If God's Flood was only a regional flood...

She only gets once chance like everyone else.

Thats not what Jesus said.
You took what I wrote out of context. Don’t be like Taz.
no I didn't. You said she only gets one chance like everyone else. I said thats not what Jesus said. How is that taking anything out of context?

Don't be like yourself and accuse me of doing something that I didn't do.

If all you had was one chance you would already be over and done a very long time ago.
Jesus wasn’t speaking of being reincarnated.

What other rational explanation is there for Jesus saying that John the baptist was fulfillment of elijah's prophesied return?

How could Jesus say that he would come again if he was not speaking about being reincarnated?
And you take that to mean that everyone will be reincarnated?
Thats not what Jesus said.
You took what I wrote out of context. Don’t be like Taz.
no I didn't. You said she only gets one chance like everyone else. I said thats not what Jesus said. How is that taking anything out of context?

Don't be like yourself and accuse me of doing something that I didn't do.

If all you had was one chance you would already be over and done a very long time ago.
Jesus wasn’t speaking of being reincarnated.

What other rational explanation is there for Jesus saying that John the baptist was fulfillment of elijah's prophesied return?

How could Jesus say that he would come again if he was not speaking about being reincarnated?
And you take that to mean that everyone will be reincarnated?
At the resurrection all of the dead will rise. Some to everlasting life, some only to hear their doom.
You took what I wrote out of context. Don’t be like Taz.
no I didn't. You said she only gets one chance like everyone else. I said thats not what Jesus said. How is that taking anything out of context?

Don't be like yourself and accuse me of doing something that I didn't do.

If all you had was one chance you would already be over and done a very long time ago.
Jesus wasn’t speaking of being reincarnated.

What other rational explanation is there for Jesus saying that John the baptist was fulfillment of elijah's prophesied return?

How could Jesus say that he would come again if he was not speaking about being reincarnated?
And you take that to mean that everyone will be reincarnated?
At the resurrection all of the dead will rise. Some to everlasting life, some only to hear their doom.
And you think that is what reincarnation is?
no I didn't. You said she only gets one chance like everyone else. I said thats not what Jesus said. How is that taking anything out of context?

Don't be like yourself and accuse me of doing something that I didn't do.

If all you had was one chance you would already be over and done a very long time ago.
Jesus wasn’t speaking of being reincarnated.

What other rational explanation is there for Jesus saying that John the baptist was fulfillment of elijah's prophesied return?

How could Jesus say that he would come again if he was not speaking about being reincarnated?
And you take that to mean that everyone will be reincarnated?
At the resurrection all of the dead will rise. Some to everlasting life, some only to hear their doom.
And you think that is what reincarnation is?

No. Reincarnation is the resumption or continuation of a former life. The resurrection is entry into a new life. Jesus rose from the dead already. If he were to be reincarnated it would be as his resurrected self. A highly evolved creature speaking a strange new language that transcends the barriers of space and time and between nations and people and translates perfectly and is easily understood in each individual persons native tongue.

If you ask me, being returned to the earth over and over again without ever finding peace and fulfillment in the sanctuary of God is a perfect description of hell.

Its beginning to look like even if you lived a thousand lives you would always prefer darkness to light and consequently will always find death not life. God being a merciful God would never let that go on forever.

And, btw, if you don't give a shit, I certainly don't.

At the resurrection of the dead, all of the dead will rise to see, hear, and feel the judgment of God.

Some will rise to everlasting life, some will rise only to hear their doom.
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Taz BreezeWood and others. Your opposition has come as far as I can, but you need to pick up the ball and provide some answers. It's like we got you in a corner and said, "Gotcha." While I have provided answers or theories the creation scientists are working on, your "theories" should start providing some answers if your cosmic inflation model is true.


Here is a brief article that lists the questions that need to be answered. That graph we see everywhere that looks like a wine glass or balloon tipped sideways may not be true unless you can provide more evidence. It leads me to suspect it isn't just based on the graph being everywhere and is the one used to show that the Big Bang started from a single point. The results do not match the explanations. What we really have found is the flat universe gets expanded like a cloth. What's a mystery is why we see the opaque CMB in every direction.

