If I have to Put up with a Bazillion Trump aka neuveua Palin Threads ....

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You're espousing that the Registrar would have accepted a fake and does not know how to do their job.

I am "espousing" that government officials (like all the rest of us) are merely humans and humans make mistakes and get conned all the time. I am suggesting that this is one possible explanation. Here's another: The Registrar could have been corrupt (or more likely, someone on the official staff chose to take the chance of padding his/her income that month by a willingness to be corrupted).

I am suggesting that there is no way to know that the original is a fake if the only difference between the original (fake) Birth Certificate and any other original VALID birth Certificate is the signature of the attending doctor. [In M*A*S*H, Radar often presented his C.O. with a sheaf of papers to be signed, directing the Col. to "sign here, here and here," often orally communicating -- less than honestly -- what the Col. was approving. How do we know whether the signing attending doctor paid any attention to yet another birth certificate presented to him for his signature?]

The Law says that the COLB can be used for official purposes. And that is ordinarily not a problem. But as an old Professor used to insist, "the law is NOT an ass." There are situations in Court all the time where the bona fides of a document are permissibly questioned and that allows a party to explore whatever is below the surface. HERE, a question has been raised. Several questions, actually. The SIMPLEST expedient is to show the actual Birth Certificate to address those questions. Instead, the President is spending LOTS of money fighting against that simple expedient.

You are free to dismiss that and gloss over it. But that doesn't make everyone who harbors the doubt a "grand conspiracist."

Someone's got something to hide here. It's not Obama.

Actually, if anybody is hiding anything it IS President Obama.

You could consider the "truth". Only a couple of people are allowed to view the "long form birth certificate" by STATE LAW. Obama could go look at it, but even he can't make a photocopy. Why? Because it's against the STATE LAW.

In fact, the former Republican Governor reviewed the birth certificate and one other state official, also a Republican, reviewed it twice. It lists the hospital where he was born and is signed by the doctor. In fact, the two newspapers get their info about births DIRECTLY FROM THE HOSPITAL. The form that was released is ALL ANYBODY GETS. Why? Because it's the state law.

Republicans want Obama treated differently. Because they see him as "different". Why? Because the Republican Party is 90% white, so compared to them, he is very different. We all know that's the truth.

What surprises me is Republicans only believe what their leaders say when it's obviously a lie. When Republican leaders tell the truth, the base doesn't believe it. So very odd.

Obama could go look at it, but even he can't make a photocopy. Why? Because it's against the STATE LAW.

It's against the law? Well care to explain this? Two long form Hawaiian BC

She probably got those copies when the twins were born as you can see by the yellowing. My original certified copy that my mother gave me looks like it is from a different planet than a later certified copy I got.

You're an idiot, bigreb, plain and simple.

She probably got those copies when the twins were born as you can see by the yellowing. My original certified copy that my mother gave me looks like it is from a different planet than a later certified copy I got.

You're an idiot, bigreb, plain and simple.

probably is making a speculation and is not factual and would not help in a court of law.
If frogs had wings they probably wouldn't hit their ass. The fact is rdean said no one could get a copy oif the long form. Here's proof you can and obama was born a day before those two twins.

She probably got those copies when the twins were born as you can see by the yellowing. My original certified copy that my mother gave me looks like it is from a different planet than a later certified copy I got.

You're an idiot, bigreb, plain and simple.

probably is making a speculation and is not factual and would not help in a court of law.
If frogs had wings they probably wouldn't hit their ass. The fact is rdean said no one could get a copy oif the long form. Here's proof you can and obama was born a day before those two twins.
You know what does make it factual in a court of law? The statement at the bottom Obama's birth certificate that says it is factual in a court of law.

She probably got those copies when the twins were born as you can see by the yellowing. My original certified copy that my mother gave me looks like it is from a different planet than a later certified copy I got.

