If huge rallies meant more voters,. Bernie would have crushed Biden in the primaries

I believe earlier you said you ran your own business right?

No matter what he does will not change what he said.

Wall Street wants billions? They get it and we call it capitalism,

People want a raise in the minimum wage and we complain and call it socialism.

Was I talking to you?

Yes. That's how a site like this works.

Ok, let’s shift it to you then. I suppose you work for a business right?

I already addressed that earlier. I'm retired.


Manufacturing plant.

Ok, Do you suppose that plant over the years took advantage of tax codes to minimize their tax exposure?

I imagine so.

Should they not have done that? And why? Also, how might the action of not taking advantage of certain tax breaks possibly effected your job?
Being way behind in the polls, Trump supporters have resorted to claim that Trump's Yuuuuge rallies full of mask-less people are a sign that he will defeat Biden, whose rallies draw a very little number of people.
Bernie's supporters scratched their heads when Bernie didn't get 80% of the vote in the 2016 primaries, despite drawing crowds that absolutely overwhelmed Hillary's.
Or when he lost again to small-rally Biden.
/----/ The DNC picks and chooses the candidate - you tool. They don't give a flying F what the people think.

Voters got the candidate that they wanted.
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You pinko moonbat libtard progs have had tons of chances to vote for Commissar Bernie..but you woke fat feminists, and soy boy turds never show up to the polls
News Flash, if the Democrats hadn't screwed Bernie over twice he would've been the candidate.

And he would have won in 2016.

Not likely. He would not have done as well as Clinton even.

There isn't a single state that Hillary won that Sanders would have lost. Sanders beat Hillary in both Michigan and Wisconsin and would have won those two states. That leaves Pennsylvania. Hillary lost Pennsylvania because she took the state for granted and ignored it (which is why the electoral college is a good thing). Sanders wouldn't have done that.

That is not true. The fact is that the turnout in the Democrat primaries was extremely low and that meant the bar for Sanders was much lower. In 2016, just under 1.2 million people voted. Sanders won with 598,943 votes. In 2020, little over 1.4 million people voted. Biden won with 840,360 votes.

You didn't even address what I said.
I believe earlier you said you ran your own business right?

No matter what he does will not change what he said.

Wall Street wants billions? They get it and we call it capitalism,

People want a raise in the minimum wage and we complain and call it socialism.

Was I talking to you?

Yes. That's how a site like this works.

Ok, let’s shift it to you then. I suppose you work for a business right?

I already addressed that earlier. I'm retired.


Manufacturing plant.

Ok, Do you suppose that plant over the years took advantage of tax codes to minimize their tax exposure?

I imagine so.

Should they not have done that? And why? Also, how might the action of not taking advantage of certain tax breaks possibly effected your job?

I'm sure they got Covid bail out. I disagree with that. If it affected my job so be it.
News Flash, if the Democrats hadn't screwed Bernie over twice he would've been the candidate.

And he would have won in 2016.

You think because a minority of useful idiots is enamored with socialism means they would have won? Not likely.

Almost the entire country supports what you call "socialism" here. Trump has said he would support a bill bailing out the airlines.
Agreed. Particularly D voters support what Bernie proposed and they do so in huge numbers. Even a majority of R voters supported much of Bernie’s platform. He would have beaten Don four years ago.

The ironic thing is the D Party picked Biden who has made it clear he won’t support any of Bernie’s proposals. Biden is a corporatist warmongering neocon but the D leadership much prefers him over Bernie, because the party is controlled by the billionaires.

Absolutely. Biden may win simply because Trump is so inept but truthfully, any candidate outside of Hillary would have won last time.

Wrong...none of the other 16 Republicans would have been able to beat the combined clinton crime family and the obama fascists........that is where you are just wrong. They would have folded after the first fake scandal was thrown at them.

Sorry that is not true. Kasich and Bush actually led Clinton. Every candidate was in a better position. If Biden or Sanders were the nominee. no Republican led.
I believe earlier you said you ran your own business right?

No matter what he does will not change what he said.

Wall Street wants billions? They get it and we call it capitalism,

People want a raise in the minimum wage and we complain and call it socialism.

Was I talking to you?

Yes. That's how a site like this works.

Ok, let’s shift it to you then. I suppose you work for a business right?

I already addressed that earlier. I'm retired.


Manufacturing plant.

Ok, Do you suppose that plant over the years took advantage of tax codes to minimize their tax exposure?

I imagine so.

Should they not have done that? And why? Also, how might the action of not taking advantage of certain tax breaks possibly effected your job?

I'm sure they got Covid bail out. I disagree with that. If it affected my job so be it.

How do you know? Let's put it this way, is there a rate at which taxation is so confiscatory that business would close, or leave?
News Flash, if the Democrats hadn't screwed Bernie over twice he would've been the candidate.

And he would have won in 2016.

You think because a minority of useful idiots is enamored with socialism means they would have won? Not likely.

Almost the entire country supports what you call "socialism" here. Trump has said he would support a bill bailing out the airlines.
Pelosi said she won't help the airline workers because she needs them as a bargaining chip

Democrats are scum. Every single one of them.
Oh so now you ok with socialism? Why do we need to bail the airlines ? Why didnt they save money for tough days? You guys preach capitalism all year long but you practice socialism on daily basis. Confused or just hypocrites ?

Laying off employees will likely cost more. It is not a bailout. It essentially is subsidizing the employees.
Being way behind in the polls, Trump supporters have resorted to claim that Trump's Yuuuuge rallies full of mask-less people are a sign that he will defeat Biden, whose rallies draw a very little number of people.
Bernie's supporters scratched their heads when Bernie didn't get 80% of the vote in the 2016 primaries, despite drawing crowds that absolutely overwhelmed Hillary's.
Or when he lost again to small-rally Biden.

