if iran gets the bomb, they can never use it.

If the Israelis didn't want nuclear proliferation,

they shouldn't have proliferated.

yeah-----ok, idiot. Israel is a lesson in restraint regarding it's nukes....
good they proliferated. ---------now Pakistan can boast RESTRAINT-
also good. --------nuclear materials can be used in TERRORISM----
not a good idea for Iran to have access

Israel's possession of nukes justifies Iran's possession of nukes. Self-defense.

Iran has already attacked Israel and has threatened Israel with -----
"making it disappear" Lots of Iranian jews live in Israel and have
a very good idea of how Iranians TICK--------in fact, even I have an Iranian
relative by marriage. Israel has not threatened to make Iran disappear and has
not abducted its citizens for the purpose of enacting the obscene mutilation murder that so delights you, upon them. Iran is committing violence in several places right now-------in pursuit of its imperialistic goals. Its filthy spawn are taught to chant DEATH TO ______ farts for the entertainment of Jannah shit allah
wrong again------one of your problems in "thinking" relates to just what atom bombs do and just what Iran wants. Iran is Shiite. While lots of people claim---Iran cannot use an atom bomb of any size because no matter where it goes
in the middle east-----MUSLIMS WILL DIE-------such thinking is
BS. offing muslims is not a concern of Iran--------gaining EMPIRE
is what Iran wants. As much as Osama sought caliphate ---and as much as ISIS seeks "caliphate"-----no force wants it as much as does Iran (of course that "IRAN" thing refers to the people running Iran------lots of Iranians would
prefer to live in California ----Kardashian style. For those who did not notice----ADHMADINEJAD told us what Iran wants---------IRAN AND ISLAM FOR THE ENTIRE PLANET--------he said it in a speech before the UN general assembly.
He did not suggest that the whole world's population has to survive to enjoy
the situation. Achmadinejad would not have been able to make the speech
that he did if the AYATOILETS did not agree
Islam is a religion of warriors. You neither have to be paranoid about that or ignore it but your "let's all panic" mindset isn't helping. Forget the words, look at the actions? Those actions are actually more moderate than I would be with the little Zionists tossing threats my way every day. And why are they so, because they are 75 million Persians to 5 million Zionists, with 300 million Arabs around who don't like Israel either. It's a chess game, not a disaster waiting to happen.

This is tit-for-tat, not the end of the world as we know it.

can you cite a few of those "threats" Israel is throwing at Iran?
As to your panic mode allegation------who is in "panic mode"?
As for your TIT FOR TAT analogy------that tit for tat thing is precisely
what world war II was made of. and precisely that which constitutes
the current state of affairs-------world war III. The world will be titting and
tatting for a long time-----just as it is now------ Europe was titting and tatting---
long before Japan titted pearl harbor. After pearl harbor----the USA joined
the titting --tatting party-------but was a peripheral titter-------long before
pearl harbor-----just as it is today
Japan and Germany had both been taking aggressive and military actions for a decade before WWII. Your analogy doesn't work because Iran is doing no such thing.

And these are the kind of threats: Israeli PM threatens to strike Iran - Al Jazeera English

everything Hezbollah does is IRAN-------Yemen is drenched with blood----for the past 10 years and counting. Hezbollah is committing acts of terrorism thruout the world
Proxy wars, and not even that. Israel blows the shit of things from time to time for the same reason, to keep peace from breaking out but it's not all-out war, and never will be, nor will a nuke be used. It's a stalemate so stop wetting the bed over it.

"proxy" wars? "blows the shit of things" << I am not familiar with
that expression. Iran is committing acts of aggression----using its own FUNDED AND ARMED AND TRAINED Shiite militias----that is not a "proxy"
anything---------killing people -----blowing up buses and buildings-----<<<not acts
of aggression???? you have a very strange perception of reality
I doubt retaliation would result if a Democrat were in the WH....
They would push the Diplomacy button not the launch button...
I doubt retaliation would result if a Democrat were in the WH....
They would push the Diplomacy button not the launch button...
They would pull the toilet chain.