You're an idiot, bigreb, plain and simple.

probably is making a speculation and is not factual and would not help in a court of law.
If frogs had wings they probably wouldn't hit their ass. The fact is rdean said no one could get a copy oif the long form. Here's proof you can and obama was born a day before those two twins.
You know what does make it factual in a court of law? The statement at the bottom Obama's birth certificate that says it is factual in a court of law.

Two things that has been pointed out in this discussion one by me
That the state Registrar of 1961 did not accept the origninal BC
The other was mentioned by Liability.
Here's another: The Registrar could have been corrupt (or more likely, someone on the official staff chose to take the chance of padding his/her income that month by a willingness to be corrupted).

Given the recent history of the DNC I would not put it past them. Maybe the current state Registrar is corrupt.
Fact is obama had a document presented to the state of hawaii on Aug. 8th 1961 that fact is true it was filed on that date. the only thing left, is to prove it was accepted by the state registrar ?
probably is making a speculation and is not factual and would not help in a court of law.
If frogs had wings they probably wouldn't hit their ass. The fact is rdean said no one could get a copy oif the long form. Here's proof you can and obama was born a day before those two twins.
You know what does make it factual in a court of law? The statement at the bottom Obama's birth certificate that says it is factual in a court of law.

Two things that has been pointed out in this discussion one by me
That the state Registrar of 1961 did not accept the origninal BC
The other was mentioned by Liability.
Here's another: The Registrar could have been corrupt (or more likely, someone on the official staff chose to take the chance of padding his/her income that month by a willingness to be corrupted).
Given the recent history of the DNC I would not put it past them. Maybe the current state Registrar is corrupt.
Fact is obama had a document presented to the state of hawaii on Aug. 8th 1961 that fact is true it was filed on that date. the only thing left, is to prove it was accepted by the state registrar ?
:lol: Yeah, and Bush flew the planes into the twin towers.

You know what does make it factual in a court of law? The statement at the bottom Obama's birth certificate that says it is factual in a court of law.

Two things that has been pointed out in this discussion one by me
That the state Registrar of 1961 did not accept the origninal BC
The other was mentioned by Liability.
Here's another: The Registrar could have been corrupt (or more likely, someone on the official staff chose to take the chance of padding his/her income that month by a willingness to be corrupted).
Given the recent history of the DNC I would not put it past them. Maybe the current state Registrar is corrupt.
Fact is obama had a document presented to the state of hawaii on Aug. 8th 1961 that fact is true it was filed on that date. the only thing left, is to prove it was accepted by the state registrar ?
:lol: Yeah, and Bush flew the planes into the twin towers.


Yeah, and Bush flew the planes into the twin towers.

Thanks for proving my point you haven't a clue.
Hey Ravi here's a Conspiracy theory that you can use for your defense next time Bush Sr. Nixion and Johnson had Kennedy killed because of Executive Order 11110. That some believe it would have ended the Federal Reserve.:doubt:
You're espousing that the Registrar would have accepted a fake and does not know how to do their job.

I am "espousing" that government officials (like all the rest of us) are merely humans and humans make mistakes and get conned all the time. I am suggesting that this is one possible explanation. Here's another: The Registrar could have been corrupt (or more likely, someone on the official staff chose to take the chance of padding his/her income that month by a willingness to be corrupted).

I am suggesting that there is no way to know that the original is a fake if the only difference between the original (fake) Birth Certificate and any other original VALID birth Certificate is the signature of the attending doctor. [In M*A*S*H, Radar often presented his C.O. with a sheaf of papers to be signed, directing the Col. to "sign here, here and here," often orally communicating -- less than honestly -- what the Col. was approving. How do we know whether the signing attending doctor paid any attention to yet another birth certificate presented to him for his signature?]

The Law says that the COLB can be used for official purposes. And that is ordinarily not a problem. But as an old Professor used to insist, "the law is NOT an ass." There are situations in Court all the time where the bona fides of a document are permissibly questioned and that allows a party to explore whatever is below the surface. HERE, a question has been raised. Several questions, actually. The SIMPLEST expedient is to show the actual Birth Certificate to address those questions. Instead, the President is spending LOTS of money fighting against that simple expedient.