Cosmic Inflation: How It Gave the Universe the Ultimate Kickstart (Infographic)

Expansion of the universe is not even in every direction
"From current data, it looks like the universe is even, but that's because our instruments aren't advanced enough to really go beyond a certain limit. (The limit of light). In reality, the expansion of the universe is governed by the gravitational wave radiant energy density created by objects coupled by a gravitational force. The closer 2 objects are rotating and accelerating toward each other the more gravitational radiant energy they emit. This increases the amount of expansion more than a uniform sphere. If we had accurate enough instruments we could measure the average radiant energy density throughout the universe and create a detailed “map” of the expansion of the universe. Scientists agree that the universe is most likely modeled as a irregular 3D shape." William Guo (Nobel Prize candidate)

On The Expansion of The Universe Through Gravitational Waves

The universe is not expanding uniformly
The Universe Is Not Expanding Uniformly - Universe Today
What answers are you looking for? A real science site will explain their theory, what else are you looking for?

"Creation science" is an oxymoron because no real science is involved.

I'm looking for you to admit that you do not believe in multiverses and give up the idea of all possible worlds (worlds where our science does not work or works differently).
If you assume the hypothesis that it could exist, then it quickly runs into troubles that cannot explain the reality of our universe such as clusters and solar systems lying within a plane. Or omega = 1. Or the other stuff in the graph I posted. Even the math doesn't work because to get an infinite anything of ginormous size, then you'd have to divide by zero. What these guys investigating the big bang found were the fine-tuning facts that mean the big bang could not happen. Thus, they had to make up some alternative universe. Except one alternative universe doesn't work either. Ii wasn't enough to overcome the fine-tuning parameters so they had to create an infinite amount of universes where the science acts differently. Not only that, to explain our universe, they had to make up inflation in less than a second's time. And yet, if you overcome certain problems that the academic world has, then you become an overnight sensation.

Otherwise, you'll die like Carl Sagan not knowing that aliens do not exist. The guys who came up with cosmic inflation will die not knowing multiverses exist. We know Hawking dies this way with his last paper. Why die not knowing when the answer was in front of your nose the entire time?

It's not an oxymoron if science backs it up in any universe (since you believe in multiverses).
So you agree that "creation science" is an oxymoron in this universe. Good for you.

Creation science is the real deal, but not multiverses and cosmic inflation. If anyone came to my door preaching the religion of multiverses and cosmic inflation, then I'd get my gun and tell them you have to leave now. It wasn't that long ago that it was a crazy hypothesis, but since quantum mechanics could not overcome particle physics, the quantum mechanics people have resorted to ridiculous science. The upshot is regular non-believers believe in this wacko idea now in order to continue not be responsible for their sinful behaviors. And the believers have to discuss the ridiculousness of the multiverses in order to calm the people f-down.

"“Essentially anything that can happen, does happen in one of the alternatives. Which means that superimposed on top of the universe that we know of, is an alternative universe where Al Gore is president and Elvis Presley is still alive.”
Alan Guth"

Should Christians believe in a Multiverse? 7 Reasons against
lol... Modern people aren't doing very well at finding real solutions, are they now?

Actually, we do a pretty good job. If you look at the things that worried people in the bible, we don't have those problems now, do we? We haven't had a plague of locusts in this country since the 19th century. Leporsy, nobody gets that anymore. We've wiped out polio, cholera, etc. Things Bible folks would have called a curse from God and looked for someone to stone.

Apparently, one similarity in most of the worldwide flood stories is that some people were warned in a dream.

That would suggest, not an invisible sky fairy, but advanced intelligences who might have nudged a rock in our direction because, as the story goes, people were fucked up beyond redemption.

Or that people just exaggerated a flood story, and then exaggerated why it was some folks survived.

Taz BreezeWood and others. Your opposition has come as far as I can, but you need to pick up the ball and provide some answers. It's like we got you in a corner and said, "Gotcha." While I have provided answers or theories the creation scientists are working on, your "theories" should start providing some answers if your cosmic inflation model is true.


Here is a brief article that lists the questions that need to be answered. That graph we see everywhere that looks like a wine glass or balloon tipped sideways may not be true unless you can provide more evidence. It leads me to suspect it isn't just based on the graph being everywhere and is the one used to show that the Big Bang started from a single point. The results do not match the explanations. What we really have found is the flat universe gets expanded like a cloth. What's a mystery is why we see the opaque CMB in every direction.

Cosmic Inflation: How It Gave the Universe the Ultimate Kickstart (Infographic)

Expansion of the universe is not even in every direction
"From current data, it looks like the universe is even, but that's because our instruments aren't advanced enough to really go beyond a certain limit. (The limit of light). In reality, the expansion of the universe is governed by the gravitational wave radiant energy density created by objects coupled by a gravitational force. The closer 2 objects are rotating and accelerating toward each other the more gravitational radiant energy they emit. This increases the amount of expansion more than a uniform sphere. If we had accurate enough instruments we could measure the average radiant energy density throughout the universe and create a detailed “map” of the expansion of the universe. Scientists agree that the universe is most likely modeled as a irregular 3D shape." William Guo (Nobel Prize candidate)

On The Expansion of The Universe Through Gravitational Waves

The universe is not expanding uniformly
The Universe Is Not Expanding Uniformly - Universe Today
What answers are you looking for? A real science site will explain their theory, what else are you looking for?