Bernie crushed it twice but you Dims do not believe in Democracy and a fair vote. Hence, Bernie got screwed twice.

The vote was fair. Sanders got a break because of Biden's early struggles. Many people voted early for other candidates.
News Flash, if the Democrats hadn't screwed Bernie over twice he would've been the candidate.

And he would have won in 2016.

You think because a minority of useful idiots is enamored with socialism means they would have won? Not likely.

Almost the entire country supports what you call "socialism" here. Trump has said he would support a bill bailing out the airlines.
Pelosi said she won't help the airline workers because she needs them as a bargaining chip

Democrats are scum. Every single one of them.
Oh so now you ok with socialism? Why do we need to bail the airlines ? Why didnt they save money for tough days? You guys preach capitalism all year long but you practice socialism on daily basis. Confused or just hypocrites ?

Oh my God you're just butt stupid. The government forced the economy to shut down and is still crippling it, particularly in blue States. To call it "socialism" to keep companies alive who's markets were shut down by government "socialism" is the useless, partisan hack airhead you are

No one shut the banks down. No one shut the auto companies down. It was Trump that shut the farmers down.
Obama made it more difficult for banks to be profitable. Farmers understand that a trade war is painful. If it weren’t it would not be called a war.

Obama didn't do squat to the banks. That's a part of the problem today.

Socialism for the farmers is fine though I see. Take from the workers and give to the slackers.
Bullshit. The excess regulations increased compliance costs exponentially and the additional regulations on businesses made it very difficult as well. You should watch some Kevin O’Leary videos on it instead of talking garbage. So what would you have done about China? Just turn a blind eye?

Protecting the air, water and animal habitats are important. The cost in irrelevant.
Yet you love socialism for the ultra rich and big corporations,
what socialism is that?
so no answer. just more nonsense yelled out loud on the board. too fking funny.

I'll scream, let my people go!!!!!!

If masks work why the continued counts? all you jack monkeys have no fking clue on the attempted destruction of capitalism.
Did you fail to see my answer?
sure American. The US what about it?
Being way behind in the polls, Trump supporters have resorted to claim that Trump's Yuuuuge rallies full of mask-less people are a sign that he will defeat Biden, whose rallies draw a very little number of people.
Bernie's supporters scratched their heads when Bernie didn't get 80% of the vote in the 2016 primaries, despite drawing crowds that absolutely overwhelmed Hillary's.
Or when he lost again to small-rally Biden.
What Primaries? Most of them were cancelled using the Covid Hoax, so they could push Biden to the front and give him an uncontested nomination.

Sanders dropped out after the Michigan primary. Republicans postponed primaries in Ohio, Georgia and Louisiana.
Sanders beat Hillary in both Michigan and Wisconsin and would have won those two states.
stop it already. you won any lottery in the last four years? He couldn't beat hitlery. trump beat hitlery, your direction is flawed.
You haven’t paid attention. I’m not a Trump supporter.

It’s strange how wingers on both sides can’t see anything outside the duopoly.
I see you still haven't any solutions. list some solutions. what didn't Trump do? please enlighten me at least.
News Flash, if the Democrats hadn't screwed Bernie over twice he would've been the candidate.

And he would have won in 2016.

You think because a minority of useful idiots is enamored with socialism means they would have won? Not likely.

Almost the entire country supports what you call "socialism" here. Trump has said he would support a bill bailing out the airlines.
Pelosi said she won't help the airline workers because she needs them as a bargaining chip

Democrats are scum. Every single one of them.
Oh so now you ok with socialism? Why do we need to bail the airlines ? Why didnt they save money for tough days? You guys preach capitalism all year long but you practice socialism on daily basis. Confused or just hypocrites ?

Oh my God you're just butt stupid. The government forced the economy to shut down and is still crippling it, particularly in blue States. To call it "socialism" to keep companies alive who's markets were shut down by government "socialism" is the useless, partisan hack airhead you are
The government having the power to shut down part of the free market is socialism led by cons and Neo orange hitler.

No it is not. It is called survival. Garbage like you have turned the coronavirus into a partisan issue.
News Flash, if the Democrats hadn't screwed Bernie over twice he would've been the candidate.

And he would have won in 2016.

You think because a minority of useful idiots is enamored with socialism means they would have won? Not likely.

Almost the entire country supports what you call "socialism" here. Trump has said he would support a bill bailing out the airlines.
Pelosi said she won't help the airline workers because she needs them as a bargaining chip

Democrats are scum. Every single one of them.
Oh so now you ok with socialism? Why do we need to bail the airlines ? Why didnt they save money for tough days? You guys preach capitalism all year long but you practice socialism on daily basis. Confused or just hypocrites ?

Oh my God you're just butt stupid. The government forced the economy to shut down and is still crippling it, particularly in blue States. To call it "socialism" to keep companies alive who's markets were shut down by government "socialism" is the useless, partisan hack airhead you are

No one shut the banks down. No one shut the auto companies down. It was Trump that shut the farmers down.
Obama made it more difficult for banks to be profitable. Farmers understand that a trade war is painful. If it weren’t it would not be called a war.

Obama didn't do squat to the banks. That's a part of the problem today.

Socialism for the farmers is fine though I see. Take from the workers and give to the slackers.
Bullshit. The excess regulations increased compliance costs exponentially and the additional regulations on businesses made it very difficult as well. You should watch some Kevin O’Leary videos on it instead of talking garbage. So what would you have done about China? Just turn a blind eye?

Protecting the air, water and animal habitats are important. The cost in irrelevant.
Bank regulations. Nothing to do with your odd post. What in the Blue Hell are you talking about?

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