If I have to Put up with a Bazillion Trump aka neuveua Palin Threads ....

Who do you trust more?

  • Donald Trump

    Votes: 38 67.9%
  • Barrack Obama

    Votes: 18 32.1%

  • Total voters
if i'm reading his son's interview correctly, he's running. young donald is giving the vibe that donald trump is running for president. "not on my watch" and "he will" instead of he would... something in the tense and inflection.
this could change the face of american politics. he could run against the billion dollar incumbant by himself, no one else could.

"Covering the hog trough of national politics on a daily basis can be a grueling, thankless, soul-sucking task, but it is moments like this that make me love my job right down to my socks.

"The 2012 presidential election already promises to be an exercise in bedlam, but if Donald Trump follows through on the interesting noises he has been making to date, the election will bend absurdity into bold new shapes.

"Stick your nose into the air and smell the panic emanating from RNC headquarters. It is bad enough that they have to contend with potential presidential runs by the likes of Michele Bachmann, Sarah Palin and Newt Gingrich.

"Now they're staring down the barrel of a full-fledged freak storm, a demented slapstick comedy starring The Donald as The Donald in 'The Donald'...

How or will The Donald spin some apparent flip-flops?

"Once upon a time, Trump vocally supported a Canadian-style single-payer health care system, a 14% tax on the wealthiest Americans to pay down the debt, and didn't say a peep about the birther thing until very recently.

"He has been a lavish donor to many Democrats, including Senator Chuck Schumer, who is despised by the GOP base."

Is The Donald about to pull the greatest political prank in US history?

"If he still believes in single-payer health care and higher taxes for the rich, he could be playing the GOP for fools with a fake run that is already scrambling the RNC's eggs.

"Could it be that Trump is the greatest political mole/troll we've ever seen?

I report, you decide."

The Mad Genius of Donald Trump | Truthout
In this movies, will there be any buffalo? What about wildebeest? Will there be any of those? How about meerkats?

you're french canadian aren't you... i just got that... "this movies", you seem smart though.
in canadian version will be beasts and revelation and unlocked doors, the meerkat is you toto...
you will see it where buffalo roam (hunter thompson) then manger putin, don't forget harper, i can see canada from my house !!

Il y aura dans le hockey ce film? Je vais regarder s'il y est le hockey.

oui, cela est vrai toto. Je suis un fan de le "blackhawks" du chicago. Je suis né il ya

no hockey in the film frenchie

why do canadians do it doggie style ??? so they can both watch the hockey game !
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if i'm reading his son's interview correctly, he's running. young donald is giving the vibe that donald trump is running for president. "not on my watch" and "he will" instead of he would... something in the tense and inflection.
this could change the face of american politics. he could run against the billion dollar incumbant by himself, no one else could.

"Covering the hog trough of national politics on a daily basis can be a grueling, thankless, soul-sucking task, but it is moments like this that make me love my job right down to my socks.

"The 2012 presidential election already promises to be an exercise in bedlam, but if Donald Trump follows through on the interesting noises he has been making to date, the election will bend absurdity into bold new shapes.

"Stick your nose into the air and smell the panic emanating from RNC headquarters. It is bad enough that they have to contend with potential presidential runs by the likes of Michele Bachmann, Sarah Palin and Newt Gingrich.

"Now they're staring down the barrel of a full-fledged freak storm, a demented slapstick comedy starring The Donald as The Donald in 'The Donald'...

How or will The Donald spin some apparent flip-flops?

"Once upon a time, Trump vocally supported a Canadian-style single-payer health care system, a 14% tax on the wealthiest Americans to pay down the debt, and didn't say a peep about the birther thing until very recently.

"He has been a lavish donor to many Democrats, including Senator Chuck Schumer, who is despised by the GOP base."

Is The Donald about to pull the greatest political prank in US history?

"If he still believes in single-payer health care and higher taxes for the rich, he could be playing the GOP for fools with a fake run that is already scrambling the RNC's eggs.

"Could it be that Trump is the greatest political mole/troll we've ever seen?

I report, you decide."

The Mad Genius of Donald Trump | Truthout

hey.. how was the rally ?
Pitiful, and that's being generous.

It looked to me like there were a few dozen demonstrators, although the press put the figure at around 100.

Goldman Sachs knew what it was doing when they picked Obama. Liberals of all stripes seem incapable of judging him by the content of his character or policies.

The thought of Obama serving the richest 1% of Americans until January of 2017 should instill fear in anyone who's paying attention.
Yup, Trump is KICKING obama's ass up one side and down the other, in spite of the fact that the loony, liberal left is doing their damnedest to make people believe Trump bringing up the obama birth certificate is hurting him. Well loony, liberal left, lame stream media, or anyone else using that line of bull shit, it ain't workin'. In fact, quite the OPPOSITE is true. In large part, Trumps popularity at this point is BECAUSE he IS bringing up the birth certificate issue. Got that dumb asses? With numbers like the ones below, you people can give up your pathetic campaign against the "birthers." There's MILLIONS of us, and we are NOT going have some shit stain commentator on some news talk show spew his line of opinion as fact and convince any of us any different. You want to convince us obama was born in Hawaii....


Until then, you're just pissing in the wind defending a person that doesn't deserve defending.

Newsmax Poll: Trump Overwhelms Obama, GOP Field in 2012 Race

1) Do you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion of Donald Trump?

Favorable: 77 percent
Unfavorable: 22 percent

2) If the 2012 election were held today, who would you vote for?

