If I have to Put up with a Bazillion Trump aka neuveua Palin Threads ....

Who do you trust more?

  • Donald Trump

    Votes: 38 67.9%
  • Barrack Obama

    Votes: 18 32.1%

  • Total voters
For all the Trump 'tards......

NEW YORK - The New York City Board of Elections says Donald Trump hadn't voted in a primary elections over 20 years.

The board said before the 2010 N.Y. primary, the last time the possible Republican presidential candidate voted in a primary election was in the 1989 primary for mayor. That's when Rudy Giuliani beat businessman Ronald Lauder.

Trump also skipped the 2002 general election.

TV station NY1 was the first to report the information.

Trump didn't vote in primaries between 1989-2010 - CBS News

Now.......if this idiot hasn't voted in any elections for the past 20 years, he more than likely hasn't paid attention to politics.

Still think he's a viable candidate for president y'all?

How does not voting, disqualify someone from running or holding public office? How can you justify violating his rights. You use this a proof he hasn't paid attention? Weak. Very weak.
What candidate would be deemed "Viable" by someone who has already decided they're voting for Barack Obama again? Many on this very Board are obviously voting for Barack Obama again. So no candidate running against him is going to be deemed "Viable" by them. That's just the way it is. These people are going to demonize and smear anyone who runs against him. And we know who those people on this Board are. They just don't have any credibility on issues like this. Trump is viable but they just don't like him. And gee i wonder why? Could it be that he's running against their guy? It's not very complicated. The smears are only just beginning with these people. It's going to get much much worse. They've already made up their minds on who they're voting for. So no one opposing their guy will be acceptable to them. It is what it is.

Hmm.........maybe he would make a good candidate for the GOP. I mean, he's already got the flip flopping down pat as many positions he had just a few years ago are 180 out from where he's at now.

The reason I don't think Trump is viable? He hasn't taken a solid position on anything, nor has he shown any real knowledge of the issues presented before him.

He's about as "viable" as Palin is, which is to say, not much.
NEW YORK - The New York City Board of Elections says Donald Trump hadn't voted in a primary elections over 20 years.

The board said before the 2010 N.Y. primary, the last time the possible Republican presidential candidate voted in a primary election was in the 1989 primary for mayor. That's when Rudy Giuliani beat businessman Ronald Lauder.

Trump also skipped the 2002 general election.

TV station NY1 was the first to report the information.

Trump didn't vote in primaries between 1989-2010 - CBS News

You know........in order for me to consider someone a "viable candidate", they've gotta do 2 things......

Study the issues and vote. Trump apparently, has done neither.

have you heard the expression, whistling in the dark ?? he's been viable... don't forget you're standing in front of obama. you can't say trump has no experience and he's stupid and he has bad hair, cause that would be racist.

i mean you can... and you will...
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This topic goes nowhere. Those who dislike Trump will use it as an opportunity to bash him. Those who like Trump will not think it matters much. Those who don't give two shits about Trump will not give two shits about it.
He hasn't voted in several general elections as well.

Besides.........if you don't vote, you shouldn't run. Period.

You're still a dummie. They said he may not have voted in one (1) general election. One (1) is not several.

Hey........Ass Sander..........that's not the only reason I don't think he's viable.

He hasn't presented any solid stands on anything, nor has he shown any kind of knowledge of the issues.

The voting thing is just icing on the cake.
For all the Trump 'tards......

NEW YORK - The New York City Board of Elections says Donald Trump hadn't voted in a primary elections over 20 years.

The board said before the 2010 N.Y. primary, the last time the possible Republican presidential candidate voted in a primary election was in the 1989 primary for mayor. That's when Rudy Giuliani beat businessman Ronald Lauder.

Trump also skipped the 2002 general election.

TV station NY1 was the first to report the information.

Trump didn't vote in primaries between 1989-2010 - CBS News

Now.......if this idiot hasn't voted in any elections for the past 20 years, he more than likely hasn't paid attention to politics.

Still think he's a viable candidate for president y'all?

Just asking but do you mean like Obama did while in the Senate his voting record was ummm present

A "present" vote is a no vote. That's the way it's counted. Voting "present" is still voting.

You're also confusing your talking points here. Obama voted "present" in the Illinois State Senate (about 0.5% of his votes were "present"), not the US Senate, which does not accept votes of "present" during roll call.
This topic goes nowhere. Those who dislike Trump will use it as an opportunity to bash him. Those who like Trump will not think it matters much. Those who don't give two shits about Trump will not give two shits about it.

I agree, it doesn't mean much. However, it is telling of his motives.