You are free to dismiss that and gloss over it. But that doesn't make everyone who harbors the doubt a "grand conspiracist."

Someone's got something to hide here. It's not Obama.

Actually, if anybody is hiding anything it IS President Obama.

You could consider the "truth". Only a couple of people are allowed to view the "long form birth certificate" by STATE LAW. Obama could go look at it, but even he can't make a photocopy. Why? Because it's against the STATE LAW.

In fact, the former Republican Governor reviewed the birth certificate and one other state official, also a Republican, reviewed it twice. It lists the hospital where he was born and is signed by the doctor. In fact, the two newspapers get their info about births DIRECTLY FROM THE HOSPITAL. The form that was released is ALL ANYBODY GETS. Why? Because it's the state law.

Republicans want Obama treated differently. Because they see him as "different". Why? Because the Republican Party is 90% white, so compared to them, he is very different. We all know that's the truth.

What surprises me is Republicans only believe what their leaders say when it's obviously a lie. When Republican leaders tell the truth, the base doesn't believe it. So very odd.

You say "In fact, the former Republican Governor reviewed the birth certificate and one other state official". That is a lie. The governor of Hawaii at the time did not view the birth certificate. That is a fact. Also no, the hospitals did not trigger the newspaper announcements. The Hawaii Dept of Health did. If the child was born overseas, the grandparents could have registered the birth throught a mail in form saying the child was born at home in Hawaii or grandma walked in the Health Dept office and registered him , the Dept of Health would create and issue a vital record. Those records would be sent to the newspaper offices and published. The newspaper birth announcements never confirmed anything except that a baby was born.
That explains why obama's BC never was accepted by the by the state registrar. Thanks shell don just remain in cased in that egg shell of your's. Fucking egg head

You can keep on saying this until you're blue in the face and bloody in the fingertips, it remains untrue. The registrar could not have possibly filed the paperwork without receiving it. You insist that the document should provide more data. Who the fuck are you to demand how the state of Hawaii keeps, maintains, and distributes their own vital records? They've already met all the requirements of the law. You must have some real issues to be so obsessed with trying to control the democratically elected government of a completely different state.
I am suggesting that there is no way to know that the original is a fake if the only difference between the original (fake) Birth Certificate and any other original VALID birth Certificate is the signature of the attending doctor. [In M*A*S*H, Radar often presented his C.O. with a sheaf of papers to be signed, directing the Col. to "sign here, here and here," often orally communicating -- less than honestly -- what the Col. was approving. How do we know whether the signing attending doctor paid any attention to yet another birth certificate presented to him for his signature?
By that "logic" all BCs are suspect, Dump Truck's, Reagan's, even YOURS, you illegal alien!! :lol:
What a dumb fucking thread.... How about you start a thread when something actually happens, ok?

PS, Trup sucks ballz.

Yeah...........maybe he does........but he sure is a lightning rod for the media = he'll draw the attention of some of the sucker independents who voted for Obama because they are suckers. He's going to be a big ass thorn in the side of the left for the next 18 months whether he runs or not. He's not going away.

Obama only got elected because of there are hordes of suckers out there who will buy a sack of dog doo for $1,000 a pop if its packaged up just right. Those same suckers can be had by the next guy...........in this case Trump. Its just some additional peel away FTW!! Mega debt = peel away. Epic unemployment = peel away. Gas through the roof = peel away. Trump = peel away.

Its all good.......and you have to laugh your balls off every time Trump shows up on TV. He gets the attention of the suckers and he has nothing good to say about the Wizard of Oz we have for a President.