Iran make be insane but they are also interested in self preservation. They would not launch.
I doubt retaliation would result if a Democrat were in the WH....
They would push the Diplomacy button not the launch button...

so far------that is what the USA has been doing------no retaliation----for anything
I doubt retaliation would result if a Democrat were in the WH....
They would push the Diplomacy button not the launch button...
They would pull the toilet chain.

Iran make be insane but they are also interested in self preservation. They would not launch.

launch what? a fission bomb? -----they would not have to-----dirty bombs would be enough-----and once they do it-----they will deny the "dirt"------even plantings of radioactive materials------and then deny. Several islamo Nazis just on this board would snarl-----FALSE FLAG
in what direction could they send it whereby the end result wouldn't mean their own complete annihilation.

also, can someone explain to me why the rest of the world has the right to tell any country what to do.

what if canada or mexico or switzerland wants one.
in what direction could they send it whereby the end result wouldn't mean their own complete annihilation.

also, can someone explain to me why the rest of the world has the right to tell any country what to do.

what if canada or mexico or switzerland wants one.

Map of nuclear-armed states of the world.
NPT-designated nuclear weapon states (China, France,Russia, United Kingdom, United States)
Other states with nuclear weapons (India, Pakistan, North Korea)
Other states believed to have nuclear weapons (Israel)
NATO nuclear weapons sharing states (Belgium, Germany,Netherlands, Italy, Turkey)
States formerly possessing nuclear weapons (Belarus,Kazakhstan, Ukraine, South Africa)
There are eight sovereign states that have successfully detonatednuclear weapons.[1] Five are considered to be "nuclear-
in what direction could they send it whereby the end result wouldn't mean their own complete annihilation.

also, can someone explain to me why the rest of the world has the right to tell any country what to do.

what if canada or mexico or switzerland wants one.

Map of nuclear-armed states of the world.
NPT-designated nuclear weapon states (China, France,Russia, United Kingdom, United States)
Other states with nuclear weapons (India, Pakistan, North Korea)
Other states believed to have nuclear weapons (Israel)
NATO nuclear weapons sharing states (Belgium, Germany,Netherlands, Italy, Turkey)
States formerly possessing nuclear weapons (Belarus,Kazakhstan, Ukraine, South Africa)
There are eight sovereign states that have successfully detonatednuclear weapons.[1] Five are considered to be "nuclear-weapon states" (NWS) under the terms of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT). In order of acquisition of nuclear weapons these are: the United States, Russia (successor state to the Soviet Union), the United Kingdom, France, and China.

it's a touchy subject, i don't want them to get it, & i'm very pro israel. but i haven't seen this discussion about the political nature (foreign and domestic) and subsequent consequences, especially with an election looming.

i don't like the essence or idea of a world government... is that where we're headed...??

maybe iran has a bomb now. it seems to me that knowing where their bomb is, is safer than not...

i was a little surprised to hear joe leiberman leading a charge against the new arms deal... will it get ratified ?

Can Congress stop the Iran deal - The Washington Post

Foreign Affairs Focus Gary Sick on Iran and the Bomb

i don't think the iran making a bomb is any more critical, than any country Buying a bomb....

Maybe the concept of nuclear war is itself becoming obsolete, which harkens back to MAD (mutual assured destruction).
Exactly...why does Iran NEED nuclear power, when it has all that wonderful petrochemical energy? Who is kidding who here? And the fact Iran feeds anti western terrorism, WHY oh WHY, do we have to allow these Muslim terrorist advocates access to nuclear material? Why?
I doubt retaliation would result if a Democrat were in the WH....
They would push the Diplomacy button not the launch button...
They would pull the toilet chain.

Iran make be insane but they are also interested in self preservation. They would not launch.

launch what? a fission bomb? -----they would not have to-----dirty bombs would be enough-----and once they do it-----they will deny the "dirt"------even plantings of radioactive materials------and then deny. Several islamo Nazis just on this board would snarl-----FALSE FLAG
What kind of bomb are we talking about here? "A dirty bomb is in no way similar to a nuclear weapon or nuclear bomb. A nuclear bomb creates an explosion that is millions of times more powerful than that of a dirty bomb."
I doubt retaliation would result if a Democrat were in the WH....
They would push the Diplomacy button not the launch button...
They would pull the toilet chain.

