If I have to Put up with a Bazillion Trump aka neuveua Palin Threads ....

Who do you trust more?

  • Donald Trump

    Votes: 38 67.9%
  • Barrack Obama

    Votes: 18 32.1%

  • Total voters
I'm voting for Trump. America needs a super hot first lady. You know it's true.


If only to keep up with France!

trump calling charles krauthammer i think show's his political acuity, and gives us insight as to how he will run his campaign. just because people call him names doesn't mean he won't be great for this country. it was a smart thing to do, and this will be the greatest campaign and election of history (of course it's because it's the one we have now). obama now has some sort of performance record, which he really did not before. i think he's getting great advice. just a thought for discussion.
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trump calling charles krauthammer i think show's his political acuity and gives us insight as to how he will run his campaign. just because people call him names doesn't mean he won't be great for this country. it was a smart hing to do, and this will be the greatest campaign and election of history. obama now has some sort of performance record, which he really did not before. just a thought for discussion.

trump bankdrupted two businesses and ripped off his creditors. i think he may be the only person ever to bankrupt a casino.

that record?

if he had a real record other than being a carnival barker, he wouldn't be pandering to birfer loons.
trump calling charles krauthammer i think show's his political acuity and gives us insight as to how he will run his campaign. just because people call him names doesn't mean he won't be great for this country. it was a smart hing to do, and this will be the greatest campaign and election of history. obama now has some sort of performance record, which he really did not before. just a thought for discussion.

trump bankdrupted two businesses and ripped off his creditors. i think he may be the only person ever to bankrupt a casino.

that record?

if he had a real record other than being a carnival barker, he wouldn't be pandering to birfer loons.

don't forget j, justice in the casino biz in early vegas ended up with a self dug hole in the desert. chapter 11 is a part of business. if he's done something illegal, it's up to the prosecutor to act upon it. but i think he's thought of all of that. and reagan was divorced, before you go there. i actually enjoy when i see you call him names. there's no way you can spin obama as having had any experience, he was elected partly because he had no record, no past. plus he lied about then quit his senate term, trump never quit at anything. no one prosecuted obama for is rezco dealings, so trump should be ok. i have a good feeling about trump and his policies, and his delivery. i'm working on a full length film, "deconstruction of a president", sort of a reverse timeline, starting with obama's war, working back to his birth.
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trump calling charles krauthammer i think show's his political acuity and gives us insight as to how he will run his campaign. just because people call him names doesn't mean he won't be great for this country. it was a smart hing to do, and this will be the greatest campaign and election of history. obama now has some sort of performance record, which he really did not before. just a thought for discussion.
trump bankdrupted two businesses and ripped off his creditors. i think he may be the only person ever to bankrupt a casino.
that record? if he had a real record other than being a carnival barker, he wouldn't be pandering to birfer loons.
"The Donald" Broke a law somewhere? Maybe you could fill us in where that happened?

If he "ripped off his creditors" as you say, he would be in jail right?

Please show us what laws he broke.
trump calling charles krauthammer i think show's his political acuity and gives us insight as to how he will run his campaign. just because people call him names doesn't mean he won't be great for this country. it was a smart hing to do, and this will be the greatest campaign and election of history. obama now has some sort of performance record, which he really did not before. just a thought for discussion.
trump bankdrupted two businesses and ripped off his creditors. i think he may be the only person ever to bankrupt a casino.
that record? if he had a real record other than being a carnival barker, he wouldn't be pandering to birfer loons.
"The Donald" Broke a law somewhere? Maybe you could fill us in where that happened?

If he "ripped off his creditors" as you say, he would be in jail right?

Please show us what laws he broke.

I was wondering the same thing. From what I've read nobody has ever lost a dime investing in his stuff. He's never taken a Chapter 7 though he has had to file for protection while he reorganized here and there, but he has always paid what he owes. He has been accused of a lot of sh*t but the facts so far haven't backed up the criticism. Those who piggy back on his name are expected to deliver what they promise or they get sued. By him.

I don't know about his morals but his character seems to be as good as anybody you can expect in politics.
The best thing Obama has got going for him right now is the Republicans candidates for President!


