If I have to Put up with a Bazillion Trump aka neuveua Palin Threads ....

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    Votes: 38 67.9%
  • Barrack Obama

    Votes: 18 32.1%

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How come Hussein uses several SSNs and one from Ct?? Did DingleBarry live in Ct and has he morphed in to a dead person?! SHOW THE BIRTH CERTIFICATE HUSSEIN---- Release all of your records.
It's against the law? Well care to explain this? Two long form Hawaiian BC

If you go back and look at mine, you'll see that at the bottom in clearly states that photocopying it is illegal. Now, I'm no legal expert, but I think that just because something is against the law doesn't necessarily stop people from being capable of doing it anyway.

If thats the case you would never be able to use your BC as an I-9 document Employers need to copy it for filing purposes to give the government proof that you did give the propre ID requirements. So stop lying to cover your argument.
How come Hussein uses several SSNs and one from Ct?? Did DingleBarry live in Ct and has he morphed in to a dead person?! SHOW THE BIRTH CERTIFICATE HUSSEIN---- Release all of your records.

You got it! Let the DHS know, hurry! He duped us BAD if people like you have this common everyday knowledge of him faking socials and all, but Homeland Security has NO FUCKING CLUE!


And calling him Hussein for effect, you go girl. You go.
Nice of you to prove what a fuckin liar you are.. WE ALL KNOW he hasn't shown SHIT! Even his stupid asinine Press Secretary admitted it , you loser.. so just who do you think you're fooling with your canned BULLSHIT?! HUSSEIN, SHOW YOUR birth certificate as well as RELEASE all of your records, EVERY ONE OF THEM.. Whatcha hidin DingleBarry?? lol

He hasn't, really? So how do you explain this?

What kind of a person spends TWO MILLION DOLLARS TO HIDE THEIR BACKGROUND?? What kind of a person REFUSES to provide a LEGAL birth certificate? Sounds like your typical criminal to me. Where did Al Baraqi Hussein go to school? Why we don't know because HE'S PAID ATTORNEYS to hide they information.. WHY??? What other sitting US Prez REFUSED and went to court to hide their entire PAST???!! It it walks like a duck, it's a fuckin duck.. RELEASE YOUR RECORDS DINGLEBARRY~ You can run but you can't hide!
You could consider the "truth". Only a couple of people are allowed to view the "long form birth certificate" by STATE LAW. Obama could go look at it, but even he can't make a photocopy. Why? Because it's against the STATE LAW.

In fact, the former Republican Governor reviewed the birth certificate and one other state official, also a Republican, reviewed it twice. It lists the hospital where he was born and is signed by the doctor. In fact, the two newspapers get their info about births DIRECTLY FROM THE HOSPITAL. The form that was released is ALL ANYBODY GETS. Why? Because it's the state law.

Republicans want Obama treated differently. Because they see him as "different". Why? Because the Republican Party is 90% white, so compared to them, he is very different. We all know that's the truth.

What surprises me is Republicans only believe what their leaders say when it's obviously a lie. When Republican leaders tell the truth, the base doesn't believe it. So very odd.

Obama could go look at it, but even he can't make a photocopy. Why? Because it's against the STATE LAW.
It's against the law? Well care to explain this? Two long form Hawaiian BC
Those BCs are from 1961, you can see how the paper has yellowed with age. If they lost them and tried to get a copy today they would get the same thing Obama got, and you know that.

Do you think all those records that are kept on file look the same as the day they were filed? Even filed documents will have some discoloation to them.
If thats the case you would never be able to use your BC as an I-9 document Employers need to copy it for filing purposes to give the government proof that you did give the propre ID requirements. So stop lying to cover your argument.

I'm not lying. Go look at it. It clearly states that it's illegal to photograph the document.
Nice of you to prove what a fuckin liar you are.. WE ALL KNOW he hasn't shown SHIT! Even his stupid asinine Press Secretary admitted it , you loser.. so just who do you think you're fooling with your canned BULLSHIT?! HUSSEIN, SHOW YOUR birth certificate as well as RELEASE all of your records, EVERY ONE OF THEM.. Whatcha hidin DingleBarry?? lol

He hasn't, really? So how do you explain this?


That copy was never accepted by the state registerar of 1961
What kind of a person spends TWO MILLION DOLLARS TO HIDE THEIR BACKGROUND?? What kind of a person REFUSES to provide a LEGAL birth certificate? Sounds like your typical criminal to me. Where did Al Baraqi Hussein go to school? Why we don't know because HE'S PAID ATTORNEYS to hide they information.. WHY??? What other sitting US Prez REFUSED and went to court to hide their entire PAST???!! It it walks like a duck, it's a fuckin duck.. RELEASE YOUR RECORDS DINGLEBARRY~ You can run but you can't hide!


Obama = President of the United States of America, on of less than 50 EVER.
You = Smug person on a message board who calls him names and uses all kinds of caps to better express your disgust at him.

Obama > you.
How come Hussein uses several SSNs and one from Ct?? Did DingleBarry live in Ct and has he morphed in to a dead person?! SHOW THE BIRTH CERTIFICATE HUSSEIN---- Release all of your records.

You got it! Let the DHS know, hurry! He duped us BAD if people like you have this common everyday knowledge of him faking socials and all, but Homeland Security has NO FUCKING CLUE!