Iran make be insane but they are also interested in self preservation. They would not launch.

launch what? a fission bomb? -----they would not have to-----dirty bombs would be enough-----and once they do it-----they will deny the "dirt"------even plantings of radioactive materials------and then deny. Several islamo Nazis just on this board would snarl-----FALSE FLAG
What kind of bomb are we talking about here? "A dirty bomb is in no way similar to a nuclear weapon or nuclear bomb. A nuclear bomb creates an explosion that is millions of times more powerful than that of a dirty bomb."

I know what a "dirty bomb" is------it does not EXPLODE because of the presence of radioactive materials----it just DEPOSITS the stuff-----A tiny pellet can wreck havoc depending on where it is placed------stuck in some plums in the grocery story or dropped into a large storage milk tank-----stuff like that-----or placed in some sort of exploding device it can just distribute radioactivity around--------try to cope with reality-----you want that stuff in the hands of Hezbollah operatives? ---the same kind of people who have been chanting "death to ______" since
age 2 after being told "allah returns the love you show him....."
Islam is a religion of warriors. You neither have to be paranoid about that or ignore it but your "let's all panic" mindset isn't helping. Forget the words, look at the actions? Those actions are actually more moderate than I would be with the little Zionists tossing threats my way every day. And why are they so, because they are 75 million Persians to 5 million Zionists, with 300 million Arabs around who don't like Israel either. It's a chess game, not a disaster waiting to happen.

This is tit-for-tat, not the end of the world as we know it.

can you cite a few of those "threats" Israel is throwing at Iran?
As to your panic mode allegation------who is in "panic mode"?
As for your TIT FOR TAT analogy------that tit for tat thing is precisely
what world war II was made of. and precisely that which constitutes
the current state of affairs-------world war III. The world will be titting and
tatting for a long time-----just as it is now------ Europe was titting and tatting---
long before Japan titted pearl harbor. After pearl harbor----the USA joined
the titting --tatting party-------but was a peripheral titter-------long before
pearl harbor-----just as it is today
Japan and Germany had both been taking aggressive and military actions for a decade before WWII. Your analogy doesn't work because Iran is doing no such thing.

And these are the kind of threats: Israeli PM threatens to strike Iran - Al Jazeera English

everything Hezbollah does is IRAN-------Yemen is drenched with blood----for the past 10 years and counting. Hezbollah is committing acts of terrorism thruout the world
Proxy wars, and not even that. Israel blows the shit of things from time to time for the same reason, to keep peace from breaking out but it's not all-out war, and never will be, nor will a nuke be used. It's a stalemate so stop wetting the bed over it.

"proxy" wars? "blows the shit of things" << I am not familiar with
that expression. Iran is committing acts of aggression----using its own FUNDED AND ARMED AND TRAINED Shiite militias----that is not a "proxy"
anything---------killing people -----blowing up buses and buildings-----<<<not acts
of aggression???? you have a very strange perception of reality
If you don't know what a proxy war is stop posting until you do. That means you are talking out your ass.
can you cite a few of those "threats" Israel is throwing at Iran?
As to your panic mode allegation------who is in "panic mode"?
As for your TIT FOR TAT analogy------that tit for tat thing is precisely
what world war II was made of. and precisely that which constitutes
the current state of affairs-------world war III. The world will be titting and
tatting for a long time-----just as it is now------ Europe was titting and tatting---
long before Japan titted pearl harbor. After pearl harbor----the USA joined
the titting --tatting party-------but was a peripheral titter-------long before
pearl harbor-----just as it is today
Japan and Germany had both been taking aggressive and military actions for a decade before WWII. Your analogy doesn't work because Iran is doing no such thing.

And these are the kind of threats: Israeli PM threatens to strike Iran - Al Jazeera English

everything Hezbollah does is IRAN-------Yemen is drenched with blood----for the past 10 years and counting. Hezbollah is committing acts of terrorism thruout the world
Proxy wars, and not even that. Israel blows the shit of things from time to time for the same reason, to keep peace from breaking out but it's not all-out war, and never will be, nor will a nuke be used. It's a stalemate so stop wetting the bed over it.