At least Trump is Constitutionally qualified to hold the Presidency, being a Natural Born Citizen & all. That CANNOT be said of BHO aka The Kenyan. Can't really say how well qualified based on demonstrated ability to lead a nation Trump is at this point but CERTAINLY he is no worse than even the best of the 'major' contenders and actual winners of the past almost 50 years. IF and this is a Big If Trump has the guts to really ride the NBC issue to the point that Joe SixPack truly understands the corrupt theft which occured in 2008 the absolute best outcome BHO will have to look forward to is spending the rest of his days at a Federal Facility which is........how to say this.........NOT of Presidential Quality in the accomodations department, but very very secure.

Trump was not born in the US....he was born in Janaica

He has yet to produce a valid birth certificate

sorry sport you are full of batshit on that one.......or more likely knowingly spreading a falsehood
You know..........I've been wondering some stuff here............

Trump has had 3 marriages, has had multiple infidelities, as well as has lied to some of his investors.

Why would anyone trust a sleazebag like Donald the Chump?

how do you feel about clinton (no moral algebra here), the great surplus myth king, and now matthew's "president of the world". of course bush was never impeached like clinton or obama might be, the all democrat congress had their chance too. LOL
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I think he should pick Ozzy Osbourne.

i think he should pick you harper ! but you don't have a birth certificate, you could run with dimbamba though, that's allowed in this country now.
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That should make him perfectly qualified to be a running mate. Failure at business seems to be a prerequisite.

you mean abject failure, there is that little bit about recovering and being worth billions and billions. america love's a winner, but only for four years. i wonder if labomba can still run as "the anti war president" LOLOL !!!
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don't forget j, justice in the casino biz in early vegas ended up with a self dug hole in the desert. chapter 11 is a part of business. if he's done something illegal, it's up to the prosecutor to act upon it. but i think he's thought of all of that. and reagan was divorced, before you go there. i actually enjoy when i see you call him names. there's no way you can spin obama as having had any experience, he was elected partly because he had no record, no past. plus he lied about then quit his senate term, trump never quit at anything. no one prosecuted obama for is rezco dealings, so trump should be ok. i have a good feeling about trump and his policies, and his delivery. i'm working on a full length film, "deconstruction of a president", sort of a reverse timeline, starting with obama's war, working back to his birth.

In this movies, will there be any buffalo? What about wildebeest? Will there be any of those? How about meerkats?
don't forget j, justice in the casino biz in early vegas ended up with a self dug hole in the desert. chapter 11 is a part of business. if he's done something illegal, it's up to the prosecutor to act upon it. but i think he's thought of all of that. and reagan was divorced, before you go there. i actually enjoy when i see you call him names. there's no way you can spin obama as having had any experience, he was elected partly because he had no record, no past. plus he lied about then quit his senate term, trump never quit at anything. no one prosecuted obama for is rezco dealings, so trump should be ok. i have a good feeling about trump and his policies, and his delivery. i'm working on a full length film, "deconstruction of a president", sort of a reverse timeline, starting with obama's war, working back to his birth.

In this movies, will there be any buffalo? What about wildebeest? Will there be any of those? How about meerkats?

you're french canadian aren't you... i just got that... "this movies", you seem smart though.
in canadian version will be beasts and revelation and unlocked doors, the meerkat is you toto...
you will see it where buffalo roam (hunter thompson) then manger putin, don't forget harper, i can see canada from my house !!
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Trouble in Paradise for Trump?

Donald Trump’s eminent-domain empire<Michelle Malkin

Don’t be fooled by The Donald. Take it from one who knows: I’m a South Jersey gal who was raised on the outskirts of Atlantic City in the looming shadow of Trump’s towers. All through my childhood, casino developers and government bureaucrats joined hands, raised taxes and made dazzling promises of urban renewal. Then we wised up to the eminent-domain thievery championed by our hometown faux free-marketeers.
America, it’s time you wised up to Donald Trump’s property redistribution racket, too.

Trump has been wooing conservative activists for months and flirting with a GOP presidential run — first at the Conservative Political Action Conference in Washington and most recently at a tea party event in South Florida. He touts his business experience, “high aptitude” and “bragadocious” deal-making abilities. But he’s no more a standard-bearer of conservative values, limited government and constitutional principles than the cast of “Jersey Shore.”

