If God is all powerful, ...

Ding, would it be correct to say that it is your opinion that God does not have the power to create a virtuous being at the time of this being's creation? Would that not be a limit to God's power? Or that God does not have the power to create a being who will have perfectly virtuous offspring? Would not this be a limit to his power and defy that he is all powerful?
That would be incorrect.

It would defeat his purpose of creating beings that know and create who could freely choose to be virtuous and seek him of their own accord.
He cannot build a mountain so big that He cannot jump over it. It is impossible for even God.
God can build a mountain so big even He can't jump over it. Then He can jump over it.

God isn't limited by man's logic.
So why does god make deformed and retarded babies?
You expect all children to be clones of one another?

Hard to say.

Perhaps to give you the opportunity to be grateful.

Are you Grateful?
Very grateful that god creates deformed and retarded babies. :biggrin:
Very grateful that god creates deformed and retarded babies. :biggrin:
I'm betting you thought that was clever.
So why did god make a universe with retarded and deformed babies in it?
I'll repeat myself for your benefit, not that you're looking to learn.

I said I don't know. But I'll speculate and suggest:

1. If there were no retarded babies, we wouldn't appreciate with gratitude those that are not retarded. That clearly failed with you, but that's your choice.

2. God made everyone different and special. All children are God's children. Even the ones you use to vomit your hatred and contempt. You might only see an opportunity to hate, but many people see a child to love, and be loved by.

Read up on Gene Stallings, former Alabama head football coach, about his son John that had Downs Syndrome. Read about how he loved his son and their relationship, and how he humbly thanked God for him, just as he was.

If I had to choose, I'd rather be like him than like you.
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The question really isn't why some of God's precious children are retarded
Yes, it was.

But, i will be the first to say that it is a stupid question. When you can answer anything with a magical god, you can make up any answer you like. There's not much point in asking the question.
Very grateful that god creates deformed and retarded babies. :biggrin:
I'm betting you thought that was clever.
So why did god make a universe with retarded and deformed babies in it?
I'll repeat myself for your benefit, not that you're looking to learn.

I said I don't know. But I'll speculate and suggest:

1. If there were no retarded babies, we wouldn't appreciate with gratitude those that are not retarded. That clearly failed with you, but that's your choice.

2. God made everyone different and special. All children are God's children. Even the ones you use to vomit your hatred and contempt. You might only see an opportunity to hate, but many people see a child to love, and be loved by.

Read up on Gene Stallings, former Alabama head football coach, about his son John that had Downs Syndrome. Read about how he loved his son and their relationship, and how he humbly thanked God for him, just as he was.
View attachment 275633
If I had to choose, I'd rather be like him than like you.
What about the babies that are so deformed that they are in constant pain until they die. Why have those?
The question really isn't why some of God's precious children are retarded
Yes, it was.

But, i will be the first to say that it is a stupid question. When you can answer anything with a magical god, you can make up any answer you like. There's not much point in asking the question.
But I did answer your question.

Do you have children? Family?

If one of them were paralyzed or perhaps had a brain injury would you stop loving them?

Would you stop regarding him/her as family?
If God is all powerful, all knowing, and an all loving God, then why didn't he create us to be perfect?

If God is all powerful and can do all things, surely he would be able to create a perfect being who has all power, all knowledge, and is a perfectly loving being. To say that he cannot create such a being is to admit that God is not all powerful.

If God is all knowing surely he has the knowledge to create a perfect being and to give that perfect being a perfect knowledge.

If God is an all loving being who loves his creations then he would surely want the best for his creations. He would want his creations to be perfect. Thus he would create us to be perfect. Even in a world or universe where free will exists, if God created us to be perfect, then we with our perfect knowledge could surely reason out that we should choose good over evil always and never make a bad decision. We would be created with a heart filled with love for our fellow beings and our own creations. God would spare us the evil we experience in this world as we would have started out from creation as perfect beings never to commit any act that is contrary to what is right and good.

So why didn't God simply create us to be perfect?
It would be boring.
What about the babies that are so deformed that they are in constant pain until they die. Why have those?
You mean for some reason other than give you some excuse to display your lack of gratitude?

A friend of mine recently had a child die minutes after her birth.

He said he and his wife were grateful for the minutes with their only child. He only held his child once.

I look at my children and grandchildren and realize how blessed I am.
If one of them were paralyzed or perhaps had a brain injury would you stop loving them?
Dumb question. Regardless, i would still wish they were not paralyzed.
The fact that you have difficulty with a question doesn't make the question dumb
Dumb comment. I clearly had no trouble with the question. It was a dumb question, because it was irrelevant and the point you were trying to make was dumb for the reason i mentioned.
Dumb comment. I clearly had no trouble with the question. It was a dumb question, because it was irrelevant and the point you were trying to make was dumb for the reason i mentioned.
This is the... What, 4th time you avoided answering the question?

Don't be a coward. Give a strait answer.
Dumb comment. I clearly had no trouble with the question. It was a dumb question, because it was irrelevant and the point you were trying to make was dumb for the reason i mentioned.
This is the... What, 4th time you avoided answering the question?

Don't be a coward. Give a strait answer.
That i would still love them? Of course! What a stupid question. But I would still wish they were not ill. So...you have no point.
Dumb comment. I clearly had no trouble with the question. It was a dumb question, because it was irrelevant and the point you were trying to make was dumb for the reason i mentioned.
This is the... What, 4th time you avoided answering the question?

Don't be a coward. Give a strait answer.
That is a typical given for that troll.
Oh look, another crybaby religious nut that ran from me when the questions got tough.
Yeah yeah. Where is god when ya need him? Sometimes there, but mostly not to be found? Murphy's law . Just physics and a touch of the odd law of probability. Not seeing god here anywhere.

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