"proxy" wars? "blows the shit of things" << I am not familiar with
that expression. Iran is committing acts of aggression----using its own FUNDED AND ARMED AND TRAINED Shiite militias----that is not a "proxy"
anything---------killing people -----blowing up buses and buildings-----<<<not acts
of aggression???? you have a very strange perception of reality
If you don't know what a proxy war is stop posting until you do. That means you are talking out your ass.

wrong again ---vulgar pimp. I know what a proxy war is------and I recognize the stink of your farts ---------give me an example of a few PROXY wars that you
have in your shit brain. What did your imam tell you?-------feel free to express your stupidity
Japan and Germany had both been taking aggressive and military actions for a decade before WWII. Your analogy doesn't work because Iran is doing no such thing.

And these are the kind of threats: Israeli PM threatens to strike Iran - Al Jazeera English

everything Hezbollah does is IRAN-------Yemen is drenched with blood----for the past 10 years and counting. Hezbollah is committing acts of terrorism thruout the world
Proxy wars, and not even that. Israel blows the shit of things from time to time for the same reason, to keep peace from breaking out but it's not all-out war, and never will be, nor will a nuke be used. It's a stalemate so stop wetting the bed over it.

"proxy" wars? "blows the shit of things" << I am not familiar with
that expression. Iran is committing acts of aggression----using its own FUNDED AND ARMED AND TRAINED Shiite militias----that is not a "proxy"
anything---------killing people -----blowing up buses and buildings-----<<<not acts
of aggression???? you have a very strange perception of reality
If you don't know what a proxy war is stop posting until you do. That means you are talking out your ass.

wrong again ---vulgar pimp. I know what a proxy war is------and I recognize the stink of your farts ---------give me an example of a few PROXY wars that you
have in your shit brain. What did your imam tell you?-------feel free to express your stupidity
Start with Korea, then Vietnam. That's how it works. The guys with the nukes don't fight each other, not directly.
everything Hezbollah does is IRAN-------Yemen is drenched with blood----for the past 10 years and counting. Hezbollah is committing acts of terrorism thruout the world
Proxy wars, and not even that. Israel blows the shit of things from time to time for the same reason, to keep peace from breaking out but it's not all-out war, and never will be, nor will a nuke be used. It's a stalemate so stop wetting the bed over it.

"proxy" wars? "blows the shit of things" << I am not familiar with
that expression. Iran is committing acts of aggression----using its own FUNDED AND ARMED AND TRAINED Shiite militias----that is not a "proxy"
anything---------killing people -----blowing up buses and buildings-----<<<not acts
of aggression???? you have a very strange perception of reality
If you don't know what a proxy war is stop posting until you do. That means you are talking out your ass.

wrong again ---vulgar pimp. I know what a proxy war is------and I recognize the stink of your farts ---------give me an example of a few PROXY wars that you
have in your shit brain. What did your imam tell you?-------feel free to express your stupidity
Start with Korea, then Vietnam. That's how it works. The guys with the nukes don't fight each other, not directly.

what about Korea and Vietnam?-------who was who's proxy? what makes you imagine that guys with nukes will not fight each other. ?
I doubt retaliation would result if a Democrat were in the WH....
They would push the Diplomacy button not the launch button...
They would pull the toilet chain.

Iran make be insane but they are also interested in self preservation. They would not launch.

launch what? a fission bomb? -----they would not have to-----dirty bombs would be enough-----and once they do it-----they will deny the "dirt"------even plantings of radioactive materials------and then deny. Several islamo Nazis just on this board would snarl-----FALSE FLAG
What kind of bomb are we talking about here? "A dirty bomb is in no way similar to a nuclear weapon or nuclear bomb. A nuclear bomb creates an explosion that is millions of times more powerful than that of a dirty bomb."

I know what a "dirty bomb" is------it does not EXPLODE because of the presence of radioactive materials----it just DEPOSITS the stuff-----A tiny pellet can wreck havoc depending on where it is placed------stuck in some plums in the grocery story or dropped into a large storage milk tank-----stuff like that-----or placed in some sort of exploding device it can just distribute radioactivity around--------try to cope with reality-----you want that stuff in the hands of Hezbollah operatives? ---the same kind of people who have been chanting "death to ______" since
age 2 after being told "allah returns the love you show him....."
No I do not want the stuff ion the hands of Iran, maybe my mistake but I thought this was about nuclear bomb.
Proxy wars, and not even that. Israel blows the shit of things from time to time for the same reason, to keep peace from breaking out but it's not all-out war, and never will be, nor will a nuke be used. It's a stalemate so stop wetting the bed over it.

