If God's Flood was only a regional flood...

I think anything's possible until it has been ruled out properly. You need to up your critical thinking game, brah.
Consider it ruled out. While you are at it you can consider reincarnation ruled out too.
Why is reincarnation ruled out?
Because you are wrong about everything.
You just agree with one of my posts about 5 seconds ago (God knows what's in my heart, you don't"). Making YOU wrong. Again.
Since you don’t believe God exists, let alone the God of the Bible, you don’t believe that God knows what is in your heart so there is no agreement between us.

Do you even logic?
I'm agnostic, if there's a god who gives a shit, it'll know what's in my heart.
Consider it ruled out. While you are at it you can consider reincarnation ruled out too.
Why is reincarnation ruled out?
Because you are wrong about everything.
You just agree with one of my posts about 5 seconds ago (God knows what's in my heart, you don't"). Making YOU wrong. Again.
Since you don’t believe God exists, let alone the God of the Bible, you don’t believe that God knows what is in your heart so there is no agreement between us.

Do you even logic?
I'm agnostic, if there's a god who gives a shit, it'll know what's in my heart.

If whats in your heart is foul, he won't give a shit.
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Thats not what I said, but whatever.....lol

Did you have this much trouble keeping up in grade school?
Buy yourself a map, then look at it. What you claim is dumb. As per usual.

What I said was just one of the many aftereffects of a large meteor landing in the middle of the ocean. The combined effect would have been mind boggling to people alive at the time. It would be mind boggling to us.

They would have never seen such superstorms mega tsunamis inland flooding or a torrential deluge of such intensity and duration or anything like it before or since.

Is it any wonder that they would have concluded that there was a being of unimaginable power up there who was pretty pissed off?

Wouldn't the survivors have concluded that they were favored in some way and needed to appease this invisible being lest they incur his wrath?

Why else would people from all around the world start building massive structures to honor the gods or sacrifice virgins, and making offerings of their finest goods at the same time if nothing more traumatic than seasonal flooding happened?

Why did they all start telling flood stories as a basis to teach their children to be better people than the ones who perished unless humans beings were almost wiped out completely?
Do you make this shit up as you go along?

Nope. I was there.
So you believe in reincarnation?

Yes, for some.

If you do not fulfill your purpose for living, you will have to live another life.

Maybe in the congo, maybe in the middle east, maybe as a retarded cancer baby, who can say?

Personally, I have had about enough of this planet.

I'm not coming back.

There is a way to get out of here alive, and it could not possibly have been made any easier.
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NO, you believe in Bronze Age Fairy Tales...

I was just pointing out scientifically why they are pretty silly.

Science,unlike God, remains true if you believe in it or not.

lol... whats pretty silly is attempting to use science to discredit a fairy tale.
There are many, if any, atheists here to debate with. I'll gladly ask them what proof they have that shows that a god isn't possible. I'd be very interested to know what they base that belief on.

I prayed for my Mom's Cancer to get better in 1983.

It didn't. She died.

No God.
god didn't kiss your ass so he must not exist? lol

Could you be any shallower of a person?
Buy yourself a map, then look at it. What you claim is dumb. As per usual.

What I said was just one of the many aftereffects of a large meteor landing in the middle of the ocean. The combined effect would have been mind boggling to people alive at the time. It would be mind boggling to us.

They would have never seen such superstorms mega tsunamis inland flooding or a torrential deluge of such intensity and duration or anything like it before or since.

Is it any wonder that they would have concluded that there was a being of unimaginable power up there who was pretty pissed off?

Wouldn't the survivors have concluded that they were favored in some way and needed to appease this invisible being lest they incur his wrath?

Why else would people from all around the world start building massive structures to honor the gods or sacrifice virgins, and making offerings of their finest goods at the same time if nothing more traumatic than seasonal flooding happened?

Why did they all start telling flood stories as a basis to teach their children to be better people than the ones who perished unless humans beings were almost wiped out completely?
Do you make this shit up as you go along?

Nope. I was there.
So you believe in reincarnation?

Yes, for some.

If you do not fulfill your purpose for living, you will have to live another life.

Maybe in the congo, maybe in the middle east, maybe as a retarded cancer baby, who can say?

Personally, I have had about enough of this planet.

I'm not coming back.

There is a way to get out of here alive, and it could not possibly have been made any easier.
Where does it say in the bible that some reincarnate?
Why is reincarnation ruled out?
Because you are wrong about everything.
You just agree with one of my posts about 5 seconds ago (God knows what's in my heart, you don't"). Making YOU wrong. Again.
Since you don’t believe God exists, let alone the God of the Bible, you don’t believe that God knows what is in your heart so there is no agreement between us.

Do you even logic?
I'm agnostic, if there's a god who gives a shit, it'll know what's in my heart.

If whats in your heart is foul, he won't give a shit.
Actually, a god would know that in my heart I'm legitimately looking for a possible god and would gladly accept one if found.

All the other stuff is just me fucking around with people who say dumb things. :biggrin:
What I said was just one of the many aftereffects of a large meteor landing in the middle of the ocean. The combined effect would have been mind boggling to people alive at the time. It would be mind boggling to us.