It doesn't take rocket science to figure out that a palooka that barely voted in the general elections over the years, if/when they did, suddenly wants to be front and center in politics the year they're getting lots of media attention politically and entertainingly is nothing but a crock of shat.
What candidate would be deemed "Viable" by someone who has already decided they're voting for Barack Obama again? Many on this very Board are obviously voting for Barack Obama again. So no candidate running against him is going to be deemed "Viable" by them. That's just the way it is. These people are going to demonize and smear anyone who runs against him. And we know who those people on this Board are. They just don't have any credibility on issues like this. Trump is viable but they just don't like him. And gee i wonder why? Could it be that he's running against their guy? It's not very complicated. The smears are only just beginning with these people. It's going to get much much worse. They've already made up their minds on who they're voting for. So no one opposing their guy will be acceptable to them. It is what it is.

Hmm.........maybe he would make a good candidate for the GOP. I mean, he's already got the flip flopping down pat as many positions he had just a few years ago are 180 out from where he's at now.

The reason I don't think Trump is viable? He hasn't taken a solid position on anything, nor has he shown any real knowledge of the issues presented before him.

He's about as "viable" as Palin is, which is to say, not much.

Yea but you're voting for Barack Obama again. So your opinions on other candidates are very suspect. Somehow i'm pretty sure any candidate opposing your guy is going to be demonized and smeared by you. You've already made up your mind on who you're voting for in 2012. So why should we take your opinions on other candidates seriously? You're obviously pretty biased no? No opposing candidate will be acceptable to you. I just wish more people would be honest on this stuff. You're a solid locked-in Obama Voter next time. Your opinions on other candidates are meaningless.
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Besides.........in order for the Chump to get on the ballot, he'd have to release his tax statements.

He's not gonna do that.

That's for sure. He cultivates an image that's based on convincing people that he's richer than he actually is.

He once sued a reporter for libel for calling Trump a "millionaire" instead of a "billionaire".
For all the Trump 'tards......

NEW YORK - The New York City Board of Elections says Donald Trump hadn't voted in a primary elections over 20 years.

The board said before the 2010 N.Y. primary, the last time the possible Republican presidential candidate voted in a primary election was in the 1989 primary for mayor. That's when Rudy Giuliani beat businessman Ronald Lauder.

Trump also skipped the 2002 general election.

TV station NY1 was the first to report the information.

Trump didn't vote in primaries between 1989-2010 - CBS News

Now.......if this idiot hasn't voted in any elections for the past 20 years, he more than likely hasn't paid attention to politics.

Still think he's a viable candidate for president y'all?

Hey.... there were plenty of dummies who saw something in Obama... and look what mess he's created.

So, to answer your question... sure.. why not? The bar seems to be pretty low for some.
Republicans have proven themselves to be radical lunatics over, and over again.

If having solid ethics, means that I am a radical lunatic, so be it. It's better than being evil.

"Solid ethics"? Riiiiiiight............like the "solid ethics" that the GOP displays with adultery, divorce, lying and crap like that eh?
He hasn't voted in several general elections as well.

Besides.........if you don't vote, you shouldn't run. Period.

You're still a dummie. They said he may not have voted in one (1) general election. One (1) is not several.

These people are getting nuttier as each day passes with the shit they pull outta their asses.
Republicans have proven themselves to be radical lunatics over, and over again.

If having solid ethics, means that I am a radical lunatic, so be it. It's better than being evil.

"Solid ethics"? Riiiiiiight............like the "solid ethics" that the GOP displays with adultery, divorce, lying and crap like that eh?

And Dems don't?

If you distinguish the 2 parties as one being honest and virtuous and the other not, you're either really stupoid or a complete hack.

Actually, no A Pack of Lips Howling.........I've not decided who I'm going to vote for yet, it's still a year and a half away.

I'm wondering why the GOP is favoring Trump over actual candidates who are CURRENTLY SERVING IN GOVERNMENT!

I guess it's fallout from the Palin factor.........just give people something shiny to look at and they think it's the greatest thing in the world.

My aunt calls it the "shiny keys factor", like jangling keys in front of an infant to get them to smile.
I'm 100% positive this OP is voting for Barack Obama again in 2012. So why should we take this person's opinions of other candidates seriously? Obviously anyone who runs against their guy will be savagely demonized and smeared by them. I seriously doubt it matters who the candidate is. The smears will be coming regardless. If you've already made up your mind on who you're voting for,your opinions of other candidates would have to be suspect. Not much credibility in those opinions.
Besides.........in order for the Chump to get on the ballot, he'd have to release his tax statements.

He's not gonna do that.

That's for sure. He cultivates an image that's based on convincing people that he's richer than he actually is.

He once sued a reporter for libel for calling Trump a "millionaire" instead of a "billionaire".

How many billionaire's need to peddle their nonsense on TV for sustenance? (sp)

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