Hard left guys marginalize Trump...........but nobody cares about them. Its the suckers who are paying attention.:fu::boobies::fu::boobies::fu:

And if he wins he'll bankrupt the Country further like he's done all his businesses, and he'll send us to War with China. Congratu-fucking-lations that he's not Obama, 5 year old.

not true... there is a law about her residency requirements. if it can't be released can it be copied ?
i think this is almost officially a scandal.

Who the fuck are you to demand ?? in this new age of receeding tides and transparency, we all have the right to the absolute truth, i don't think we have the whole story.
By that "logic" all BCs might be fake, Dump Truck's, Reagan's, even YOURS, you illegal alien!! this is plausable.

Yeah, and Bush flew the planes into the twin towers, jumped out of both jets just before they hit... you think we're crazy ??
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I am "espousing" that government officials (like all the rest of us) are merely humans and humans make mistakes and get conned all the time. I am suggesting that this is one possible explanation. Here's another: The Registrar could have been corrupt (or more likely, someone on the official staff chose to take the chance of padding his/her income that month by a willingness to be corrupted).

I am suggesting that there is no way to know that the original is a fake if the only difference between the original (fake) Birth Certificate and any other original VALID birth Certificate is the signature of the attending doctor. [In M*A*S*H, Radar often presented his C.O. with a sheaf of papers to be signed, directing the Col. to "sign here, here and here," often orally communicating -- less than honestly -- what the Col. was approving. How do we know whether the signing attending doctor paid any attention to yet another birth certificate presented to him for his signature?]

The Law says that the COLB can be used for official purposes. And that is ordinarily not a problem. But as an old Professor used to insist, "the law is NOT an ass." There are situations in Court all the time where the bona fides of a document are permissibly questioned and that allows a party to explore whatever is below the surface. HERE, a question has been raised. Several questions, actually. The SIMPLEST expedient is to show the actual Birth Certificate to address those questions. Instead, the President is spending LOTS of money fighting against that simple expedient.

You are free to dismiss that and gloss over it. But that doesn't make everyone who harbors the doubt a "grand conspiracist."

Actually, if anybody is hiding anything it IS President Obama.

You could consider the "truth". Only a couple of people are allowed to view the "long form birth certificate" by STATE LAW. Obama could go look at it, but even he can't make a photocopy. Why? Because it's against the STATE LAW.

In fact, the former Republican Governor reviewed the birth certificate and one other state official, also a Republican, reviewed it twice. It lists the hospital where he was born and is signed by the doctor. In fact, the two newspapers get their info about births DIRECTLY FROM THE HOSPITAL. The form that was released is ALL ANYBODY GETS. Why? Because it's the state law.

Republicans want Obama treated differently. Because they see him as "different". Why? Because the Republican Party is 90% white, so compared to them, he is very different. We all know that's the truth.

What surprises me is Republicans only believe what their leaders say when it's obviously a lie. When Republican leaders tell the truth, the base doesn't believe it. So very odd.

You say "In fact, the former Republican Governor reviewed the birth certificate and one other state official". That is a lie. The governor of Hawaii at the time did not view the birth certificate. That is a fact. Also no, the hospitals did not trigger the newspaper announcements. The Hawaii Dept of Health did. If the child was born overseas, the grandparents could have registered the birth throught a mail in form saying the child was born at home in Hawaii or grandma walked in the Health Dept office and registered him , the Dept of Health would create and issue a vital record. Those records would be sent to the newspaper offices and published. The newspaper birth announcements never confirmed anything except that a baby was born.

perhaps there was a conspiracy to gain citizenship in america, since his mother didn't meet residency satndards, just saying. the newspaper clip doesn't fool me, or trump apparently. follow the money.
who else besides the executive branch has subpoena power.... could this be a job for say... congress. i'm sure if obama was a republican, no one would question his citizenship. wouldn't it be funny if he was born in africa or his mother didn't meet the eligibility for residency ? LOL
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I am "espousing" that government officials (like all the rest of us) are merely humans and humans make mistakes and get conned all the time. I am suggesting that this is one possible explanation. Here's another: The Registrar could have been corrupt (or more likely, someone on the official staff chose to take the chance of padding his/her income that month by a willingness to be corrupted).