"proxy" wars? "blows the shit of things" << I am not familiar with
that expression. Iran is committing acts of aggression----using its own FUNDED AND ARMED AND TRAINED Shiite militias----that is not a "proxy"
anything---------killing people -----blowing up buses and buildings-----<<<not acts
of aggression???? you have a very strange perception of reality
If you don't know what a proxy war is stop posting until you do. That means you are talking out your ass.

wrong again ---vulgar pimp. I know what a proxy war is------and I recognize the stink of your farts ---------give me an example of a few PROXY wars that you
have in your shit brain. What did your imam tell you?-------feel free to express your stupidity
Start with Korea, then Vietnam. That's how it works. The guys with the nukes don't fight each other, not directly.

what about Korea and Vietnam?-------who was who's proxy? what makes you imagine that guys with nukes will not fight each other. ?
Because, they haven't since they got the nukes, dumbass. They fight proxy wars, using others mostly.
I doubt retaliation would result if a Democrat were in the WH....
They would push the Diplomacy button not the launch button...
They would pull the toilet chain.

Iran make be insane but they are also interested in self preservation. They would not launch.

launch what? a fission bomb? -----they would not have to-----dirty bombs would be enough-----and once they do it-----they will deny the "dirt"------even plantings of radioactive materials------and then deny. Several islamo Nazis just on this board would snarl-----FALSE FLAG
What kind of bomb are we talking about here? "A dirty bomb is in no way similar to a nuclear weapon or nuclear bomb. A nuclear bomb creates an explosion that is millions of times more powerful than that of a dirty bomb."

I know what a "dirty bomb" is------it does not EXPLODE because of the presence of radioactive materials----it just DEPOSITS the stuff-----A tiny pellet can wreck havoc depending on where it is placed------stuck in some plums in the grocery story or dropped into a large storage milk tank-----stuff like that-----or placed in some sort of exploding device it can just distribute radioactivity around--------try to cope with reality-----you want that stuff in the hands of Hezbollah operatives? ---the same kind of people who have been chanting "death to ______" since
age 2 after being told "allah returns the love you show him....."
No I do not want the stuff ion the hands of Iran, maybe my mistake but I thought this was about nuclear bomb.

well----its about NUCLEAR REACTORS-------the refined uranium----and stuff like that ------the things needed to make a nuclear bomb------and which also makes lots of other stuff----------like highly radioactive stuff------
They would pull the toilet chain.

Iran make be insane but they are also interested in self preservation. They would not launch.

launch what? a fission bomb? -----they would not have to-----dirty bombs would be enough-----and once they do it-----they will deny the "dirt"------even plantings of radioactive materials------and then deny. Several islamo Nazis just on this board would snarl-----FALSE FLAG
What kind of bomb are we talking about here? "A dirty bomb is in no way similar to a nuclear weapon or nuclear bomb. A nuclear bomb creates an explosion that is millions of times more powerful than that of a dirty bomb."

I know what a "dirty bomb" is------it does not EXPLODE because of the presence of radioactive materials----it just DEPOSITS the stuff-----A tiny pellet can wreck havoc depending on where it is placed------stuck in some plums in the grocery story or dropped into a large storage milk tank-----stuff like that-----or placed in some sort of exploding device it can just distribute radioactivity around--------try to cope with reality-----you want that stuff in the hands of Hezbollah operatives? ---the same kind of people who have been chanting "death to ______" since
age 2 after being told "allah returns the love you show him....."
No I do not want the stuff ion the hands of Iran, maybe my mistake but I thought this was about nuclear bomb.

well----its about NUCLEAR REACTORS-------the refined uranium----and stuff like that ------the things needed to make a nuclear bomb------and which also makes lots of other stuff----------like highly radioactive stuff------
Tell us, just so we can get the hell out of this loop, why should Iran not have nukes when Israel already does?

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