in the past that you feel may work against you?

And my example said nothing about religion why do you feel the need to add it to the example? Even if you are praying to your god do you think you should be worrying about what other people think about the quality of your prayers? Do you worry that your prayers might be deemed inadequate by your higher power or do you just do the best you can and let it go realizing you have no control over how those supplications will be received?

And the only ultimate meaning is the one you invent. Why do you need someone else to tell you what that ultimate meaning is?

My world without religion is full of meaning to me. Spirituality is not an outside in thing that is placed upon you by another. It's just the opposite in fact. Spirituality is bottom up from the inside out.

If my religion is indeed true, than the ultimate meaning is NOT "one I invent". That's YOUR belief that you're either projecting on me or insisting I believe.
If my religion is indeed true, than the ultimate meaning is NOT "one I invent". That's YOUR belief that you're either projecting on me or insisting I believe.

If is the biggest little word ever spoken.

And I have not insisted you believe anything if you are claiming that I will ask you to please quote the post where I did so.

If your ultimate meaning isn't yours then are you living you life or someone else's?
If is the biggest little word ever spoken.

And I have not insisted you believe anything if you are claiming that I will ask you to please quote the post where I did so.

If your ultimate meaning isn't yours then are you living you life or someone else's?

If God is true and Jesus Christ rose from the dead, you are living a lie and bent for destruction.

Didn't you just say "if" is the biggest little word?
So it is your believe that if God somehow can know what we will choose with our free will that that is somehow making our decisions mute and making God responsible for our choices?
No. Not at all.
If God has ordained all things to happen, even the choices we make, meaning that I have been programmed/designed since the beginning of time to do what I do, then how can I be culpable for those decision I make?

I have a hard time with God sending anyone to a potential eternal torment if someone had no choice in the choices they make.
We can't stand in front of God and have a potential to point the finger back at God and say, "This is how you made me".

Choice isn't a choice if some grand puppeteer is always pulling the string.

Rather, is it possible that God can know what is knowable at the moment it is knowable? Presented before us everyday are 100s, if not 1000s of choices. I don't believe God has ordained every single decision. However, he knows each decision the moment it occurs. This makes us responsible for our own decisions. It also helps answer some difficult questions of why evil exists and occurs.

Theologically, Christians have backed themselves into a corner by making some claims that we just don't actually know for sure. This is one of them. Good thing is that if I read Jesus' words, I don't have to believe in the omniscience of God (as traditionally understood in Westernized Christianity) to be saved.
If God is true and Jesus Christ rose from the dead, you are living a lie and bent for destruction.

Didn't you just say "if" is the biggest little word?
No, that doesn't follow on an 'if' with only an X or not-X answer it matters completely
When you say 'if this is the tastiest food" there are innumerable options
when you say "if this is the best music' there are innumerable options.
But that is not what was said. It is X or not-X
If God is true and Jesus Christ rose from the dead, you are living a lie and bent for destruction.

Didn't you just say "if" is the biggest little word?

Your opinion.

And you just used the phrase "If God is true....." should you be using the word 'If" at all in regards to Jesus?

And why do I have to believe what you believe and the only option is if I don't to be bent for destruction?

If a peaceful life of introspection and doing my best to practice kindness will anger a god so much that it would destroy me then why would I want to live my life attempting to please such a god?
Your opinion.

And you just used the phrase "If God is true....." should you be using the word 'If" at all in regards to Jesus?

And why do I have to believe what you believe and the only option is if I don't to be bent for destruction?

If a peaceful life of introspection and doing my best to practice kindness will anger a god so much that it would destroy me then why would I want to live my life attempting to please such a god?

You don't have to do anything. I respect anyone's right to believe what they like. That's first.

Second, it's rather astounding to me that so many unbelievers think we can't us phrases like "if". ???? I mean it's right in the Bible. I like the NIV version. The word is "useless"

And if Christ has not been raised, our preaching is useless and so is your faith.

--I Cor 15:14
You don't have to do anything. I respect anyone's right to believe what they like. That's first.