They would have never seen such superstorms mega tsunamis inland flooding or a torrential deluge of such intensity and duration or anything like it before or since.

Is it any wonder that they would have concluded that there was a being of unimaginable power up there who was pretty pissed off?

Wouldn't the survivors have concluded that they were favored in some way and needed to appease this invisible being lest they incur his wrath?

Why else would people from all around the world start building massive structures to honor the gods or sacrifice virgins, and making offerings of their finest goods at the same time if nothing more traumatic than seasonal flooding happened?

Why did they all start telling flood stories as a basis to teach their children to be better people than the ones who perished unless humans beings were almost wiped out completely?
Do you make this shit up as you go along?

Nope. I was there.
So you believe in reincarnation?

Yes, for some.

If you do not fulfill your purpose for living, you will have to live another life.

Maybe in the congo, maybe in the middle east, maybe as a retarded cancer baby, who can say?

Personally, I have had about enough of this planet.

I'm not coming back.

There is a way to get out of here alive, and it could not possibly have been made any easier.
Where does it say in the bible that some reincarnate?
John the Baptist as Elijah is the clearest biblical statement of reincarnation.
Because you are wrong about everything.
You just agree with one of my posts about 5 seconds ago (God knows what's in my heart, you don't"). Making YOU wrong. Again.
Since you don’t believe God exists, let alone the God of the Bible, you don’t believe that God knows what is in your heart so there is no agreement between us.

Do you even logic?
I'm agnostic, if there's a god who gives a shit, it'll know what's in my heart.

If whats in your heart is foul, he won't give a shit.
Actually, a god would know that in my heart I'm legitimately looking for a possible god and would gladly accept one if found.

All the other stuff is just me fucking around with people who say dumb things. :biggrin:
lol... alrighty then,,carry on!
lol... whats pretty silly is attempting to use science to discredit a fairy tale.

Uh, when the believers in those fairy tales try to make laws based on those fairy tales, then, um, yeah, you kind of have to use science to discredit the fairy tales.

We shouldn't have to in this day in age.

god didn't kiss your ass so he must not exist? lol

Could you be any shallower of a person?

My mom was this nice person who spent her life working for the Catholic Church. And apparently your supposedly omnipotent God, you know, the one who Tebow Claims helps him win football games, apparently couldn't do her a solid and answer her and her family's prayers...

It goes back to Epicurus'

“Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent.
Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent.
Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil?
Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?”
There are many, if any, atheists here to debate with. I'll gladly ask them what proof they have that shows that a god isn't possible. I'd be very interested to know what they base that belief on.

I prayed for my Mom's Cancer to get better in 1983.

It didn't. She died.

No God.
I keep asking theists here why, if god made the universe and everything in it, why god makes cancer, and they have no answer. We don't understand everything about god, they usually say.
Do you make this shit up as you go along?

Nope. I was there.
So you believe in reincarnation?

Yes, for some.

If you do not fulfill your purpose for living, you will have to live another life.

Maybe in the congo, maybe in the middle east, maybe as a retarded cancer baby, who can say?

Personally, I have had about enough of this planet.

I'm not coming back.

There is a way to get out of here alive, and it could not possibly have been made any easier.
Where does it say in the bible that some reincarnate?
John the Baptist as Elijah is the clearest biblical statement of reincarnation.
Apparently not, "the Bible is quite clear that John the Baptist is called “Elijah” because he came in the “spirit and power of Elijah” (Luke 1:17), not because he was Elijah in a literal sense."
Uh, when the believers in those fairy tales try to make laws based on those fairy tales, then, um, yeah, you kind of have to use science to discredit the fairy tales.

We shouldn't have to in this day in age.

I am with you against irrational, dishonest, religiously addled people making laws. But if 1000 years of science hasn't cured the pope or the republican party of its delusions perhaps another approach is in order?

My mom was this nice person who spent her life working for the Catholic Church. And apparently your supposedly omnipotent God, you know, the one who Tebow Claims helps him win football games, apparently couldn't do her a solid and answer her and her family's prayers...

You were not praying to God. There is no such thing as a god made man made matzo made by human hands that fixes football games.

Anyway, if paradise awaits the dedicated person who has lived a blameless life, why would you want God to keep her around on this fucked up planet anyway? To suffer more? What a guy!
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I think anything's possible until it has been ruled out properly. You need to up your critical thinking game, brah.
Consider it ruled out. While you are at it you can consider reincarnation ruled out too.

Jesus said that John the baptist was the expected reincarnation of Elijah.
Taz isn't Elijah.

taz is living proof that the progressive militant atheists have no intellectual capacity to think about how man lived his life thousands of years ago. taz is a wonderful example of the CSI effect, they think that everything that happened in the past, happened instantly. There was no learning required, man was just born smart, and knew everything. In other words, like most progressives, he is an intellectual cripple.
You couldn't have gotten more wrong if you tried. Not surprisingly.

PS I'm agnostic.

Pfft. Today's agnostic is the same as atheist in my book. The difference is they are just too afraid or ignorant to admit it.