I am suggesting that there is no way to know that the original is a fake if the only difference between the original (fake) Birth Certificate and any other original VALID birth Certificate is the signature of the attending doctor. [In M*A*S*H, Radar often presented his C.O. with a sheaf of papers to be signed, directing the Col. to "sign here, here and here," often orally communicating -- less than honestly -- what the Col. was approving. How do we know whether the signing attending doctor paid any attention to yet another birth certificate presented to him for his signature?]

The Law says that the COLB can be used for official purposes. And that is ordinarily not a problem. But as an old Professor used to insist, "the law is NOT an ass." There are situations in Court all the time where the bona fides of a document are permissibly questioned and that allows a party to explore whatever is below the surface. HERE, a question has been raised. Several questions, actually. The SIMPLEST expedient is to show the actual Birth Certificate to address those questions. Instead, the President is spending LOTS of money fighting against that simple expedient.

You are free to dismiss that and gloss over it. But that doesn't make everyone who harbors the doubt a "grand conspiracist."

Actually, if anybody is hiding anything it IS President Obama.

You could consider the "truth". Only a couple of people are allowed to view the "long form birth certificate" by STATE LAW. Obama could go look at it, but even he can't make a photocopy. Why? Because it's against the STATE LAW.

In fact, the former Republican Governor reviewed the birth certificate and one other state official, also a Republican, reviewed it twice. It lists the hospital where he was born and is signed by the doctor. In fact, the two newspapers get their info about births DIRECTLY FROM THE HOSPITAL. The form that was released is ALL ANYBODY GETS. Why? Because it's the state law.

Republicans want Obama treated differently. Because they see him as "different". Why? Because the Republican Party is 90% white, so compared to them, he is very different. We all know that's the truth.

What surprises me is Republicans only believe what their leaders say when it's obviously a lie. When Republican leaders tell the truth, the base doesn't believe it. So very odd.

Obama could go look at it, but even he can't make a photocopy. Why? Because it's against the STATE LAW.
It's against the law? Well care to explain this? Two long form Hawaiian BC
Those BCs are from 1961, you can see how the paper has yellowed with age. If they lost them and tried to get a copy today they would get the same thing Obama got, and you know that.
The COLB is NOT adequate proof.

What proof do you want? IT'S A BIRTH CERTIFICATE!! Hawaii state law defines the terms in question.

IF his mom had taken the pains to say that he had been born in Hawaii (even if he had not been born there) that might be because she wished to avoid hassles for herself and for her son. IT does not mean it was some conspiracy formed in 1961 to get young Barrack into the White House. (It was 1961 and the kid was -- psst --- black.

How the FUCK is this not a conspiracy theory? You're still suggesting that Obama is not a natural born citizen and that the whole thing is being covered up.

The Registrar merely authenticates that which is presented to him or her. So if he got a fake Birth Certificate (fake as to where the child had been born, but otherwise a valid looking thing), he or she would likely have had no reason not to go ahead and rely on it for official purposes.

Well, when you put it that way, may as well consider the possibility that Obama is a Martian who has infiltrated the government to lead the way for an invasion of Earth.

Here's one YOU will like. THe original Birth Certificate was totally valid and accurate. Cool. Except, now there's even LESS reason for the President to be actively hiding the damn thing.

Even if he was born in Hawaii, it makes people wonder what on the original Birth Certificate could possibly lead the President to feel this compulsion to cover it up.

Are you blind? Countless pictures of Obama's birth certificate have been posted right in this thread. They're all over the internet. He's not hiding it.
It's against the law? Well care to explain this? Two long form Hawaiian BC

If you go back and look at mine, you'll see that at the bottom in clearly states that photocopying it is illegal. Now, I'm no legal expert, but I think that just because something is against the law doesn't necessarily stop people from being capable of doing it anyway.
You could consider the "truth". Only a couple of people are allowed to view the "long form birth certificate" by STATE LAW. Obama could go look at it, but even he can't make a photocopy. Why? Because it's against the STATE LAW.