Second, it's rather astounding to me that so many unbelievers think we can't us phrases like "if". ???? I mean it's right in the Bible. I like the NIV version. The word is "useless"

And if Christ has not been raised, our preaching is useless and so is your faith.

--I Cor 15:14
And then you pronounce judgments of destruction on them. Is that really respecting the beliefs of others?

and where did I say you can't use a word? I asked if you should be using that word. I say "If gods exist" all the time and that indicates my state of not knowing. You claim to know that your god exists so why use the word "if"?

You really need to stop making up things I have said so you can argue against them.
And then you pronounce judgments of destruction on them. Is that really respecting the beliefs of others?

and where did I say you can't use a word? I asked if you should be using that word. I say "If gods exist" all the time and that indicates my state of not knowing. You claim to know that your god exists so why use the word "if"?

You really need to stop making up things I have said so you can argue against them.

Because the Bible does as I just quoted to you. And btw, if my faith is true I have nothing to do with pronouncing judgment. But God does.
Because the Bible does as I just quoted to you. And btw, if my faith is true I have nothing to do with pronouncing judgment. But God does.

"You are bent for destruction " what is that if not a judgement?

Are you daring to speak for your god?

You have turned a discussion about being present in the now into me INSISTING you believe something, into me telling you you CANNOT use the word "if" and yet you cannot quote me saying any of these things.

You are not reading what I write and responding to it. You are inventing things you think I said then arguing against them.
You misuse words all the time.
"Better" depends entirely on the why yet you reject that !! God made us in His image and likeness and we are that. That bothers you but so what :)
If we were his chosen species !! So then a bear is his chosen species'. HOW STUP(ID OF YOU

As to the last statement (cut-and-pasted) here you go again arguing using contrafactuals.
God did make beautiful flowers and snakes but He didn't make snakes for them to kill people.THat is you thinking God must have the perverted misanthropic view of life that you have.

Does it make any sense to say that God made us because He wanted us but presevers us because HE doesn't want us.
How stupid you are, consistently.

And as I've said to you a million times. If the BIble is the Word of God you have to accept what it says. And if it isn't why are you pretending that it is your unimpeachable source for the stupid things you make up
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It doesn't bother me that much that people are so stupid or superstitious. I find it fascinating. I say it's doing us more harm than good but that's hard to say when so many of you think it's so importat that it's real. So I don't want to burst your bubble. Like, I don't want to be the one to tell a kid santa aint real but if I see a 22 year old who still believes guess what? He's a bit ignorant huh?

Well Christianity, and the history of it, I don't know how you can trust the authors. Or the people who told you this story because the authors lived 1800 years ago. A collection of books, heavily edited, redacted, censored. They took out a lot. Some of the things they took out were too ridiculous to last a millenia. Angels sent who ended up fucking all the women?

There are so many lost/stolen stories about Mary Magdaline and the people who lived among Jesus. Was she his girlfriend? I think she was. What about Jesus' brothers and sisters? So few stories about them.

Virgin birth? How can you not see this is a martyrdumb story?
It doesn't bother me that much that people are so stupid or superstitious. I find it fascinating. I say it's doing us more harm than good but that's hard to say when so many of you think it's so importat that it's real. So I don't want to burst your bubble. Like, I don't want to be the one to tell a kid santa aint real but if I see a 22 year old who still believes guess what? He's a bit ignorant huh?

Well Christianity, and the history of it, I don't know how you can trust the authors. Or the people who told you this story because the authors lived 1800 years ago. A collection of books, heavily edited, redacted, censored. They took out a lot. Some of the things they took out were too ridiculous to last a millenia. Angels sent who ended up fucking all the women?

There are so many lost/stolen stories about Mary Magdaline and the people who lived among Jesus. Was she his girlfriend? I think she was. What about Jesus' brothers and sisters? So few stories about them.

Virgin birth? How can you not see this is a martyrdumb story?
It is your filthy mouth and lack of education that give you away.