This is the S & T section, so I provided the creation science while you provided practically nothing. Not only are you ignorant about religion being an agnostic, you are ignorant about science.

What I've discovered is the atheist scientists were extremely frustrated by the fine tuning facts and had to resort to implausible ideas. They couldn't explain how uniform temperatures could exist in an big bang "explosion." (You've been avoid that question for pages now!) However, they found a couple of stories and went with it. Yesterday's questionable science has become today's bad science. They've become flat earthers.

Just look at your main argument that creation science isn't real science. Nothing can be further from the truth. It's observational science and modern science. It has been demonstrated throughout history and many are some of the greatest scientists of all time..
Nope. I was there.
So you believe in reincarnation?

Yes, for some.

If you do not fulfill your purpose for living, you will have to live another life.

Maybe in the congo, maybe in the middle east, maybe as a retarded cancer baby, who can say?

Personally, I have had about enough of this planet.

I'm not coming back.

There is a way to get out of here alive, and it could not possibly have been made any easier.
Where does it say in the bible that some reincarnate?
John the Baptist as Elijah is the clearest biblical statement of reincarnation.
Apparently not, "the Bible is quite clear that John the Baptist is called “Elijah” because he came in the “spirit and power of Elijah” (Luke 1:17), not because he was Elijah in a literal sense."

The spirit of a person is the person. The spirit and power of elijah in John is elijah himself reincarnated in another body with a new name.

When you are ready to speak for yourself instead of cutting and pasting ideas that are not your own we can talk about more important things.
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Consider it ruled out. While you are at it you can consider reincarnation ruled out too.

Jesus said that John the baptist was the expected reincarnation of Elijah.
Taz isn't Elijah.

taz is living proof that the progressive militant atheists have no intellectual capacity to think about how man lived his life thousands of years ago. taz is a wonderful example of the CSI effect, they think that everything that happened in the past, happened instantly. There was no learning required, man was just born smart, and knew everything. In other words, like most progressives, he is an intellectual cripple.
You couldn't have gotten more wrong if you tried. Not surprisingly.

PS I'm agnostic.

Pfft. Today's agnostic is the same as atheist in my book. The difference is they are just too afraid or ignorant to admit it.

This is the S & T section, so I provided the creation science while you provided practically nothing. Not only are you ignorant about religion being an agnostic, you are ignorant about science.

What I've discovered is the atheist scientists were extremely frustrated by the fine tuning facts and had to resort to implausible ideas. They couldn't explain how uniform temperatures could exist in an big bang "explosion." (You've been avoid that question for pages now!) However, they found a couple of stories and went with it. Yesterday's questionable science has become today's bad science. They've become flat earthers.

Just look at your main argument that creation science isn't real science. Nothing can be further from the truth. It's observational science and modern science. It has been demonstrated throughout history and many are some of the greatest scientists of all time..
Creation science isn't backed up by real facts and real science. Are you one of those who think that the Grand canyon was carved all at once by god's floodwaters? Because the geologic facts don't bear that out.
So you believe in reincarnation?

Yes, for some.

If you do not fulfill your purpose for living, you will have to live another life.

Maybe in the congo, maybe in the middle east, maybe as a retarded cancer baby, who can say?

Personally, I have had about enough of this planet.

I'm not coming back.

There is a way to get out of here alive, and it could not possibly have been made any easier.
Where does it say in the bible that some reincarnate?
John the Baptist as Elijah is the clearest biblical statement of reincarnation.
Apparently not, "the Bible is quite clear that John the Baptist is called “Elijah” because he came in the “spirit and power of Elijah” (Luke 1:17), not because he was Elijah in a literal sense."

The spirit of a person is the person. The spirit and power of elijah in John is elijah himself reincarnated in another body with a new name.

When you are ready to speak for yourself instead of cutting and pasting ideas that are not your own we can talk about more important things.
He came in the “spirit and power of Elijah” (Luke 1:17), it says nothing about reincarnation, it's talking about "in the spirit of", which isn't the same thing.
Yes, for some.

If you do not fulfill your purpose for living, you will have to live another life.

Maybe in the congo, maybe in the middle east, maybe as a retarded cancer baby, who can say?

Personally, I have had about enough of this planet.

I'm not coming back.

There is a way to get out of here alive, and it could not possibly have been made any easier.
Where does it say in the bible that some reincarnate?
John the Baptist as Elijah is the clearest biblical statement of reincarnation.
Apparently not, "the Bible is quite clear that John the Baptist is called “Elijah” because he came in the “spirit and power of Elijah” (Luke 1:17), not because he was Elijah in a literal sense."

The spirit of a person is the person. The spirit and power of elijah in John is elijah himself reincarnated in another body with a new name.

When you are ready to speak for yourself instead of cutting and pasting ideas that are not your own we can talk about more important things.
He came in the “spirit and power of Elijah” (Luke 1:17), it says nothing about reincarnation, it's talking about "in the spirit of", which isn't the same thing.

Thats just shows how much you don't know.

The spirit of a person is the person.

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