In fact, the former Republican Governor reviewed the birth certificate and one other state official, also a Republican, reviewed it twice. It lists the hospital where he was born and is signed by the doctor. In fact, the two newspapers get their info about births DIRECTLY FROM THE HOSPITAL. The form that was released is ALL ANYBODY GETS. Why? Because it's the state law.

Republicans want Obama treated differently. Because they see him as "different". Why? Because the Republican Party is 90% white, so compared to them, he is very different. We all know that's the truth.

What surprises me is Republicans only believe what their leaders say when it's obviously a lie. When Republican leaders tell the truth, the base doesn't believe it. So very odd.

Obama could go look at it, but even he can't make a photocopy. Why? Because it's against the STATE LAW.
It's against the law? Well care to explain this? Two long form Hawaiian BC
Those BCs are from 1961, you can see how the paper has yellowed with age. If they lost them and tried to get a copy today they would get the same thing Obama got, and you know that.

Not true. A lady got her long form certificate of live birth from Hawaii last month on March 15, 2011 as seen in the registrars signed stamp at the bottom. She paid $10 for it. Also a candidate for Oklahomas House of Representatives originally from Hawaii had her son order his long form certificate last week from Hawaii and will post it when it comes in this week. He paid $10 also. Here is the Hawaii certificate from last month:

Who gives a damn about all the whiney libs and they're usual BULLSHIT smokescreen? Hey DingleBarry, show your fuckin birth certificate already.. It's not difficult.. Let me say this slowly for you and your liberal cohorts.."Get it out and give it to your Press Secretary." Gee, not that hard to do hmm" Hey while you're at it Hussein, let's see all of your medical records, school records, college transcripts.. you know, those things you've paid 2 MILLION DOLLARS to keep closed and hid from REAL Americans???
Who gives a damn about all the whiney libs and they're usual BULLSHIT smokescreen? Hey DingleBarry, show your fuckin birth certificate already.. It's not difficult.. Let me say this slowly for you and your liberal cohorts.."Get it out and give it to your Press Secretary." Gee, not that hard to do hmm" Hey while you're at it Hussein, let's see all of your medical records, school records, college transcripts.. you know, those things you've paid 2 MILLION DOLLARS to keep closed and hid from REAL Americans???

Hey LGS, welcome back! Are you on your medicines?

BTW, Obama has already presented his birth certificate. There's pictures all over the internet, and they've even been posted in this thread several times. The whole birther nonsense is just mind numbing stupidity. They're looking at a horse and yelling "WOLF!"
Who gives a damn about all the whiney libs and they're usual BULLSHIT smokescreen? Hey DingleBarry, show your fuckin birth certificate already.. It's not difficult.. Let me say this slowly for you and your liberal cohorts.."Get it out and give it to your Press Secretary." Gee, not that hard to do hmm" Hey while you're at it Hussein, let's see all of your medical records, school records, college transcripts.. you know, those things you've paid 2 MILLION DOLLARS to keep closed and hid from REAL Americans???

Hey LGS, welcome back! Are you on your medicines?

BTW, Obama has already presented his birth certificate. There's pictures all over the internet, and they've even been posted in this thread several times. The whole birther nonsense is just mind numbing stupidity. They're looking at a horse and yelling "WOLF!"

Nice of you to prove what a fuckin liar you are.. WE ALL KNOW he hasn't shown SHIT! Even his stupid asinine Press Secretary admitted it , you loser.. so just who do you think you're fooling with your canned BULLSHIT?! HUSSEIN, SHOW YOUR birth certificate as well as RELEASE all of your records, EVERY ONE OF THEM.. Whatcha hidin DingleBarry?? lol
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