Too many mega-developers like Trump have achieved success by using and abusing the government’s ability to commandeer private property for purported “public use.” Invoking the Fifth Amendment takings clause, real estate moguls, parking garage builders, mall developers and sports palace architects have colluded with elected officials to pull off legalized theft in the name of reducing “blight.” Under eminent domain, the definition of “public purpose” has been stretched like Silly Putty to cover everything from roads and bridges to high-end retail stores, baseball stadiums and casinos.

Not-so-Conservative, eh?:eek:
Trouble in Paradise for Trump?

Donald Trump’s eminent-domain empire<Michelle Malkin

Don’t be fooled by The Donald. Take it from one who knows: I’m a South Jersey gal who was raised on the outskirts of Atlantic City in the looming shadow of Trump’s towers. All through my childhood, casino developers and government bureaucrats joined hands, raised taxes and made dazzling promises of urban renewal. Then we wised up to the eminent-domain thievery championed by our hometown faux free-marketeers.
America, it’s time you wised up to Donald Trump’s property redistribution racket, too.

Trump has been wooing conservative activists for months and flirting with a GOP presidential run — first at the Conservative Political Action Conference in Washington and most recently at a tea party event in South Florida. He touts his business experience, “high aptitude” and “bragadocious” deal-making abilities. But he’s no more a standard-bearer of conservative values, limited government and constitutional principles than the cast of “Jersey Shore.”

Too many mega-developers like Trump have achieved success by using and abusing the government’s ability to commandeer private property for purported “public use.” Invoking the Fifth Amendment takings clause, real estate moguls, parking garage builders, mall developers and sports palace architects have colluded with elected officials to pull off legalized theft in the name of reducing “blight.” Under eminent domain, the definition of “public purpose” has been stretched like Silly Putty to cover everything from roads and bridges to high-end retail stores, baseball stadiums and casinos.

Not-so-Conservative, eh?:eek:

it's the supreme court, just like new london. the new york times drove generational businesses out for their new headquarters. i doubt any legal inpropriety. we heard it all before., if you're interested in real estate scandal, i think obama did business with a jailbird, that trump said he or and any other real estate professional would have gone to jail for. people's ideologies can change over a decade, less for some, ask any politician. ted kennedy wrote no child left behind, joe biden wrote the patriot act. senator obama voted against the debt ceiling... and soforth.
trump calling charles krauthammer i think show's his political acuity and gives us insight as to how he will run his campaign. just because people call him names doesn't mean he won't be great for this country. it was a smart hing to do, and this will be the greatest campaign and election of history. obama now has some sort of performance record, which he really did not before. just a thought for discussion.

trump bankdrupted two businesses and ripped off his creditors. i think he may be the only person ever to bankrupt a casino.

that record?

if he had a real record other than being a carnival barker, he wouldn't be pandering to birfer loons.

don't forget j, justice in the casino biz in early vegas ended up with a self dug hole in the desert. chapter 11 is a part of business. if he's done something illegal, it's up to the prosecutor to act upon it. but i think he's thought of all of that. and reagan was divorced, before you go there. i actually enjoy when i see you call him names. there's no way you can spin obama as having had any experience, he was elected partly because he had no record, no past. plus he lied about then quit his senate term, trump never quit at anything. no one prosecuted obama for is rezco dealings, so trump should be ok. i have a good feeling about trump and his policies, and his delivery. i'm working on a full length film, "deconstruction of a president", sort of a reverse timeline, starting with obama's war, working back to his birth.
Speaking of movies...

Are you really sure you're ready for one "starring The Donald as The Donald in 'The Donald?'"


"Covering the hog trough of national politics on a daily basis can be a grueling, thankless, soul-sucking task, but it is moments like this that make me love my job right down to my socks.

"The 2012 presidential election already promises to be an exercise in bedlam, but if Donald Trump follows through on the interesting noises he has been making to date, the election will bend absurdity into bold new shapes.