As an atheist you are just another dumb asshole that doesn't see , just doesn't see

I want atheism to be true and am made uneasy by the fact that some of the most intelligent and well-informed people I know are religious believers. It isn’t just that I don’t believe in God and, naturally, hope that I’m right in my belief. It’s that I hope there is no God! I don’t want there to be a God; I don’t want the universe to be like that.”(”The Last Word” by Thomas Nagel, Oxford University Press: 1997)”​

― Thomas Nagel

Nagel is better than you in 3 ways.
He doesn't lie about his atheism
He is smart as sht and recognized the genius of many believers
He admits that the WILL plays its part -- something that seems to scare you.Well, good , you deserve to be scared.

But clean up that filthy mouth of yours , it makes you sound like something from DELIVERANCE
It is your filthy mouth and lack of education that give you away.

As an atheist you are just another dumb asshole that doesn't see , just doesn't see

I want atheism to be true and am made uneasy by the fact that some of the most intelligent and well-informed people I know are religious believers. It isn’t just that I don’t believe in God and, naturally, hope that I’m right in my belief. It’s that I hope there is no God! I don’t want there to be a God; I don’t want the universe to be like that.”(”The Last Word” by Thomas Nagel, Oxford University Press: 1997)”​

― Thomas Nagel

Nagel is better than you in 3 ways.
He doesn't lie about his atheism
He is smart as sht and recognized the genius of many believers
He admits that the WILL plays its part -- something that seems to scare you.Well, good , you deserve to be scared.

But clean up that filthy mouth of yours , it makes you sound like something from DELIVERANCE

I don't want atheism to be true. I want their to be a god and heaven. What I don't want is your religion to be true. But that's not why I would reject it. That'd be stupid. If I believed it I'd follow it, read the bible, and look forward to heaven. It's a silly notion. That you yourself are basically a god. How are you not? You're going to live forever and never get sick after you die? What a super power you have.

This guy kept saying HOPE I'm right? Then he's not showing conviction. Sounds like he's scared he might be wrong but even still can't believe it. I tetered on that for a while but today I firmly believe Christianity and all other religions are a joke. Or lies. Man made up not inspired by god. Or inspired by their wish for a god. Or, written to control the masses. It's brilliant. You can't make it illegal to lust after your wife but you can make me feel like big brother is watching 24/7.

I can't believe any Republican would be afraid of cameras being everywhere. Why care when god is watching all the time? Isn't that enough of a deterant?
It is your filthy mouth and lack of education that give you away.

As an atheist you are just another dumb asshole that doesn't see , just doesn't see

I want atheism to be true and am made uneasy by the fact that some of the most intelligent and well-informed people I know are religious believers. It isn’t just that I don’t believe in God and, naturally, hope that I’m right in my belief. It’s that I hope there is no God! I don’t want there to be a God; I don’t want the universe to be like that.”(”The Last Word” by Thomas Nagel, Oxford University Press: 1997)”​

― Thomas Nagel

Nagel is better than you in 3 ways.
He doesn't lie about his atheism
He is smart as sht and recognized the genius of many believers
He admits that the WILL plays its part -- something that seems to scare you.Well, good , you deserve to be scared.

But clean up that filthy mouth of yours , it makes you sound like something from DELIVERANCE
Oh I forgot. Here is my response to you saying "lots of smart people believe in god"

  1. Smart person X believes in god.

    Ad hominem + Argument from Authority.
    Invisible pink unicorns exist. You’re not an expert in them, so you can’t say they don’t.
    The validity of a claim, such as the existence of god, is not governed by the intelligence of the minds which hold it. Evidence and reason are the deciding factors.
    Sir Isaac Newton, one of history’s greatest scientists, was not only intensely religious but also believed in alchemical transmutation. Alchemy is, however, fully incorrect given our modern understanding of chemistry, the atom and nucleosynthysis.
    The fact that an intelligent person holds an irrational belief is simply evidence that our brains are able to compartmentalise world-views and models from one another, usually in order to maintain a state of ‘ignorant bliss’ and escape the discomfort of cognitive dissonance.

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