"Creation science" is an oxymoron because no real science is involved.

I'm looking for you to admit that you do not believe in multiverses and give up the idea of all possible worlds (worlds where our science does not work or works differently).
If you assume the hypothesis that it could exist, then it quickly runs into troubles that cannot explain the reality of our universe such as clusters and solar systems lying within a plane. Or omega = 1. Or the other stuff in the graph I posted. Even the math doesn't work because to get an infinite anything of ginormous size, then you'd have to divide by zero. What these guys investigating the big bang found were the fine-tuning facts that mean the big bang could not happen. Thus, they had to make up some alternative universe. Except one alternative universe doesn't work either. Ii wasn't enough to overcome the fine-tuning parameters so they had to create an infinite amount of universes where the science acts differently. Not only that, to explain our universe, they had to make up inflation in less than a second's time. And yet, if you overcome certain problems that the academic world has, then you become an overnight sensation.

Otherwise, you'll die like Carl Sagan not knowing that aliens do not exist. The guys who came up with cosmic inflation will die not knowing multiverses exist. We know Hawking dies this way with his last paper. Why die not knowing when the answer was in front of your nose the entire time?

It's not an oxymoron if science backs it up in any universe (since you believe in multiverses).
So you agree that "creation science" is an oxymoron in this universe. Good for you.

Creation science is the real deal, but not multiverses and cosmic inflation. If anyone came to my door preaching the religion of multiverses and cosmic inflation, then I'd get my gun and tell them you have to leave now. It wasn't that long ago that it was a crazy hypothesis, but since quantum mechanics could not overcome particle physics, the quantum mechanics people have resorted to ridiculous science. The upshot is regular non-believers believe in this wacko idea now in order to continue not be responsible for their sinful behaviors. And the believers have to discuss the ridiculousness of the multiverses in order to calm the people f-down.

"“Essentially anything that can happen, does happen in one of the alternatives. Which means that superimposed on top of the universe that we know of, is an alternative universe where Al Gore is president and Elvis Presley is still alive.”
Alan Guth"

Should Christians believe in a Multiverse? 7 Reasons against
If creation science is the real deal, why don't real scientists get behind it?
Multiple universes are predicted by math. Nothing says that other universes don't have different laws, more dimensions...

You can't have worlds in this universe that work by different laws of this one, ok, but who knows what's beyond our universe or what might have existed before the BB.
If they were all created by the same process then they all have the same laws.
You don't know that, and no, nothing says that they couldn't have different laws and dimensions...
So you think there are different processes which create multiverses? Why would you think that? You are adding unnecessary complexity.
I think anything's possible until it has been ruled out properly. You need to up your critical thinking game, brah.
Consider it ruled out. While you are at it you can consider reincarnation ruled out too.
Why is reincarnation ruled out?
So you're saying that a tsunami from the Indian Ocean would have flooded the whole of the Middle East, including Turkey, for 40 days? :cuckoo:

Thats not what I said, but whatever.....lol

Did you have this much trouble keeping up in grade school?
Buy yourself a map, then look at it. What you claim is dumb. As per usual.

What I said was just one of the many aftereffects of a large meteor landing in the middle of the ocean. The combined effect would have been mind boggling to people alive at the time. It would be mind boggling to us.

They would have never seen such superstorms mega tsunamis inland flooding or a torrential deluge of such intensity and duration or anything like it before or since.

Is it any wonder that they would have concluded that there was a being of unimaginable power up there who was pretty pissed off?

Wouldn't the survivors have concluded that they were favored in some way and needed to appease this invisible being lest they incur his wrath?

Why else would people from all around the world start building massive structures to honor the gods or sacrifice virgins, and making offerings of their finest goods at the same time if nothing more traumatic than seasonal flooding happened?

Why did they all start telling flood stories as a basis to teach their children to be better people than the ones who perished unless humans beings were almost wiped out completely?
Do you make this shit up as you go along?

Nope. I was there.
So you believe in reincarnation?
I think anything's possible until it has been ruled out properly. You need to up your critical thinking game, brah.
Consider it ruled out. While you are at it you can consider reincarnation ruled out too.

Jesus said that John the baptist was the expected reincarnation of Elijah.
Taz isn't Elijah.

Thats obvious.. Maybe he was Balaams ass in another life?