"Stick your nose into the air and smell the panic emanating from RNC headquarters. It is bad enough that they have to contend with potential presidential runs by the likes of Michele Bachmann, Sarah Palin and Newt Gingrich.

"Now they're staring down the barrel of a full-fledged freak storm, a demented slapstick comedy starring The Donald as The Donald in 'The Donald.'

"I feel a deep and overwhelming compulsion to go to church every day this week, light a candle each time, and pray until I'm sweating blood that this actually happens."

I'm guessing the author of this article, William Rivers Pitt, may really have trouble remembering his last visit to a church; however, he has a take on The Donald's possible motives for a presidential run that I haven't seen anywhere else.

Trump has been flipping lately on some of his long-held political beliefs, including vocal support for a Canadian-style single-payer health care system, " a 14% tax on the wealthiest Americans to pay down the debt, and he didn't say a peep about the birther thing until very recently.

"He has been a lavish donor to many Democrats, including Senator Chuck Shumer, who is despised by the GOP base."

Is Trump using Tea Party talking points to get a seat at the big table, or is he setting up the biggest prank in the history of American politics?

"If he still believes in single-payer health care and higher taxes for the rich, he could be playing the GOP for fools with a fake run that is already scrambling the RNC's eggs.

"Could it be that Trump is the greatest political mole/troll we've ever seen?

"I report, you decide."

The Mad Genius of Donald Trump | Truthout
Yup, Trump is KICKING obama's ass up one side and down the other, in spite of the fact that the loony, liberal left is doing their damnedest to make people believe Trump bringing up the obama birth certificate is hurting him. Well loony, liberal left, lame stream media, or anyone else using that line of bull shit, it ain't workin'. In fact, quite the OPPOSITE is true. In large part, Trumps popularity at this point is BECAUSE he IS bringing up the birth certificate issue. Got that dumb asses? With numbers like the ones below, you people can give up your pathetic campaign against the "birthers." There's MILLIONS of us, and we are NOT going have some shit stain commentator on some news talk show spew his line of opinion as fact and convince any of us any different. You want to convince us obama was born in Hawaii....


Until then, you're just pissing in the wind defending a person that doesn't deserve defending.

Newsmax Poll: Trump Overwhelms Obama, GOP Field in 2012 Race

1) Do you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion of Donald Trump?

Favorable: 77 percent
Unfavorable: 22 percent

2) If the 2012 election were held today, who would you vote for?

Barack Obama: 13 percent
Donald Trump: 68 percent
Other: 17 percent

3) In a Republican primary, who would be your candidate for the nomination for president?

Donald Trump: 57 percent
Tim Pawlenty: 3 percent
Mitt Romney: 9 percent
Mike Huckabee: 8 percent
Sarah Palin: 6 percent
Mitch Daniels: 1 percent
Haley Barbour: 0 percent
Newt Gingrich: 6 percent
Bobby Jindal: 2 percent
Michele Bachmann: 4 percent

4) Is Trump right in demanding that Pres. Obama release his birth certificate?

Trump is right: 82 percent
Trump is wrong: 17 percent
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don't forget j, justice in the casino biz in early vegas ended up with a self dug hole in the desert. chapter 11 is a part of business. if he's done something illegal, it's up to the prosecutor to act upon it. but i think he's thought of all of that. and reagan was divorced, before you go there. i actually enjoy when i see you call him names. there's no way you can spin obama as having had any experience, he was elected partly because he had no record, no past. plus he lied about then quit his senate term, trump never quit at anything. no one prosecuted obama for is rezco dealings, so trump should be ok. i have a good feeling about trump and his policies, and his delivery. i'm working on a full length film, "deconstruction of a president", sort of a reverse timeline, starting with obama's war, working back to his birth.

In this movies, will there be any buffalo? What about wildebeest? Will there be any of those? How about meerkats?

you're french canadian aren't you... i just got that... "this movies", you seem smart though.
in canadian version will be beasts and revelation and unlocked doors, the meerkat is you toto...
you will see it where buffalo roam (hunter thompson) then manger putin, don't forget harper, i can see canada from my house !!

Il y aura dans le hockey ce film? Je vais regarder s'il y est le hockey.

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