And calling him Hussein for effect, you go girl. You go.

The same Dept. Janet Dumbshit runs?? LMFAO!!! You liberals are not only amusing , you're as dumb as a tree stump!!! Made me laugh tho.. Thanks.. I needed that. Do you have a biznez card dummy? :)
What kind of a person spends TWO MILLION DOLLARS TO HIDE THEIR BACKGROUND?? What kind of a person REFUSES to provide a LEGAL birth certificate? Sounds like your typical criminal to me. Where did Al Baraqi Hussein go to school? Why we don't know because HE'S PAID ATTORNEYS to hide they information.. WHY??? What other sitting US Prez REFUSED and went to court to hide their entire PAST???!! It it walks like a duck, it's a fuckin duck.. RELEASE YOUR RECORDS DINGLEBARRY~ You can run but you can't hide!

Sweetie, I think you need to double down on the meds today.
What kind of a person spends TWO MILLION DOLLARS TO HIDE THEIR BACKGROUND?? What kind of a person REFUSES to provide a LEGAL birth certificate? Sounds like your typical criminal to me. Where did Al Baraqi Hussein go to school? Why we don't know because HE'S PAID ATTORNEYS to hide they information.. WHY??? What other sitting US Prez REFUSED and went to court to hide their entire PAST???!! It it walks like a duck, it's a fuckin duck.. RELEASE YOUR RECORDS DINGLEBARRY~ You can run but you can't hide!


Obama = President of the United States of America, on of less than 50 EVER.
You = Smug person on a message board who calls him names and uses all kinds of caps to better express your disgust at him.

Obama > you.

LOL!! Ask me if I care what you think??? :cuckoo:
Birthers claiming the Pres. fakes his SS#, calling people dumb. giggle, snort.
It's against the law? Well care to explain this? Two long form Hawaiian BC

If you go back and look at mine, you'll see that at the bottom in clearly states that photocopying it is illegal. Now, I'm no legal expert, but I think that just because something is against the law doesn't necessarily stop people from being capable of doing it anyway.

If thats the case you would never be able to use your BC as an I-9 document Employers need to copy it for filing purposes to give the government proof that you did give the propre ID requirements. So stop lying to cover your argument.
:lol: Jesus Christ you get stupider by the post.
If thats the case you would never be able to use your BC as an I-9 document Employers need to copy it for filing purposes to give the government proof that you did give the propre ID requirements. So stop lying to cover your argument.

I'm not lying. Go look at it. It clearly states that it's illegal to photograph the document.

You are lying. BC's are an acceptable from of ID verification. employers must copy them to verify you did in fact present the correct forms of proof. That is federal law.
I'll take Lying Presidents for 1000 Alex.

"Which President spent 2 million dollars to hide his ENTIRE past and refused to provide a legal birth certificate?"

Ding ding ding.. YOU GOT IT!! President Hussein DingleBarry!!! We have a winner!! LMAO
It's against the law? Well care to explain this? Two long form Hawaiian BC
Those BCs are from 1961, you can see how the paper has yellowed with age. If they lost them and tried to get a copy today they would get the same thing Obama got, and you know that.

Not true. A lady got her long form certificate of live birth from Hawaii last month on March 15, 2011 as seen in the registrars signed stamp at the bottom. She paid $10 for it. Also a candidate for Oklahomas House of Representatives originally from Hawaii had her son order his long form certificate last week from Hawaii and will post it when it comes in this week. He paid $10 also. Here is the Hawaii certificate from last month:

Gee, that 2011 looks fake to me. Do you have a better quality copy to examine?
I'll take Lying Presidents for 1000 Alex.

"Which President spent 2 million dollars to hide his ENTIRE past and refused to provide a legal birth certificate?"

Ding ding ding.. YOU GOT IT!! President Hussein DingleBarry!!! We have a winner!! LMAO

Except, of course, he didn't spend 2 million dollars to hide his past. lol

You should just type these conversations out and go over your posts with big crayons and glitter glue.
If you go back and look at mine, you'll see that at the bottom in clearly states that photocopying it is illegal. Now, I'm no legal expert, but I think that just because something is against the law doesn't necessarily stop people from being capable of doing it anyway.

If thats the case you would never be able to use your BC as an I-9 document Employers need to copy it for filing purposes to give the government proof that you did give the propre ID requirements. So stop lying to cover your argument.
:lol: Jesus Christ you get stupider by the post.

Stupid is when someone denies the verified facts.
Page 3 part 3
You must examine the original document or documents presented by the employee and then fully complete Section 2 of the Form I-9. You must examine one document from List A or one from List B and one from List C. Record the title, issuing authority, number, and expiration date (if any) of the document(s); fill in the date of hire and correct information in the certification block; and sign and date the Form I-9. You must accept any document(s) (from List A) or combination of documents (one from List B and one from List C) presented by the individual which reasonably appear on their face to be genuine and to relate to the person presenting them. You may not specify which document(s) an employee must present.
You must record, record meaning copy.
Trump bid a political freak show? - CNN.com

"The concern is if I don't win (the GOP primary) will I run as an independent, and I think the answer is probably yes." The threat recalls the 1992 election, when another wealthy and colorful industrialist ran for president and split the vote, allowing Bill Clinton to win the presidency with 43% of the popular vote.

Oh my gosh! Now there is something else for the Republicans to worry about. :lol:

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