If I have to Put up with a Bazillion Trump aka neuveua Palin Threads ....

Who do you trust more?

  • Donald Trump

    Votes: 38 67.9%
  • Barrack Obama

    Votes: 18 32.1%

  • Total voters
So you admit that Obama is a pathetic candidate? I'd say thats a good first step to waking up.

Hurr derp derp!
So you admit that Obama is a pathetic candidate? I'd say thats a good first step to waking up.

er... no. trump is. he's hit full on nutterville.

Who cares about Trump? He isn't going to be President.

But if the best thing Obama has going for him is his "weak" opposition, then Obama can't be much of leader.
I think that has long since been established. In the Rush to change we seem to have elected a rather Intelligent man, with not a lot of Common sense, or Leadership Ability. He can sound so great reading from the prompter about subjects he wants to talk about, but when he has to defend himself. That I think is when the real Obama comes out. The Smug, full of himself, Academic type, who thinks he is so smart he does not need any practical Hands on experience he can just wing it.

Not working out so well so far.
I will be amazed if Jeb stays out of the fray. At some point he's going to have to reconsider, at least to himself, whether this isn't the time to take his shot. I realize he doesn't currently poll very well, but that could change if the Republicans can't find a leading candidate. If after the first few primaries, there is no front runner, I could see him jumping in.
I repeat (from the other Trump thread)

How come Repubs put up such dumb candidates?
Bush jr, Quayle, Palin, now Trump?

It's not like there are NO intelligent repubs out there. But like everything in life, righties go for the lowest common denominator I guess....
So you admit that Obama is a pathetic candidate? I'd say thats a good first step to waking up.

er... no. trump is. he's hit full on nutterville.

Who cares about Trump? He isn't going to be President.

But if the best thing Obama has going for him is his "weak" opposition, then Obama can't be much of leader.

WE know he is a joke, but the right has put this nut up on a pedestal. Doesn't that say something about that party?

Seriously. Palin, Bachman, Trump etc etc. Damn that side is dumb.
er... no. trump is. he's hit full on nutterville.

Who cares about Trump? He isn't going to be President.

But if the best thing Obama has going for him is his "weak" opposition, then Obama can't be much of leader.

WE know he is a joke, but the right has put this nut up on a pedestal. Doesn't that say something about that party?

Seriously. Palin, Bachman, Trump etc etc. Damn that side is dumb.

So far he is putting himself on a pedestal. Most of the right wing pundits I have heard are not taking him serious.
Who cares about Trump? He isn't going to be President.

But if the best thing Obama has going for him is his "weak" opposition, then Obama can't be much of leader.

WE know he is a joke, but the right has put this nut up on a pedestal. Doesn't that say something about that party?

Seriously. Palin, Bachman, Trump etc etc. Damn that side is dumb.

So far he is putting himself on a pedestal. Most of the right wing pundits I have heard are not taking him serious.

Trump Leading in Republican Polling
The best thing Obama has got going for him right now is the Republicans candidates for President!

Donald Trump is now tied with Mike Huckabee for first place when Republicans are asked who they support for the GOP presidential nomination in 2012, according to a new national poll. ...

"More than four in ten Republicans say they would not like to see Trump toss his hat in the ring," says CNN Polling Director Keating Holland.

Nineteen percent of Republicans and Republican-leaning independents questioned in the poll say that as of now, they'd be most likely to support Trump for next year's GOP presidential nomination. Trump says he'll decide by June whether he runs for the White House. An equal amount say they'd back Huckabee. The former Arkansas governor and 2008 Republican presidential candidate says he'll decide by later this year if he'll make another bid for the White House.

Twelve percent say they'd support former Gov. Sarah Palin of Alaska, who was the party's 2008 vice presidential nominee, with 11 percent backing former Massachusetts Gov. and 2008 White House hopeful Mitt Romney and the same amount supporting former House Speaker Newt Gingrich. Seven percent say they are backing Rep. Ron Paul of Texas, another 2008 presidential candidate, with five percent supporting Rep. Michele Bachmann of Minnesota, who enjoys strong backing from many in the Tea Party movement. Everyone else registers in the low single digits.

Trump jumped from 10 percent in a CNN/Opinion Research Corporation poll conducted last month, with Romney dropping from 18 percent to 11 percent.

CNN Poll: Trump tied for first in GOP horserace – CNN Political Ticker - CNN.com Blogs



your surprised ? they voted for palin .
So you admit that Obama is a pathetic candidate? I'd say thats a good first step to waking up.

I think he's a mediocre President at best.

But I think he's a much better candidate.

Given that he basically saved GM and the financial industry..and was the first president in almost a century to put up any major reform of health care..

I'd rate him a bit better then mediocre.

Although his attempts at bi-partisanship are infuriating.
Liberals always tell us who they fear the most. They should fear Trump. He's an extremely viable candidate. Much more so than Obama was at this stage of the game (back in 2007). Trump has instant recognition and loads of cash. Oh did I mention he has a hit television show too? :clap2:

He captured everyone's attention with the birth certificate issue- that's what a good showman does. He'll play that for as long as he can. Then he'll focus on the track record of the empty suit that currently occupies the oval office. Obama is in for a fight regardless of whom the nominee is but if Trump gets the nod, it will be a dirty, bloody fight.
The problem with the vast majority of potential Republican candidates is that they really are incapable of energizing anybody other than their core supporters, because honestly, they aren't very likable. Every single one of them comes with some very big negatives. While I personally like Jeb Bush, he too comes with many negatives, namely his name and the fact that he isn't all that conservative. The only potential candidate I can think of without any negatives and many positives has already said he isn't running, and that is John Thune. Despite Thune's very conservative track record, he is not an unlikable person, and he could sway many who would not consider many of the other potential Republican candidates.

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