Barack Obama: 13 percent
Donald Trump: 68 percent
Other: 17 percent

3) In a Republican primary, who would be your candidate for the nomination for president?

Donald Trump: 57 percent
Tim Pawlenty: 3 percent
Mitt Romney: 9 percent
Mike Huckabee: 8 percent
Sarah Palin: 6 percent
Mitch Daniels: 1 percent
Haley Barbour: 0 percent
Newt Gingrich: 6 percent
Bobby Jindal: 2 percent
Michele Bachmann: 4 percent

4) Is Trump right in demanding that Pres. Obama release his birth certificate?

Trump is right: 82 percent
Trump is wrong: 17 percent

i agree, it's the greatest case of non denial denial since watergate. people falling all over themselves to defend obama, when the truth is, they don't kow anymore than we, why he won't show. we'll use the media and public pressure to that end. can someone on the floor of either side of congress phrase the question "why won't you show mister president?". inquiring minds want to know. libs don't like the numbers.

when obama is legally exposed as a fake.. the libs will say "i told you so"... there is no honor among dims
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Go Trump!!! He'll help split the GOP vote & ensure Obama's reelection :)

or guarantee it for the pubs by throwing support to whomever, a couple of days before the election, then becoming minister of finance, but that's only if dirtbamba takes that long to show his birther certificate. don't count yer chickens yet. we've got a lot of smart people looking at all the angles. it's politics in america. one termer dimbama we say
. the hope and cha ching day's will soon be on the "wrong side of history", herstory if it's palin or hillary.
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Over the last six decades we've gotten used to "choosing" between two candidates with a credible chance of winning.

It's been suggested that if Sarah Palin wins the nomination the Republican establishment (old school) would try to entice Michael Bloomberg to run as an independent.

Democrats unhappy with Obama have talked about Russ Feingold mounting a similar campaign from Obama's left.

Trump is the kicker (joker?).
He has the celebrity, money and ego to match Obama.

Possibly we're looking at a situation like the one in 1948 when Harry Truman and Thomas E. Dewey had to deal with Henry Wallace and Strom Thurmond?

What are the odds the winner of the White House in 2012 won't be a Democrat OR a Republican?
I'm voting for Trump. America needs a super hot first lady. You know it's true.


If only to keep up with France!


geez, and we've got michelle obama :eek:
I think she looks just fine:

oui, cela est vrai toto. Je suis un fan de le "blackhawks" du chicago. Je suis né il ya

no hockey in the film frenchie

why do canadians do it doggie style ??? so they can both watch the hockey game !

Les Cauncks de Vancouver vont battre le Blackhawks de Chicago parce que les Blackhawks sont une équipe de petites filles.

C'mon, just two minutes worth of hockey. You could have a clip of Donald Trump furiously digging away in the Hawaiian archives, then suddenly - BAM! you cut away to two minutes of hockey! I guarantee, you'll have 30 million hosers coming to the theatres to see your movie.

Or you could have your movie starting out with Lou Dobbs in front of the White House talking in his deep voice. It would go something like this;

"In America today, we may be facing the greatest constitutional threat in the history of the union. Greater than the Civil War, the issue of whether or not President Barack Obama is a natural born citizen might ..."

The BAM! a herd of stampeding buffalo trample over Lou Dobbs! Thousands of them all over 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.

Followed by thousands of wildebeest. And meerkats. The meerkats are riding the wildebeest.

And then some hockey.

Now THAT would be a movie.
oui, cela est vrai toto. Je suis un fan de le "blackhawks" du chicago. Je suis né il ya

no hockey in the film frenchie

why do canadians do it doggie style ??? so they can both watch the hockey game !

Les Cauncks de Vancouver vont battre le Blackhawks de Chicago parce que les Blackhawks sont une équipe de petites filles.

C'mon, just two minutes worth of hockey. You could have a clip of Donald Trump furiously digging away in the Hawaiian archives, then suddenly - BAM! you cut away to two minutes of hockey! I guarantee, you'll have 30 million hosers coming to the theatres to see your movie.

Or you could have your movie starting out with Lou Dobbs in front of the White House talking in his deep voice. It would go something like this;

"In America today, we may be facing the greatest constitutional threat in the history of the union. Greater than the Civil War, the issue of whether or not President Barack Obama is a natural born citizen might ..."

The BAM! a herd of stampeding buffalo trample over Lou Dobbs! Thousands of them all over 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.

Followed by thousands of wildebeest. And meerkats. The meerkats are riding the wildebeest.

And then some hockey.

Now THAT would be a movie.

little girls ? what would the music be ?? who could we get to play dobbs ??

toto tell me what you thimk about this.... you're ruled by the queen, i mean, the queen tells you what to do, so you might appreciate this. prince william proposed marriage to kate middleton in kenya. you see where i'm going with this ?? obama was born in kenya, i think that's too an amazing of a coincidence. either obama is a royal, or kate middleton could be obknoba's say.... cousin. wouldn't that explain the obama's not being invited to the wedding. ?? plus they all enjoy a good hockey game.... what do you think ??
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Trump in DC

"...I am actually impressed that the Washington Post, so often accused of liberal media bias, was able to choke down its liberalism long enough to invite Trump (to the White House Correspondents Dinner).

"Trump of course has gained a new dose of fame by accusing the nation’s first black president of benefiting from – if not actually participating in – a multi-decade campaign of forgery and fraud in order to qualify for welfare benefits.

"Narrow-minded liberals might take offense at that. But not the cosmopolitans at the Post!..."

Trump’s D.C. Dinner Date | FrumForum

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