After all some things never change.
She only gets once chance like everyone else.
And you're waisting yours. :lol:
So you think there are different processes which create multiverses? Why would you think that? You are adding unnecessary complexity.
I think anything's possible until it has been ruled out properly. You need to up your critical thinking game, brah.
Consider it ruled out. While you are at it you can consider reincarnation ruled out too.

Jesus said that John the baptist was the expected reincarnation of Elijah.
Taz isn't Elijah.

taz is living proof that the progressive militant atheists have no intellectual capacity to think about how man lived his life thousands of years ago. taz is a wonderful example of the CSI effect, they think that everything that happened in the past, happened instantly. There was no learning required, man was just born smart, and knew everything. In other words, like most progressives, he is an intellectual cripple.
You couldn't have gotten more wrong if you tried. Not surprisingly.

PS I'm agnostic.
If they were all created by the same process then they all have the same laws.
You don't know that, and no, nothing says that they couldn't have different laws and dimensions...
So you think there are different processes which create multiverses? Why would you think that? You are adding unnecessary complexity.
I think anything's possible until it has been ruled out properly. You need to up your critical thinking game, brah.
Consider it ruled out. While you are at it you can consider reincarnation ruled out too.
Why is reincarnation ruled out?
Because you are wrong about everything.
Finding a rational explanation for the basis of a bible story does not render the teaching moot.

It explains everything.

Um, no, it doesn't. If it was some shit that was going to happen anyway, it needs no supernatural explanation.

You missed the whole point of what I'm asking. Not surprising.

No, what you were asking was stupid, as for a lot of reason, you couldn't repopulate an entire species from two specimens.

We could also go into why there wouldn't be enough prey animals to survive the predators, or how you couldn't fit 1,000,000 animal species into a boat only 500 foot long, or what the herbivores would eat once the flood waters receded leaving only salt-soaked barren soil.
You don't know that, and no, nothing says that they couldn't have different laws and dimensions...
So you think there are different processes which create multiverses? Why would you think that? You are adding unnecessary complexity.
I think anything's possible until it has been ruled out properly. You need to up your critical thinking game, brah.
Consider it ruled out. While you are at it you can consider reincarnation ruled out too.
Why is reincarnation ruled out?
Because you are wrong about everything.
You just agree with one of my posts about 5 seconds ago (God knows what's in my heart, you don't"). Making YOU wrong. Again.
I think anything's possible until it has been ruled out properly. You need to up your critical thinking game, brah.
Consider it ruled out. While you are at it you can consider reincarnation ruled out too.

Jesus said that John the baptist was the expected reincarnation of Elijah.
Taz isn't Elijah.

taz is living proof that the progressive militant atheists have no intellectual capacity to think about how man lived his life thousands of years ago. taz is a wonderful example of the CSI effect, they think that everything that happened in the past, happened instantly. There was no learning required, man was just born smart, and knew everything. In other words, like most progressives, he is an intellectual cripple.
You couldn't have gotten more wrong if you tried. Not surprisingly.

PS I'm agnostic.
I believe westwall totally pegged you. Agnostics don’t go around arguing against one side like you do. Agnostics seek to understand the basis of belief for each side. You’re no agnostic.
So you think there are different processes which create multiverses? Why would you think that? You are adding unnecessary complexity.
I think anything's possible until it has been ruled out properly. You need to up your critical thinking game, brah.
Consider it ruled out. While you are at it you can consider reincarnation ruled out too.
Why is reincarnation ruled out?
Because you are wrong about everything.
You just agree with one of my posts about 5 seconds ago (God knows what's in my heart, you don't"). Making YOU wrong. Again.
Since you don’t believe God exists, let alone the God of the Bible, you don’t believe that God knows what is in your heart so there is no agreement between us.

Do you even logic?
Consider it ruled out. While you are at it you can consider reincarnation ruled out too.

Jesus said that John the baptist was the expected reincarnation of Elijah.
Taz isn't Elijah.

taz is living proof that the progressive militant atheists have no intellectual capacity to think about how man lived his life thousands of years ago. taz is a wonderful example of the CSI effect, they think that everything that happened in the past, happened instantly. There was no learning required, man was just born smart, and knew everything. In other words, like most progressives, he is an intellectual cripple.
You couldn't have gotten more wrong if you tried. Not surprisingly.

PS I'm agnostic.
I believe westwall totally pegged you. Agnostics don’t go around arguing against one side like you do. Agnostics seek to understand the basis of belief for each side. You’re no agnostic.
There are many, if any, atheists here to debate with. I'll gladly ask them what proof they have that shows that a god isn't possible. I'd be very interested to know what they base that belief on.

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